Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1947)
77?eNYSSA VO LUM E XXXX1I NO. 19 Memorial Dav 0 Services M ill He Held Friday Tony Yturri W ill Deliv er Address; Stores To Be Closed Anthony Yturri of Ontario will deliver the principal address at the Memorial day services to be held in the city park in Nyssa at 10:30 a m. Friday, May 30. Other numbers on the program will be given as follows: Invoca tion; song, June Savage; roll call of departed comrades of all Ameri can wars: song, Hugh Tobler; sal ute to the dead, firing squad of American Legion and Veterans of Purely» 1 Wars; taps. Church bro thers, and benediction. Don M. Graham is general chai'- man of the program committee Arthur Rouse is in charge of the Herrman is post chaplain. At the Snake river bridge im mediately following the ceremony in the park the Veterans of For eign Wars will hold a program in honor of the navy men who lost their lives in war. The program will include casting of flowers upon firing squad and colors; H. O. Hop kins is post comander and Leroy the water in memory of sailors and marines, firing squad and taps, Tom Church. The program will be in charge of Raymond William son. VFW post commander; Joe M Doritv. post chaplain, and Wallace B. Holmes, firing squad and col ors. Joint services will be held in the Nyssa cemetery by the Legion and VFW after the ceremony at the river. The women of the two aux iliaries will place wraths and flags on the graves o f the soldier and sailor dead. A firing squad will fire a salute and Bob Church will play taps. The public is invited to attend all of the services. All ex-service- men are, requested to wear their service uniforms, service ribbons and post caps. All ex-servicemen, and their fam ilies and the general public are invited to attend a picnic in the city park after the services. Stores will be closed all day F ri day in observance of Memorial day. NYSSA, OREGON, TH U R SD AY, M A Y 29, 1947 c e l e b r a t io n to TO ORGANIZE CHURCH BE SPONSORED BY cham ber JOURNAL ,‘V '"rrro LV ~~ t h is TO BE SPONSORED BY LOCAL CLUBS fall The Nyssa chamber of commerce voted at its weekly luncheon Wed nesday noon to lead the communi ty In celebration of the completion of the street improvement project this fall. The celebration will be conducted in conjunction w i'h the chamber's annual children’s day program the atter part of August or the first part of September. The Owyhee Riding club, the Ny*sa Boat club, the Lions club and other semi-public groups will be asked to co-operate In staging the event. Questionnaire Mailed To All Owyhee Farmers Tlie Nyssa Boat club announced this week that it will conduct a boat carnival on Snake river near the Nyssa bridge Sunday, June 15 for the benefit of the local child HATCHERIES, GAME ten's recreation program. The event, starting at 1 p.m., LAWS GET COUNTY will be co-sponsored by the Nyssa LEAGUE ATTENTION Lions club. The Avoset corporation announc Features o f the show will include, Charles Lockwood, assistant su races and surfboard and water ski pervisor of the state game com ed from its office in SanFrancisco riding. Boat rides will be sold to mission in charge of hatcheries, this week that It has abandoned j the public. told 100 men in attendance at a plans for construction of a plant meeting of the Malheur Game in Nyssa. John Slrex, assistant to President league Tuesday night In the Boule vard Orange hall that the state M. K. Jordan, said that "W e have is* now getting its hatcheries into watched milk production in the full production, after operating at area during the last year and feel about 50 per cent of capacity dur that there is not sufficient milk in the area to justify the con ing the war. New hatcheries have been estab struction of a plant as large as lished and production o f the hatch the one we had in mind and we Nyssa Outfit Loses To ery at Enterprise has been doubled, would not be satisfied with any thing smaller” . now totaling 1,500,000 fish. Homedale By 5 To 4 Nyssa business leaders expressed Game Commissioner R. D. Mc Score Clelland of Enterprise gave a Short the belief that • scarcity of building materials and high prices were talk. After losing the last two games, Recommendations on proposed factors affecting the decision of the Nyssa baseball team will meet game laws to the commission were the company. They also expressed Wilder Sunday on the Nyssa dia drafted for presentation to the faith in the future of this comm mond with the hope of evening its commission at its meeting to be unity as a dairy section. The announcement came as a league record for the season at two held July 10. It and 12. wins and two losses. Three reels o f motion pictures complete surprise to everyone in However, a victory will be d iffi featuring game were Shown. Mr the Nyssa area,, including Ray cult to achieve, as W ilder has one Young of the Malheur state game Peterson, local manager of the of the best teams In the Idaho- farm showed slides on raising Avoset corporation. Avoset corporation first became Oregon league. The game will be pheasants. called at 2:30. Among those winning prizes at interested in the Nyssa territory Ray Graham, Nyssa pitcher who the meeting were A1 Kuehn and as the site of a prospective plant has been suffering from a bad arm, Aden Wilson of Nyssa. The league in the fall of 1945. After an in is working out with the squad. He served Ice cream, cake and coffee. vestigation of the dairy industry and the potential milk supply, has played some professional ball. carried on over a period o f sev Nyssa lost to Homedale last Sun eral months, the company purchas day on the Homedale field by a ed 40 acres of land from John score of 5 to 4. Pratl southwest of Nyssa and con Nyssa drew first blood in the structed a quonset hut on the third inning when Bellon singled, property for housing equipment went to third on a catcher's over to be used in the proposed plant. throw and came home on Russell's Mrs. Ella C. Williams o f Twin Construction in 1946 was delayed fly to right field. Frank Wilson Falls died at the home of her knocked out a triple, his second of daughter, Mrs. Harold Sisson, Nys because the company was unable tlie game, in the fourth frame with sa rural route, Monday evening at to secure a permit from the gov ernment. About three weeks ago one out and scored on an error, 8 o’clock. a permit was granted by the civ making the count 2 to 0 going into Mrs. Williams, who had been ill the last half of the fifth. Homedale for six weeks, had been at the ilian production administration. Only 10 days ago a large can scored two tallies in the fifth. Sisson home for two weeks. The Vaughn scored another run for body was sent to Twin Palls Tues washer arrived, which would have Nysi^j in y ie first half of the day night for funeral services and been used» fn the plant. Several eighth Inning. Smith, mwrtiug pit lntcrmeikt by th$ Nyssa Funeral thousand dollars of other equip ment Is housed fn the quonset hut. cher for Homedale. drove out a home. Ray Peterson will be with the home run in the eighth, making Mrs. Williams was born August company only long enough to dis the score 4 to 3. 27. 1869 in Illinois and moved to pose of the real estate and equip I t looked like Nyssa . had . . . the Twin Falls 21 years ago. She vis- ment. Other than that he has not game sewed up in the ninth. Iseri Ue<j here struck out the first man up. On | s urvivors are two sons. Warren decided on future plans. Che next play Russell, who had and Frank Williams of Twin Falls; been playing errorless ball, fielded two daughters, Mrs. W. R. Smith E. B. MACNAUGHTON the ball and overthrow to first as of Twin Falls and Mrs. Sisson, and SUCCESSOR NAMED Schenley reached the bag and the five grandchildren. runner went to second. Kushlan The directors o f the First Na- grounded tlie ball to Russell who j tlonal bank of Portland, acting up muffed tlie ball. Schenley went to BOY’S HAND HURT third. Johnstone flied out to cen- BY T AND T BOMB on a report of a special committee of the board, unanimously extended terfield and Schenley went home After the catch. Smith singled, but Vernon Tjom bs' right hand was an Invitation to Frank N. Bel- Kushlan only reached third. Woh- severely Injured Monday afternoon grano, Jr., o f Oakland, California lcke relieved Iseri on the mound when a T and T bomb, a type of to become president of the First (('untinued On Page Two) fireworks, exploded In his hand National bank of Portland, suc at his home on Nyssa rural route. ceeding E. B. MacNaughton, ac Three of the boy’s fingers were cording to information received this SCHOOL BOND ISSUE badly mangled, but his parents, week at the Nyssa branch. WILL BE VOTED ON Mr. an Mrs. Dennis Toombs, have Mr. Belgranv. president of the Central bank of Oakland, w ill as hope that they will be saved. A special school district election Vernon held onto the firecracker sume active charge of the First will be held Saturday. May 31 In because he thought the fire In the National bank July 14 and soon thereafter will visit all of the the grade school building for the fuse had gone out. __________________branches. purpose of giving the local resi dents an opportunity to vote on a M V C C A □ r \ v e p G I i t c I Mr. MacNaughton will become B U T 3 L U U 13 'chairman of the board and In that proposed $40.000 bond issue for I ’ l W A RECEIVE PRAISE capacity will continue to be a part construction of four addltinal rooms I of the organization. on the grade school building and repair of the structure. The polls Leon Myers of Ontario, Boy will be open from 2 to 7 p.m. Scout official, told the Nyssa Lions fro m Denver— Mrs. A. B. Ballali and small son, Only taxpayers whose names ap club at the club’s luncheon Mon pear on the assessor's roll either day noon that "we were proud of Arthur, of Denver are visiting Mrs. as personal or real property tax troop 19 of Nyssa at the camporee Ballah's parents, Mr. and Mrs. payers, are eligible to vote. held at Payette We think you Frank Morgan. should be proud of them'*. School to Close— Commissions were given by Mr. Returned Home— Mrs. Samuel Whitaker and child The vacation Bible school at the Myers to the following Nyssa Boy Christian church will hold Its last Scout and Cub officials for the ren returned home last week from regular session May 29. On Sat coming year: Calvin Wilson, Tom a visit to Ogden. They visited Mrs. urday morning these children will Sepplck, Edward Boydell. Ralph Whitaker’s parents. Mr and Mrs. broadcast their songs and Bible Lawrence, Oene Stunz. Walter Mc- J. L. Rands, and also Mr. W hita ker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. verses over K SR V at 8:15. Those Partland and Vern Farson. children going to Ontario must be J. W. Browne o f Nampa, scout Whitaker. at the Christian church by 7:30. executive, said that "Membership Transportation will be provided. A In Nysaa is at Its peak". Women to Meet— picnic lunch will be held in the The second meeting of the lad park at noon Saturday and the Club to Meet— les of Faith Lutheran church will children should provide individual The Rebekah Sunshine club will be held Wednesday evening, June sack lunches Saturday morning. A meet at the I.O.O.F. hall Friday, 4 at the home of Mrs. Olaf Holte, treat for the picnic will also be June 6 at 2:30 p.m. Hostesses for ft\J Park avenue. All ladles Inter furnished by the committee. On the afternoon will be Ida Walters, ested In such an organization are Sunday evening at 8 o’clock the Nellie Newblll. Easther Lawrence invited to attend. The meeting will children of the vacation school will and Susie Cotton. begin at 8 o'clock. give a program in the Christian church. The public Is invited to attend. Announcement Comes As Complete Surprise To Nyssa . \ Nyssa Team To Play W ilder On Local Diamond REV. ROLAND G. W I EST RF.V. E. G. WUEST Discussion Given By Bu reau O fficial On Stud ies The Rev. S. C. Siefkes of Port land, district president of the northwestern district of the Ameri can Lutheran church, will preach the festival sermon at the organi zation service of the new Faith Lutheran church in Nyssa Sunday morning in the veterans adminis tration building, beginnig at 11 o’clock. The Rev. E. G. Wuest of Oregon City, Oregon, father of Rev. Wuest of Nysua, will deliver the sermon at the installation of his son as pastor of Faith Lutheran church. The installation service will be held in the Episcopal church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Roland O. Wuest has conducted Lutheran services in Nyssa for the past two months* BOISE, Idaho—The bureau of. -eclamation this week mailed to the 1500 water users on the Owy hee project (Oregon-Idahot a 12- page question-and-answer analysis if its studies and recommendations for a long-range contract for re paying construction costs of the 100,00-acre irrigation development, as reouired by federal law. R. J. Newell, regional director, said that the statement was being distributed to the farmers to ex plain the agricultural investiga tions conducted on the project by the bureau during the past sev eral months, and the basis for reaching agreement on the terms REV. S. C. SIEFKES of a new and fair repayment con tract. Mr. Newell said that “ the bu DONKEY SOFTBALL reau’s studies showed that water GAME SCHEDULED users could pay approximately *2.90 per acre per year on the construc The Nyssa post of the Veterans tion costs. 'The estimated amount that far of Foreign Wars decided at a meet M any topics of interast to far mers can pay each year for water ing this week to sponsor a donkey mers were discussed » t tin- Jom- is based on income from full-time softball game to be held Friday ona Grange meeting held at Iron farming operations as revealed by night. June 6. a study of 151 farms on the pro The lights, donkeys and equip side W'ith Eldorado Grange as host ject." ment will be furnished by a trav Saturday, May 24. The bureau declares in its ques- eling organization, but local men The session was opened at 6:30 tion-and-answer statement that the will play in the game. All of the with a dinner served by the ladies LETTUCE SHIPPING terms o f repayment required by players will ride donkeys, except tlie of tlie lioot Grange. The business session was called to order at 8 IS STARTED HERE the contracts negotiated in 1926, catcher and pitcher. as amended by the so-called omni o'clock, witli Master William G. Ross in charge. Shipment of lettuce was started bus contract of 1936, are not terms Seven granges, Oregon Slope, this week from Nyssa with two that the water users could be ex pected to meet year after year Oregon Trail, Boulevard, Vale, W il or three packers operating. low Creek. Brogan and Eldorado, Eastern Oregon Produce com throughout a 40-year repayment were represented by 58 members. pany started shipping Monday and period. These contracts require a Nine members were obligated in J. C. Watson company Tuesday construction payment of $2.50 per The other three packers were ex irrigable acre per year for each Tlie Nyssa Athletic Field Im to the Pomona degree. They were year until 1949, and more than $5 pected to start shipping before the provement association lias ordered Charles Locey, Verna Dickson, Paul per irrigable acre per year after lights and poles for lighting the Dickson, John Dickson, Luellg* Ki'o- end of the week. that. The quality is not as good as us high school athletic field and hope by, Darwin Kibby, Charlene Bash- Payments have not been made to have the installation ready by ion, and Reinie Bashion of Eldor ual because of the weather and a ado and Leeds Bailey of Boulevard. considerable quantity has been lost. under these contracts because the July 11. Agriculture Committeeman Leeds Another discouraging feature is United States felt that the project Members of the association have that the price Is low. Shipments had not reached a stage of full already secured enough money in Bailey, who is assistant county ag will pronably be about completed development as rapidly as antici subscriptions to pay for the ma ent, spoke briefly on insect infesta next week, but some may be packed pated when the 1936 contract was terials, which are expected to cost tion, particularly alfalfa weevil, (Continued on Page 4) the following week. approximately $5200. At least part grasshoppers in Jordan valley ar of the manuul ’ labor will be don ea and the early poisoning of beds, ated. Local electricians will super weed control, fair board meetings NA7ARF.NF.S TO HAVF PLANS COMPLETED and improvements to be made on vise the work. VACATION SCHOOL FOR BOND ELECTION The temporary board of directors, the fairgrounds, the labor situa Bernard Frost. R. G. Whitaker and tion in Malheur county and arti Plans have been completed for S. P. Bybee, expect to raise $10- ficial insemination. Dailv vacation Bible school will The home economics chairman, bp onpnpri Monday June 2 at 9 a m. the special bond election to be held 000 for the project. by the city Thursday, June 5. Tlie agreement with subscribers Mrs. Fulleton, reported that the In the Nazarene church. Voters will pass upon the propos states that "The money will be Willow Creek Grange won the prize Classes will be held from 9 to 11:30 am. five days each week ed Issuance of $35,000 worth of paid back to the original subscrib for the best home economics re for children from four to 14 years bonds for paving street intersec ers, their heirs or assigns from the port. She urged members to keep The schedule for each day of the tions and $90.000 worth of bonds association's income, from its share in mind the Amalgamated Sugar two-week school will Include mus for a water system enlargement of the gate receipts or other in company state canning contest in come or surplus, less such operat November and closed with a read ic, Bible stories, scripture memoriz project. Polls will be open in the city ing expenses as shall be necessary, ing. "Ain 't It the Truth?” ing and work on interesting pro Lecturer Miriam Black. Boule tects. A program will be given on hall fro 8 a.m. to 12, noon, and at the time designated by the board of directors and in the am vard Grange, reported that the Friday evening of the last week, from 1 to 7 p.m. Brogan Grange won the prize for ounts designated by the board un culminating the activities of the Play Supervisor Coming— til the entire amount of the sub the best lecturer’s report. school. Paulina Ross reported that the Miss Mae Reddish, who will be scription be repaid, plus five per Mrs. Norton Randolph will be supervisor of the recreation pro cent interest per annum on the committee on good of the order has the supervisor. decided to propose “ traveling de- gram in the city park this sum unpaid balance subscribed. mer, will arrive here June 11. "A fter all subscribers have been ■ gree work" and will report in full Home from Portland— repaid as stated in section 2, the on the program at the next Pom Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin re lighting system and any other im ona meeting. turned home Monday after spend Ill at Home— Mrs. Don M. Graham Is ill at provements will be given to the Alva Goodell of the Oregon Trail ing several dnvs visiting In Port Nyssa school district No. 26-C, and Grange, county commissioner, spoke land. They visited at the home her home on Bower avenue. will thereafter be its property ana on the roads of Malheur county. o f their daughter. Mrs. Clare Pet The Pomona voted to give a 4-H this association will release all erson, in Portland and also visited To Seek Scout Funds— Local Boy Scout executives ar claims and rights to same, except scholarship to Fred Deffer of King- Mrs. Sara7ln's brother. Blarney Boydell at The Dalles. Mrs. Sara ranged at a meeting Wednesday that the schools will agree to per man Kolony for his vegetable gar zin. returning home by car. was night to solicit funds for Boy mit the use of the field and lights den project. Arthur Antrim. Brogan Grange, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Scouts next Thursday. It has been for athletic purposes by the Nyssa F. B. Nedry of Tigard, Oregon and three years since funds were soli Baseball club as long as said club was elected as alternate to the Mrs. Beulah Ban-ett of Tigard, cited in Nyssa for Boy Scouts, out pays for all operating and main State Grange session to be held in former Nyssa resident. Dr. Sara local boys have had the benefits tenance expenses while using same Bend June 2 to 7. During the lecturer's program of scouting. and as long as said club conducts zin returned home by train. P Have Baby Boy— the handling of the field and games State Representative Martin Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Haroldson Recovering from Operation— in a businesslike and orderly man Gallagher of Ontario mentioned IT err from California— are the parents of a boy born Sat the sales tax and spoke on senate Garry Bybee is recovering from ner". Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker The agreement also provides for bill No. 99. Tom Donahue of Vale urday at the Holy Rosary hospit are enjoving a visit with Mr. Tuck a major operation performed in the Holy Rosary hospital in On the manner in which the proceed., Grange, presented the negative ar al. Mrs. Haroldson was formerly er's brother and family, from Cal Irene Hartley. ifornia. They visited relatives in tario. He is a son of M r and Mrs from various events will be divldcJ gument on senate bill No. 99 The Grange members sang "Smile. S P. Bybee. between the school and the associ Nampa Saturday. Undergoes Operation— Smile. Smile". ation. Kingman Kolony. Chalk Butte, i Miss Donna Munday underwent Babies Arrive— As soon as the subscribers have Takes Examination— Four girls and one boy were bom been repaid the association will be and Ridgeview Granges will oe ] an appendix operation Friday at Hubert Peirsol. owner of the hosts to the Pomona at its n ex. the Holy Rosary hospital. She was Owyhee Drug company, has re at the Nyssa Nursing home this | dissolved expected to return home early meeting Saturday. August 23. turned from Corvallis, where he week They were as follows: May this week. completed his reciprocity for his 26. Mr. And Mrs. Frank T. Smith. Riders to Meet— lo Moot— girl. 8 pounds. 3 ounces: The Owyhee Riding Lodge club will Oregon pharmacy license. He Is Nyssa. The Rebekah lodge will meet Here from Idaho— now licensed In Idaho, Oregon and May 26. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Har- meet Friday evening at 8 o’clock Mrs. Vilate Bonnell and daughter oldson. Nyssa. girl. 5 pounds. 4 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil June 12 fn the I O.O.F hall. A re California. port will be given by Mrs Will of Boise and Miss Martha Elggren ounces: May 27. Mr. and Mrs Dimmick. Beam and Mrs. Henry Borgman. of Salt Lake City »pent Wednes Milton Carver. Nyssa. girl 6 pounds I?*»*p from Seattle— who were delegates to the Rebekah day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs Louis Brown of 4 ounces: May 28. Mr and Mrs Visit over Week-end— ____________ Mr. and Mrs M B. Frazier of convention at The Dalles recently Ray C. Lewis They came to viait Seattle are visiting at the Bumail Jack Sweaney. Nyssa. girl. 6 pounds Brown and Waynard Talbot homes' 4 ounces: May 28. Mr and Mrs Milton. Oregon visited over the Initiation will be held and a pot- their grandmother, who la 96 years Mr Brown is a brother of Burna’ l Oearold Adamson. Nyssa, boy, 7 week-end with Mr. and Mrs E. L. luck lunch will be served after the old. The ladles are nieces of Mr. Lewis. Brown and Mrs. Talbot. pounds, 13Vi ounces. 1 Jamison. lodge session. Ironside Host To Co. Grange Nyssa To Have Lighted Field Avoset Corporation Abandons r Plans for Nyssa Construction Ella C. Williams Succumbs Here M a il T h is C ou p on B e fo r e June 7 E L E C T IO N B A L L O T For Sponsor of Trailways Bus “ C ity o f N yssa” Vote for One Mail to P. 0. Box 17, Nyssa ....... Nan Grider ............Lucille Sallee Bernice Bowen ............June Savage ............Helen Warren ..........Mardi Sallee Donna Franklin ............Janie Parr Margene Talbot ............Loa Mitchell Helen Hopkins Marian Brown