Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE TWO WE ARE MODERN P IO N E E R S "Forest Prince”. Owyhee school— Solo, “Jolly Centennial contest song entered st The Gate City Journal Raindrops“, Sharon Query; piano Salt Lake City. Winners to be announced later. solo. "Wigwam”, Sharon Query; 1. song. “All Through the Night”, Editor and Publisher intermediate girls; choral reading. We are modem Pioneers KLASS V. POWELL brave and tall. " J o n a t h a n Bing”, Intermediate Standing We will conquer every foe boys; solo, ‘Linda" by Virginia ADVERTISING RATud Whether large or small. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cook; song, “School days". Upper Faith and honor by our side— Open rate, per Inch.........35c One Year_______________ 82-00 We accept the test grades. To make this world a better place aix Months.........................$1J5 National, per Inch........._...40c Adrian school- - Song, “All the Classilieds, per word------.30 do our best. Single Copies................. .06 Birds are Here Again", third and We will always CHORUS Minimum.........30c (Strictly In Advance) fourth grade; singing games, “Oats, Have no fear to tell the truth. Peas, Beans and Barley Grows”, The world Is waiting for the youth grade; “Farmer In the Dell”, of Zion— Published every Thursday at Nyssa Malheur County. Oregon second grade; violin solo, Sherry 1 2 . Entered at the postolflces at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission first Reiter; song, "Old Black Joe”, We will carry Freedoms torch, through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under fifth and sixth grade; square dance, God will be our guide. the act 01 March 3, 1878. We will lead the Vlct'ry march .eventh and eighth grade girls. Of this world so wide. Wade school— Song, “Sing A We will make a paradise, Song When You Are Happy" Adrian high school building Mon Little with joy will swell; and “When Irish Eyes are Smiling”, Hearts s keep marching arm In arm— day afternoon with four schools upper grades; piano duet, “Barcar Let’ Everything will be just swell; olle" from Tales of Hoffman. Lor- 3. participating. alne and Loretta Van De Water; The following program was glv- tap dance, Kennadine Anders; Every man a noble man, Every girl a queen. song, “Old Black Joe" and “Juan We closer every day ita”, four girls of upper grades; To a come A music festival was held In the 1 Junion high band, “Bigs” and song, “My Old Kentucky Home”, We will land hold supreme. our standards high "Billy Boy” and "London Bridge Courage flag unfurled, for___ is Falling Down", lower grades; WE ARE MODERN PIONEERS solo, "Red Wing”, Ardis Swan; We will shout it to the world. WILL YOUR CAMERA duet, “That Little Kid Sister ol T. Oarol Bybee Mine”, Carol and Donald Harris. GET THAT PICTURE? Nyssa, Oregon Bend school— Song. “Daisies Won’t Tell, upper grades; duet. ARE YOU OPERATING IT RIGHT? "I Won't Play in Your Yard”, song “Old Black Joe”, upper grades; IS IT IN GOOD REPAIR? song, “Home on the Rrange", low er grades. ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs. Lottie Montgomery, teacher of the primary grades at Owyhee Mrs. W. A. Fox entertained the D.W.T. Pinochle club at her home was chairman of the festival. near Nyssa Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Lbona FOLK LEAVE TO Reeves, Mrs. C. C. Cotton, Mrs. Kingrey and Mrs. Ellen ATTEND FUNERALJ Harry Fields. Extra guests of the club were Mrs. Luray Traibert, Mrs. BUENA VISTA (Special)—Mr. and Lyle Fullmer, Mrs. Leona Reeves Mrs. Willis Bertram were in Nam and Mrs. Ed Larssen. pa Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, - 5 - BIRTHDAY We Will Help You With Your Problems CELEBRATES Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephen left for California Satuday to at Little Alan Carroll Tucker cele And Check Your Camera. tend the funeral of the sister of brated his birthday last Wednes day afternoon by inviting eight of Mrs. James Stephen, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Cleaver of his friends. Iowa visited at the home of his A large angelfood cake with four brother, George Cleaver, and fami candles formed the centerpiece. Ice cream and cake were served. A ly. Alva Goodell, Jr., was in On favor was presented to each of the tario Tuesday. guests. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Duncan of Jordan Valley were overnight CLUB TO GIVE FOOD guests last week at the Leslie Top- Mrs. Wilson Winter entertained liff home. Mrs. Duncan is a niece the Chatterbox club at her house of Mrs. Topliff. afternoon. Twelve members 36-Hour Service On Roll Film Finishing. W. C. Ballard has been ill the Friday answered call with "Time Sav past several days at the home of ers”. Mrs. roll William Smiley and Mrs. his daughter, Mrs. George Cleaver. Robert Runcorn were PLENTY OF ROLL FILM Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day, Mrs. Runcorn later became guests. a member. Ritchie and Ray Griffits at Portraits ........ Copies ........ Commercial Work Jim members voted to have the tended a card party at the Claude The club send a food package to Aus Saturday evening. tria every month and each mem BABY SPECIAL------12 Photos and one 8 X 10 Day Mrs. home Delbert Cleaver was hostess ber to furnish a small amount of In the Out Our Way club at her food suitable for packing at the Enlargement for $2.50 is being continued. home Thursday afternoon. Nine next meeting. ladles answered role call with a Mrs. John Rldder was In charge |oke. Refreshments were served. the games, with Mrs. Knowles The next meeting will be held at of and Mrs. Dille winning high prize. the Loyd Cleaver home June 12. The next meeting will be held at Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie were the home of Nettle Knowles May in Caldwell Friday. 23. Refreshments were served. V j > Block So. of Main on 5th St. Phone 103W DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook and daughter of Ontario were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Holstein Dairy Sale— 13 miles Joe Sutherland. northwest of Vale, on the John Day highway to Willowcreek store, AUXILIARY -9— ENTERTAINS then 2'4 miles west on first road The Legion Auxiliary past store. Thursday, May 22, l met last American evening at the p.m. Lunch on grounds. 37 Hol home of Thursday Eddie Powell, with stein dairy cattle, farm machinery. Miss Lottie Mrs. Phillips Let the Building Bug point Roy as co-hostess. Duncan and son. owners, Joe During the business meeting, the way to materials for Church and Walter Fritts, auction gates to the state convention dele to repairing and limited con eers. Ed Painter, clerk. be held June 26, 26 and 27 at struction! Portland were chosen as follows: Mrs. E. K. Burton and Mrs. Sid Burbidge, with Mrs. J. L. Husby and Mrs. H. O. Hopkins as alter nates. Miss Mary Bums was a special guest. 1935 Ford tudor. ‘37 Terraplane pickup GIVE DINNER Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kerby 1936 Chev. tudor. entertnln“d Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kerby, Mr. and Mrs. 1937 Chev. tudor. Quy Kerby and Lou Dunn of Boise. 1936 Chev. truck. Dinner was served on the lawn table In the yard. WATTS MOTOR CO — J— TUESDAY CLUB PLAYS was played by members Box A Phone 144 J of Bridge the Tuesday club last week at the home of Mrs. William Wahl- Nyssa, Oregon NOW IN STOCK! NOW IN STOCK! ert. Prizes in cards were won oy Mrs. Carlos Buchner and Mrs. Syl- THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1947 vester Herner Suecal guests -were 22, at 2 o'clock at the home of I three-year term on the school dls- ^ rs Eldon Ulmer, Spetal “ Mrs R M Cochran Mrs. Idaho Basil trict budget committee. Other com- M TTlmpr Mrs. M rs. S W Ab- Ah- Mrs. S. W. Osborn of New Plym outh.------ | mlttee members are Arvel Child erstrfd, Mrs. Glea Billings and Mrs. wU1 be the guest speaker Her sub- Garrison, who have two E. E. Hummel. ject wm be "One Hundred Years j and __ -8 - of Methodism In China". years yet to serve, and Vem Butler PLAY BRIDGE | The devotional part of the pro- and J L. Hernman, who have one Mrs. Oeorge Mitchell was host- gram will be given by Mrs. Vern | year to serve, ess to the Thursday afternoon club i Farson GUESTS AT DINNER last week. Mrs. Tom Eldredge won Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy were the high score and Mrs. Burnall Appointed on Committee— dinner guests of Mr. and Brown the traveling prize. Mrs. Ron G. Larson was appointed by Sunday Mrs. James Woolf. Campbell was a guest of the mem* the R. school board this week to a bers. — MEET WOMEN - 5 TO The Methodist Women’s society will meet Thursday afternoon, May F T lr in n _ SALE CALENDAR FOR SA LE R o u gh Lum ber F o r F ram in g Lumber is still scarce but we do have some 1-incta and 2- tnch rough stock suitable lor framing and general farm repairing. 1 PLAN AHEAD! All Standard Sizes and Styles of Win dow Sash. Screen Doors Poultry Netting Red Barn Paint Repair Roofs NOW! We now have fairly adequate supplies of roofing materials including ; Aluminum Roofing Roll Roofing Composition Shingles A.bestos Shingles S to re C o al Now ! Indications are that produc tion delays and car short ages will make coal scarce again next fall and winter. Buy and store all you can NOW! LUMBER a Y a rd N ear Y o u O. L. Galloway, Manager " Nyssa, Oregon ... ................., v , T i+ a .h r» 1 . Jersey Breeders association at the Nyssa Grade School Grounds Saturday, May 17 \cacty. f&v- H E R ftiU t/ie! B uild an account here where your savings are protected by experienced and capable management plus in S U R C D sa fe ty! Support another of our home industries! Herriman Motor Co. Eastern Oregon Federal Savings and Loan Association Baker. Oregon “Your Ford Dealer” Hyd raulic Farm Hand Hay Stacker Place Your Order Now So your machine will be delivered for the first cutting of hay. B AND M EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. Hydraulic Farm Han'd Dealer for Malheur County Phone 330 CALDWELL IDAHO or Call Leslie Burbank, phone 015-R1 Nyssa, Oregon R e m e m b e r — o n ly C h e v ro le t g iv e s you BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST . . . a n d o n ly value like this need s a tis fy y o u ! Chevrolet gives you the Big- Car styling and luxury of Body by Fieher—at lowest prices— and it’a the only car that does I Chevrolet gives you the combined Big-Car comfort and safety of the Knee-Action Ride and Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes— together with exceptional gas and oil economy—and it’s the only car that does 1 N a t u r a lly , you a n d your family want the highest motoring enjoy ment at the lowest pos sible price; and you’ll find these advantages in the new 1947 Chevrolet — the only car giving Big-Car quality at lowest cost— as the following facts prove. Chevrolet gives you the Big-C»r performance and reliability of a Valve-in-Head Thrift-Master Engine—together with Chev rolet's low upkeep coats—and it’s the only car that does I To Beautify Your Home With Yes, only Chevrolet give« you BIO-CAR QUALITY A T LOWEST COST; and only need satisfy you. Vis» our showroom, k.op your order with us for a now 1947 Ch.vrolot. thi« 4— 4 and plot, and Wallpaper NEW 1947 CHEVROLET Nyssa Furniture Co. Cable’s Chevrolet Co. We have many designs of lightproof and waterproof paper. Both ready-pasted and regular paper. BO ISE ~Tboton You Still Have Time ... the spring daily show of the Malheur County FREE EVANS STUDIO „ Let’s All Attend Music Festival Held At Adrian Social Notes . 1 Block West of R. R. Depot Ontario, Oregon