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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. MARCH 27, 1947 PAGE FIVE MRS. PARKER BURIED IN HOOD RIVER ene; that* why we elect most of annual election recently. Paul and I leader* another year. Club ofli- ace Wood, secretary; Wayne Durr- leader. J Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer spent ?“r . p°litlclans and our school Olive Thomson were unnlmously cers are lerrei Samuels president I ington, reporter; Pliylll* Evens.j 111 teachers get a big load of that. elected by membeis to be their U r t i Jenkins vice president; Ho -1 pianist, and Jacolyn Orcutt, song l Mr and Mrs. Floyd Holton and | Sunday in Nampa visiting relatives. _____ 1 100 and speaking of school teach- UPPER SUNSET (Special)— Mr. ers: when I got my high school and Mrs. Ersel Beus and family rePort card the other day 1 I moved Into the Black residence | ^ ' ' , t 3* f^a n *d running the first of the week Mr Beu^ the ne« tlt**rs looking for G «t a R«xoll 4 cc sympathy. "one anothers burdens Is farming the place this year. M e d i c i n a l T « o» When night flnaly got so late spoon at no «xtra Mrs. Rob Thompson visited her • % that I had to go home, quieted charg« wh«n w« sons at Prosser, Washington last down some in bed so could think a fill /our prescrip week. tion. YOUR CORNER REXALL DRUG STORE Mrs. Covey and daughter,' who little. "One anothers burdens". Say m ü a g j ? « M B 11 Ml have been helping care for the no wonder teachers are getting late Mrs. Parker, returned to Hood hard to get. The life we alow our River, acompanying Prank Par kids to lead them. Is our colleges ker and Mr. and Mrs. Don Par turning out great numbers of young Buy Now For ker. Mrs. Parker was buried there. enthusastic school teachers? Who woundent rather have a nice fat Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker arriv office Job at 25% to 99% more piy ed at the parental U. E. Parker and not all those headaches? Our home to attend the funeral of kids are not so dum, especialy af his aunt Thursday. ter they grow up. Guests In t)he Wayne Berrett Tuya Cosmetic The neighbors around are sure home Sunday afternoon were Cleve getting lots of farming done. We and Barbara Meyerhoffer of Slte- sure are wishing for rain. Satur Gift Sets vllle, Utah, Helen and Darrell day evnlng Russell Howell said, Stokes of Ogden. Utah and Rhea "It rained ten times as much and Wayne McKay and daugh at Nyssa this afternoon as ters, Margean and Carol Dawn of down it did out here, but even this will Eagle, Idaho. The women were help some of those hard clods girlhood chums of Mrs. Berrett. down soften ■ Zipit Air Plane in my flat”. The range-stock Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Parker and men are CHIC sure wishing for some Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker went rain. The local range is quite dry With each purchase of 50c or to Hood River Thursday to attend but the grass Is getting a fine Home • the funeral of Mrs. Prank Parker. start. The weather looks good now. more. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee Perhaps before this gets in print i/l (Limit one to a Box of ie and famly attended the L. D. S. we will have a fine rain. Many of customer) 200 sheets While They La«t conference at Weiser Sunday. the farmers have all their beets Mrs. Wayne Barrett and son re planted and a good rain would be turned home from the hospital priceless to them. That Monday Regular SCHOOL Friday evening. morning frost did not look too good Rev. Alfred Brim has been asked up here. That difference in alti 50c Size to speak over the Ontario radio tude between out here and down station Monday morning, Marcn at Nyssa makes a big difference in 50c Coconut 31 at 8 o’clock. climate. We notice it little In the A group of ladles will meet in summer and fall but much in the the home of Mrs. Fred Stephens winter and spring. We get a snow the first Thursday In April at 2 and the roads clears off and even o'clock to organize a ladies aid the ground around Nyssa but up society. Anyone interested In church here all is snow and ice. In the Regular 59c Size welfare work is invited to attend. spring the farmers are farming lor EACH Mrs. Charles Durfee and Mrs. a week there while we are still Roy Rookstool shopped In Ontario fretting and stewing. Later the Values From Your Wednesday and called on Mrs. fruit trees blossom out and the PORTRAIT Wayne Berrett at the Holy Rosary orchards are white or pink as the 50c to $5 Choice hospital. Mrs. Berrett is much case may be. Last Monday morn improved. ing there was lots of ice on my Practically all local residents pond and a cold wind was blow Regular Luckies attended the funeral of Mrs. Prank ing but—my peach trees had not $1.25 Size Parker of Cow hollow. The body blossomed out yet. Us still March Camels and was taken to Hood River for bur- so still keep my fingers crossed. 11 . These big land leveling outfits Chesterfields Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cloningor sure can work wonders with some value w i t h c o r d received a telegram last week tell of these fields. Gene Stephens has ing of the birth of a son to their had Jim Trummels big outfit level $1.49 Size son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and ing on his best field for around two Mrs. Paul Clpninger, at Johnson weeks. T hat field has underwent value City, Tennessee. Mr. Clontnger is a major operation. Its certainly stationed at Great Palls, Montana. had Its face lifted It sure Is a Per Carton Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porter mov beauty now. It costs a lot to oper WAY— WAY BELOW COST ed to their new home near New ate this large equipment tho. We Plymouth Thursday. wonder If Gene wont feel as tho CHOICE Plus Tax he had gotton his purse lilted when A FTER he pays the bill. These leveling jobs BOX are permanent Improvements and 39c a I ia m 3 0 c Size for 9c they are one of the blessings of the modern world. LILAC This Is still March and Pied Stephe has two thousand tom ato plants out here ready to set out and two thousand Hot Kaps ready to put over them. What's this modern word going to do By Clartiye Niccum 1 and 2 next? Anyway we hope we know Regular $5.67 Size Pound where we can get plenty of toma Our preacher says, ‘T he Bible toes this summer. tells us to ’bear ye one another's burdens"—can we see why some "50Foraps one says “my wife” or "my sister" DO-MORE 4-H CLUB has enough religion for both of ELECTS OFFICERS Vitami ns A - B1 - B2 - G and D Parke Davis us.” It seems to me I also heard some preacher say "Judg not lest iftr-ACRES (Special »— Mr. and ye be judged”. So it takes a smart Mrs. Alvie Lanfear of Caldwell er man than me not to sometimes had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Get Here Early Paul Thomson. become a bit confused. The Do-More 4-H club held its $ 4 .9 8 Speaking of one anothers burd- The Nyssa Pharmacy Good HeiTtF to All FROM RÉXALL HEALTH TO ALL Spring Clearance Easter Im SALE 1-2 Price FREE Friday G r Saturday, M arch 2 8 - 2 9 Permanent INI eeneX" UC Rubbing A lcoh ol- Wave Set 9c W ild ro o t Sham poo- Only 29c Carton Book M atches- Cigarettes 1.35 The Happy Farmer Easter Attractions WOMEN’S SPRING COATS AND SUITS ON DISPLAY ONE DAY ONLY Monday, March 31 Special Showing LARGE LINE OF FINE QUALITY VIRGIN WOOL COATS AND SUITS HOSIERY— LADIES NYLONS— $1.50, $1.69, $1.95, and $2.25 RAYONS— 39c Bisma R ex- 1.19 Electric Toaster- 1 .9 8 Electric Room H eater- 3 •98 Gallon Picnic J u g s Gum And Candy Bars While They Last With Spigot Wide Mouth PLENAMINS SUPPLY VITAMIN EQUIVALENT OF ALL THESE FOODS* $1.60 Value Fitches Shampoo and I ■ With Rubber scalp massager. 99c $6.95 LADIES SPRING HATS $3.95 CHILDREN & MISSES TAFFETA DRESSES $4.45 to $4.95 HOSIERY— MEN’S Cream And Face Powder Special MUNSINGWEAR— NYLONS 4-Pound Bag 75c f i LADY ESTHER 1 • 1 Rifluir ns gi»í B. Lotion 2 .Ç 8 14c For Theae Hard To Get Items _______ FILM—ALL SIZES_______ TELECHRON ELECTRIC CLOCKS RADIOS—TABLE MODELS POCKET WATCHES % SCHICK ELECTRIC SHAVERS ELECTRIC IRONS 6 0 0 U S P U i fs IN VITA M IN ?0 0 0 98c P C ru D IS t . S IIR S T IA K « After Shave 1 0 0 0 U S P O m is 4)4 IS t . ORCEN SI ANS N VITAM IN MUNSINGWEAR— RAYON 50c MUNSINGWEAR- Mercerized Cotton 50c * Pltnamms g w ’SOOO U S Rive $1.93 98c LUNCH KITS (With Bottle) IN VITAM IN 1V4 l i t . S U IT I« 98c, $1.01, and $1.19 LADIES DRESSES FOR EASTER 4V4 PINTS M ilk W ÎI Fitches Quinoil Permanent 5 98 fj“ Abdol Vi itamin Capsules 3.98 Home 55 c gjze for i 7 c Infra Red Lamp- 1.00 to 3.00 9c Stationery- 1 Shaving l-ocion- Chocolate Candy Tablets 3c 29c B? c ro x ra m s m 1 O IS . O S ANO S J U IC I IN V ITA M IN C Pltnimins g w 600 U S P Urn's ALARM CLOCKS REMINGTON ELECTRIC SHAVERS PARKER ‘51* PENS AND PENCILS KEM PLASTIC CARDS y i w v / u / P lIN A M IN S 69c Value HARMONICAS PI CAPSUIIS MEN’S DRESS HATS $2.49, $2.95, $6.95 and $7.95. MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS $2.49, $3.15, and $3.95 Wilson Brothers’ Department Store PHONE 32 NYSSA, OREGON Wrisley’s Bath Crystals 49c •Also N iati umide, Cilciu/n, Pana*, chenue. Vitamin B*. Vitamin E plug Lives end Icon. NYSSA Special ELECTRIC HEATING PADS—% OFF Special • te a s "O W HARD RUBBER COMBS