Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1947)
the PAG E SIX NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RN AL, N YSSA, OREGON Social News Brown. A. H. Boydell received sec- M R * AND MRS. P L A Y Members of the Mr. and Mrs. bridge club were entertained Thurs day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Mitchell. The group enjoyed dinner served at the Saratoga club In Caldwell pre ceding cards. The high score in cards was won by Mrs. Bumall ENTERTAIN A T SU PPER Mrs. Tom Burningham was host ess last Wednesday evening to her evening bridge club at an 8 o ’clock supper served at the Doll House. At the two tables in play, Mrs. Siu Burbidge won first prize and Mrs. L. A Mauldlng the traveling prize. Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper and Mrs. ond high. ____ FRIED O Y ST ER S W ill be on our Sunday (A pril 27) dinner menu, served from 12 a. m. until 8 p. m. Hear Reed Ray and his accordian from 1-3 p.m. GIVES DESSERT BRIDGE Mrs. John Ostrom entertained with a dessert bridge party at her new home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. C. C. Cotton made the high score and Mrs. L. Traben the second ■high. Mrs. C. C. Cotton received the traveling prize. Mrs. L. Trabert was a guest of the club. ■w in iii m miii m m i i nntnmi hi Hi m i:i hi hi hi in in in m it hi hi m m 11 hi 11 i'i m hi n w n Lilac And Tulip Party the theme of the closing social and beginning o f summer program of L.D.S. Mutual associa tion. Saturday A t 8:30 8 - - - 8 - CLUB MEETS Ladles of the Tuesday evening Mrs. George N. Bear bridge club played cards at the home of Mrs. Ron Whitaker. Mrs. N YS SA W O M AN HONORED George Vaughn and Mrs. Ron B Y EASTERN STAR S 1 Campbell were special guests. High A t an Impressive rloral cere score was made by Mrs. Sylvester Heiner and second high by Mrs. mony held in the Masonic hall Monday night by Golden Rule i Bernard Eastman. chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, a 50-year membership pin was Studying Office Management— I Lloyd Wilson of Nyssa, who will presented to Mrs. George N. Bear be office manager of the Avoset of Nyssa on behalf of the grand corporation plant In Nyssa, Is in chapter o f Kansas. Mrs. Bear was also presented SanFrancisco attending a training session at the cornpay's head with an Eastern Star plaque from her home lodge, Nickerson chap quarters. ter No. 33 of Kansas, and a cor sage by Golden Rule chapter of Nyssa. The presentations were made by Mrs. Eva Chadwick, assoc iate matron of the local chapter, in the absence of Mrs. Olive Rog ers, worthy matron, who was un able to attend because of illness. During the ceremony, special to Short program and play followed by CONCRETE BLOCK dancing until 11:30 Public Invited 'i i hi iii n in hi hi n mm m m hi hi hi hi hi hi hi iihhi hi hi hi ihui nun hi hi hi hi hi hi hi m ini urn n in hi hi hi hi iihhii with BONDEX Get Some BONDEX Today N Y SSA LU M B ER COM PANY O IL H E ATE R S Nyssa BEDRO O M SETS Hardwood and Reasonably Priced. Finish These and Save. Phone 29-W FELT BA SE R U G S 9 X 12 and 9 X 15. Excellent Quality. FOR YO U R CHESTS 4 t . ■’ | , PO R SALE— Check gates In three sizes. Cinder blocks and chimney block for better building. N yy a Tile and Pipe Co. 24Alxp. A IR PLA N E DUSTING NEEDS Priced From $11.95 to $21.90. Call Us For Immediate Service • W e are prepared to dust your beets, alfalfa, clover, peas, onions, potatoes and other seed crops. C O O K -JO H N SO N D U S T IN G SERVICE, INC. FO R SALE — In truck load lots, cellar, corral and der rick poles. Phone 09-R4 Nys sa. Frank Freel. 24A4xp. Parma, Idaho Telephone: Parma 37; Caldwell 1034-J T O R SALE— Daveno and match ing club chair. Phone 162-M. 24A2c. Nyssa Phone 74-J NYSSA P h o n e IO & PROGRAM THEATRE F R ID A Y & S A T U R D A Y , A P R IL 25-26 D O U B L E F E A T U R E PR O G R A M Kent Taylor, Donna Drake in “D A N G E R O U S M IL L IO N S ” Also Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, A1 Laure and Robert “ Buzzy” Henry in “W IL D W E S T ” Sunday Specials SPR IN G FRIED C H IC K E N S U N D A Y & M O N D A Y , A P R IL 27-28 She’s a wow at telling whoppers She’s a whiz at making lo v e !....... Betty Hutton, Sonny Tufts in “CROSS M Y H E A R T ” Boy, what fun, when bouncin’ Betty fibs her way from the witness chair to the “ hot seat” ! Such laffin’ ! Such lovin’ ! Such a picture! Stooge Comedy ’ Sports M a i. n a n , * : » Adm., .10c-»r, Ine. Tai Adm. Evening». H e -le , Including Tax T U E S D A Y , A P R IL 29 B A R G A IN N IG H T D O U B L E F E A T U R E PR O G R A M Gerald Mohr, Eric Blore in “T H E LO N E W O L F IN M EX ICO” Also Ken Curtis, Jennifer Holt in "O V E R T H E S A N T A FE T R A IL ” Admiaulon Evening» ISe-fe. Including Tux. Receipts: Oattle 1004. hogs 403 Cattle: Fed steers »23 to $24 50 Fed heifers $19 to $22 Good cows $16 to $17.50. Beef bulls »17 to »18 Veal calves »18 to $28 Fleshy stocker and feeder steers $19 to $20.25. Fat hogs. $26 20. Packing sows $18 to $21. Feeder pigs $24 to $26 W e will have special consignments for our Saddle Horse Sale Saturday, May 3 20 head o f hot blood saddle horses. 1 Oregon bred thorough-bred race horse stal lion. Starring Paulette Goddard, Fred MacMurray, MacDonald Carey, Arleen Whelan Don’t miss this side-splitting merry, marriage mix-up. O N T A R IO LIV E STO C K C O M M . CO. “Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” Ellis White, Manager 413-M Ellis White & Clayt Tschirgi (Shirge) Aucts. Even lug». N a - fc , Including Tax O N T A R IO — 413-M F R U IT L A N D — 522 Herriman Motor Company OREGON NYSSA fo t yourwaliting pleasure1- t he m o e e a e l n t hat *» HAND-SEWN Shoemaker*» La»t S«e we’ U>Acut a Wcmcf W ANTE D — Lawn mowers to shar pen. Also scissor sharpening done. Lowe's Home Appliance and Cycle shop. Phone 176-W. 24Alxc. M ISCELLANEOUS— moccasin ve ever seen! New colors and with that expensive-looking boot-maker finish. LO TS TO R SALE — Residence building lots 72 by 150 near schools, at edge of city limits, on oiled highway, good deep soil, call 06-J4. 24Atfc. MISCELLANEOUS— Mother's day Is the lltih of May G et your por trait for her today. Evans studio, phone 103-W. 24A2xp. W E D N E S D A Y & TH UR S. APR., 30-M AY 1 “S U D D E N L Y I T S SP R IN G ” A4 m. HELP W A N TE D — Woman for part-time office work. Herrlman Motor Co. 24A1XC. Nyssa Coffee Shop W eekly market report for April 22, 1947 Servicing Your Car. The most attractive and most M ISCELLANEOUS— Dozer and | carry-all available for few days. If you have a rush Job waiting. W A. Bishop, route 1, Nyssa. 24Alxp ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY Excellent Facilities For perfect-fitting FRIED R A B B IT ____ Quick Service ON Thf M ISCELLANEOUS—Open for busi ness. Anderson’s Grain and Feed mill, Pillsbury best feeds custom grinding, garden seed. South First street, Roger S. Anderson. 24Alxc I In Cinecolor M a t. Sat., *:i0 Aom. 25c-5e Inc. Tax A t e . Evening». Me-Sc, Including Tax Makes of Cars. FO R SALE— Fishing boat, 4 X 14, »30. See John C. Krul. 9 blocks north on First street in tent house by railroad track after 6 p. tn. 24A2xp Finished and Unfinished. Ed Case’s Hi-Way Mdse. Mart. Guaranteed Work On A ll FO R SALE— All nursery stock 20 per cent reduced. Lloyd Lewis. 241c PO R SALE— New 2-bedroom house, full basement, stoker, excellent lo cation. Possession in three weeks. Priced for Immediate sale. Spencer Lane. 24Atfc. I ENGINE T U N E -U P PO R SALE— Small size Gem seed potatoes. W ill put out to right parties one sack of seed fo r one sack back at digging time. Ed Jamison, phone 65J. 24Atfc PO R SALE— 3/4 pound deadening felt paper, 50 yards rolls. NySsa Furniture Co. Phone 149-W. 24Atfc. G. Hubert Peirsol IT’S TIME FOR Y O U R SPR IN G POR SALE— 25 tons o f chopped alfalfa hay. W. A. Bishop, 7 1/2 miles southwest 'of Nyssa. 24Alxp PRESICION FILLE D * ■ • A TIP FR O M Y O U R FORD DEALER FO R SALE— 1941 special deluxe Ford two-door. See at Le Roy Herr- . man place, 1 mile north and 2 1/41 west of Nyssa. 24Alxp PRESCRIPTIONS Owyhee Drug Company U N F IN IS H E D T A B LE S A N D C H A IR S Too Late To Classify FOR SA LE — Young tom turkey, broad-breasted bronze, $8. J. H. Benedict, Enterprise avenue and Lytle 'boulevard, 24Alxp. — I PO R s a l e — 100 feet of canvas hose for Irrigating. 101 Elm street. 24Alxp POR SALE— One pre-war Blltwell davenport, electric traveling iron and small radio. Mrs. Grace Fox, 598 North Second. 24Alxp. Priced From $117.50 to $188.50 DESKS - P O R SALE— International side- delivery rake, 10 Ions first cutting baled hay. W. T. Cannon and Son, Polnt-b y-polnt su periority In Sunset Valley, route 2. 24Alxp. quality and price. L et ou re pro- u r r re PO R SALE— Rebuilt lawn mowers. te n ta tiv e ca Lowe’s Home Appliance and Cy cle slhop. Phone 176-W. 24A1XC. Lumber Co. HI lll'HI HI mill III . .... Il li I ; III III HI 11 III HI III 1 1II III HI III III I'I III III HI Hill HI III HI 11 HI HI III 11 III HI III III III IIMIt III HIHI, Buy Now and Save 8 Students to Elect— Student body officers will be elected by the Nyssa high schtol May 2. ADO COLOR N YSSA GYM NASIUM No Charge Listen To E. I. Cole CLUB MEETS The D.W.T. Pinochle club met at the home of Mrs. John Barnett last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Nel lie Newblll receive first prize. Mrs. Henry Borgman, low and Mrs. Harry Kingrey and Mrs. Ellen Fields, the traveling prizes. Mrs. Tom Johnson and Mrs. Luray T ra bert were special guests of the club. * Carl’s Doll House music was given by Mrs. Emil A. Is the 11th of May Get your por- I M IS C m L A N B O U S - Roll film fin- Stunz, Mrs. Mcdier. Mrs. Earl trait for her today. Evans studio. Ishlng, 3o n o w service xt Evan’s 24A4xp. 24A 2xp. studio.__________________ Alexander and Mrs. Harry Miner, phone 103-W. who sang, accompanied by Mrs. Jake Simmons. Mrs. Bear, who became a mem ber o f Nickerson chapter Novem ber 10, 1806, moved to Nyssa In 1042. Special guests were Mr. Bear and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. ging qy 0 |- k .S.R.V. Ontario radio station, 8 o and Mrs. James Pate of Nyssa. Mrs. Pate, formerly Miss Dorene clock Thursdays, for specials from his Jewelry Bear, was honored queen of beth el No. 25 of Ontario, Job's Daugh store in Parma. ters, In 1044-45. The tea committee consisted of Send in your request cards. Mrs. Bernard Frost, Mrs. Sid Bur bidge and Mrs. Luray Trabert. Bernard Froet were guests of the members. - TH U R S D A Y , A P R IL 24, 1947 ■ m a À **/ Belfast Cotton Prints Guaranteed Fast colors. Excellent Quality. 27 patterns and colors 44c Per Yard Bracken’s Mother's day P L A N N IN G TO BU ILD? Investigate the advantages of CINDER BLOCK CONSTRUC TIO N for dwellings, garages, business and farm buildings. W e handle pumice stone blocks manufactured by the Cinder Products Company of Jerome, Idaho. U N D ERW RITERS LAB O R ATO R IE S, INC. have subjected these blocks, under pressure, to 2000 degrees Fah. for a period o f 4 houA. The results o f the tests proved the insulating qualities as well as their fire resistance and durability. W e believe we have the only block in this area which can meet these qualifications, and with each building constructed with these blocks we will furnish an underwriters certificate free. R E G U L A R SIZES IN Q U A N T IT IE S O F 400 OR MORE 30c EACH . * W e also handle a complete line o f round and square corners, sash and partition blocks. Stunz Lumber Co.