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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1947)
nil- N Y SSA GATE < 'IT Y .lOIJKNAU NYSSA. OREGON TAGE TWO The Gate City Journal KI ASS V. P O W E L L ........................... S U B S C R IP T IO N Editor and Publisher ADVERTISING RATuS KATBS tt.oo .......$1.25 ............... Ato (Strictly in Advance i Open rate, per in ch ....... 35c National, per inch........... 40c Classifieds, pci word..... Minimum .......30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon Entered at the postotflce* at Nyssa, Oregon lor transmission through the United States Malts, as second class matter, under the art ol March 3. 1879. OFFICERS ELECTED BY NU-ACRES CLUB NU-ACRES (Special)— Offioers were elected by the farmerettes at a meeting held in m e Nu-Acres hall Wednesday. The new officers are as follows: President, Madge Thomson; vice president. Ravlna Martin; secretary. LarOna Grasmik; treasurer, Blanch Seuell; and Sun shine chairman, Minnie Johnson A plant exchange was held. A sur prise stork shower for Mrs. Jean Blakesley was given, m e gathering was an all-day meeting and one of the most successful for a long time. Only five members were ab sent. Mrs. Radcliti of NewPlymouth called on Mrs. Fry April 16. Helping to celebrate the birth day of Fred Huffman oi Nyssa Notice T o Taxpayers Notice is hereby given that by virtue of Ore gon Laws 1941, Chapter 440, Malheur County Board of Equalization will meet on the second Monday of May, 1947, the said day being the 12th day of May, 1947, and shall remain open until the first Monday of June, 1947, at the County Court House, Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, to publicly examine the 1947 Assess ment Rolls and to correct errors in valuation, descriptions or qualities of lands, lots or other property assessed by the Assessor of Malheur County. All persons interested shall appear at the time and place appointed. Dated at Vale this 17th day of April, 1947. John Koopman, Assessor of Malheur County, State of Oregon oer yours todayl Dr. Walter A. Maier As the Lutheran synod of Mis- ,ourt, Ohio and other states move, forward into its centennial year, he church's radio mission, "Bring ing Christ to the Nations'’, em- aarks upon its 15th season of pro- ■laiming the crucified and risen Christ by means of the radio. Com- ng. as it does, at the conclusion if the church's first century of ictivity in the United States, the radio crusade for Christ, known is the Lutheran Hour, is called "a entennial miracle”. The Lutheran Hour is broadcast over 905 stations at a weekly cost of $24,000 dollars, which pays for the broadcast time and clerical help. Dr. Walter A. Maier, PhD., the noted speaker of the Lutheran Hour during its regular season, will travel In Europe during May and June of this year with a view towards completing arrangements for a Lutheran Hour in E urope. Trinity Lutheran church In Par ma is a member of this centennial- celebrating church. It together with some 4.000 other sister-congrega tions, will observe this 100th anni versary in a special service next I Sunday, April 27 at 10 a.m. Miller and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach attended a book club meeting at the home of Mrs. Dick Tensen in Nyssa Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Fry gave an excellent re view of "Pavilon of Women" by Pearl Buck, after which a lunch was served. Leroy Bishop was confined to his bed last week with a severe at- ack of pneumonia. Walter Bishop has improved his (lace with the addition of a new v&sh house and showers. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van De Watei 'isited Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van Je Water Sunday. Mr Alexander, uncle of Howard /an De Water has been remodcl- ng Mr. Van De Water's house. Several of the Bend resident.« ittended the- Storey boy's funeral Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts an< family and B. G. Roberts attend ed the surprise birthday dinnei given for J. E. Fskew at the Els- ;ew home in Ridgeview. Mrs. ETar 1 Clary and daughter, f Rosweil and Kenneth Clary o 3oise visited at the Darrel Eng- ish home Sunday. Mrs. Darrell English and Mrs Dvre Roberts and son. Wayne, vis ited at the Miller Henderlide home in Nampa Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Butler visit ed friends in Big Bend this week They recently bought a home heri and will move here from Culve: City, Oregon in the near future. Dwayne Bennett has been undei a doctor's care. Mrs. Harvey Bennett and Mar garet attended presbytery in Wcl- ser Thursday. The Misses Mildred and Clef Belle Handley, Mrs. Ruth Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witt) attended the teacher's workshop held at Nyssa grade school Thurs day and Friday of last week. Mrs. .Stella Witty of Elgin, Ore gon, mother of Charles Witty, hat been visiting the Witty family the past week. She has been visitinv in California the past month and said the climate here doesn't feel much different from .that of Cal ifornia. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chandler and sons. Donny and David, and Bernice Chaney were Sunday din ner guests at the Charles Witty home. THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1947 cer and other items. Leslie Brown, owner. Cola. Anderson and Church auctioneers. L. H. Fritts, clerk. FOR SALE 1931 Chevrolet pick-up 1936 Chevrolet truck ‘<37 Terraplane pickup WATTS MOTOR CO. OIL HEATIN G EQ U IP M EN T BLINDLY See the sensational Spark Gas-making demonstration, and * make us prove that Spark is the heater best suited to your needs. We will be pleased to demonstrate these Spark Oil Heaters to you without obliga tion. You owe it to yourself to make this test before you buy. Box A Phone 144J Nyssa, Oregon STR « LIBERAL TERMS Spark deluxe Oil Heaters provide two kinds of heat—. radiant and circulating. To warm your home properly and avoid drafts and cold floors, both are necessary. This is only one of more than twenty user benefits that are built into every deluxe Spark heater. Youll find few Firemen with out adequate Fire Insurance _ SPA RK _ I ToiL CIRCULATING HEATERS^ NYSSA FURNITURE CO. One Block West Of R. R. Depot K E N R E N S T R O M M ^ m e m b e r l a s t J a n u a r y a n d F e b r u a r y were his wife, Arlene; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Harris, all of Nyssa. Mr. and REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Mrs. Jess Huffman, and Mr. and Be prepared when cold weat her comes! PHONE 47J NYSSA, OREGON I Mrs. Robert Palmer of Parma. At the April 17 meeting of the Nu-Acres Grange the members started landscaping of their hall. Each family provided a tree to CARD OF THANKS plant on the grounds. We wish to thank our neighbors The Nu-Acres Grange member- and other friends for the kindness ■ hip drive has been closed. Forty- and help offered to us following one new applications were read at the destruction of our residence by the last meeting, with 40 applica fire at Kingman Kolony. tions having been read at previous Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hall meetings, making a total of 87. and family. Cecil and Margaret Evans were the captains of the losing side and must now plan a dinner to enter tain Dwight and Etihyl Durrtng- ton and their team as the winners of the contest. Mrs. Alice Fry. Hen- ! FARM SALE— Thursday, May 1, ry Orcutt, and Mr. and Mrs. Dur- 1947, 12 noon, 16 miles north of rington all received honorable men Weiser on hi-way 95. 16 horses. tion and an emblem signifying 15 cattle, 23 hogs, harness, suites they had each secured 10 or more and other furniture, electric fen- new members. Mrs. Nora Woods has resigned her past as treasurer and home B ernard E a stm a n economics chairman of the Grange. Mrs. Martin is to be her successor. Mrs. Frankie Curtis Is taking the Insurance place of Mrs. Jean Blakesley, who Real Estate This Is is resigning the post of lecturer. Mrs. Margaret Evans Is in the the Building Bugi Samaritan hospital at Nampa to Phone 64 undergo a serious operation. Nyssa, Oregon For many years the Building Bug was a symbol of Boise Fifteen new members took the obligation at the Nu-Acres grange's Payette Home-building but the war made him inactive. last meeting. Today many people are again being bitten by the Building Frieda and Sally Evans are stay DR. EDWIN W. Bug; and we are sorry we cannot offer a ready cure for ing with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Evans. Mari everyone, although we hope we soon can. In the mean OLDHAM, D. C. lyn and Roy Evans are visiting time put the little fellow to work (’leaning up and Painting their aunt, Mrs. Mary Ballard of Chiropractic Physician up your present buildings. Visit Boise Payette for these Parma. A 4-H tractor course, directed by aids: Physiotherapy Mr. Steam, is being attended by four members of the Do-More club. Electrotherapy The modern miracle wall finish. Dries in one hour. Covers in one coat. Easy to apply. No LEROY BISHOP HAS sizing or priming needed. Nyssa, Oregon Clean Up SALE CALENDAR! Paint Up KEM TONE CASE OF PNEUMONIA Over Dime Store BIG BEND (Special)— Mrs. F. A. DEV0E House Paint FLOOR & Famous A Devoe Product. Beautiful, high Gloss. Use in or out for long wear. Devoe Two Coat System. Enduring, long-last RAYBAN GOGGLES W H IS K Y PbNOT S ) a £ . - V «£? NAKE B it e s "Pestroy” A Sherwin-Williams D. D. T. Product is a dependable poison for flies, insects and other pests. We have the correct type for ev ery need. ing beauty for your home. CALOBAR SUNGLASSES DEVOPAKE WALL PAINT Noted for efficient coverage, easy application. Dr. G. W. Graves Caldwell, Idaho ° " • I WftNNft BE — VE-b.l -TA<NK-MOCR n INDEPENDENT.'&EE IF USE ftîCN D own ftt I COULD ONCI Orti ft T h e EAGLE LHONWi JOB ftNt lAftKE SOtAE MONEY ‘TOBE bCHOOL w il d Enamel Color as you like it. High Gloss. Long wearing! FOR INFORMATION PHONE 720 HICKEY and U/5 MA Ar Enamel SUPER MARBLE MIRROLAC These may be ground to Presription from your present glasses. OPTOMETRIST DECK * rs I ftutr NEVER HA». 8 W 'SPERlENCfc. ^ wftSH'N- E.R&LE5/ Floor Varnish Withstands long wear. Water won’t turn it white! Long lasting lustre. Withstands moisture grease. High lustre. WAX and PAINT BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS Sand, Wax and Polish Your Floors Yourself! It’s a task anyone can do easily with a Hiico Electric Floor Sander and Polisher. It costs but very little, too! BENT a Floor Sander - Weed-No-More Another Sherwin-Williams Product BIG BROTHER SEZ:- is the magic weed killer. It will kill practically all broad leafed plants. Try it on your lawn or ditch bank. One quart makes 32 gallons of spray. Ask for either Pestroy or Weed-No-More AT THE HOUSE OF OLIVER Nyssa Implement Co. STUNZ------THOMAS O. K Rubber Welders can give you some thing for nothing.. expert advice concer ning your tires Come in today for a free inspection and let them tell you how you can prolong the life of your present set. O. L. Galloway Manager O.K. RUBBER WELDERS NEW CAR, TRUCK-TRACTOR Nyssa, Oregon T IR ES R EC A PPIN G A REPAIRING PHONE 5 M = = N YSSA. OREGON ’ There's A Yard Near Yoal“