Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1947)
77 m ?NYSSA VOLUM E XXXXII NO. 1G Baccalaureate And Graduation Program Shown Rev. Geo. Whipple And James T. Donald Will Speak HOSPITAL PLANS RECEIVED; GROUP APPLIES FOR LOAN Plans for the Malheur Memorial hospital to be erected at Nyssa have been received by the hospital association, along with a perspec tive drawing, which has been plac ed on display in^ the window of the Idaho Power company office. The building will be built in three wings, medical, obstetrical and surgical, and will be of brick construction. It will include a half story full basement. The association now needs only $15.000 to increase its building fund to $50.000, which it hopes the government will match under a new loaning program. T|je assoc iation is now making application to the government for a loan. JOURNA V 'í NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, M AY 8, 1947 Nyssa To Play a w a r d s DI ? S n a m p a B u ,ld o S 8 c ,o s e Season Opener t r a d e d a y s r o d e o Baseball Season With Vale Nine j The Owyhee Riding club of Nys With Win, Loss sa won several awards in the horse Locals Lose To Nampa In sh ow n h eld “ a p art of th U e f a / trad e Nyssa w Beats Adrian In H ove ro o rra m M am na ln n e . I w days program at t Nampa Wednes-| L a st L e a g u e G a m e ; LoS- Practice Game By es To Nampa 12 to 9 Score In the best attendance contest, cm w CONGREGATION OF LUTHERAN CHURCH TO BE ORGANIZED Officers Named By Health Group In Malheur Co. A new Lutheran congregation will be formally organized in Nyssa the first Sunday in June. Special Dr. J. L. Lull Of Boise speakers, special music and other Gives Three Talks On features will highlight the day Venereal Disease program. At the regular morning worship Officers of the Malheur County service to be conducted at 1 1 clock In the veterans housing ad Public Health association were re ministration building, the Rev S elected at the annual meeting cf C. Slefkes. president of the north tKe organization in the Moore ho western district of the American tel in Ontario Wednesday night of Lutheran church, will preach the last week. sermon and will formally receive The re-elected officers are Ted the charter members of the new Berreth of Ontario, president; Mrs. congregation. Immediately after the Charles P. Flagel of Ontario, sec morning service the special ser retary, and Arthur Atherton of vice of organization will be held Ontario, treasurer. This year the accompanied by the election of group also elected two vice presi church council and adoption of dents, Ken Renstrom of Nyssa and constitution. Robert Thurston of Vale. In the evening a special service Dr. J. L. Lull 6 f Boise, who ls will be held In the Eplscpal church In charge of the rapid treatment starting at 8 o'clock, at which time center and health services In the the Rev Roland Q. Wuest will be state department of health of Ida formally Installed as pastor o f the ho, talked three times In Malheur new congregation. Special music county under the auspices o f the will toe furnished for the service. health association. He first de the Owyhee Riding club won sec- The programs for the baccalau The Nyssa high school Bulldogs opening Same in the j on(j p i^ g receiving $40. The loc- reate services and the graduation daho-Oregon Basebal league will ai cjub iacgetj only seven o i taking closed their conference schedule exercises of the Nyssa higih school n f t 2 ^ n i, T MaU first prize. The Owyhee club was with a victory over Adrian by a were announced this week by Prin iitf ? ‘f ! NySf a “ one of four drill teams at the score of 8 to 0 last Friday, but Vale furnishing the opposi- sbow The teams were so evenly lost to Nampa Tuesday of this cipal Errett Hummel. ..___ .__, matched the judges split the mon- week on the Nyssa diamond In a The baccalaureate services will e Nyssa nine has been prac- [ ey f our ways, giving each club post-season game by a count of 6 be held in the Nyssa gymnasium ticlng regularly and has played $25 Lynn snodgra.v, and Hap to 5. two games, which they lost by Norman of Nyssa won second and The Bulldogs took second place Sunday, May 11 at 8 p.m., with small margins. Rev. George Whipple of the Chris third places in the musical race. in Malheur county in league play, In a practice game last Sunday, Nyssa residents also participated losing only two games, which were tian church delivering the ser the locals lost to Nampa by a score In other events. The total winnings dropped to Ontario, pennant win mon. of 12 to 9. Other numbers on the program placed in the club treasury am ner on the Oregon side. The firms and individuals Whose ounted to $71. In the Adrian game Green scored will be given as follows: Proces contributions made organization of sional. high school orchestra; in A free lunch was served to the in the first frame, Maw and W il the Nyssa baseball club possible riders at the rodeo grounds. liamson in the second, Koyano and vocation, Bishop Arvel Child; hymn were announced this week by club Takami in the third. Cleaver In No. 1, congregation; vocal solo, officers. The contributors were Hoi- » ■ y />p> , i , » jn * \ i v c c A th fifth, and Hale and Takami In “ The Lord's Prayer", June Savage; Mrs. Clay Doolittle of Nyssa died lingsworths’, Inc., George’s Sweet | A L I W A U A , IN I j j A the sixth. scripture reading. Rev. H. J. Gern- C H AN C E T O ! Alvin Cleaver, pitching five in- hardt, “Since First I Met Thee" aat the Nyssa Nursing home Mon •shop, Waggoner Motor company, j H I . , H A S day night about 10:30 as the result Stunz Lumber company, Hartley p a i x i Q P I-lfV A DC H I P nihgs, LaVem Cleaver, hurling in girls glee club; “The Year's at the of a paralytic stroke suffered last Produce company, Owyhee Produce, | a c n v j.,r t i\ jm r th sixth and Koyano in the sev- Spring” , girls glee club: prayer, livered an address at a joint meet j enth shut out the Antelope batters. Rev. E. J. Wilson: hymn No. 2, Friday evening She had been in Amalgamated Sugar company, Nys- [ .................................. “ ing of the Klawanis and Lions Word has been received that A l poor health for several months. sa Food center, Eastern Oregon Nyssa hits were made by Ita congregation: benediction, Rev. M clubs of Ontario at noon and In yce Wada, Nyssa high school sen Following short services held in Produce company, Nyssa elevator, muro, Takami, Williamson 2, and J. Duncan, and recessional, high the afternoon addressed a small the Nyssa Funeral home Wednes Olympic club, Fletcher O il Co., ior, is one o f 15 finalists in state A. Cleaver. school orchestra. group at the Boulevard Orange wide competition for the annual day morning, Mr. Doolittle left Nyssa Lumber Co., Owyhee Truck The batteries were as follows: James T. Donald, an attorney of hall. He was t{ie principal speaker Nyssa— Cleaver, Cleaver and K oy Baker, will deliver the commence with his wife's body for Smith and Implement Co., Wilson broth Frank scholarship. at the association annual meeting Miss Wada has been chosen In Center, Kansas, where interment ers dry goods, Nyssa Cleaners, ano, Bellon and Takami; Adrian— The youngsters o f the Nyssa In the evening. ment address at exercises to be Gate City Journal, M. Peterson, competition with seniors from all Moore and Jackson. Other players grade school presented their an held in the gymnasium Thursday, will be held. Speaking on his rapid treatment high schools In Oregon and will Mrs. Doolittle was born Novem Carl's Doll House, Superior Ser were Nyssa— Kldo, Green, Itar nual music festival program amid May 15 at 8 p.m. He will speak on center, Dr. Lull said he received tire subject, “ One Tenth of a Sec ber 27, 1886 in Guthrie Center, Io vice. Ray Mull, Eagle Oil Co., Gor meet in Portland May 10 with the muro, Hale, Koyano, Tkaml, W il a beautiful garden setting In the many from this section. He pointed wa and came to Nyssa two years don's Drive-In, Don B. Moss, C. L. boad of Judges, when the final liamson, Maw, Cleaver, Hunter. Nyssa gymnasium last Friday. ond” . out that the health services In Herren, Sutherland, Bellon, Heldt, In order to accommodate the an Malheur county run approximately The commencement program will ago from Eugene, Oregon, where Hale station, H. M. Herren, Lem winner will be selected. The winner will receive a $4000 Iseri, Rookstool and L. Cleaver; ticipated crowds, the program was 20 cents per capita, whereas the Hi-way Include prelude, “ The Traveller", he lived for 10 years. She was a on’s hatchery, Wilson's high school band; processional, member o f the Brethren church market, Shelton dairy, Nyssa Im scholarship, payable $1000 a year Adrian—Woods Elliott, Mittelstead, presented twice. Approximately 250 national level is $ 1 , showing that plement Co., Nyssa bowling center, for four years to any college In Moore, Jackson, Wilson, Meoham, persons attended In the afternoon this county does not have adequate high sihool band; prayer. Rev. C. in Kansas. Survivors are her husband. Clay; L. H. Snodgrass, Morrison Electric ¡ Oregon. The award is based on Holly, K eller and Hoke. and 650 In the evening. health services. L. Callahan; salutatory, Doris The Nampa visitors won their The setting for the program was Beers; piano solo, "Prelude in C a sister, Mrs. R. L. Brown of Smith Co., White Swqn laundry, H. C. scholarship and character. The Dr. Lull, who has met all of the Sharp Minor” , Adrienne Peterson: Center, and three brothers, Bert Dwight, Western Corrugator Co., winner is selected largely on the ball game in the sixth frame. They enclosed In a white picket fence Mexican laborers and given blood valedictory, Alyce Wada; double Fraizer of Osborn, Kansas, Charles Thompson feed store, Vinsonhaler basis of future service that the scored on a home run in the first placed In the center of the gym tests before the men were Issued inning, made two tallies In the nasium. with s^ats for the spec blankets, said approximately eight quartet singing “ America, Thou Fraizer of Loveland, Colorado, and blacksmith shop, Graham Realty I student can give to Oregon. third, one in the fourth nnd two tators arranged around the sides per cent o f them were infected ----------------------- Blessed Land"; address; double Harry Fraizer of Twin Falls, Idaho. Co., Brownie's cafe, Golden Rule I in the sixth. Iseri. Bellon and K oy of the building. Streamers extended with venereal diseases. Mr. Doolittle, a barber, will re- 1 store, Newsom Furniture Co., Owy-j quartet singing "God Bless Amer ano scored for Nyssa in the first from the center of the gymnasium IY 1 1 H 1 ica"; presentation of awards, Hen turn to Nyssa within a few days hee hotel, Paulus Jewelry store. ' W ' i r g n n Mrs. Jessie Fraser, seal sale and will then go to Kansas to j Beauty nook, Nyssa Pharmacy. -I ’ J I f I 111 l i H L I o game on four hits and an error. celling to arbors built in each chairman, said that the 1946 sale ry H. Hartley; presentation of Iseri hit a home run in the fourth comer of the square enclosure. netted $6430. Mrs. Charles P. Fla Pruyn garage, Standard O il Co., ¥7t| „ O f f ; American Legion awards. Com make his home. •-------------------------- ¡First National bank, Western Auto| L i l t l l l U H l C t l S with none on. Koyano scored again Each arbor was lighted with an gel reported on the activities of mander H. O. Hopkins: presenta in the fifth inning. electee globe. „ ! Supply, Ira Ure, Bracken’s store, j _____ tion of class, Errett Hummel; the association. She said that the Nyssa outhit the visitors 9 to 5. The theme o f the program, health department had paid for presentation of diplomas. Orland T P I * < S P V O l I P P I l to w n e s garage, Nyssa theater. Rev. C-eorge Whipple of the In a second game, a five-inning "Spring Gardens", was carried out . ' t u Owyhee Drug Co.. Kenneth Ren- i Christian church was recently el- more than 200 x-rays. Cheldelin, and recessional, 'high rI \ ^ } ) „ ( ' l i z i n / j n strom, Etler Hardware Co., Earljected president of the Nyssa Min- affair, Nampa defeated Nyssa’s as follows: Selections by the grade The report of the nominating sc hool band. second string 9 to 0. school orchestra directed by Lynn 1 U I > t V l l U a C l l Mayes, Nyssa coffee shop, Star jgtgrM association. Rev. H. J. The class of 1947 includes 54 stu committee was given by Chairman L a w r e n c e , “ Whispering Hope", dairy, Wilson brothers grocery, j c.ernhardt of V * .Methodis' ci.svch Earl Btackaby. dents. •Drink to Me Only With Thine F. O. Scherer, director of social The Jersey queen, highest pro N y s a Tavern, Rosebud club, Davis was elected secretary. CHRISTIANS PLAN Eyes", and “ In the Gloaming” : cafe. Freeman’s machine shop, hygiene education, Oregon Tuber The ministers decided to con ducing jersey in the county, will V A C A TIO N SCHOOL first grades. "Spring", “Garden Pounds grocery. Dr. J. R. Cun- culosis association, was Introduced tact the church groups of the city be awarded honors at the dairy Party” and “Summer Tim e” ; sec at jh r meeting. Two other visitors show to be held in Nyssa Satur dall. Food Mart, Idaho Power Co., asking for their cooperation in the A daily vacation Bible school will ond grades, “The Flower Parade" Herriman Motor Co., Harry Miner, from the Oregon state board of organization o f a churchmen's day, May 17 by th Malheur Coun Rltzie Dress Shoppe, B. Eastman, council in Nyssa, such as has been be held in the Christian church, and “ Elfmen In Song": third grades health wereDr. Gordon C. Edwards, ty Jersey Breeders association. "T h e Song o f the Fairies" and who has charge of ,the venereal organized In Ontario. Two meet beginning May 19. Ray Meldrum, Dairy Herd Im Kenney’s watch shop. Classes will be held from 9:30 'Flower Wreath Dance"; fourth disease section of the Oregon state Contributions ranged from $1 to ings have already been held and association supervisor Plans for christening of a Pac provement $100. Any contributors whose names a third will be held Sunday after a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The school, open grades, “ Boy W ith a Hoe" and board of health, and Alfred T. ific Trailways bus as “ Tbe City for the county, will work with the three years "Fairy of Dreams"; Arcadia school, Johnson, personnel director o f all have been overlooked are asked to noon, May 18 in the Baptist church t o children f r o m of Nyssa" were discussed at a show committee in choosing the through junior high school age, "Pipes of Spring". "Amarylls" and public health staffs In the stats luncheon of the Nyssa chamber of winning cow. The winner will be contact the club officers, who said for adoption of a constitution and they are especially indebted to election of officers. Two laymen will continue Monday through Fri “Garden Songs” ; fifth grades, “ Flo as well as the state board of announced next week. commerce Wednesday noon. wers” . “Grandmother's Old-Fash health. A window display showing pi,c Leno Christensen and his agri- and the minister from each of the day for two weeks. The Trailways company has an- Mrs. Jess Rlgney will be superin ioned Garden" and "The Blue Mr. Scherer also spent April 29 ounced that it anticipates delivery tures of famous jersey cows a n d ' culture class for erecting the blea churches are expected to be pres tendent. A teacher training course birds” ; sixth grades, "Medley of In the county. He held one meeting ent. of several new coaches between cups awarded at last spring’s show chers. The visitors drove in four runs Representatives from the Nyssa f ° r the teachers of the Bible school Memories In Song . and junior with the county ministerial associa May 5 and 15 and within the next has been placed on exhibit In the on four hits and three errors in churches met with the Ontario will be given under the direction high school. “Old-Fashioned Oar- tion and a meeting with the health week will be able to name the date Idaho Power company office win den” and “ April Showers” . the first inning and registered an council and ministerial association of Mrs. John Lane. association and P.T.A. groups. on which the new bus will be av dow. Mrs Josephine Rlgney was chair More exhibits than last year are other tally In the third, but Nyssa Wednesday night of this week to ailable for christening. man o f the committee in charge . The bus, which will carry the expected to be shown at the show, Med the count at 5 all in the last hear Gilbert Christian, executive. BOOSTER CLUB OF of the event. half of the third, and took a lead secretary of the Oregon Council S i l 11 r T il fliMSltf’ il T1S5 name "City of Nyssa" in a prom approximating 50 entries. of 7 to 6 In the fourth frame. Nys of Churches explain the program I AIR TO BE FORMED 11 * 8 u l l v l o U t l l l o inent place, will be dedicated at sa scored its only other run in the of teaching the Bible in the public a ceremony to be attended toy a BOY’S BODY TAKEN $600 CONTRIBUTED seventh Inning. Nampa made one schools in Oregon. Many cities are The Christian Call Booster club Trailways representative and city FOR RECREATION of the air, which will have Its FROM RESERVOIR run in the sixth inning and four in already conducting such a program officials in Nyssa. the eighth to clinch the victory. under the auspices of the ohurches. Initial broadcast Saturday morn Officers of the Nyssa chamber Plans will be outlined for sel Nampa outhit Nyssa 14 to 6 . Six hundred dollars has been ing over K SR V at 8:15 following Church people hope that a church of commerce and officials of the The body of Ralph Edward Beam ection of a woman sponsor, who Nyssa's starting lineup was as contributed by three local organi the regular “Christian Call" pro of Unity, who was drowned in the men's council in Nyssa can help to Amalgamated Sugar company were will christen the bus. A committee was appointed by Higgins reservoir near Unity, was follows; Hartloo. If; Vaughn, lb; start such a program in Nyssa and hosts to a group of visiting San- zations for the recreation program gram, will be a regular Saturday C. Wilson, 3b: F. Wilson, c; Hol- to be sponsored this summer in morning feature on the station. Malheur county. Franclsco, Boise, Caldwell and On the chamber president to arrange recovered last Friday evening, acc The children's program will be tario business men at the sugar Nyssa by the Parent-Teacher ass the affair. The members are Olean ording to Information received by man. 2b: Lovejoy, ss; Hartley, rf; . ociation. A total of $800 or $900 ls directed by Mrs. Adam Focht and Wells, Henry Hartley, Roy Bibbey relatives in Nyssa, Mrs. Vernena Bellon. cf; and Rambeau. p_Su b- MANAGER OF LABOR company plant Monday morning. stitutes were D. Willsoh, Tobler. ; needed, but other civic groups are Mrs. George Whipple will be the Beam and Rolland Laurance. The visitors were met in the and Bernard Frost. CENTER RESIGNS factory yard by R. O. Larson of expected to make sufficient con story teller. Mrs. Emerson Blnga- Frank Howland and an uniden H. Wilson. Steinke, Iseri, Wohlcke, Edward Boydell was appointed Nyssa, district manager of the sug tributions to Increase the fund to man will direct the musical pro as a director of the chamber, suc tified Unity resident located the Hendricks and Whitley. Hendricks gram auid Mrs. Chet Mosler will Sidney R. Stuart has resigned as ar company, who escorted them to the necessary amount. ceeding Al Thompson, who has ibody about 4:45 p. m. after div relieved Rambeau on the mound The Eagles lodge gave $300 and have charge o f the club attend manager of the Nyssa farm labor the factory office. The 25 men, in ers from Portland had abandoned in the fourth inning. moved to Enterprise. center and will move to the Ore cluding seven SanFranclzco bus the Lions club and chamber of ance. Details for joining the boost the search. The boy was believed er chib will be broadcast on the to have drowned in an attempt t o l x w p i | W h o TO gon coast to enter private business. iness men and chamber of comm commerce $150 eaoh. POPPY SALE IS program. Once the program ls un Mr. Stuart, who became manag erce representatives, were welcom retrieve a new hat. which appar- w derway, the directors will be as HELP TO VETERANS ently was blown o ff his head while BE GRAVEL PACKED er of the Nyssa camp December 1, ed by the president of the Nyssa To Discuss Diseases— Dr. W J. Weese will broadcast sisted by other churches partici he was fishing, as he was still 1945. will leave here about May 20. chamber of commerce, Klass V. The city council entered into a He will operate an auto court be Powell, and were presented with over KS.R.V., Ontario, a series of pating In the "Christian Call". The work of making the poppies clutching the hat when the body contract at a meeting Tuesday tween Florence and Gardner, Ore- Nyssa brochures by Frank T discussions that will be of general sold by the American Legion aux was found. interest to the public. The broad Attend Convention— Funeral services were held In night with A. A. Durand and Son gon. Morgan, chamber secretary. iliary each year on the Saturday of Walla Walla to gravel pack city Mr. Stuart will be succeeded by Mrs. W W. Fuster, president of During the 30-minute visit, Mr. casts will be on Thursdays from before Memorial day "Is a true Baker. Francis W. Harter of the Dayton, Larson briefly explained the com 9 to 9:15 p.m., the first one May the Nyssa Parent-Teacher associa well No. 2. God-send to many hundreds of on cancer. Following there will tion. and Mrs. Ed Frost, retiring The purpose of the packing is to Oregon farm labor center. Mr. Har pany organization and history and disabled veterans", the local unit Puppies Released— broadcasts on child hygiene. president, have returned from of the auxiliary reported this week. Several puppies have been "dump eliminate the sand flow in the ter has arrived here and his fami- dLscussed the manufacture of beet sugar. Following his talk, he ans May 22; op tuberculosis. June 12, Portland, where they attended the "T h e men are paid for the flow ed" In Nyssa during the last few water system, City Manager E. K. | iy wm move to Nyssa later. --------------- — — wered questions propounded by the and on nutrition June 26 Dr. Weese 34th annual convention of the ers they shape and if not too bad days, either by local residents or Burton said. Parts for the well are ly disabled can earn a fair day's outsiders. Unless the dogs are be expected to arrive today, but the STORM DRAIN W O R K vLsitors. The group then went from ls giving this service at the request Oregon Congress of Parents and the office to the factory, where of the Malheur County Public Teachers. A total of 765 registered wage without exerting "themselves friended by home owners, they U,P " “n0ther IS STARTED TO D AY the process of sugar manufacture Health association In the Interest delegates attended, representing 215 to a harmful extent. The work is will be taken by police officers, r - S * n0t * was further explained by repres of health education. He plans an unit«. Nyssa received three stars given only to men receiving little who will have no alternative but other series of discussions on health for securing subscriptions to the Tapped for Honorary— ! Workers started this morning entatives of the company. or no government compensation, to dispose of the animals. George Billings, son of Mr. and j digging the trench for the storm National Parent-Teacher maga The SanFrancisco men were tak- topics In the fall. and for many it is the only poss Mrs Glea Billings o f Nyssa, was j drain, which will be laid about en by car from Boise to Ontario zine. The Nyssa unit was comm ibility of earning money during Moving To Oklahoma— ended for Its achievements during Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crisp and one of the 26 freshmen "tapped" 15 feet from the north curb of j earjy ¡n the morning and were Receive* Treatment— the year." Henry Borgman. manager of the the short time it has been organ j accompanied to Nyssa by several The poppies will be sold in Nys two children. Bill and Lillian, will for membership In Skull and Dag- | Main street. After the drain Ls installed, the Ontario business men. They went Nyssa elevator, Is receiving medi ized. Mrs. Foster returned home leave next week for Chickasha. ger, sophomore men's service hon sa this year Saturday. May 24. Oklahoma, where Mr Crisp will orary at the University of Oregon. curbs will be built and then the from Nyssa to Caldwell, where they cal treatment In St. Alphonsus Saturday. Mrs. Frost visited Mr. actual paving of the street will be had lunch at the Simplot dehy- hospital In Boise and Mrs Omar Adklnson of Wood- be gasoline Inspector for the cor The men, selected on the basis of Have Roses In Bloom— burn, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Apple- Mr. and Mrs. Basil Rogers, op- poration commissioner of Oklaho scholastic achievement and partici started. Stanley and Eland of Boi drater and from there to Oowen se have the contract for the work. gate of Hubbard and Mr. and Mrs. pation in campus activities, were field, where they boarded a Un Attends Meeting— * era tors of the Star hotel on First ma. Lloyd Johnson is resident engin -------------------------- j "tapped" at the frosh glee, annual Rev. H. J Osmhardt attended a Don McBaln of Oresham. all for ited Air Lines plane for the trip street have several rose bushes meeting of the executive council mer Nyssa residents. freshman dance held at McArthur eer in charge for the state. home. that are blooming unusually early. Visit In Idaho— Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin and | court Saturday evening. Billings is The SanFrancisco men making board of education, Idaho con The bashes started blooming Ap the trip were Prank Runyan. Rob ference of the Methodist church, Going to Eugene— ril 31. While Mrs. Rogers was In son. Norbert, spent last week-end a pre-medics student and a mem- j Adjutant Her. Mr an Mrs. Fritz Nissen of Port- Mrs. Ira Ure, Sr., will attend the ert Reinhardt, E. R. Roaenvater, at Boise Monday of this week. Portland last week she saw no a[ Twin Palls, visiting at the home ber of Sigma Nu fraternity, Mother’s day program at Eugene, land were week-end guests of Mr. j j Moffat, C. P. Tanner. New- roses in bloom there The varieties „ f Dr and Mrs Sarazln s daugh-1 where her daughter Is attending and Mrs H O Hopkins. Mr Nissen [ ell Dodge and Carroll Snyder Brother Is Killed that she has in bloom include ter M rs r w Larsen They were -irouts Have Activities— - .... Mrs. J. C. Oriamon of Nyssa has the university. She will also visit American Beauty rambler. Mad- accompanied by Mrs. Hilda Ten- Members of Boy Scout troop No is the -state adjutant of the Am- j While here they Attends Meeting— ame Druske. Poinsetta, Talisman. sen wbo visited Mr and Mrs. C. 19 of Nyssa will go to Payette this erican Legion received word that her brother, her son, fra Ure. Jr., and wife at C. Hunt, former Nyssa residents. I week-end to attend a district cam- »-ere honored guests of the A d rian , Mrs. H. J Oemhardt attended Albert Cline, was killed April 29 Corvallis. Doris Jean Ure will be and Lady Bess. j poree The sessions will Be held and Ontario posts. | the eastern district meeting of the by a tornado that swept through the guest o f Mr. and Mrs. Al Friday and Saturday. The boys Woihen's Society of Christian Ser Oarfleld, Arkansas last week. Mrs. Kuehn while her mother ls away. Guild to Meet— Admitted to Hospital— vice of the Methodist church May Crlsmon did not learn whether Dennis Toombs of Nyssa was gt. Paul's guild of the Episcopal spent April 26 and 27 at Snlveley's Returns from H osp ital- admitted to the Ontario hospital church will meet with Mrs Artie springs. where they fished and | Nick Rudelick returned home | g at Wendell and Jerome, Idaho, other members of the family were Visit In Payette— Mrs. Tom Eldrldge visited rela Wedesday morning for a stomach Robertson at her home May 14 at camped. Boy Scout leaders of troop Monday from the Holy Rosary hos- j As conference secretary of spiritual injured. News of the death of Mr. operation. He has been sick for g p.m. Anyone Interested Is Invited j 19 attended a training coarse at pltal, where he underwent a maj- life, she conducted the work-shop Cline, a farmer, was given over tives In Payette from Sunday until Tuesday. Instruction In this department. 1 long distance telephone I the Vale city park April 19 and 20. or operation. to attend. the last two months. Mrs Doolittle Taken By Death Program Given By Grade School New Bus W ill Be Named for Nyssa Visit In Nyssa