Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON ROADSIDE SIGNS l*c*n committeewoman, leit Friday PLANNED AT BEND \ State ior Porlland 10 a“'»d Oregon repuDiican convention held Miller. They expect to visit rela tives on the way home and arrive here Tuesday. Mrs. Chris Molt is with her BIO BEND (Special)— Miss Visg- Saturday, March 22. She was ac daughter, Mrs Norma Gifford of com pa i ned by her brother, J&me^ inia Miller, Malheur county repub- Nj.>sa, helping care for her little grandson, who was stricken with pneumonia. The Big Bend grange met March 18. Mr. Jones, roadside sign chair man, reported that as soon as he -ould get some black enamel he was ready to have the schoolhouse and grange sign made. Mr. Em mett Stutheit was obligated in the Flowering shrubs tourth degree and plans were dis cussed for putting on the third Shade trees and fourth degrees either here or at Oregon Trail. A lunch of sand Hedge plants wiches, cookies, and cocoa was ser For: ved by Mrs. Joe King. Strawberries Mr. and Mrs. William Frost and : Refinancing family of Wilder took dinner Sun Raspberries day with Mr. and Mrs. Miles T e - Mr. : Building Thornless loganberries Guy Ocamica and Lester Molt purchased and brought home Mon : Improvements Asparagus day two young registered hereford bulls from Star, Idaho. Rhubarb (Strawberry) : Buying H ie Misses Handley have been (Riverside giant) re-eleted to teach the Big Bend school the coming term at a sub- itantial raise in pay. Joe Witty and George Ellers at See tended Stout meeting at adriar. Monday evening. Henry Moore was in charge oi the meeting in the absence of his father, who is the %mi. No. Nyssa ‘Y ’ i regular scoutmaster. Phone 64 Nyssa’ Johnny and David W itty have missed several days of school this week because of influenza. The doctor was called Thursday evening for little Donna K ander, who is having trouble with one of her ears. Mrs. Pinkston is recovering from DELUXE P ILO T AN D FLYIN G ACE a severe attack of influenza. Kennadine, Mary and Hal And ers, Margaret and Dickie Bennett Need Money? Loans On Farms Long Term—Low Interest Bernard Eastman NEW PASTOR Nursery Stock ROSES EVERGREENS LLOYD LEWIS FIRESTONE Bicycles V" IT'S NATURAL TO HAVE FAITH IN MFDICINE WHEN THE PRESCRIPTION HAS BEEN FILLED BY, OWYHEE DRUG CO. BOYS' AN D GIRLS F U L L SIZE BOYS’ AN D GIRLS’ JUNIOR Come In And See Them $41.95 $39.95 W E N O W H A V E IN STOCK Firestone Supreme Quality Outside White Paint Don B. Moss Your Firestone Dealer Store NYSSA, OREGON nwyuEE '9 U ^ \ß JÒfuiq QoHtfìCJui 262 MAIN-RALPH CASTATER Full Course Dinner Sunday school, 10 a m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Evening services, 8 p.m. Thursday prayer service, 8 p.m. CHRISTIAN REV. R O LA N D G. WUEST LUTHERANS START CHURCH IN NYSSA The American Lutheran church will begin services in Nyssa in the recreational building of the vet- rans housing project Sunday mor ning, March 30 at 11 a.m. Sunda; ¡chool will be conducted at 11 o’clock. The congregation is being found ed under the auspices of the mis sion committee of the northwesten district of the American Lutheran church and has called Rev. Rol and G. Wuest of Genesee, Idaho to be the pastor. A regular church program will be conducted by the pastor and the new congregation. The church expects to build a chapel as soon as possible. A loan has been grant ed for the new chapel by the home church. Rev. and Mrs. Wuest and daugh ter, Karen, have moved into the Keith Moss residence, which the church has purchased. attended a weiner roast given by Mrs. Harvey Bennett along the river Monday. Mrs. Kenneth Anders drove to Frultland and brought back her mother for a few days’ visit. Alle Connable of Fairvtew, K an sas and Mr. and Mrs. William Van De Water of Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van De Water. Mr. and Mrs. Perchel were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Klucas. Frank Miller delivered wool sacks and string to the Raima wool pool members over the week-end. Af! R IA N C O M M U N ITY CHURCH Henry E. Moore, Pastor Bible school, 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Evening worship, 7:30 pan. The young people will present an Easter pageant Good Friday evening in the high school audi torium. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF PARM A “ The Church of the Lutheran Horn " Harold A. Ileckmann, pastor Divine worship Sunday morning at 10 witli celebration of holy com munion. Morning address “ Holy Communion”. Sunday school and adult Bible hour at 11 a. m. Good Friday service April 4 at Merchant’s Lunch Besides our specials each day we will have on the menu: ROAST TURKEY AND DRESSING SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN dining room Carl’s Doll House THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENF. E. J. Wilson, Pastor OU can |>low more acreage, reduce maintenance and replacement cotta b y S T O O D I T I N G y o u r p lo w s h a r e * S TO O D ITE forms a hard, wear resistant sheath over the points and along edges oI your |>lowshares. Keeps points out to sue, keeps cutting edges constantly sharp, cuts replacement* to one fifth o! usual require mem*, maintains sharpness 25 to )U time« lunger than unprotected plowshares. Y S T O O D IT I IS EC O N O M IC A L . . . ran be w elded to new «h a res o r w orn shares alike a« well as many other com monly used im|4ement«. Saves money on all application*, lowers power requirement* because tool* are always sharp Bring in ynur plow shares and other farm implements for Stooditing. Prompt service. Free literature. Bryan Vinsonhaler Blacksmith, W elder ST 00 DITÏ terms... our COMPLETE STOCKS ON HAND High Qualities at Reasonable Prices 1— Clovers 2— Alfalfas 3— Grasses 4— Vegetable Plants liberal earnings will help immensely. STARTS AN ACCOUNT BETTER BEGIN TGDAT W atts Seed Company Eastern Oregon Federal Nyssa, Oregon Savings and Loan Phone 144J Nyssa, Ore. Association Baker, Oregon 10 a.m., Sunday school. 11 a.m., morning worship servi.o. 7:15 p.m., young people's'teen age and juniors services. 8 p.m., Evangelistic services. 8 p.m., Thursday 27, Rev. J. A. McNatt, district superintendent and Rev. J R. Brown will he with us Dust Filters For furnaces and air conditioners. DR. E D W IN W . Now available for the first time O LD IIA M , D. C. in Nyssa Chiropractic Physician Physiotherapy Gas water heaters and gas stoves now available Electrotherapy Nyssa, Oregon Over Dime Store Ideal Gas Cr Appliance ¡y price is too high if it can he reduced . v . 4 ■ International Harvester announces *20,000,000 price reductions We have taken this step not because o f present com petitive conditions nor because o f a drop in demand from customers. We have taken it because o f our belief that A N Y P R IC E IS T O O H IG H IF I T C A N B E R E D U C E D . T-BONE STEAKS W e cater to parties and banquets in our private Choir practice, directed by Geor- ;e Whipple, is held at the church Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Bible study and prayer service on the 6th Chapter of Acts W ed nesday at 7:30 p. m. *1000 on easy -S E E D S - T h e American people have insisted that the government withdraw from ita attem pts to control prices in peacetime. T h a t places the responsibility wlvere it belongs— in the hands o f business and industry. N o t all business can reduce prices now. N o t all can reduce by the same amount. Our com pany has fe lt a d u ty to act as prom ptly as possible. In our case, the busi ness outlook now makes it possible to move toward the goal o f lower prices. T h e only way out o f the vicious circle o f higher and higher prices is to break through. Sundays 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Try some of our own ice cream You can buy We believe there is nothing more important to this country than to lower the prices o f the goods that people buy. each week-day for 11:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. $1.50 Per Box CHURCH 5th and Ex, -ns Sts. George Whippie. Pas’ or The Church of the Christian Cull Bible school, 10 a. m. Last Lord's lay Bible school attendance was 118. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Voc- il solo by Irene Bibbey and spec- al music presented by the choir, vlessage for worship "Your Body, Temple or Dungeon". Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p. m. evening worship, 8 p. m. Sermon vill be “Ye, Shall Be My W it- Church Notes Or A W e have Mrs. J. G. MacDonald’s chocolates “ Jesus in Triumph". 8:15 in the church. The seven for a service. Itermediate fellowship, 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 2 m i » ionary words of Jesus on the cross w il’ Youth fellowship, 7 p.m. form the basis of the evening's and crusaders meeting. Evening worship, 8 p.m. meditation. Movie night. April 14 at 8:15 p THE METHODIST COMMUNITY “Redemption and Resurrection”. CHURCH Bible study and prayer, Wednes m. in the church. There will be t Rev. H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor day, 8 p.m. -v comedy, travelogue and "The First Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Easter” . Worship service, 11 a.m. Sacrament of Baptism. Sermon. FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH M. J. Duncan, pastor ¡T R IN IT Y We are now equipped to serve you a PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1947 These reductions, which will save the users o f our products approximately $20,000,000 a year, will become effective before April 1, and will apply to a selected list o f tractor, farm machine, motor truck, and industrial power products. Since we lose money on a few o f our products, and barely break even on some others, these reduction# will not apply to our entire line. Reductions will be made indi vidually on products. Some will be cut mors than others. Exact details will be announced as soon as possible. Our ability to maintain this lower level o f prices will depend in part on what happens to the prices and flow o f materials that ws buy from others. Because we believe price reduc tion is vital, we are willing to assume the risks that are involved. 1 O 1 prices had not gone up as much or as fast as many others Hsrs ors Avmgm Pries Bcrsens. .«ics 1941 A ll Manufacturad Producta (U . S . G O V R M M I t e p o r i . ) (U. X < lì 11 û • • • 43.7% . . - 41 ¿ 2 % ...........35% Inducirla! fe w e r Product« • < ............... 34% Parai Machino« « • • « ................................. 25% M S « Truck. These benefits to customers will depend, too, on uninterrupted production at reason able wage levels. This is not a program that can be carried out i f it is hampered by strikes or work stoppages. Our em ployes have had substantial in creases in pay, and wage questions are cur rently being discussed with many o f the unions with which we deal. Stockholders have re cently had an increase individend rate. H avin g considered the interests o f these tw o groups, we are now making these price reductions for the benefit o f the third group—our customers. Business, to our way o f thinking, has a so cial as well as an economic responsibility. This company has long followed the policy o f op erating in the interests o f three groups —ita customers, its employes and ita stockholders. T h e duty o f the management ia to see that equal justice is done as between the three groups. T h is price reduction program is another demonstration o f our policy in action. INTERNATIONAL | f HARVESTER