Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1947)
r/ieNYSSA VO LU M E X X X X II NO. 17 $40,000 Issue Of Bonds Askec By School Boarc Money, I f Allowed, W il Be Used For Grade School Building JOURNAl NYSSA, OREGON, NYSSA ATHLETES TO PARTICIPATE IN STATE MEET Coach Howard Lovejoy left this morning for Corvallis with Bob Church and George Iseri, who will enter the state track meet there this week-end. They will be ac companies by Goucner or Vale, the only other “ A " school man to go to the state meet from Malheur county. Church will enter the discus ev ent and Iseri will enter the broad- lump. Church set a new record in the district meet in La Grande last Saturday with a throw of 132 feet, 6 inches, and a few minutes later a Mac Hi athlete heaved the discus eight inches farther, giving Church second place. Iseri won the broadjump with a leap of 20 feet, and 3/4 of an inch. Goucher, who is a miler, also placed in the district meet. Adrian Boys Participate Leonard Clausen and Ivan Jen sen of Adrian, accompanied by Principal Stanley Huffman, also (eft today for Corvallis to partici pate in the state meet. Clausen won first place in the 440-yard dash and Jensen won second in the ole vault event in "B " competi tion at La Grande. THURSDAY, M A Y 15, 1947 W. PATCH Nyssa Defeats DENNIS NAMED PRINCIPAL School Closed This Week With Baccalaureate, Vale Nine In OF NYSSA SCHOOL League Opener Commencement Exercises; 54 Graduating Locals Score Four Runs In Eighth To Win Exciting Game The school board of district 26C has called an election to be held May 31 for the purpose of deciding on a Question of contracting bonded indebtedness of $40,000 for improvement o f the Nyssa grade school ibuilding. The election will be held in the grade school building in Nyssa be tween the hours of 2 p.m. and p.m. The district plans to build an addition, which will include four class rooms, two toilets and an of fice for the superintendent. The district also plans to place asphalt tile on the floors throughout the old and new sections, remodel me lighting system in the present building and install metal lockers in the rooms. It will also repair the outside of the building, which is deteriorating very rapidly. The entire project will cost ap proximately $91.000. The district row has $51,000 available from a five-m ill serial levy that was in stituted three years ago. The peo ple will be asked to vote on the proposal to raise the additional $10,000 through a bond issue. Only property owners whose names appear on the last assess Mrs. Anna I,arson died at her ment roll and are residents of the district are eligible to vote on the home at the Owyhee corner May 12. following an illness extending proposition. over a period of several years. Mrs. Larson was born Novem ber 5, 1863 In Give, Denmark. She tame to the United States when she was 21 years old and moved to Nyssa about 26 years ago. Mrs. I arson was. a member of the Bap tist church. She was the widow Baccalaureate services for the of Louis Theodore Larson, who Adrian high school seniors will oe died October 17, 1931. held Sunday, May 18 at 8 p.m., Survivors are six daughters, Mrs. with Rev. Henry Moore of the Esther Cottingim of Kernville, Ore United Community Presbyterian gon, Mrs. Jen Brown of Los An church of Adrian delivering the geles, Mrs. Grover Douglas of Eag sermon. le Creek, Oregon, Mrs. Claude Rev. E. M. Ritchie of the Free Smith of Nyssa. Mrs. Frank Phil Methodist church will give the in lips of Nyssa and Mrs. Hugh Glenn vocation and benediction. The high of Nyssa; a son. Albert Larson of school band will play the procès Caldwell: a sister. Mrs. Carrie Vi- stona! and recessional and a girls bert of Gateway, Oregon, 14 grand sextet will sing. children and 16 great grandchild Graduation exercises will be held ren. Friday night, May 23. Dr. W. W. Funeral services will be held Fri Hall, president of the College of day at 2 p.m. in the Owyhee Idaho, will deliver the address. schoolhouse with Rev. Kriner of Relating. Interment will be in the Owyhee cemetery. The body is in the Nyssa Funeral home. The Nyssa school board has em ployed Dennis W. Patch as prin cipal of the high school, succeed ing Errett Hummel, resigned. Mr. Patch attended high school at Weiser, Idaho and received his bachelor of science degree and master’s degree from Oregon State college at Corvallis. He has been employed in the public schools at Halfway, Adrian and Burns. He was in administrative work in all three systeins. Mr. Patch is now completing the school year at Burns. Rev. Whipple Tells O f Importance O f Charac ter In Talk James Donald To Speak On Graduating Pro gram Tonight The Nyssa town team blasi/.d the Rev. George Whipple o f Nyssa Commencement exercises of the Vale nine for four runs in the told the graduating seniors of the \ Nyssa high school will be held in eighth tatnag «o w-n tne opening the gymnasium tonight, beginning Nyssa high school at baccalaureate baseball game of the Idaho-Ore- service held in the gymnasium last at 8 o’clock, with James T. Donald eon league on the Nyssa diamond Sunday night that “The habits delivering the principal address on last Sunday by a score of 9 to 6. you have formed are the most im- Vale scored three runs in the the subject of "One Tenth of a iw-tant things in your high school third frame on a triple by Bates life” . Second”. but Nvssa came back in the fourth Speaking before a rather large The valedictory »rill be given by with four hits and four runs, mak congregation. Rev. Whipple said Alyce Wada and the salutatory by ing the count 4 to 3. As the locals "Character is more important than swung into action in the fourth Doris Beers. anything else in your four years 'nning, Vaughn walked. Calvin Wil- Other numbers on the program in high school, because your char "■on drove out a double that put acter is the thing that will wield will be given as follows: Vaughn on third and Lovejov that education. You can’t hope for Prelude, “The Traveler", high walked, loading the bases. Holman success unless you have morality school band; processional, high singled, driving in the first two with your education. school band; prayer, Rev. C. L. runners and Hartley and Frank The 4-H spring show, sponsored Rev. Whipple said his talk was Callahan; piano solo, “Prelude in Wilson sin"'ed scoring Lovejov and annually by the Malheur 4-H lead based on two questions: “ What C Sharp Minor", Adrienne Peter Holman. The next three batters ers council, will be held in On are you going to do with your son; selections, “ America, Thou went out in one-two-three order. tario Tuesday and Wednesday, May whole life, and how do your four Blessed Land” , and "God Bless In the sixth. Vale scored two 26 and 27, according to E. M. Hau years in high school prepare you America", double quartet; presen more runs and in the seventh made ser, eounty club agent. for that life?" tation of awards, Superintendent another when Johnson. Vale catch This event will feature exhibits "Science", which you pupils have Henry H. Hartley; presentation of er, drove out a trin'e and came and contests in 4-H projects car been studying” , Mr. Whipple said, American Legion awards. Com <n on n flv bail, making the score ried on during the winter. Mem "is approximately one-twelfth of mander H. O. Hopkln; presenta 6 to 4 for Vale going into the bers of clothing, cookery, health, all knowledge there is to be learn tion of class, Principal Errett eighth. homemaking and knitting clubs ed. Only two percent of what you Hummel; presentation of diplomas, In the last half of the eighth. may exhibit articles made in their have heard in high school will you Orland Cheldelln, school board Nvssa turned on the steam after project work, and may compete in •etain. So I say the habits you chairman, and recessional, high the Vale pitcher donated free trips the various contests. have formed are the most import school band to first, base to Holman and Hart- The exhibits will be on display ant things in your high school life” . Members of the graduating class 'ev. T^e two runners, larking .any in the high school gymnasium, and “ For the most part we have left ire Chester Ashby, Jack Atkeson, show of appreciation, made a dotrb- the contests will be held in the religion out of education. A col David Bnllantyne, Dorothy Bar- ’e steal, taking second and third. home economics rooms in the ad lege diploma is no guarantee of Frank W ''"nn drove them both ministration building. tholoma. John Bartholma, Doris mental health. However, education, on a sln»le. Bellon put Frank Beers, Jerry Bellon, Donald Ber- Miss Helen Cowgill, assistant outside of the development of char Wilson on second on a sacrifice and state club leader, will judge the acter. is the most important thing gam, Speiier Beus, Kenneth Chard, Pitcher Wohlcke filed out to cen- classes of exhibits, and will select in life. A high school education Patty Chard, Robert Church, La terfielder. Iseri singled „scoring the winners in the contests Judg will mean much to you, but how Vern Cleaver, Gerald Crandall. Frank Wilson. H Wl'son, playing ing will be by the classification muoh it means will deiiend on your John Dillon, Darlene Erwin, Lor first for George Vaughn, who was method, with all exhibits of equal moral character. Godly character raine Farr, Arnold Oarren, Treva hit on the knee by a pitched ball quality receiving the same award. has to be cultivated. It has to be Garren, Eugene Graham, Patricia In the seventh, reached first on an Exhibits will be classified into a nurtured by a study of G od’s work. Qwynn, Donald Herren, Ellen Her- DORIS BEERS error on the shortstop and on the blue r ibbon class, red ribbon class, These are the things that stabil rman, Willis Hiatt, Thurman Hill. same error Iseri scored. C. W il and ribbon-of-merit class. Grand ize your lives.” Paul Hirai, Eldred Irving, George Alyce Wada and Doris Beers have son singled to score H. Wilson, hampion exhibits in clothing and Iseri, Nancy Kesler, Rulon King, Citing the biblical story o f the been named as valedictorian and making' the count 9 to 6. Lawrence Lamb, Mildred Loe. Don In cookery will receive a scholar prodigal son, Rev. Whipple said salutatrian, respectively, of the 1947 Onlv four Vale batters faced ship to 4-H summer school. ald Low, Laurence Low, Dona'd “Life has to be confined to be graduating class of the Nyssa high Wohlcke in the ninth. Lytle, Henry Maw, Joy Mundy. All exhibits except cooking are lived well. T o do as you please is Frank Wilson, catcher for Nys- to- be taken. tr> the Lull Monday the greatest tragedy in the world. school. They will appear on the Orvts Newell, Tets Okano, Lamarr sa, batted three for four, driving afternoon. May 26, when they will A person has to get into a rut and program in the gymnasium tonight. Orr, Adrienne Peterson, Robert tn three runs. Both Wohlcke and be received and prepared for judg learn to do orie thing well. That Pharaoh. William Randolph Dolls Atkins struck out eight men. ing by a committee of local lead is the way to live and get the most Ransom, Sam Sakamato, David Nvssa will play Nampa at Nam ers. Cooking exhibits may be ex- out of life. You are going to have Sarazln. June Savage, Jame Sm il pa next week. lbited Tuesday morning. May 27. All to get romance out of the rut in ey, Lynn Swensen, Ted Takaml, Box Score exhibits will be judged Tuesday which you choose to live.” Margene Talbot, Catherine Van Nyssa B II o A and will be on display for public Other numbers on the program Twlsk, Alyce Wada, Earlene W ild- Iseri. m.. 5 1 1 0 inspection Wednesday. man. were given as follows: Processional, Prelim inary plans for selecting 2 0 8 0 Vaughn, cf.. The bread-baking contest is sche high school orchestra; Invocation, H. Wilson, lb.. 1 0 2 0 duled for Tuesday afternoon at Bishop Arvel Child: hymn by the a queen to christen the Pacific 4 2 1 1 2 o’clock, with the dollar dinner congregation; C. Wilson, 3b., vocal solo, “The Trailways bus to be designated as 4 1 4 2 contest arranged for Tuesday a f Lord's Prayer", June Savage, ac the “ City of Nyssa’ were announc- Lovejoy, ss., 4 1 3 2 ternoon and Wednesday morning. companied by Adriene Peterson: ed this week. Holman, 2b„ S/Sgt. Jesse D. Holland of the 3 2 0 0 The demonstration team contest Hartley, r f„ Payette U. S. army recruiting of Mrs. A. V. Pruyn announced that scripture reading, Rev. H. J. Gern- | The time for the christening has F. Wilson, c„ 4 3 9 3 will be held Wednesday morning. fice, announced today that many hardt; selections, Since First I not been set, but it will probably Miss Daisy Secoy, county children's 1 0 0 0 Hartloo, If., The climax of this spring show- Met Thee" and “ The Y ear’s At be held the latter part of May or librarian, will again be at the parents throughout the Snake riv 2 1 1 0 will be the style dress revue to be The Spring", girls glee club, direct Bellon, Is., Nysa library at 2:30 Tuesday af er valley are allowing their sons 4 0 0 1 held Wednesday afternoon in the ed by Lynn Lawrence; prayer, Rev. the first part o f June. Wohlcke, p.. to take advantage of the opportun Persons Interested in nominat ternoons to tell stories. There will 34 11 27 9 gymnasium. In this contest the E. J. Wilson; hymn by the con Totals ities offered them by the army's always be sometlng of Interest for The Malheur County Association Vale B H O A girls model the dresses they have gregation; benediction. Rev. M. J. ing a girl far the honor are asked the four-year-olds, and children current attempt to enlist 100 men of Master Plumbers asked the city Good, 3b., 1 2 1 made in their project work, county Duncan and recessional, high school to turn the names into a member 4 to serve together as the Snake of the chamber of commerce com about to start to school in the fall council at a meeting Tuesday night Johnson, c., 5 3 9 2 champions in the four divisions are River platoon in the famous First orchestra. mittee, A. O. Wells, Bernard Frost are especially invited to attend. to appoint a plumbing inspector T. Atkins, p.. 2 selected, and these champions are 0 4 0 Cavalry division. The librarians said this year the or Roy Bibbey. Organizations, busi and to enforce the plumbing code. F. Bates, m„ 2 0 eligible to compete at the state fair 5 2 Sgt. Holland stated that already ness firms and rural groups are large portable record player be The plumbers were represented 1 0 3 0 Terry, rf.. this month 72 applications have this fall. asked to propose the names of like longing te the county library will by Mr. Brower of Nyssa and Mr. E. Bates, cf.. 3 I 6 0 been received for this platoon, and ly candidates. I f time permits, a be an added attraction. The library Hawk of Ontario. The present city A. Atkins, of.. 0 0 0 4 that part of the section has not contest for the selection will be owns a variety o f records based on code does not provide for the pay 2 2 2 4 Comman, 2b., A. O. Wells, manager of the held. I f not, the queen will prob children’s literature from nursery been contacted, as yet. The 100 ment of fees or the appointment Houser, ss.. 1 0 2 4 Nyssa theatre, announced this week ably be selected by a drawing. man quota, as originally set, is ex rhymes to dramatic versions of of an inspector. After the plumb Totals 36 9 24 8 that he has booked four Mexican pected to be filled much be! >re Names must be submitted to the famous books. Miss Secoy will be ers asked the council to adopt the Errors, H. Wilson, Lovejoy 2, F. pictures for the benefit of the committee members by 12 o’clock, glad to talk over summer reading the deadline of May 27. This is the date on which the platoon will state code as a city ordinance, Bates, Houser. Runs batted in, Mexican nationals working in this Wednesday, May 21. plans with the older boys and girls the councilmen took the matter Iseri, C. Wilson, Holman 2, H art leave Boise for Fort Lewis. and discuss the summer reading Complete plans for the spring area. under .advisement. ley, F. Wilson 3. Runs, Iseri, H. The pictures will be shown Sun awards being offered by the P.T.A., Dr. L. A. Moulding of Nyssa, Wilson, Vaughn, C. Wilson, Love dairy show to be held by the M al day mornings at 10 o’clock, the she said. Baby Arrives— county health officer, said that joy. Holman 2. Hartley, F. Wilson, heur County Jersey Breeders ass first Sunday, May 18. The films Miss Lillian Nisbet, county li Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson are from the standpoint of health ociation on the grounds of the Good, Johnson 2, F. Bates, Terry, brarian, and Miss Secoy will assist Nyssa grade school Saturday, May were made in Mexico in the Span parents of a girl born May 9 at plumbing should be done accord Houser. Two ibase hits, C. Wilson, ish dialogue, featuring the favorite at the opening of the Adrian com 17 were announced this week. the Brlttingham nursing home in ing to the code. The Nyssa Civic club will spon Bellon: three base hits, Johnson 2, All entries must be on the grounds stars of Mexico. Ontario. The baby, weighing 6 sor the presentation of a sacred munity library Saturday afternoon, Richard Maw, representing the F. Bates. Base on balls, Atkins 3. Mr. Wells pointed out that the cantata entitled, “ Abel", to be sung May 24. The community library at pounds, 15 ounces, was named Lin Nyssa Parent-Teacher association, -Additional contributions to the by 10 a. m. The 4-H judging will the Adrian grade school is the pro farmers Who have Mexicans liv da Marie. asker the council to pass a resolu baseball club announced this week be started at 10:30. Following the ing on their farms should endeav by the Gem state academy class of Caldwell Sunday evening, May 18, ject of the Kingman Kolony P.T.A. tion including the city of Nyssa were made by Herbert Fisher and Judging by G. C. Anderson of the College of Idaho, Mr. Anderson or to get the men to town to see at 8 o’clock in the Nyssa gymnas In Hospital— a proposed park district. The Nyssa Cleaners. Babies Arrive— will give a demonstration of gland Uie shows. ium. Mrs. Walter Freeman was oper resolution was approved. Petitions "These pictures should be a good Tw in girls, weighing 6 pounds, ular development of dairy heifers. The mixed chorus Is composed of ated on last Friday at the St. Al- ufficient to place the park dis The show »rill be recessed for moral builder for the men as they over 50 voices 'and is accompanied 9 ounces and 5 pounds, 13 ounces, phonsus hospital in Boise. trict proposal on the ballot have lunch, which will be served on the are In a strange country and some by the Gem State Academy or were bom May 10 in the Nyssa been signed. Mr. Maw said. grounds by the women of the Jer thing from home should boost the chestra. H. A. Work, composer of Nursing home to Mr. and Mrs. Going to California— Carl Bumlngham of Carl's Doll sey club The public is Invited to morale and furnish entertainment the music, also directs the can Gilbert Holmes of Nyssa. Other Mr. and Mr. John Murphy will House asked for a change in the The annual close-of-school picnic babies born at the Nursing home for th em ", Mr. Wells said. tata. leave Sunday for a two-week va curb cuts at his place of business was held for the pupils of the attend the lunch. Open class Judging will be start The public is invited to attend during the last 10 days were as cation trip to San Mateo and San when the new curb is installed. Nyssa grade school Wednesday. follows: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mar ed at 1:30 p. m. and a grand par free of charge. Bernard Eastman and Klass V. Francisco, California. The first six grades had a picnic tinez, girl, 7 pounds, 12 ounces, Powell were appointed by the lunch at the school and then at ade will be held at 4 o’clock on bom May 5; Mr. and Mrs. Wood- Receive» Orchids— council to the city budget com tended a picture show, “ Adventures the grounds. Colored motion pic Here from Idaho— tures will be taken of the show. Mrs. Minnie Leuck received three row Seuell, girl, 7 pounds, 3 ounc- Mr. and Mrs. Afton Paris of mittee for a period of three years. of Huckleberry Finn' at the Nyssa An award assembly will be held May 5; Mr. and Mrs. Hollle Irvin Slater, western field man theater. The children were guests for the American Jersey Cattle in the high school auditorium Fri- baby orchids from her son, Lieut. Smith, son, 7 pounds, 12 ounces, Pocatello visited over the week-end H. F. Leuck. who is stationed in of the teachers and theatre m an club, and H. L. Myers, western [day morning at 10:15 Just prior at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean May 7; Mr. and Mrs. John Moody, Honolulu. The Mother's day pres agement. Smith. director for the club, will attend to the dismissal of school for the ent, which was delayed en route, son, 5 pounds. 5'4 ounces. May 8; The Junior high school picnic the show. I summer. arrived here Wednesday of this Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Turner, boy, was held on the grounds and then SHOW ER IS G IVEN Athletic letters and journalism. week The flowers “ came through 7 pounds, 14 ounces. May 12; Mr L. F. Mesler and son, F. D. a boys and girls softball tournament A miscellaneous bridal shower and Mrs. Don King, son, 8 pounds. 4-H and Girls league awards will beautifully", Mrs. Leuck said. Return from Trip— was given last Thursday evening Mesler of Nampa, have purchased was held. Carl Maw's team won May 12, and Mr and Mrs Vernon Mr. and Mrs. James Olln have be presented to eligible students. the Thompson Oil company from the tournament and Dick Pouna's returned home from an extended The new student body president. in the high school building for Parker, son, 8 pounds. 1% ounces. Leaving for Utah— Henry Jenkins and have already team took second place. Winona Henderson, secretary in visit through the middle west and Dean Sutherland, will be Intro Mr and Mrs. S. W Abersold and May 13. Eighth grade pupils will receive the high school office. Hostesses taken possession of the business. south. Mr Olln, who attended the duced by Don Herren. School will children will leave this week-end F. D. Mesler was recently dis their diplomas at an assembly F ri were Mrs. Ada Haworth. Mr3. Faye Reich School o f Auctioneering at be dismissed about 11 'clock. for Logan, Utah to make their A ‘ **n<* P ro gra m - Eachus. Mrs Engstrom, Miss Nl- charged from the navy after serv day morning. The lower grades will Mason City, Iowa, expects to enter Report cards will be distributed home. Mr. Abersold. who has been* Mra **• J Gemhardt and Mrs. ing for four years. receive their report cards Friday hart and Mrs. Virginia Steffens the auctioneering business in this in Utah the past week, returned O. B. Ege attended the Mother’s _ __ ___ new owners will continue morning. Oames were played and _________The refresh section soon. Mr and Mrs. Olln, Parents of Boy— Sunday accompanied by his niece. day program at La Grande Sun ments were served. Miss H en d er-jto operate the business under the who formerly operated a farm near day. John Oemhardt. a student at A son weighing 8 pounds. 2 ounc Miss Carla Abersold Viits Parents— son will become the bride of Mer- Thompson name. Nyssa. visited in Texas. Colorado, es. was bom to Mr and Mrs El- the Eastern Oregon College of Ed Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foster and rildean Robbins in June. I ----------------------- New Mexico, Michigan and Iowa. den Yergensen of Nyssa in the ucation, motored to Nyasa and took T O DISCUSS B U ILD IN G 1 Student Home— children of Colusa. California spent Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario Mr. Dickover, architect for the the ladles to La Orande On Vacation— Miss Grace Faster, student at from Saturday until Monday at Riding ( lab to Meet— Wednesday, May 7. The baby has Boise Payette Lumber company, Mr. and Mrs. Art Boydell left the Eastern Oregon College of Ed the W W Foster home They were ■ T h e Owyhee Riding chib will been named Carlos Ray will speak at a meeting of the Charch Folk Visit— ucation. spent the week-end with Wednesday for Ft. Lewis, Wash en route to Brldger, Montana to hold a steak fry Sunday noon at Nyssa Women'll Civic club Wed The Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Beck ington to visit at the home of their her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. spend the summer. the city park. Members are asked Movie To Be Shown— nesday. May 21 at 2:30 in the er and daughter, Barbara Oall. of daughter and son-in-law. Lt. Col. Foster. to provide their own utensils and The Christian movie, "A Woman Episcopal parish hall. Walla Walla, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. John Beckham They will Here from Idaho— silverware, cup, plate, knife, fork, T o Remember ”, will be shown in Mr Dlckover’s topic, "New Trends and Mrs. Roland G. Wuest and also visit Mrs. Boydell’s sister. Mrs. Here from Hood River— Mr. and Mrs Walter Patch of spoon, potato salad and butter the Lutheran church In Parma in Home-Building", should be daughter, Karen, at the Lutheran Peinen. at Bremerton, another j Mr. and Mrs Malcolm Over- Idaho Falls spent Mother's day __ __ at sandwiches and anything else they Monday night. May 19 at 8 30 p peclally Interested to the many parsonage from Sunday until Wed daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and street of Hood River were week-1 the home of" Mr. and Mrs. Ray desire. They are also expected to m. No admission will be charged, people of this community who are nesday. Rev Becker is pastor of Mrs. E. H. Smith, at Corvallis, and end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie C. Lewis Mrs Patch is a niece take their tools and work all day but a free-will offering will be building or are planning to build Christ Lutheran church In Walla Blayney Boydell at The Dalles. 'Grider. I0f Mrs. Lewis. on the rodeo grounds. taken. new residences, club officers said. Walla. 4-H Spring Show Will be Held in Ontario in May Mrs Anna Larson Dies At Owyhee Baccalaureate At Adrian Set PLATOON OF SNAKE RIVER MEN PLANNED Bus Christening Queen Is Wanted STORY TELLING AGAIN PLANNED Plumbers Asked For Inspector Plans Complete For Dairy Show MEXICAN PICTURES TO BE SHOWN HERE CALDWELL CHORUS TO GIVE CANTATA PICNIC HELD BY GRADE YOUNGSTERS AWARD ASSEMBLY TO BE HELD FRIDAY MESLER AND SON BUY OIL BUSINESS