Classified Advertising THE NYSSA GATE CFTY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING j Boise. Stock received Monday, Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson. Wednesday and Thursday. 8 a. m. Ike and Dtnzel Mitchell went with to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. the riding club to La Grande Sun day. | No stock received on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon Beef, sheep and pork Free deliver} ald and children, K ay and R ay I to Polar locker plant. mond, spent Sunday with relatives One mile west on Alberta avenue In Homedale. Phone 0SR1 Mrs. John Westfall and two JAK E FISCHER children of Seneca are visiting at ttie T. H. Brewer home. Mrs. Martha KUngback and son, Legal Advertising i fred , were entertained at a Moth- N O TICE TO CREDITORS r's day dinner In the home of Publication In the Matter of the her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Estate of GEORGE L. WING, and Mrs. George T. Gregg of Rich land district. Other guests were Deceased N O TIC E IS HEREBY GIVEN Mrs. Anrlie Gregg and Sally and T h at the undersigned has been Allen Gregg. (or air-conditioning units. Heating Co.. Phone 169W. 20Mtlc. ‘ I ! FOR SALE— Allis Chalmers mod- , el M crawler with dozer, cab, pow- I er take-off pulley with case, 2- I bottom 2-way plow. Western Cor- rugator company. 13Mtfc. RATES: Two cents per worn for each Issue. A lter one month one | cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, la 30c. FOR SALE— 5-room house with bath. Good location, (1500, some furniture. Part down, monthly pay ments. Bernard Eastman. 27Flfc FOR SALE— Chicks, New Hamp highway, good deep soil, call 08-J4. shire«, reds, white rocks, barred For Sale SiAtfc, I rocks, buff minore as, white leg- I horns, austra-whites, rock-Iiamp- TAKEN UP— Three whiteface shlre cross. Available for Immediate and future delivery. (15 per hun yearling steers, 2 brands left hip. FO R SALE— In truck load lots, cellar, corral and der- D. W. McGinnis, route 2. 15M2xp. duly and regularly appointed Ad rick poles. Phone 09-R4 Nys- I FOR SALE Immediate possession ministrator of the above entitled FO R SALE— 1943 Ford Jeep with sa. Frank Freel. 24A4xp. house with 3 rooms and bath. Full estate. All persons having claims Station Wagon top. Five first-class basement, electric hot water, 1 acre against said estate are hereby re tires, new oattery, 16,000 miles, just ground, big chicken house. Good quired to present the same with painted. Price (900, half cash, (875 FO R SALE— One 220v, 3-phase, location. (6030. Bernard Eastman proper vouchers, dulv verified, to 27Ftfc. the undersigned at Nyssa. Oregon all cash. New car guarantee for 10-horse, heavy-duty. Induction mo within six 16) months from the tor, one 110-220V heavy-duty, 3- 30 days. Powell Service Garage. FOR SALE— Several houses for date of the first publication here horse motor, one warenouse truck, 15Mtfc. 4-inch by 12-inch pneumatic tires sale. Attractive buys. See Frank of. lSJtfc with wheels and spindles new. Dor- T. Morgan. Dated Nyssa, Oregon, May 15, FO R SALE— 1936 International! Ity Welding Service, call 182-J. 1947. FOR SALE 1 4 —2 4 H. P. gaso panel, (360. Apt. 7, Veterans hous- Lon E. Fry, Administrator of 8M2xc line engine, International. Leo the Estate o f GEORGE L. 15M3xp 28Ntfe. FOR SALE!— 1938 ton and one- Fife, Phone 05R-2. W IN G , Deceased. FOR SALE—New unfinished house. half Ford truck, new 1947 motor. First publication May 15, 1947 FOR SALE— Eating potatoes. (1 Last publication June 12, 1947 4 rooms and full basement. (2800. John Barnett, phone 123-R, North cwt. Bring your sack. L. J. Joseph- 8M2xp. Bernard Eastman. 15MÜC. First. son and Son. Phone 392-J, Payette, SCHOOL D ISTR IC T BOND FO R SALE— 3/4 pound deadening Idaho. 3!Otfc FO R SALE — New one-room house, FLECTION 12 by 14, to be moved from pro felt paper, 50 yards rolls. Nyssa State of Oregon Furniture Co. Phone 149-W. 24Atlc. FOR SAI.E— Automobile Insurance. perty. Freeman’s machine shop. County of Malheur 15M2xc. FOR SALE— Model A Internation Public Liability, Property Damage. School District No. 26-C Fire, Theft and Collision. Placet) ss: M ISCELLANEOUS— clTy ca7b, al tractor cultivator, Hall high In the best companies at lowest Notice hereby Is given that, at phone 150, 24-hour service. Stand lift buck rake, also Gunco hay possible rates. Bernard Eastman. the school district bond election at Eddie's club. 8M2xp. stacker and manure loader. Carl 14Ftfc hereby called, to be held at the Sebum, Nyssa. 24Atfc Grade School In the City of Nyssa, FO R SALE— Oliver 60, 44 model In and for school district No. 26-C For Rent with beet and corn cultivator and FO R SALE— Used L. and H. el power mower, all In good condi ectric range. Very good condition. FO R R E NT— Polish your own o f Malheur County, Oregon, on the tion. Price (1750. Alfred Costley, 0 Nyssa Lumber Co. Phone 118-W floors. Rent our high-speed pol 31st day of May, A. D., 1947, be tween the hours of 2 o'clock p.m. 24Atfc. miles west and 1 1/2 miles north ishing equipment. Easily handled and 7 o’clock p.m. there will be of Homedale. 8M2xp FO R SALE:— Good 40-acre dairy by women. Nyssa Lumber company. submitted to tihe legal voters there 3Atfc. of the question of contracting a FO R SALE— Red Mexican seed ranch complete with equipment bonded Indebtedness In the sum of beans. Also ear com by truckload. and stock. Immediate possession. LOST $40,000 for the purpose of provid Watts Seed Co. 8Mtfc. Four miles from town. Bernard Eastman. 17Atfc. ing additional funds for construct IiQST— Will person having book ing an addition to the Nyssa El FO R S A LE —Baby crib with inner- FOR SALE— Business lots, 200 by "W ho Walk Alone", which belongs spring mattress, buggy, bassinet, ementary School, of equipping and bathinet. Mrs. Jean Fletcher. 15Mtf 150. Priced right. Bernard East to American le gio n auxiliary, re furnishing said addition and of man. lOAtfc turn It to secretary, Lottie Phil repairing and Improving the pres lips, Box 85. 15Mlxp. FO R SALE— Chevrolet car radio, ent elementary school In and for complete In good condition, also TO R SALE— 40 acres In Big Bend said school district. Appleton spot light. Phillip D. district, old water right, fair five- w anted ” The vote to be by 'ballot upon Clowers, Apt. No. 3, Veterans hous room house, Immediate possession. First-class irrigator, which shall be the words "Bonds ing. 8M3xp. 40 acres near Adrian, beets plant W ANTED — ed. Good five-room house out good wages and year around Job Yes” and "Bonds No” , and the vot immediate possession. to right man. Married man prefer er shall place a cross (X ) between FO R S A L E - 200 bushels of ear buildings, com. G. Stam, route 2, Nyssa. 8M2 90 acres, all crops In, can be bought red. G. B. Russell, Vale, Oregon. the words “ Bonds" and the word or between the word with some equipment. New three- ISMIxp. “ Yes", “ Bonds” and the word “ No” , which FO R SA LF— Seven-room house room house on Second street, with bath. Good location, close In, ready to move Into. See or call O P P O R T U N IT Y — Additional man ever indicates his choice. The polls for the reception of lots of aimue. W ill sell on terms. K en Renstrom. needed for local territory. A busi 3Atfc. ness of your own. Company furn the ballots cast for or against the Bernard Eastman, Real Estate-In contraction of said indebtedness surance, phone 64. 8Mtic. FO R SALE — Baby chicks. W hile ishes capital if necessary. Must rocks, Austra-whites, Buff Minorc- have car and willing to work. Home will, on said day and date and at FO R SALE— Registered Guernsey as. Black Alfctralorps, Light Bra distribution of nationally known the place aforesaid, be opened at bull calf out of an AR cow 470 lbs. hmas, Barred Rocks, and White products. Good profits. W rite at the hour of 2 o’clock p.m. and re fat !n 610 times milked. Sired by Rocks and W hite Leghorns. Three once for particulars. Rawleighs, main open until the hour of 7 Do- • s Player of Misklale whose miles south of Payette. We do cus Dept. 331, Oakland 7, California. o’clock p.m. of the same day, at dam had a record of 729 lbs. fat tom hatching. Phone Fniltlam l 8M3xc. which hour the same shall be clos and was first price Oregon State 6221. Payette Vallee Hatchery, Rt. ed. Fair hell w Doug was first prize 1, Payette, Idaho. By order of the district school 13MtIc. W A N TE D — Could use several steel truck boxes, from G.I. Interna board of school district No. 26-C bull at Idaho State Fair. H. E. tional 6 by 6 truck. Box 922, or Hight, Nyssa, Oregon. 8M2xp. TO R SALE:— All new fresh seeds, of Malheur County, Oregon, made lM tfc. this 8th day of May, A.D., 1947. garden and field. Hollingsworths'. phone 08-R1. FO R S A L E - 24-foot Glider trail Inc. 27Mtfe. Attest: Henry H. Hartley (sgd) V A N T E D — T o buy anything la er house, good rubber. Bill Phar District Clerk aoh, 1 4 blocks north of sugar FO R SALE— Wallpaper, V o r e rev ' or ” eal. Also buy banger cows O. E. Cheldelin (sgd) factory. lM4xp. patterns, complete assortment or will handle for hide and offall. Chairman, District School Board Nyssa Furniture company. 20Mtfc. Phone 31M or 011J1 22Atfc First pub. May 15 LO TS FOR SALE— Residence Last pub. May 22 building lots 72 by 150 near schools, T O R SALE— Be comfortable this MISCELLANEOUS at edge of city limits, on oiled summer. Place your order now Professional And Business Directory PH YSIC IAN S S A R A Z IN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K E. Kerby Physician and Surgeons — ' ■ . JL- - -Jl!" L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Prfbne 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Daily—Except Sunday J. R. CUN D A LL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic N YSSA OREGON O PTO M ETRISTS DR. J. A. M C F A L L DR. JOHN E ASLY HAY BUYER VV. F. JAH N Dealer in hay and grain Third at Good Ave. JEW El.R Y STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Tim e Inspector JEW ELRY — DIAM ONDS I Phone 21, Ontario, Ore FLOOR SAND ING WAT ’ MES Main Street » . Second New or old floors sand ed perfectly. Large WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE commercial machine and experienced oper Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific O N TA R IO OREGON ators. Telephone Boise 6189R. DENTISTS F. F.BODM EFf Dentist Ph. 187W Wilson Bldg. FLOOR LAYING AND SANDING Refiniahed. Filled. Varnished By Experienced Men W rite N. J. Barnett Marsing, Idaho TH U RSD AY, M A Y 15, 1947 M ISCELLANEOUS—Ladies: I f you are having trouble with your el ectric appliances, call 176W for re pair service. I repair washing ma chines, vacuum cleaners, hot plates, electric clocks, clean and oil toast ers, food mixers, waffle irons, el ectric Irons. I also clean and repair sewing machines. Lowe’s Home Ap pliance Service shop, located tn the east side of the Phillips build ing on^outh First street. 8Mtfc. OWYHEE O W YH EE (Special)— Mrs. Keith Tallman, Mrs. Johnnie Tim m er man and Mrs. Wayne Pierby were hostesses in the Tallman home at a pink and blue shower for Mrs. Donald Hite. Nineteen women at tended. After an interesting pro gram gifts were opened by the honoree. Refreshments were served M ISCELLANEOUS— Ask satisfied by the hostesses. customers, then call Roy Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson 148-J, to do your house painting, roof spraying and Kemtonlng. Work were Nampa visitors at the Nampa done on hour basis on Job con trade days celebration Wednesday." tract. lM 8xp. Mrs. Byrd Walters is in St, Luke’s M ISCELLANEOUS— Ford Ammo hospital in Boise recuperating from nium sulphate. Excellent fertilizer a major operation. Mrs. Ellis W al for lawns, gardens, shrubs, fields. ters visited her and other rela 10 lb bag 85c, 50 lb bag (3.30. Her- tives In Boise Sunday. riman Motor Co. 17Atfc Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and ! M ISCELLANEOUS— Roll film fln- son, Vernon, were guests Sunday I ishing, 3e hour service at Evan’s of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin, who 24A4xp. studio. live near Parma. ! M ISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nannery or Loans on farms for refinancing. Seattle are visiting relatives in this ■ building, improvements, b u y i n g . community. Long term, low Interest, see Ber Russell R. Patton was surprised nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. on his birthday FYlday, when his i 3Atfc. children and families gathered at M ISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car his home in the evening. They pre sented him with a full set of fish and clyinder lock keys made. Wes ing equipment. As an added sur tern Auto Store. 250tfc. prise they presented their mother M 18CFLLANEOU8— Sewing mach with a set of Franciscan china in ines wanted, treadles, portables and honor of Mother's day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Patton, electrics, any condition. W ill pay Jr., and son, Del, Mr. and Mrs. top prices. Phone 247M. P. O. Box Clayton Patton and two child!en C08. 469 So First St. F, "Lete” and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe, Sackett, Ontario. Rebuilding, elec who were week-end guests from trifying, r e t ir in g . 5Dtfc. j M is e E LLANEOU8 — Electrolux I cleaners sales and service Price | $69.75. For free demonstration phone 567-J4 or write Ed A-. An derson, route 3, Welser, Idaho. 17Atfe. MISCELLANEOUS— White Swan Heln-ur-Seif laundry. Free pick up .and delivery. Ransom M. Sou therland. phone 95-W, Nyssa. First street, south Just o ff Main 17Atfc. | I M ISCELLANEOUS— Spring engine : tuneup. Let us put new life in your I car with a complete factory-appro- I ved engine tuneup. Herrlman Mo ¡to r Co. 17Atfc. C LE A N IN G Professional carpeting and up- ; holstery cleaning. Service In your home oy appointment only Phone 1 Roy Vawter at the Keep-U-Neat Cleaners Phone 70. 27Ftfc DINNER PARTIES HELD AT RICHLAND PAGE THREE county library station to be open on Saturday afternoons, Beginning May 24. at the grade school build ing In Adrian. For children living at a distance from any library parents may obtain a family li brary. These collections are select ed to suit the tastes of each and every member of the family, and may be had by sending a card to the county library at Ontario listing the names of the children and their grades In school and any individual interest of the children ir adults. VISION IN JAPAN (D elayed'— Opl. Calvin M. Mason, son of Mrs. Wayne Mason, is now serving with the occupational troops at Camp Schlmmelpfennlg near Sendai, Ja pan. He is assigned to Hq. and Hq. Co., 188th PIR , and is work ing In the capacity of a demolition corporal. Enlisting in the army at Fort Douglas, Utah, he proceeded to Camp Roberts. California, where he underwent basic training. He Joined the 11th airborne and took his Jump school training in New NYSSA GIRLS ARE Gunnea. His experiences overseas HONORED AT E.O.C.E. afforded him the purple heart and the presidential citation. Opl. Mason was attending high Hisako Kido of Nyssa was elect school before his enlistment in the ed president and Martha Browne army. of Nyssa was elected vice presi dent of the associated women stu dents of the Eastern Oregon Coll Leave After Visit— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson ege of Education at LaGrande of Romona, California left last last week. Miss Kido, dauhter o f Mr. and FYlday for Bend, Madras and Seat gMrs. Yuhet K ido of Nyssa, and tle. They visited friends in Nyssa Miss Browne, daughter of Mr. and and Ontario for 10 days. Mrs. Wesley J. Browne of Nyssa, will serve during the 1947-48 year. Serving 5 Counties Orace Foster, daughter of Mr. Prom 'oni the Largest Stock of [ and Mrs. W. W. Foster of Nyssa, was named secretary-treasurer of Genuine ihe College Christian Interfaith fellowship for the 1947-48 school year. The interfaith group ann ounced that the current year’s ac Parts tivities would end with a devo Orders Shipped Immediately tional breakfast and a retreat. R IC H LAN D (Special)— Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt and son and laughter, Albert and Caroline, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell and son and daughter, Billy and Mary, pent -Sunday fishing In the Owy hee river. Mrs. Dave Mitchell and Mrs. Dale Garrison were in Boise Thurs- 'ay attending the funeral of Mrs. John Janssen. Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin, Mrs. Wal- 'ace G r o g , Mrs. Dilley, Mrs. Rob ert Runcorn, Mrs. Fern Runcorn of the Richland district attended the Chatterbox club meeting FY1- ia v afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wilson Winters. Mrs. Ray Russell and Mrs. Louis Pfeiler were in Caldwell Saturday. CALVIN MASON IS Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Smith, Mrs. SERVING IN JAPAN Phone 49 Payette, Idaho Nora Ray, Ed Horn, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Landreth were the W IT H THE 11TH AIR BO R N E D I- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Diven Sunday. Mrs. Virgil McGee and daughters, Ellen and Doris, Mrs. Jake Sim mons. Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin and SRY.YOON û FELLfcft daughter, Donna, Mrs. H. A. D i WBN RP.E.N-T sfox) ven and daughter, Margaret, and Mrs. Henderson and daughter, Bar bara, were the Richland residents who attended the breakfast given for mothers by Job’s daughters Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Renstrom vere dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt Friday evening. Mrs. C liffofd Beckstead has re- .urned home from a visit in Utah. Mrs. Jacob Grout of Arcadia, Mrs. Rena Van Zelf and Gertrude i/anderwlnkle of Nyssa were the Get 100 cents’ worth out of your tire dol quests of Mrs. Joe Dtrksen W ed lar, The experts at O K . RUBBER W E L nesday. DERS will show you how you can double Mr. and Mrs. Cheldelin of Yaki- the life of your present tires...Finest qual na, Washington are visiting their ity recapping and repairing in town. son, O. E. Cheldelin, and family. Manser, Inc. MfCKfYand U/S MA Br 0 K "UB8ER welders TEACHER SEZ:- SUMMER READING PROGRAM PLANNED O .K . R U B B E R W E L D E R S In co-operation with the county libraries and the schools, several parent-teacher associations o f the county are supporting the summer reading program to be conducted for the children of the grade schools. The Nyssa, Adrian, Wade, Lincoln, Vale, Conklin and Lind bergh P.T.A. groups are partici pating. The county library staff is preparing announcements of the plan to be given each child on the last day of school. Four grades o f certificates may be earned In summer reading by the children of the first to the eight grades. The libraries will have books suitable for the young est readers so that they, too, may win certificates. The simplest cer tificate may be earned by reading five books any time after school closes, the highest award will be for reading 11 books with some reading done in July and August. Slips on which to report the books read may 'be obtained from the li braries, one for each book. These slips will be collected by Miss L il lian Nisbet, county librarian, and the number turned In by each child will determine the grade of certificate awarded. At the end of the summer the certificates will be turned over to the P.T.A. as sociations to be awarded In what ever way they may decide. Books may be obtained from the libraries at Nyssa, Ontario and Vale, and the county library sta tion at Korman's store at Adrian. Library stations In the wade dis trict will be announced later. Mrs. Stanley Hill, president of Ihe King- man Kolony P.T.A., announces that her association will maintain a REC APP ING & REPAIRING NEW PHONE 5 M CAR, T R U C K - T R A C T O R TIRES , ...............■■■■■= NYSSA. OREGON UKIKLE H A N K SEZ i f SEEM S U K t F O LK S I » A L W A V S IN A H U R R V N O W -4 D AV S - • B A C K W HEN I W AS A OOV W E J E S ' SfARTED SO O N E R . 1 * 'V* Russell and Mclntire Brush and Spra> Paint Contractors And Sign Writers Work Guaranteed Phone 181J, Nyssa, Oregon I f you’ve neglected your car In the past . . S T A R T NOW to take cars of it. The cars of today are | priceless possessions . . . come to us for glass replacements, uphol stering. painting and the finest tn body rebuilding. |W55*A/lbBodqSho|i COMPLETE BODY ¿ PAINi SHOP w n C K C R SCR VICÍ C LA SS D E P T . —^ Í V a /OTW Use Standard Poultry House Spray to kill mites, lice, ticks and fleas. Comes mixed, ready to use. A dime’s worth covers more than 100 square feet and stays active for days. And use Stand ard W hite O il No. 9 U.S.P. to step up egg production from ____________ listlers hens. M ix with feed. It’s n o n -irritating m ineral o il that helps bowel movements. W. E. SCHIREMAN PHONE 61 STA N D A RD OF C A L IF O R N IA PRODUCTS