Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE SIX Social News which added charm to the occas ion. When the guests were ready to be seated Mrs. Alma Landreth sang. "The Lord's Prayer'', accomp anied by Mrs. Jake Simons. The address of welcome was giv en by Mrs Ellen McKee, with Mrs. Bernard Frost responding for tne mothers. During the breakfast. Betty Wm - chell played a piano solo. "The Tear”. The girls served the breakfast. Janice Frost was chairman of the E NTE R TAIN MOTHERS A Mother’s day breakfast was given Sunday at 8:30 a m. in the Masonic hail by the girls ol the Nyssa bethel of Job's Daughters for their mothers and members of the guardian council. Breakfast was served at small tables decorated with spring flo wers. About the room were large baskets o f several varieties of iris, planning committee, assisted by Viva Mary Leseberg, Margaret Di- ven, Mrs. Ellen McKee, and »>ev- irly Hoehn. ! The regular meeting, which was to have been held tonight, has been postponed until Friday, May 16 a t 7:30 p.m. Tne meeting will be held .»n tne Masonic hall for i special practice. I The executive council will meet Tuesday. May 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Jess Rigney. SU ND AY CLUB MEETS The Mr. and Mrs. Sunday even ing bridge club met at the home of I Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee. Mr. | and Mis. Ed Frost were guests. I Prizes were won by Mrs. Frost and Mr. Sallee. Congratulations To The Malheur County Jersey Breeders Ass’n foe**** CMfa. Owyhee Drug Co. v PRESCRIPTIONS PRESICION FILLED \ ffeat sjays L» the Fowler ¿ lectú c. Water Heater! THREE-WAY INSULATfOH Stylists recommend frequent clean ing to help your clothes retain I heir beauty longer. We are famous for fine quality work that always satisfies. 1*1 us serve you. KEEP-U-NEAT assures highest efficiency • Fowler’s three-way insulation is designed for the highest retention o f heat. First, a sealed dead air space around the tank pre vents heat loss through conductivity. Second, the tank is jacketed inside with a polished aluminum reflector which reflects 85% o f the tank’s heat FOW LER rays back into the tank. -£2¡t¿&u¡c. ■ * Third, a thick, fire ' W A T E R HEATER proof blanket of cotton provides additional sag- proof insulation outside the aluminum jacket. O rJtr jour tow U r If ultr Healer. J E d er H ard w are Co. N.SECOND T -4* ST* PHONE'70 * c TH U R SD AY, M A Y 15, 1947 A U X IL IA R Y ELECTS CLUB IS FORMED The Junior Women's Amity club The ladles auxiliary of the Vet erans of Foreign Wars held Its an met Friday evening at tne home of nual election of officers May 12 Mrs. Lucille Pett. A constitution in the dining room of Brownie's and by-laws were presented to the cafe. I members and voted upon. A round The new officers are as follows: I table discussion was conducted by President, Leo Bear: senior vice | Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, a recent w ar president. Gertrude Atkeson; jun I bride from England. Difference in ior vice president, Maud Calvert; habits, speaking of the English , chaplain, Jessie Graham; conduct- language, dancing advancement in 1 ress, Alfreda Shelton; secretary and the army and opinions between treasurer. Violet Grunke: trustee, the English and the Americans Grace Earnest and guard, Wanda were pointed out. Mrs. Wilson also Sykes. The officers will be installed told of the dangers and trials suf May 20 by the Oregon department fered during the war. She said that president, Ora Windus. who will food and clothing were more strict be on a visit here at that time. ly rationed now than at that time. After the election the auxiliary She said her biggest surprise upon 'm et with V.F.W. post 3506 for a entering America was the abund social meeting. Lunch was served ance of both food and clothing. There were 8 members present. - 8 - HOSTESS T O CLUB Refreshments were served by the Mrs. Glen Suiter was hostess to hostess. The next meeting will be the A N K. Garden club Tuesday held at the home of Mrs. Hortense afternoon. High point of the af- Zobell May 23 at 8:30. Election of i ternoon was the tour of Mrs. Suit- officers and appointments of com- I CPs flower gardens, particularly be mttees will be completed. Mrs. Dor autiful at this season with the othea Lewis and Mrs. Marie Wilson ! iris for which she is famous. will be in charge of the program. Mrs. Maurice Judd gave the ; highlights of a flower show she Too Late To Classify attended in Corvallis recently. Mrs. IH. R. Bunch told of her recent FO R S A L E — 3-room house. $2350 visit to her native state of Flori- cash or *2500 terms. 756 North first ! da. She described the beautiful street. Nyssa. Phone 11 or 024-R5, O ren tal Gardens of Jacksonville Ontario. 15Mlxp. and showed pictures of some o f the FOR SALE— 1940 C M C 2' .-3 ton flowers and scenery there. Mrs. Ray Wilson of Parma has truck, also 1938 Chevrolet pick-up, invited the club to gather at her flat bed. Both In good condition. home Friday afternoon of this Marion Chard, 462 North Sixth week and be conducted on a tour street. 15Mlxp. of some of Parma's outstanding FOR SALE- Good used Westing- gardens. hou e electric range. Two miles - 5 - north of Nyssa, Mrs. Fay Corn. OFFICERS ELECTED 15Mlxp. The ladies council of the Christ — — ____ ian church held election of officers FOR SALE— Write today for pric at a meeting held last week at the es on New Jeeps, new and recon home of Mrs. John Stafford. The ditioned engines, Willys parts, used new officers are Mrs. John Quig cars and trucks. Watts Motor Com ley, president; Mrs. George W hip pany. Nyssa. Oregon. Phone 144-J. ple, vice president; Mrs. Roy Bib- 15Mtfc. bey, secretary; Mrs. Ralph Curry, treasurer, and Mrs. Chet Mosier, FOR SALE Improved building world call chairman. Those taking site garage house furnished, also part in the missionary program dug basement, out buildings. Cash were Mrs. Elsie Dewey. Mrs. Lois or trade for small modern house, Day, Mrs. Chet Mosier and Mrs. owner 463 North 8tli street, Nyssa. Elmer Hill. Devotions were led by 15Mlxp. Mrs. Roy Bibbey, assisted by Mrs. Harold Robbins The next meeting FOR SALE— International truck, will be held May 22 at the home l'fi ton 1939 model. Can be seen of Mrs. Elsie Dewey on Aloerta at Farmer Co-op Creamery plant avenue. at Payette. 15M2xc. mui n H min iii in i,! in it m iii 11 in: n hi hi hi hi hi i i hi hi hi hi hi in hi hi hi i i hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi i : i hi hi FOR SALE— Lawn mowers and TH ANK YOU, FOLKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many friends and customers who have so generously supported me during the time I op erated the Thompson Oil company. So to all the people of a fine community and city thanks for everything and good luck to Mr. Mosier, the new operator. one hot plate. These articles have just been repaired. Lowe's Home Appliance shop. Phone 176-W. 15M1XC. FOR SALE— shape. Nyssa Phone 23-W. Mayden. 15Mlxp. Sullivan. Gen. Del. Nyssa. FO R SALE— Or trade for car. I W A N TE D — Odd Jobs of any kind 1939 Harley Davidson 80, with side by the day. W rite P. O. box 637, car. Motor just overhauled. Melvin Nyssa. Douglass Williams. 15M2xp. Crocker, route 1, Nyssa. 15Mlxp. FOR SALE—Slightlv used all-white porcelaine coox range. Excellent condition. *49.50. Nyssa Furniture company, phone 149-W. 15Mtfc. FO R SALE —Dwelling lots. 50 by 153. Priced right. Bernard East man. . ISMtfc. FOR SALE— Frank L. McGuire has several nice Income properties, , also a few nice homes for sale in Ontario and Nyssa. See us for 1 your home or business location. R. W. Dagget, manager, phone 420-R, 168 East Idaho St„ On tario. 15Mlxp. LO ST— Registered golden cocker female dog. Answer to the name of Peggy. Reward. Riverside cabin No. 1. 15Mlxp. W ANTE D — Work FOR SALE— Thor washing mach ine. *45. In goad condition. Earl Purvis, one block north of sugar i hi hi hi it hi hi hi m i 11 hi hi hi iii hi hi hi him it ii i i hi hi hi hi iii mm hi in hi n hi hi mum; factory drive-in. 15Mlxp. D you. your NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE Special Mexican Show Sunday Morning At IO A. M. This show was made in Mexico and all the dia logue is in Spanish. The general public is invited to attend. Tito Guizar— Reno Cardona In “A LLA EN EL RANCHO GRANDE” Regular Admission Prices 40c-9c, Inc. Tax i hi hi r n Midnight Spook Show This Sat. A t Midnight This show is being shown for the benefit of all those who can take it! W e DOUBLE DARE you because this is a DOUBLE FEATURE. GRAVis i* rut im cBW M D i VHf FOR SALE— 1934 Chevrolet sedan, 1935 Chevrolet coupe. Don Par ker, Cow hollow. 15M8xc FOR SALE— A real home at a bargain price. New. 4-room house wth bath and full basement: two room garage house, finished .for comfortable living quarters. Six lots lawn fruit trees, berries and grapes All fenced and priced for quick sale at only *4800. 172 East Fourth street, Nyssa. 15Mlxp. FOR SALE— 4-room basement house, built-ins, sink, running wat er in house. Eight blocks north on First street and 1 block east. Bill Dfdn d , sj ¡ orted / NOWS thetime- S a t u r d a y , m a y 17 A Swashbuckling tale o f escape from Dev il’s island. “THE RETURN OF MONTE CRISTO” With Louis Hayward and Barbara Britton May LOOKING ^ r < ^ / ROOF WATERTIGHT TOO / O N 'T let this happen to Start today— make definite fire prevention plan a part o f plan o f living. And consult us about today’s higher properly values. Don't let firsP catch you under-insured. "* a FRANK T. MORGAN STUNZ LUMBER COM PANY Insurance GET RID OF YOUR Blackheads & Pimples HENRY JENKINS if in i c n r m by hour. THE B E S T Your roof can be the best looking and be watertight, too , w hen Alumi-Shield asbestos aluminum coat ing p ro tects its surface from sun and winter. The soft sheen of metallic aluminum flakes adds new beauty and reflects d e structive sun rays from asphalt o r tar roofing. Easily applied with brush or spray. Pick-up box. Good Sanitation Service 15Mtfc. FOR SALE— Small four-room house to be removed from prem ises. Well built and priced to sell. Don Parker, Cow hollow. 15M2xc. 15M2xp. Try Luzier Bornacein Pack. MRS. E. H. FLESHMAN MRS. AD AM FOCHT Phone 189W Phone 005F11 Dime Store Specials Fri. & Sat., May 16 & 17 Anklets Misses and Ladies seconds o f a regular 25c anklet. Assorted Colors. Sizes 8t/> to 10»/*. SPECIAL 5c PAIR Limit 4 Pair M >t, Sat., 2:3« Ac III. Z5c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, M AY 18-19 Margaret O ’Brien, Lionel Barrymore, Lewis Stone and Edward Arnold in “THREE W ISE FOOLS’ A warm and human story, so rich in laughter and teal's that you’ll want to see it again and again. Latest Issue March of Time Color Cartoon Water Glasses 9-ounce SPECIAL 2c EACH Limit 6 to A Customer Mat, San., t:M Adm. :i0c-Sr. Inc. Tai Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax Tea Towels TUESDAY, M AY 20 BARGAIN NIGHT DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Sidney Toler as Charlie Chan in “DANGEROUS MONEY” Also Jimmy W akelv in "TRAIL TO MEXICO” Regular 35c printed tea towels. SPECIAL 15c Limit 3 To A Customer CHILDREN’S Admission Evenings 25c 9c. Including Tax. W EDNESDAY & THURSDAY, M AY 21-22 Ronald Regan, Alexis Smith, Zachary Scott in “STALLION ROAD" From the best-selling novel by Stephen Long- street. Here is love and adventure in the horse- breeding country! Color Cartoon News • * Sr, Including Tax Rayon Panties Regular 69c SPECIAL 25c by OifKt#d by V A l I fW T O N • M A R K R O B S O N Admission 40c a seat. Including Tax Nyssa Theatre HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Everybodys Dime Store NYSSA OREGON