Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1947)
THEJ Í Y S S A G A T E C I T Y JO U R N AL, N YSSA, OKEGON '• J POM ONA GRANGE MEETS A T U N IT Y Grange meeting at Unity was at- j and Richard Jenkins, ail of Nu- tended by Mr. and Mrs. Pry, Cecil Acres. An interesting topic, "A ir NU-ACRES (Special)— Pomona Evans, Janice Evans, and Roger plane Dustin of Crops", was dis cussed. Senator Carten of Wash ington county gave a talk on laws recently passed. The next Pomona meeting will be held at Washaw July 10. In correction of an error. It is announced that Henry “ Hank” Blanchard will be in the pitcher's box of the Nu-Acres ball team. All members are urged to attend next Grange meeting for a “ pow-wow". Mr. and Mrs. Pry were Cald well visitors this week. The regular Farmerette club meeting will be held Wednesday, May 21 at the Nu-Acre hall. Serv ing as co-hostesses will be Mrs. BIG BE ND P A R K Ruth Palmer, Mrs. Madge Thom Fun For A ll Prizes Races For Children son, the new president, and Mrs. Lavena Grasmik. Baseball Game Between Caldwell Eagles Mother's day was a day for and Nyssa Eagles. guests at the Cecil Evans home. Mr. Ice cream, coffee and punch will be furnished and Mrs. Coward and son. Jack Thomas Evans, Jr„ and family of by the lodge. Bring your own drinking cups. Nyssa. Mary Ballard and family of Parma, and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Keck and family of Parma were all guests during the day. Aso visiting was the new baby, Roy, whom Mrs. EVans had not seen since her re turn from the hospital. Thomas Evans, Sr., has been confined to his bed for the great er portion of every day. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnson W eekly Market Report For May 13, 1947 were hosts to their daughter, Mrs Carl Peterson, Jr„ and fam ily of Receipts: Cattle 503, hogs 248. Greenleaf at a Mother’s day din Cattle: Fed steers $23 to $23.75. Fed heifers $19.50 to $22. Good ner. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson, cows $15 to $17. Beef bulls $15 to $17.25. Veal calves $16 to $30. Sr., were also guests. Fiesliy Stocker and feeder steers $19 to $21. Mrs. Kenneth Hawks of Payette Fat hogs $25.50 top. Packing sows $19 to $21. Feeder pigs $23.50 has been called to Portland be- to $25. ause of the death of her father. Miss Phyllis Evans played in the Eagles Annual Picnic Sunday, May 18 ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY NEX T SP E C IA L Horse Sale Saturday, June 7 DR. E D W IN W . O LDHAM , D. C. Chiropractic Physiotherapy O N T A R IO L IV E S T O C K COM M . CO. “W here Buyer$ and Sellers Meet’' ■Ellis White, Manager 413-M Ellis White & Clayt Tschirgi iShirge) Aucts. O N T A R IO — 413-M Physician Electrotherapy Nyssa, Oregon Over Dime Store F R U IT L A N D — 522 & fg -w ' V* Asa ' band at the Payette Blossom festi In Vale on business Tuesday. val last Monday in both afternoon The annual picnic of the Klng- and evening sessions. man Kolony Grange will be held this year at the park in Caldwell May 25. A ll Grange members are Invited to attend with a picnic lunch. C H R IS T IA N CHURCH The Home Economics club will 5th ar,d Sts. meet Tuesday with Mrs. Oscar George Whipple, Pastor Shaler. Bible school, 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane and Morning worship, 11 a.m. The worship program will in family left Wednesday for Ten clude a message by the pastor and nessee where they will visit Mr. special music by the choir. Lane’s folks. They will visit friends Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p.m. and relatives en route. Mr. and Evening services, 8 p.m. Mid-week Bible study, Wednes- Mrs. Art Sparks shopped in Cald My at 8 p.m. and choir practice well Saturday. Guy Moore and Adolph Zimmer Thursday at 8 p.m. at the church. The new children's program, "The man were in Parma on business Booster club” can be heard at 8:15 Monday. The Kingman Gange met Mon i.m. Saturday, following the “Chris- day night. Howard and Fern Hatch ian C all” over K SRV. Ontario. arranged the program. The Boy IM E R IC A N L C T IIE R A N CHURCH Scout troop of Adrian rang “ M oth er" and Mrs. William Toomb sang Roland G. Wuest, Pastor 10 a.m., Sunday school. Classes "That Wonderful Mother of Mine", accompanied by Betty Jean Toomb. 'or all age groups. 11 a.m.. Worship service. Sermon Rev. Moore spoke a few words ab heme: "T h e Risen Lord Returns out the works of the scouts. John To His Home” , based on St. Luke 0. Uneugdenhie from Ten Mile Grange at MeYldian spoke about !4: £0-53. Orange insurance. Mrs. George De THE M E TH O D IST COM M UNITY Haven and Mrs. Frank Cummins served refreshments. CHURCH Church Notes Rev. H. J. Gernhanlt, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45. Worship and sermon, 11 a.m. My Church". Intermediate fellowship, 7 p.m. Youth fellowship, 7 p.m. No evening service. Attend the ■antata at high school gymnasium. Mid-week fellowship, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Womans Society of Christian Service May 22, 2 p.m. at Mrs. Coekrun’s home. TH E CHURCH OF THE NAZAREN E E. J. Wilson. Pastor 10 a.m., Sunday school. 11 a.m., Song service and sermon. 7:15 p.m., Young people, teen age and junior services. 8 p.m., evangelistic service. Tuesday, all-day service meeting at Payette. Wednesday, people's meeting. C ATH O LIC CHURCH SERVICES A T EPISCO PAL CHURCH P A R IS H HAM , Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor Mass every Sunday at 9 a.m. except second Sunday in month at 7 a.m. P R O G R A M G IV E N A T G R A N G E M EETING K IN G M A N K O L O N Y (Special)— Mr .and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft were A New Jeep W e allow highest trade-in val ues for used cars traded in on Jeeps and New cars. W rite us today for further de tails and information. W e carry in stock Willys parts for Willys cars and Jeeps. Phone or mail your order. go&Ztcuk < i k W atts Motor Company ■Ha Nvssa, Ore.. Ph. 144J COLUM BIA AVENUE (Special)— Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen, mem bers of the Owyhee Riding club, 'ook part in the Trade days pro gram at Nampa .Wedneday. Mrs. L. Miles of Ogden, who was i house guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. C. Larsson, and family for several days, returned to her borne last week. Mrs. W R. Tilton o f Canton, bhlo is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Webb ” ennie. Mrs. Tilton and Mrs. Pen- nle are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. John Broad en tertained Sunday at dinner In hon- of her mother for the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ten- en, Bill Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Dick Tensen. Mr. and Mrs. Luit Stain of Ne- vell Heights and Mr Dick Stam if Oregon Trail visited Sunday af- 'ernoon at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. G errit Stam. Several parties of this communl- v viewed the beautiful iris garden i f Mrs. Glen Suitor at her home in Nvssa heights Wednesday. Pete Ten«en was a business vis itor in Ontario Friday. Mrs. T. M. Barenek was a din ner guest o f Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton Jensen of Nyssa on Mother’s day. More than fifty girls from the towns in Snake River valley at tended the first annual tea of the American Association of University Women, held Sunday at the On tario Women’s club building. Nyssa was represented by four senior girls, Pavette by 14, Weiser by five and Ontario by some 40. A miniature Maypole circled by tiny figures centered the tea table with Mrs. James Potter, president, pouring. A musical program of vo cal and Instrumental numbers In cluded were: Piano solo, “Park Av enue Fantasy” by David Maule of Payette: vocal solo, “ Oarrlsla” by Saily Kinney, accompanied by M il lard Kinney, both of Ontario; viol in duet, “Song of Songs” and “The World is Waiting for the Sunrise” by Beth Wledner and Mary Hoeme, accompanied by Barbara Clausen, all of Payette: trio, "The Lamplit Hour” and “Green Cathedral" by We W ill Allow You i r* a.' :/ L 7 When planning your summer or fall vacation, remember that Union Pacific , ^ serves Utah's Zion and Bryce Canyon / * National Parks and the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona . . . also Colorado, Sun Valley, Idaho . . . Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons . . . California and Boulder Dam . . . the Pacific Northwest. Take your choice of magnificent natural monu ments and canyons brilliant in color, of rugged mountains and sapphire lakes, of geysers and waterfalls, of ocean beaches and great forests. These are scenic features presented by Union Pacific. Train travel gives you the opportunity to com pletely relax. It's a vacation in itself. Union Pacific offers a variety of accommodations. More western scenic regions are served by Union Pacific than by any other railroad. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD IM II HIM II WM Ill'll III H IIII III HI H M 1:1 II iV im illl ll IIN 1:1 III IIIM M« « III II IIIM N M H IM CONTRACTING FOR 1948 CROP CARROT SEED 40c PER POUND NORTHRUP, KING 6• CO. GENE K IP P Local Representative Route 2, Nyssa Phone 013-R11 Wm Ü3 ' .’V w hales spout Do NOT w ater ' T h r o u g h t h e ir , nogtrilg , a n d a r e - NO T F ish / x Speaking of W ater: we have a complete line of Myers shallow and deep well pumps in stock; a 300-gallon Meyers sprayer for row crop or orchard; garden hose, hand sprayers and Binks paint sprayers. Drop in and look them , over at The House o f Oliver Nyssa Implement Co. Stunz and Thomas Specials €r Fri. Sat., May 16 6* 17 Chenille Spreads Full bed size and colors brown, green, blue and white. Values from $10.00 to $15.00 . Special $ 7 .9 5 $ 5.00 W O M EN’S Silk Hose Full fashion pure silk hose seconds. A beautiful sheer hose. Regular 79c FOR YOUR OLD TIRES Special 4 9 c Limit 2 Pair That You Drive In On AS T R A D E -IN S O N N E W TIRES Recapping -- Repairing Immediate Servic^*on A ll Size» Car, Boys’ Overalls Blue twill bib overall for sturdy wear. Sizes 8 to 12 Regular $1.55 Special 77c Truck or Tractor Tire» Example: List Price (N at’l brand tires) 6.00 X 16 $17.26 Less Allowance Net Child’s Coveralls $5.00 $12 26 Extra heavy forest green duck coveralls. Sizes 4, 5, and 6 Regular $2.98 Wheel Balancing For complete information inquire at youi nearest Union Pacific Ticket Office 1 Emily Wheatley, Betty Hagood and da and Herrman. Jane Rogers, accompanied by Mrs. J ------------- Frietag. all of Ontario; piano so lo ! B U ILD ING PERM ITS ’ Argonaiae” by Mary Lee Oribble; Ada Clark, a iteration, First and a piano duet, “ Dark Eyes", by street, block 17, original townsite, Veda Jackson and Jackie Hawk of $300, 12 by 18, frame. Ontario. Marion Chard, alteration, North Thoae attending from Nyssa were 6th St., lot 17, block 34, Park ad- the Misses Bartholoma. Beers. W a- dltion. $1200, frame, 16 by 24 IRIS G A R D E N S OF MRS. SU IT E R SEEN G IR L S AT T E N D TE A BUY I1 A lili MV h TH U R SD AY, M A Y 15, 1947 $1.00 each wheel Used Tires and Tubes 0. K. RUBBER WELDERS Nyssa, Oregon Special 9 9 c $1.00 up G O L D E N RULE STORE N YS S A OREGON