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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1947)
The NYSSA GAI VO LUM E X X X X II NO. 14 JOURNA NYSSA, OREGON, TH U RSD AY, A P R IL 24, 1947 MEDAL IS , SPACE FOR PARKING H. E. HIGHT COW Bulldogs Take SILVER Paving Project Recreational Area Business AWARDED GRIDERS, CARS CONSIDERED IS CONSIGNED TO Two Conference FOR JERSEY BULL To Start Soon Program Asked SALE IN IDAHO Plans Advanced Baseball Games By Nyssa A the At Meeting Here _ _ , | A committee was appointed at Sybil Ashbum Advancer 420772, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Oharley I 1 weelc,y luncheon of the Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hight of A state crew is running lines _______ , c hamber of commerce Wednesday Nyssa have consigned Reflector this week for the new curbs to be Nyssa Wins Over Adrian Grider of Nyssa, has been awarded constructed along M ain street as Service Groups Contact- to lnvesU*at« the feasibility of se Starlet to the Idaho state regis Chamber Officers o f Val K tn o A n il H w o f ! the American Jersey Cattle club ID to ¿5 A m i UVei ¡si,ver medal according to informa - part of the improvement project ed 0 For Money For ™ T ? T ant ¡Sf ta u* tered guernsey sale to be held at ley Make Sugg . Di 1 business section fo r parking areas. the state fairgrounds in Boise May to be started soon. V a le 7 1 O o tion received here. estions oUmmei i lu\ I Members of the committee are 1. - ■ | The award is made to a bull The paving contractors, Stanley Plans for a proposed recreational B B Llenkaemper, Oarlos Buch- The sale will be opened at 12:30 The Nyssa Bulldogs won their having three or more daughters, and Eland of Boise, who were ill Development of marketing of last two baseball games, defeat* ° 0« ° « different dams, which have Nyssa Wednesday, said they will program to be conducted for child- j ner and Calvin Wilson, p.m. and lunch will be served on the ren during the summer months! The committee will meet with the grounds. Forty-one head of agricultural products from ». » . » . met the production and calving tng Adrian there Tuesday 15 to 3 requlrements for the award of “ start work on une euros and stoim Snake river valley by airplane was were outlined at a meeting of the «he city council fYiday night to registered cattle, ranging In age drain within the next week or 10 and Vale on the local diamond last silver medal. advanced as a suitable project for executive committee of the Nyssa seek the co-operation of that body. from 10 months to six years, will the Associated Chambers of Com The bull, 8 years and one month days. The storm sewer will be Friday 7 to 3. Parent-Teacher association at the connected with the drain already be sold. No bulls will be sold this merce oi Southwestern Idaho and In the Adrian game, the Ante old when he was qualified Sep in use at the underpass. home of Mrs. Ed Frost, president. lopes scored three runs o ff Alvin tember 19, 1946, is believed to be year. Nine head were consigned Eastern Oregon at a dinner meet Installation of the curbs and last Thursday night. Cleaver in the second and that was the only animal in Malheur county from Utah, one from Nyssa and ing of chamber secretaries and storm sewer will be followed by the The commit tee decided to trv the extent of their scoring. L. to win the silver medal. actual paving. presidents in Carl's Doll house in the remainder from Idaho. to raise funds for employment of , Cleaver pitched three Innings and A state crew spent part of this a recreational supervisor and for The animals in the sale, care Nyssa Monday night. Herren the last frame. week patching the Main street pav- purchase of e< uipment to be used Markeing of produce in small Nyssa made 10 hits to Adrian's The Vale town baseball team fully selected toy the sales commit packages will also be promoted by lng which was cut at intervals f o r ! at the park and the school grounds, nosed out the Nyssa aggregation three, but struck out 10 times as tee, consist of th best cattle found the associated chambers. The two the laying of water lines early in The group isi contacting service compared to eight strike-outs by by a score of 1 to 0 in 10 thrilling the spring. clubs in the ^ity asking financial innings on the Nyssa field last ' in the area. The sale consists of suggestions were advanced by Ned Adrian batters. support of the program. Sunday afternoon. cattle that would not be priced at Harlan, secretary of the Boise The Nyssa starting lineup was The program has been under In Che practice game, the first a^ private sale. These cattle chamber of commerce. Joe Cooper, The first 200 Mexican nationals MRS. BROADHURST Herren If, Takami c, Williamson taken as an Interim measure, on for Nyssa, Wohlcke held V a le : have made records under ordinary president of the Ontario Commer cf, Koyano rf, Sutherland lb, Hol who will work on row crop farms DENIED NEW TRIAL ly. The ultimate plan of the Par scoreless fo r five innings and a l - } «arm care and should produce well cial club also discussed the plan comb 3b. Maw ss, Okano 2b, and in Malheur county this year are of marketing by air, which has BY JUDGE BIGGS ent-Teacher association is to create lowed only one (hit, a single by «or who buy them and give Cleaver p. Ten other boys were expected to arrive in Nyssa to ________ J a park district^ which would then Catcher Williams, in the first in- them reasonable care, the commit- been very successful in some sec given chances by Coach Howard day and an additional 200 are ex tions of the world. Mrs. Oladys Broadhurst, convict-j handle the recreational program. pected Saturday. Lovejoy to play. ning. The inning was the only tee sald- For several years residents of the Others will arrive next week to ed of the murder of her husband, Mrs. Frost “ id «be response to one in which Vale men reached I Adrian's team consisted of Wood ------------------------ Snake river valley have been If, Jensen lb, Elliott p. Stoker cf, increase the total in the county Dr. W. D. Broadhurst of C a ld - 1 «be plan has J been good. Anyone 1 first, until the fatal 10th. | ^ searching for a suitable name for to 1000 by May 1. well, was denied a new trial by interested in U)e program is asked _______ .... ......... . Jackson c, and Keller 2b. At the _____ end ___ of _____ the . regular nine the area. The suggestion was made Up to Wednesday morning the Judge M. A. Biggs in the Malheur i « ° contribute #s an individual in innings, the score was still tied Nyssa batteries in the Valegam e IS S till L10G at the Monday night meeting that were Koyano and Bellon. For Yale Amalgamated Sugar company had circuit court Tuesday. Judge Biggs addition to th4 group donations, i at 0 to 0. In the 10th, the first the territory be called "Five River batteries were Barnes and Han- transported 250 Mexicans from passed on the defense motion for man up made a triple, followed by Valleys of Idaho and Oregon”. ada and Lawrence. California into the Nyssa-Nampa a new trial without comment, oth- singles by Johnson and Bates scor Windsor Lloyd o f Nampa em The Bulldogs scored four runs district for work on Snake river er than to say that all the points ing the runner. The annual grade school music phasized the need of developing in the fourth Inning and three in valley -farms. Another 750 Cali- contained in the motion had been Nyssa threatened to score three program will be held Friday, May Industries based on agriculture. He the sixth. Tallies were made by fornia Mexicans will be brought considered during the trial. or four times, but failed to make 2. said that investigation of farming Herren, Holcomb. Maw and Okano into the valley by the sugar com- The defense has indicated that the grade. The sugar city men In order to accomodate those at in other areas would convince any in the fourth and Herren, Bellon pany before the transportation it will appeal to the Oregon su- made seven hits as compared to tending and assure them of a one Hurt the farmers in the Snake The annual poppy poster contest four for Vale. and Koyano in the third. Vale program is completed. . preme court for further constd- chance to see the program to the river valley “are doing an elegant scored one run in the second and I The 250 Mexicans from C a li-: eration of the case, which is the sponsored by the American Legion Nyssa players were Hartloo, Vau- best possible advantage, two per job”. Mr. Lloyd would Interest two in the third. | fornia were placed immediately on | only recourse except executive cle- auxiliary was concluded the past ghn, C. Wilson, Hendricks, Hol- formances will be held, one in the young men “ with Ideas” in start week w ith ’ selection of the win man, Hartley, Lovejoy, Rambeau, afternoon and one in the evening. Nyssa will play Ontario th ere 1 farms. The Mexican nationals will mency. ing small Industries. Mrs. Broadhurst is now serving ners. Friday of this week and go to Vale be housed in labor camps in the Bellon, F. Wilson, Tobler, Iseri, Those who find it possible to at Willis M ofiltt, president of the a life term in the Oregon penit The prizes were awarded as fol and Wdhlcke. next Tuesday. The last home game county. tend the program in the afternoon Boise _ __ chamber of commerce, said entiary following .sentencing by lows: First prizes, Barbara Mosier of the Bulldogs will be played Umpires were Tom Loe and Hid are requested by the committee to m; n ¿perathTg'small Judge Biggs last month. in class I and Carma Deane T ay Frost. Officials scorekeeper was do so. with Adrian here Friday, May 2. I nesses should be encouraged. Alvin Lee Williams, Mrs. Broad- lor in class II. and second prizes Emil Q. Stunz. The program will be given as Ned Hftrlan suggested the d u . hurst’s ex-chauffeur and alleged to Kenny Snodgrass in class I and follows; OFFICERS ELECTED play of products o f the Snake riv paramour, will go on trial April Dee Ricks in class II. Orade school orchestra— taught er valley at a chamber of com BOY RECOVERING BY NYSSA V. F. W. The many posters were Judged 30 In Vale on a charge of first by Lynn Lawrence, “ Whispering merce meeting. degree murder In connection with by Mrs. Bernard Frost, Mrs. Vein FROM INJURIES Hope” , ’’Drink to Me Only With Mr. Harlan and Telford Wright, Owyhee post No. 3506, Veterans Thine Eyes” , and “ In The Oloam- secretary of the Caldwell chamber Nine hereford steers, fed for 129 ! Broadhurst case. The >^state Parson and Mrs. Clifford Main. of Foreign Wars, elected officers days at the Malheur experimental: contended that Mrs. Broadhurst The two first prize posters have Ronny Glenn of Nyssa, who was Ing” ; first grades—taught by Mrs. of commerce, were appointed by at a meeting held April 22. area on a ration of »hopped al- I directed Williams in the slaying, been mailed to the state depart critically injured when struck by Anderson. Mrs. Bumgarner and President Larry Bralnard of Pay The new officers are I. L. W il falfa, corn and cob meal .showed' F. Gallagher of Ontario, one ment for further competition. All a car Tuesday was showing im Mrs Henneman, "Spring", “G ar ette to meet with two other men liamson. commander; Wallace Hol the most economic gain of any of oi the defense qttomeys, advanc the other posters are on display provement in the Nyssa Nursing den Party” and '"Summer Tim e” , of their own selection to coordinate mes, senior vice commander; H. Bhe lour pens on test, Superinten ed the following claims: In the window T>f Graham's realty home this morning. second grades—taught by Mrs. Bice the ideas advanced at the meet * J J. CounsQ, Junior vice commander; dent Neil Hoffman revealed to a 1. There was no competent evi office. The boy, five-year-old son of and Miss Notheis, “T h e Flower ing with tile idea of developing an Roy A. Hoff, quartermaster; Joe crowd of 200 persons attending dence to support a verdict of first The auxiliary expressed thanks Mr. and Mrs. Newburn Glenn, was Parade” in song and dance, and associated chambers program for Dorlty, chaplain, and Elton Coun- the station’s annual field day pro degree murder. to Mrs. Schweizer of the grade j injured when he ran onto the EHmen in Song” by a group of the year. fil. adjutant. Other appointments gram. 2. Williams’ testimony in the school for her supervision of the highway near his home five miles bays; Arcadia school—taught by The individual chamber officers will be made later. The nine steers made an average Broadhurst trial was incompetent. poster contest, to all the students i south o f Nyssa and was hit by Mrs. Schenk, Mrs. Bates and Mrs. decided to set the regular meettr { The officers said “ W e need the gain of 272 pounds for a cost of 3. No conspiracy between the who participated in the competi- j the auto operated by Jack W al- Taylor, tonettes, ’Pipes of Spring . of (j,e a s s o r te d chambers for the support of all members if we are 19.6 cents per pound gain. two (Mrs. Broadhurst and W il tion and to Mr. and Mrs. Graham I ters of Nyssa. 'Amarglls and Garden Songs . [bird Monda# of every other going to make this coming year a The second most economical ra- liams) had been estalished. (Ear- for the space provided for the j The boy suffered concussion, a third grades— taught by Miss Boy- month success”. leg fracture and a possible frac- dell and Mrs. Pennlck, ’’The Song tion was chopped alfalfa, corn and ^ «r' a* Judge Biggs had display. The next meeting will be held in wet beet pulp. Ten steers fed this ruled that unless a prima facie 1 ture of the pelvis. of the Fairies” and ’’Flower Wreath the administration building at the d,et gained 270 at a cost case of conspiracy were established Dance” ; fourth grades— taught by ANNUAL MEETING OF veterans housing project M ay 13. ()j jg g cents per pound of gain. by the prosecution, Williams would Mrs. Chadwick and Miss Oehnert. HEALTH GROUP SETi "Boy W ith a Hoe" and "Fairy of j Ten steers fed chopped a lfa lfa ,11) 0« 0e permitted to testify.) Dreams” ; fifth grades— taught by corn and soybean meal gained an There was no legal evidence The public is invited to attend Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Ballantyne, average of 265 pounds for a cost. « ° substantiate the verdict, the 12th annual meeting of the '•Flowers’’, Grandmother’s Old-Fa of 22.3 cents, and 10 steers given 5. Evidence for t)he return of Preliminary work by Idaho P o shioned Oarden" and “ The Blue- chopped alfalfa and corn gained murder indictment against Malheur County Public Health as wer company on a proposed 20 sociation Wednesday, April 30. an average of 259 pounds for a , Mrs. Broadhurst was insufficient, Richard V. Wilson has been em btrds’ ; sixth grades- taught by Mrs. million dollar hydro-electric plant Dr. L. J. Lull of Boise, director ployed by the Nyssa school board Rlgney and Mrs. Renstrom, “ A cost of 21.3 cents per pound of division of local health services, as agriculture Instructor in the Medley of Memories in Song, and at Oxtoow on Snake river has been Richard V. Wilson has been ap gain. state department of health will be Nyssa high school, beginning July Junior high— taught by Lynn Law halted, pending tihe outcome at a pointed by the state system of vo The costs of the Just-completed passible referendum on senate bill the main speaker. Dr. Lull has I. rence, Mrs. Schweizer and Miss cational education to organize a feeding trials do not bear out the 99. recently passed by the Oregon charge of the rapid treatment cen veterans training program in voca figures for similar feedings over a Mr. Wilson will succeed Leno Cole, "Old-Fashioned Oarden" and legislature. ter for venereal diseases, located Christensen, who has resigned to "April Showers”. tional agriculture in Nyssa. three-year period, however, a sum- Senators Austin Dunn and J. N. The program chairman is Jose Veterans interested are asked t o , mary prepared by tihe superinten- G. C. Anderson, extension dairy at Boise. F. O. Scherer, director accept a position as agriculture Jonea and Representatives R. C. of social hygiene education of Port contact Mr. Wilson or leave their, dent sliowed. phine Rlgney, director of music, man of the University of Idaho, Instructor in the Madras high names at the high school office Lynn Lawrence and decoration Friable and Martin P. (Buck) G al Over the three-ye^r period, dur will judge the animals exhibited land, will also be present. school. lagher. members of the legislature An afternoon meeting will be so that they can be contacted by ing which the average feeding at the Malheur county Jersey cat committee, Harriet Cole, Mildred Mr. Wilson, whose home is in who championed the bill through held at 2:15 at the Boulevard Renstrom and Wlnnlfred Bice. the instructor. trials covered 124 days, the chop tle show to be held in Nyssa next Imbler, attended the Eastern Ore the recent legislature, made known Orange hall where Dr. Lee will gon College of Education at La The course, conducted under thg. ped alfalfa-wet beetpulp-corn ra month. the work stoppage here. They stat G.I. program, will toe a training tion. shown to be .2 o f a cent more The date of the show, which will talk. Grande for three years and Ore ed that “ I f the people of Oregon The evening meeting will consist gon State college for two years. GLEE CLUBS AND program in agriculture. Those en expensive per pound during the be the second held in Nyssa, has fully understood the issues, they rolling will be given subsistence latest test, proved to be most eco been definitely set for May 17. It of a dinner gathering at 7 p.m. at He spent two of his three years BANDS ________ TO APPEAR would be very hesitant about slgn- the Moore hotel, followed by re money by the government. will be held on the grade school nomical. W ith an average gain of In the army air corps in the A l ports, musical entertainment, elec eutian islands. Classes will be held at the con 263 pounds per animal, the cost grounds. The Nysa. high school band a" d 1 any r^ rendum P*1111™ on venience of the veterans during the per pound of gain on this ration T h e . committees in charge have tion of officers, report of seal sale * e reCognlze The new instructor and Mrs. glee chib will go to Ontario W ed^, „ We ^ busy farming season. Tw o hundred was 17.1 cents, or 1.8 cents less added a 4-H division to the show. chairman and the principal ad Wilson are moving to Nyasa this nesday. April 30 to partlrtpate in need for electrlc devel_ hours of class instruction are re than the 18.9 cents shown for three Four-H groups will toe permitted dress. The evening meeting is be week. he annual Malheur county music opment ,n ^ ^ part of Uu. quired each year. years of feeding on the chopped to show either purebred or grade ing sponsored by the Soroptimist w j . . . . . - state. Idaho Power company is club of Ontario. The bands and glee cluh. of and wlm to lnveat ap_ alfalfa-corn-cob meal ration which stock. Those wishing to attend the din 40 ATTENDED AT G IR L S IN IT IA T E Awards to the winners will be made the most economical show proxtonately 20 million dollars here Initiation was held by Nyssa ing in this year’s tests. presented by local business firms. ner may secure tickets from Mrs. CHILDREN S CLINIC will present a combined concert to furnish greater amounts of po- Frank Davis, Ontario: Rev. James bethel of Job's Daughters at a in the evening at 8 o'clock In the for nt and iuture The high protein content of the Crego. Vale; W. L. McPartland, meeting held in the Masonic hall Malheur county alfalfa is a factor Theater Man Visits— Forty youngsters between the afternoon a marching contest will needs.. I. H. Harris of Burley, Idaho, j Nyssa, and Mrs. M. L. Judd. Ad- ages of six months and six years be« h,ldn ^ . the *>»nd». Monday night. in feeding costs. Mr. Huffman said. The legislature took steps to en- The candidates were Joan Nar- Dudley Sttton. former superin- president of the Nyssa T h e a e r | rian. Nan Grider of Nyssa will be the mls constructlon by a very were given tests and vaccina ■” m — major for the combined simple amendment to the Oregon ragon, Betty Winchell and Dar tendent of the Malheur experi- i company, was in Nyssa Monday in- tions at a summer round-up clinic drum lene Sessler. Special music was ment station, pointed out that specting desirable building sites for Here from California— sponsored by the Nyssa P T. A. bands laws to confbrm them to the fed Mr. and Mrs Walter Thompson in the high school building Tues provided by Neva Malloy, vocal tjje controlled feeding tests began a new theater. The company in- eral regulations and preserving to solo, and Miss Malloy and Alma w^n animals which had been led tends to build a new theater as of San Diego, California are vis day morning. Sing in Ontario— the people of tihe state of Oregon iting friends in Nyssa and vicinity Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, Mrs Wayne full protection of their rights and Lee Landreth, vocal duet. j an adequate ration during the soon as conditions permit. Dr. L. A. Mauldlng, county phys this week. Guests were Mrs. Rowena Lan- pre-test period and thus might ician, and Mrs. Edna Farris, coun Talbot and Mrs. W. O. Peterson, control of power rates. It was stat terman, guardian of Ontario beth- not show the rapid weight gains Star Route Bids Open— ty health nurse, conducted the accompanied on the piano by Miss ed that " I f petitions are filed with Peterson, sang three sufficient signatures, there will be el. and Mrs. K ate Andersen, guard- noted in feedings in Which inade- examinations. Diphtheria “shots", Adrienne Bids are open to the public for Visiting Brother— ian secretary of Ontario bethel, j qUately fed range animals were carrying mail on star route from Kenneth Graham of New York smallpox vaccinations, 8chie tests numbers at a meeting of the Sor a period of time, possibly as long Ontario girls who participated in | started immediately on weight- Adrian to Nyssa. Bids must be in 1s visiting his brother, Don Ora- and tuberculin testa were given. optimist chib in the Moore hotel as until the general election in the meeting because of illness of building diets. In Ontario Tuesday evening- After 1948 elapse before the question can Washington, D. C. by May 8. App ham, and family. He will also visit the meeting the Nyasa ladles were be decided. In the meantime no Nyssa girls were Patricia Belnap, [ The steers used In t)he tests lication may be made at the Nyssa relatives at Vale and Yakima, (onferen/e Planned— second messenger, and Ruth Dear- were taken to Portland following and Adrian post offices. Washington A conference of the Confratern entertained at the home of Mrs. progress can be made although born, senior princess. i the field day program to be placed ity of Christian Doctrine will be Fred Olmstead the Idaho Power company has The refreshments committee was tn the sale ring. Here from Seattle— Examiners not Here— held at La Grande Tuesday, April conducted exploratory work and composed of Josephine Rigney, Kay Harry Avery, superintendent of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Davis of 29. All who are interested in going Returns Home— Driver's license examiners will extensive diamond drilling on the SimYnons, Alma Lee Landreth and the eastern Oregon experiment not be on duty in Nyssa M ay 2, Seattle visited over the week-end should meet at the Nyssa bus de Mrs. Jean Fletcher returned home property it now owns at Oxbow Ray Trabert. station at Union, dtscusaed the Robert S. Farrell, Jr., secretary with Mr and Mrs. W. E. 8chire- pot, from where special busses will Monday from a trip to Seattle. and is preparing preliminary lic value of wheat and barley as live of state, stated today. All exam man. leave at 7:15 a m. I f poasible reser W hile away she visited her step ense filings to be made with the - « - SALE DO N ATIO N S M ADE stock feeds as shown by feeding iners of the department have been vations should be made in ad son, Elliott Fletcher at Loral Beach. state and federal governments, but The St. Anne's Altar society met trials at the Union station. called to Salem for a special con- Meeting Planned— vance at the bus depot. that all work would now be held at the home o f Mrs. Herman ference to discuss the new stag- The district meeting of the wes- le a ie for Enterprise— In abeyance. The proposed new po Towne Thursday. A goodly num W OM EN’S C O U NC IL MEETS gered license renewal plan as en tern district of the Women's Soc Girl Arrives— Mr. and Mrs. Al Thompson and wer plant would have a capacity ber of the ladies made their do The women's council of the acted by the 1947 legislature. The iety of Christian Service of the Mr and Mrs. Clare Dickens of Mr and Mrs Herschel Thompson of approximately 125,000 kilowatts nations for the Mother's day sale, Christian church met Thursday at examiners will return to Nyssa Nyssa Methodist church will be Nyssa are parents of a daughter, and fam ily left Nyssa Monday to when fully developed.” which will be held May 3 in the the home of Mrs Charles Marshall May 16. held Tuesday, April 29 at the 6 pounds. 10 ounces, morn April make their home on a ranch near Nyssa realty office. Refreshmen Is Devotions were led by Mrs. Oeorge | Methodist Community church. Ses- 21 at Brlttlngham's in Ontario. Enterprise. Oregon. Serving on Ship— were served by th# hostess T h e Whipple, with each member quot- Enters Busi sions will be held from 10 a.m. to ----------------------- Clark M McCormick, chief rad next meeting will be held at the tng her favorite verse o f scripture. Mr. and Mrs Lloyd L. Tobler 4:15 pm. Attend Conference— ENTERTATN8 CLUB ioman, huaband of Dither M Mc home of Mrs. Joe Dlrksen on After the business meeting a mis of Shell Lake. Wisconsin have ar Mrs W W Foster and Mrs H. Mrs Henry Borgman entertained Cormick o f Kingman Kolony. is Grand avenue May 15 at 2:30. sionary talk was given by Mrs. rived in Nyssa to make their home. Parents of Daughter— J. Oemhardt of the Methodist her bridge club at the Doll House serving aboard the VJSS Oeneral Elmer Hill. Mr Tobler has entered partner A daughter was bom in the church attended a planning con- last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. John W W. Mann. He entered the naval —4— Visit in Portland— The next meeting will be a ship with his son, Hugh Tobler, Nyssa Nursing t ome April 22 to ference of the Women’s Society of Ostrom made high score, and Mrs. service In January. 1931 and re- Mr and Mrs J. E. Brower and group meeting to be held Thurs- and Eugene H. Fleshman in the Mr and Mrs. D. L. Herring. The Christian Service Monday Leaders Pst Bennett second high TTie trsv- reived his recruit training at the daughter. Irene, returned this week day. April 24 at the home of Mrs. i Al Thompson and 8on feed and baby, named Patricia Jo, weighed of the society met at the home of el tng prise was won by Mrs Msx naval training center at Oreat from a business trip to Portland. I John Quigley. I seed business. 6 pounds, 11 ounces. Mrs. E. Lee Brown at Frultland I Goldman Lakes. Illinois Vale Townies Defeat Nyssa Mexicans Begin Arriving Here I rOfiTRItl IS oGl By Grade School Poppy Poster Contest Ended Station Program Given Visitors Farmer-V eteran Course Planned Ag. Instructor Selceted Here G. C. Anderson To Judge Show Power Company Holds Up Work