Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1947)
► • Classified Advertising TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y J O U R N A L. NYSSA, OKEGON R ATE S: Tw o cents per worn (or each Issue. A lter one month one cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, Is 30c. FOR SALE— 5-room house with Phone bath. Good location, $4600, some furniture. Bernard Eastman. 27Ftic. 31M or 011J1 PA U L T ilK K L 22AUC MISCELLANEOUS T O R SALE— Electric range cable, electric wire, 4-inch metal boxes, sinks, traps, floor drains, stop and wastes, chrome lavatory faucets and shower heads, pipe fittings, (s inch and 3/4-inch to 2-inch. H i-W ay Mdse. Mart. 3Mtfc. TH U R SD A Y , M ARCH 27, 1947 ETTY S U E ACE" NEWSOM MISCELLANEOUS — C u s t o m plowing and discing. Martin Tut tle. route 2, Parma, 114 miles South and 14 mile west of Nyssa - Parma junction. 13M3xp. MISCELLANEOUS— If you're FOR SALE—Four ton White truck looking for one of the best busi with flat bed 14, feet long, support ness opportunities in the valley, ed by two five-inch " I ” beams see William Gehr, Wilder, Idaho. 13M3xp. -------- (miles south of Payette. We do cus- running lengthwise with bed, cross I tom hatching. Phone Fruitland “ 1” beams every two feet. Ten duel rollers for hauling lumber; F O ^ S A T F ---- H eiivv hav derrick 622 L Payette ValleV Hatchery, Rt. FOR SALE Heavy hay derrick. j p ayette. Idaho. 13Mtfc. also beet bed goes with truck and M ISCELLANEOUS— Spring ser contract for hauling hay. Price Norman Douglas, route t, N yssa.;------------------------ --------------------- vice operations —Car washing, Inquire Skinner’s comer. 27M3xp. * 0 * S A L E - Wallpaper, Vogue $1500 Powell Service garage. SMtfc car polishing, motor steam clean ___ _____________________________I patterns, complete assortment. ing, change transmission and FOR SALE— New oil burner, chick Nyssa Furniture company. 20Mtfc. FOR SALE— Old buildings on differential lubricant, r e p a c k Felton ranch. Ira Ure, phone brooder. Phone 41-M, Nyssa. 27M2.! front wheels, engine tune-up, 06R2. 6Mtfc. Throw yourself whole-heartedly iirto the job of redecorating for spring tires criss-crossed. Herriman Mo FOR SALK— 1934 Ford truck, FO R SALE — Baby chicks every FOR SALE— 1 good manure load and summer. Start by seeing our selection of new furniture, lamps, rugs, tor Company. 20M2xc. motor overhauled, beet bed, a Tuesday and Friday. Christie's New er for Oliver tractor. One M -M good farm truck. Herriman Mo tables, Bendix radios. . .everything beautiful for the home. W e have suites, Hampshire Reds, white Leghorns, combine, on rubber. Leo W. Child, tor Co. 27M1XC Austra-whltes, White Rock, white 3/4 mile west on Alberta avenue. sets and pieces for every room in the house. M ISCELLANEOUS— Bill Marsh Cornish cross. Lemon's Hatchery. 20Ftfo. and Jack Reffett are operating Rea Phone 111-J, Nyssa. 27Mtfc. FO R SALE— The only dress shop FOR SALE— Chicks, New Hamp- Herren's Service station. We di Oregon shires, reds, white rocks, bar rea all kinds of mechanical and service FO R SALE — Maytag washer, good in fast growing eastern A n rocks, buff minorcas, white leg work. 13M4xj. condition, Gruno radio, weed sythe, town. Ideal location; lease. spray bath faucet, irrigating shov exceptionally attractive deal, well horns, austra-whites, rock-Hamp- CLEANING Price guar shire cross. Available for immediate el, alarm clock, one 8-day clock. worth investigating. Professional carpeting and up- Inquire Gate and future delivery. (15 per hun Ilertsch, 158 Em-son, between First anteed to please. aolstery cleaning. Service in your 20M2xc. dred. Vale Electric hatchery. 20Ftfc and Second. 27M2xp. City Journal. iiome by appointment only. Phone in FOR SALE Immediate possession, Roy Vawter at Lie Kecp-U-Ne,. FOR SALE— Ford Ammonium sul FOR SALE— Fuller paints, 27Ft(c phate, for lawns, gardens, shrubs, cluding outside white in gallons house with 3 rooms and bath. Full Cleaners. Phone 70. fields. Ten-pound bag, 85c. H erri or five gallon containers, full line basement, electric hot water, 1 acre MISCELLANEOUS— Sewing macn- line of Ehrgood Avenue to it's Hud Robb and Grove Cooper Salt Lake City. man Motor Co. 27M1XC of enamels. Nyssa Furniture com ground, big chicken house. Good pany. intersection with the center line helped Rev. R. L. Krlner Wednes 20Mtic. location. $6000. Bernard Eastman. nes wanted, treadles, portaDles ana David Procnau, who Is with the electrics, any condition. W ill pay F O R SALE— 1936 Chevrolet panel, of Ninth Street to it ’s intersec 27Ftfc. day on the new house he Is build U. S. army at Seattle, Is visiting 1938 International panel in good FOR SALE— Be comfortable this top prices. Phone 247M, P. O. Box tion with the center line of Park ing near Vale. Place your order now FO R SALE— “ M ontag" elr.’ rnc .108, 469 So. First St. F. “ Lcte” his sister. Mrs. Joseph Callahan, condition. Shelton Dairy. 20M2xp. summer. Avenue.’’ The Corfleld brothels liave rent for air-conditioning units. Nyssa comb. Ranges, immediate delivery. Sackett, Ontario. Rebuilding, elec You are hereby further notified ed 80 ares near Vale. and family. Mr. Procnau’s home FOR R E N T— O ffice space in front Heating Co., Phone 169W. 20Mtlc., H i-W ay Mdse. Mart. 3Mtfc. trifying, repairing. the amendment of said Ordinance 5Dtfc. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Gregg were is in Omaha. room o f Shelton Dairy to right No. 299 and the revision of the Considerable Influenza has been party. 20M2xp. FOR SALE— Portable radio, ice ^ FOR SALE— 75 by 120 foot corner MISCELLANEOUS—For netter ra boundaries of said business dist guests Sunday of her father, T a y lor Sandy o f Nyssa. box and baby buggy. Phone 151-W. location on Main street. Bernard reported In this vicinity. dio service bring your radios to rict (Zone 3>, and all owners of F O R SALE— Strawberry plants, The Reeder grocery has Instated 20M2xp. Eastman. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Callahan 23J1ÍC Newsom Furniture store. Gene Sey- property and persons affected there- a Kelvinator cold storage unit. were honored at a waffle supper flowering shrubs, evergreens, shade 13Jtfc > by or concerned are hereby called bold, radiotrician. FOR SALE — 1940 Mercury sedan, FO R SALE!— Several houses for Mrs. Ed Corfleld is improving. trees, three-year field grown roses. last Saturday evening by Ray and _______ _ | upon to appear Indore said City Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strickland Louise Porters at the Charles Dur Lloyd Lewis, 3/4 mile north of radioJheater and new motor. Phone sale. Attractive buys. See Frank MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car Council at said time and place 20Miic. 151-W. Norman Hlpp. 20M2<p. were guests Sunday of Mr. and T . Morgan. 16Jtfc Nyssa “ Y ." fee home. and cylinder lock keys made. Gam and show cause, if any they may Mrs. F. H. White of Outario. Mrs. Wayne Barrett is home from FOR SALE— Used washing ma- FO R SALE— Allis Chalmers mod- FOR SALE— Thompson’s Chek-R- ble store. 250afc. have, why said Ordinance No. 299 Mr. and Mrs. George Schwelzer the Holy Rosary hospital with a chine. Phone 89J, 131 F ilth el M crawler with dozer, cab, pow- Chix for delivery every Wednesday should * not be amended and the entertained guests Sunday from baby son. street. 20M2xc. er take-off pulley with case, 2- and Saturday. W rite for breeds and boundary lines of said Business Boise and Nampa. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Mrs. Charles Callahan left the ------------- ------------------------------bottom 2-way plow. Western Cor- prices to Thompson’s Ontario H at Stock received Monday. Tuesday, District (Zone 3) revised as above Roberta Strickland is recovering Nursing home Sunday with her FO R SALE— John-Deere two-row rugator company. 13Mtfc. chery, box 578, Ontario, Oregon. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. ' described. from a case of the mumps. baby daughter, Linda Pay. Mrs. potato planter, also one Case turn- ------ ----- ---- --------- ------- — - 13Ftfc. to 6 p. m. and Friduy 8 a. m. to 12. | This notice Is given in pursuance Charles Ditty, Tressa Ditty, Mary Callahan will remain In Ontario ble-bug plow. Lloyd Cleaver, route FOR SALE— 80-acre row cropland. No stock received on Sunday. of the provisions of Ordinance No. Query and daughter, Sharon, and for a few nays. 2. 20M2xp. 14 miles southwest Nyssa, Sunset FOR SALE Good home with two Beef, sheep and polk. Free delivery 299 of the City of Nyssa governing Mrs. George Wilson attended an Tire members o f the L.D23. ----------------- ---------—---------------- I valley. Box 725, Robert Ditty. bedrooms,’ kitchen, living room, to Polar locker plant. the amendment thereof. all-day meeting of the Assemblies church of this vicinity attended FOR LEASE— Fruit and vegetable | 13M6p. dining room, bath, full basement One mile west on Alberta avenue. Dated this 6th day of March A of God In Caldwell Thursday. general conference In Weiser Sun stand, also 2% acres for sale. P. O. ■ --------------------- — with 2 bedrooms finished. Furnace Phone 05R1 D. 1947. Clarice Nothels, Mabel Roberts day, March 23. box 97, Ontario, Oregon. j FOR SALE— Boy Scouts, we have heat. Electric hot water, garage, j a k e ; f i s c h e r E. K. Burton and Mrs. Charlie Schwelzer were ____.— — ------------- | a few more army Dac sacks, close- cow shed, chicken house and 1 acre The executive girls committee City Recorder FOR SALE— Mall chain power 1 out. $2.95. H i-W ay Mdse. Mart. tfc. of ground just outside city limits. among those attending the health women, Mrs. Flora Garner, Mrs. Legal Advertising saw, used three months. Harley | --------------- ----- ----- --------------- clinic in Ontario one day last week, ; Martha Durfee, Mrs. Ruth Bybee. This is a good buy at $8250. Terms. T. Moore, Third and Ennis. FOR SALE— Manure loader to fit Mrs. M. Terra has had an addi- an£j Vivian A3hby attended a stake 23Jtfc N O TICE OK M EETING 20M2xp. model A John Deere tractor, built Bernard Eastman. tion built on her house. Ed Mort- ; meeting In Ontario last Sunday, OW YHEE IR R IG A T IO N IHST. _____________________________ ____ | to load truck or spreader; Sische FOR SALE— Bliss Triumph po- ensen assisted with the work. | Miss Loya Callahan is spending is hereby given, that the FOR SALE— Russet potato seed beet loader, loaded 85 acres; Oliver tatoes, Nebraska certified, one year » " Notice 1 7 ' , niVpiTnrs nf’ 7 h » 7 t o v W „ „ „ „ „ „ I Alvln Haney of Weiser called the week-end at Ontario with Mrs. from Bue Tag. 12 miles south j 26-inch power digger; fertilizer out. See Frank Parr, Nyssa Imple- j S u t t o n 1 Dktrict ' ®U N SE T V A L L E Y (Special)-W or- on T. H. Brewer in the valley rec- , clarence Hen ad. Nyssa on Overstreet road, tele- ' spreader. S. E. Flanagan, inquire ment, or call 01-J2. 6Ftfc. ‘ “ I J kers. are busy °n the government ently. ___ . _ I Word was received this week ___________ ___ ________________ board of equalization, will meet phone 09J1. Hugh Lamb. 20M4xp. j at Reeder's grocery at Ole’s corn- ditches. cleaning and repairing. Mrs. Woodrow Smith and son, f ru n Mrs. Mary Jane Tanner of - — v— er. 27Flfc. FO R s SALE— Water Is to be turned into the dit i t p, , P C h rysler on the lst d ay ° * A Pr il- 1947- at Stephen, and Dorothy Hobson of 140 H. P. Chrysler g 0-clock p M ot sald day at lu Portland, formerly of this viclntty, FO R SA LE — Netted gem and bliss Nampa were visitors of Mr. and that she and her daughter’s fa m i stationary motor, on trader, right office ln Nyssa, Oregon, for the pur- ches about April 5, if possible. triumph potato “ seed ....... T " -------- „ y from blue FOR SALE— Netted gem seed po- i~ nnllev nimenmenT Develons “ ■ " j “ » . v a n » , ™ w c iiiii - Seven members of the Worth- Mrs. E. J. Hobson Sunday. ly had all been sick with Influenza. tag, for sale OT WlU put out^two ¡ tatoes. One year from_ certified ; pose of reviewing and correcting while club met Wednesday after- Cash Turner was recovering last Mrs. Tanner Intends to visit here for three. Harry Masto, f I v e ! blue tag. Potatoes across from O r e -1 horsepower at 3200 rpm. Satis- its assessment roll and apportion- noon at the home of* Beth Pom- week from illnes that he suffered soon. 13Mtfc. , | gon Trail schoolhouse. ______ Phone „ 03- 1 factory for large hay chopper. See ment of charges for operation and eroy with Ada Schweizer as co miles south Adrian. --------- ___ ____ ____________ while he and Mrs. Turner were 27F5xp. Frank Parr at Nyssa Implement or The Owyhee and Adrian Rellet maintenance for the 1947 season, hostess. One visitor, Mrs. Mike visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howard societies joined in the March 17 FO R SALE— Everbearing straw- I **"*’ __1" ________ call 01-J2. 6Ftfc. and assessment tor lorty per cent Rataezyk, was present, and fam ily at Bates. celebration of the anniversary of berry plants. l l4 miles south of FO R SALE— Gem seed potatoes. of the operation and maintenance Miss Miriam Black of Ontario Mrs. Jim Langley, who has been the R elief society of the churoh. Apple Valley schooUiouse. R. R. Ira Ure, phone 06-R2. 20Ftfc. FOR SALE— Russett and Pontiac estimated charges for the season gave hints on “ Labor Savers in visiting friends in Colorado and Games were played and ice cream seed potatoes, grown from blue tag Thomas. 20M4xp. FO R SALE—Two new oval 680 seed, rogued twice. S. E. Flanagan, of 1947, and $1.00 per acre con the Kitchen’’ and also gave a talk relatives ln Kansas, flew from Col- and cake were served. struction oharge, payable in ad on “ Understanding Ourselves and rado Friday, arriving at the Bolst* 30Jtfc. FOR SALE— Baby chicks. White gallon tanks, 10 feet long, 58 inches route 2, Nyssa. vance during the year 1947, by Others” . There will be no April airport at 8o’clock. She was acc rocks, Austra-whltes, Buff Mlnore wide, 30 inch deep. Would do fair \ — — — — virtue of Bureau of Reclamation __, ____ _ _________ ___ __________ .water or fuel storage. $50 each. C. FOR SALE New two-bedroom meeting as members af the club ompanied on the trip by Shirley as, Black AustraVorps, Light Bra are invited to attend the spring Stiles, who continued her trip to hmas. Barred Rocks, and W h ite ! E. Leseberg, South Second and !l0me ^ith basement, furnace order. ___ ^ ______. I n n r l e E n lr a r T tx ie (<• I n an n v n n lla r il 27F4xc a,1(i stoker. This Is ln an excellent The assessment roll and record festival from 10:30 to 3 pm. April Burns for a visit with relatives. Rocks and White Leghorns. Three . Reese street. location. Can be financed under F. may be inspected at the office of 22 at the Boulevard Grange hall Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brewer H. A. Bernard Eastman. 9Jtfc. the district by any interested per near Cairo junction. Each membei were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. wm, m m son during office hours of each is asked to furnish a covered dish Claude Nicholson Saturday even business day. On April 16 the members of the ing. FOR SALE;— Electric hot water By order of the Board of Dir Worthwhile club are to be guests ectors, by heaters with inter-locking ther of the Nyssa Civic club, which will Frank T, Morgan, Secretary, mostat, 40 gallon capacity. Guar sponsor a fashion show at Nyssa Owyhee Irrigation District. anteed. $105. Nyssa Furniture Guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. First pub. Feb. 27, 1947 Co. Phone 149-W 2Jtfc John Grottevitt were Rev. and Last pub. Mar. 27, 1947- Mrs. R. L. Kriner and family of COW H O LLO W (Special)— Clar- I f you do see or write Lincoln district and Mrs. Andrew enoe Herrud left last Tuesday for NOTICE OF REVISIO N OF Titland and children. North Dakota to manage a mer- FOR SALE 114—2% H. P. gaso BOUNDARIES OF THE C. E. Huntly of Wilder was a chantile business. His wife and line engine, International. Leo Paul Tuttle, P^rma, Rt. Fife, Phone 05R-2. 28NttC. THE BUSINESS D IS T R IC T OK recent visitor in the Charles Ditty children will remain here for a THE C IT Y OF N YSSA AS home. while until he Is located and busi Mrs. Charles Wilson received ness Is going good. FOR SALE— Eating potatoes. $1 ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE 2, or Hallard Tuttle, NO. 299. word of the sudden death of a PH YS IC IA N S The L.D23. Owyhee Sunday school J. R. C U N D A LL cwt. Bring your sac*. L. J. Josepn- Pursuant to the provisions of Or brother-in-law, Ray Condor of Col officers and teachers attended the son and Son. Phone 392-J, Payette, -V * Sunday school convention In Boise Dentist Idaho. 3!Otfc dinance No. 299 adopted and e f orado. Ontario, Phone 275-W. fective on the 13th day of Novem Claude Nicholson has purchased last Sunday. Several visitors were S A R A Z IN CLINIC Phone 56-J there from the general board in FOR SALE— New commercial ber A. rr. 1945, NO TICE IS HERE an nutomoblle. Mr. and Mi's. Lester Adams and Dr. J. J. Sarazin building just completed. Building B Y G IVEN to all property owners Sarazin Clinic Is 50 by 70 with modern two bed and persons affected hereby that family of Wilder were Sunday d in NYSSA OREGON Dr. K E. Kerby room apartment. Excellent location whereas a petition in due form, and ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shu- with parking area in front and signed and executed by more than bert and family. They called In Physician and Surgeons fifty per cent (50%)of the owners the George Wilson home In the O PTO M ETRISTS rear. Best of construction. Mus of land effected, as defined by afternoon. be seen to be appreciated. Bernard Ordinance No. 299, has been pres Shirley Stiles of Leotl, Kansas Eastman. Phone 64. 7Ntfc ented to jhe City Council of the was an overnight guest Friday of DR. J. A. M C F A L L Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson. Sewer and basement excavating. Physician and Surgeon FOR SALE— Automobile insurance. City of Nyssa; and, WHEREAS, said petition pre Mrs. Hud Robb, Mrs. Grover Phone 37 DR. JOHN E A S L Y Also land leveling and ripping Public Liability, Property Damage. pared and submitted as by said Cooper and Mrs. Bill Gregg att Hours: 10 to 12 and I to 5 • Fire, T lie ft and Collision. Placed Ordinance No. 299 required peti ended an American Sunday school Dally—Except Sunday in the best companies at lowest tions for the amendment of the workers conference ln Caldwell possible rates. Bernard Eastman. boundaries of the business district Tuesday. 14Ftfc. in the City of Nyssa, Oregon as Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nlshltanl were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George created by said Ordinance; and, Phone 154J "OR SALE—Three acres, close In. WHEREAS, said petition for Hashitani of Nyssa Sunday. W . F. JAH N Bernard Eastman. 29Atfc. change of zone has been referred Melvin Pendarvis left tills week j to the City Recorder and has been for Portland where he Is to re Dealer in hay and grain 1 checked by said City Recorder for port for his physical bheck-up Third at Good Ave. sufficiency and said City Record March 27. Phone 21, Ontario, Ore W ANTED Pasture to r 30 head er has made a report of his find Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fields were of calves. Ed Carfield, Rt. 2, ings to said City Council; and, Payette visitors Sunday. W1U.VOO 4w0 BOXA T CSNffCHR MhKE It ^ JE W E LR Y STORES 20M2XP Nyssa. WHEREAS, it Is deemed to be Mr. ad Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen STOP FiCrHliNCr IT I Grit TEN CENTS PO« YOO EACH « NiCKta.»r FLOOR SANDING W A N TE D - Baled alfalfa. No. for the best interest of the City were Boise business callers Mon T h e W IN N E R tM)-)? of Nyssa and its inhabitants to day. - « "One” quality, wire tied, any quan- bs- ------------- ■*, Mr. ad Mrs. James Reeder and tity. W F Jahn. 96 South Third amend said zone comprising the Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver have business district, New’ or old floors sand St. 20Mtfc. Union Pacific Tim e Inspector from Missouri, where NOW. THEREFORE, N O TICE IS returned JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS ed perfectly. Large SALESM AN W A N TE D — Vacancy. HEREBY GIVEN to all property they were called because of the Locti Rawleigh route available owners and persons affected and serious illness of Mrs. Reeder’s W ATC H ES commercial machine Good business opportunity. Start concerned that it is the intention and Mr. Cleaver’s father. They Main Street a. Second Immediately. Car necessary. Write of the City Council of Nyssa, Ore report the roads to be quite icy and experienced oper Rawleigh's, Dept. 331, Oakland 7, gon. in accordance with the auth- and Oregon to be a very nice California. 20M3xc.' ority granted by Ordinance No. state, as it Is the only state that ators. Telephone Boise ----- ------------------------------------------I 299. to amend Zone 3, which Is the could boast of green grass along W A N T E D — House painting COB-1 business district. os created by said the roads and more activity ln 6189R. O fficial Tim e Inspector for traeted by the hour. Phone 148-J. Ordinance in such a manner that the fields preparing for the spring In tire service, honesty is of utmost Im Union Pacific Roy Barnes. 20M5xp. a portion of said Zone 3 will be work. portance. Don't take chances with guess O N T A R IO OREGON work or mis re presentation ln your tire Leon Burt of Texas is working W A N TE D — T o rent good potato described as follows: problems. Bring your tires to us and get “ thence West along the center for Charley Schwelzer. land, prefer alfalfa ground. Harry the opinion of honest experts. line of Ehrgood Avenue to a point Henry Hlntz hauled sand and DENTISTS Refinished. Filled. Varnished Masto, five miles south of Adrian. 120 feet West of the West line gravel for Oscar Muilenberg, who By Experienced Men 27Ftfc. of Ninth Street; thence North expects to erect a new dwelling Write N. J. Barnett and parallel to the west line ot soon W A N TE D — "Hammer mill and Dentist Ninth Street to It’s tntesection Mrs. Homer Brewer and daugh electric motor. What have you?" Marsing, Idaho with the center line of Park ter. U nda Jane, were moved to Box A or phone 144-J Nyssa. 23Jtfc NEW CAR, T R U C K - t r a c t o r TIRES Ph. 187W their home Wednesday. Avenue;” Sales Service Supplies W A N TE D — T o buy anything In R EC APPIN G A REPAIRING Instead of the presently existing M r and Mrs John Reeves and Wilson Bldg. h ««f or "eal Also buy banger cows description, which is as follows: Water of Nyssa were dinner guests PHONE 5 M NYSSA, OREGON or will handle far hide and o ff all "thence West along the center Sunday In the Charles Ditty home For Sale GOVERNMENT MEN CLEANING DITCHES Professional And Business Direclory COW HOLLOW FOLK HAVE INFLUENZA Need A Well? Drain Ditch L. A. Maulding. M. D. AND CANAL CLEANING HAY BUYER C. E. Leseberg WANTED M/CK£Yaod WS MA ftr 0 *• »«■■■» wcldch * PAULUS JEWELRY STORE WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE y BIG BROTHER SE*-” FLOOR LAYING AND SANDING F. F. BODMER O.K. RUBBER W ELD ERS