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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1947)
P \CE TWO '1 HE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON - Editor - and Publiatier SUBSCRIPTION KAILS ADVERTISING KATuA One Year ..................... *2.DO Six Months .2. - ........ *1.25 Single Copies...............—............ M (Strictly In Advance; Open rate, per Inch......... J5c National, per inch..............40c Classifieds, pe: word--------a. Minimum 30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act o March 3, 1870 WE MUST BE PREPARED Although the recent census showed that the growth o f Nyssa was not as large as anticipat ed by city and chamber o f commerce officials, it was large enough to prompt the local comm unity to take action to overcome the inconven iences that naturally develop in a growing area and organize for future expansion. The growth of Nyssa and the restrictions that have been imposed by war and post-war conditions have left the town badly cramped TENSEN SHEEP ARE TAKEN TO RANGE Mrs. Pete de Boer of Ontario call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groo: Thursday afternoon. COLUMBIA AVENUE (Special)— C M Teasen t,xjk hls “heeP tc Mrs. C. W. de Boer and Mr. and ■ ’ hills last week. •-------------------------------------------------- I Norman Larson is sick with the ' mumps. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit of Nu- Acres called on friends in tills community Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot of Apple Valley entertained Sunday at a card party and covered dish Nyssa will have dinner for Mrs. Dick Stam of Ore a free clinic for gon Trail, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ten- the hard of hear sen, Mr. and Mrs Dick Groot, Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman of Ne ing next Fridav, well Heights and Mr *nd Mrs. Z. April 4 at the Davidson of Parma. Owyhee hotel, 10 Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Oord started a. m. to 6 p. m. building their new residence. E. M. Hollen beck, profession- a 1 A cousticlan, ADRIAN BASEBALL will be in charge TEAM DEVELOPING of the clinic. ADRIAN Special)— The baseball It was emphasized by Hollen team Is now beginning to take beck that the free clinic and hear form. There are several returning lettermen for this year's team. ing tests demand no obligation Dean Woods is the only veteran outfielder. In the inflpld Jimmy from those who attend. He sugg Wilson and Martin Mittlesteadt are ested that those unable to come back, while old reliable Roy Mech- am Is back to strengthen the to the clinic may phone him at mound staff. Hank Moore and Wil ly Reene are showing fine work. the Owyhee hotel and that he Lewis Hoke, Jim Cooper and Ben would provide private appoint nie Keller are showing signs of being able to play the infield, ments in the homes of as many while Ray Landau. Ted Holly and Keith Stoker are showing evidence individuals as possible. of becoming good outfielders. Glenn Trussell Is manager, The new Ac oust icon Imperial 17 Out For Track Coach Huffman had a fine tur i- end the famous "Hearing-Lenses" cut of 17 boys for hls track tea. t. will also be demonstrated. (Ad/.i Returning lettermen Include Don Elliot, Leonard Claussen, Ivan Jensen and Wilbur Jackson. F. F. A. News Since the agriculture boys have finished their parliamentary con test, the freshmen are studying beef. The sophomores are taking up food requirements of plants and animals. Junior and senior boys are taking advanced study In the feeding of livestock. Girls League Meets Miss Virginia Miller was a gues* speaker at the Olrls league meet ing held Thursday during seventh period Miss Miller spoke to the girts about textile stenciling, which is painting stencil designs on mat erial A kerchief was stenciled by several of the girls. Miss Miller then talked about her work In the navel hospital In EanFrancls- co while she was In the Red Cross Teachers Have Dinner The teachers were honored at a dinner given Wednesday afternoon by the sophomore home econom ics class. The menu consisted of meat loaf, peas, jellied salad, mash ed potatoes, not rolls, butter, jelly and cake with lemon sauce. Free Clinic For Hard Of Hearing j Benediction place. Thursday, Ap- i rll 3. Horses, Cattle and Farm i Machinery. Terms-cash L. O. Fre- derlcks, owner. Cols. Bert Ander- son and Joe Church, auctioneers ! L. H. Fritts, clerk. for housing facilities and have placed it in an unfavorable position from the standpoint of meeting the demands made upon a larger city. • Many business men realize the need for prep aration to meet the demands o f a greater pop ulation. Some have already modernized their stores and others in various lines o f business have purchased more machinery in order to gi\ e greater service and be in a position to han dle the increased trade. City and school district officials, taking cog nizance of the growth, have taken steps to meet the glowing demands that will be made upon them. However, they cannot improve the streets, the water system and the school fac ilities without the support o f the people. We should all be ready but not over-prepared when the greater growth comes within the next two or three years, regardless o f whether we are business men, farmers or just plain city folk and school district patrons. I he Gdte City Journal K I. ASS V. POWELL THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1947 Dated tills 26th day of March, district to levy an additional as- ! sessment of ten (10; mills against 1947. Dale F. Garrison, 1 the real property situated within Chairman of the Board of Di | the limits of the said district for rectors Nyssa Road Assessment | use in connection with road lm District No. 2. provements for the year 1947-1943. BUILDING PERMITS Marie Thomas, garage construe- I j tion. 20 by 24, frame, $500, Third | street, lot 12, block 72, Green ad- j dition. Dority Welding company, con struction, 9th street near Emison avenue, $8500, 44 by 60, structural steel. Legal Advertising I given by Mrs. Leona Anderson, I home demonstration agent for the : Idaho Power company. Mrs. An- | derson prepared “ breads and DOUBLE WEDDING | spreads“ for the ladles. CEREMONY IS HELD A lovely doub.e wedding cere Tea hostesses for the afternoon mony was performed in the First were Mrs. J. L. Churxh and Mrs. Christian church in Baker March i F. F. Bodmer. 9 at 1 o’clock, when Miss Donna - § - Meng and Leroy Merrick, and M ss BRIDGE PLAYED Audrey Dima and Robert Meng Another Tuesday evening bridge vere united in marriage by Rev. hoste.s was Mrs. William Wahlert W. Zook. High winners in cards were Mrs. The brides wore grey suits with L. A. Maulding and Mrs. B. B jlack accessories and identical rose Lienkaemper. Mrs. Wahlert also orsages. They were given in mar had as guests besides club mem riage by their fathers, Jake Meng bers Mrs. Orin Sumner, Mrs. Wal and John Dima. ter McPartland and Mrs. Lien Leroy Merrick is the son of Mr. kaemper. and Mrs. C. II. Merrick of Nyssa. -5 - At tlie reception held at the OARDEN CLUB MEETS John Dima residence, the nuptial The A.N.K. Garden chib met table bore two Identical three-tier Tuesday, March 11, at the home wedding cakes, set off by two twin of Mrs. Walter McPartland, with candelabras, holding white frosted Mrs. Ella Smith acting as assistant candles. Paper napkins bearing the hostess. Mrs. Gerritt Stam gave first names of each couple, gave an interesting talk about lilies, and J an added personal touch. other spring bulbs. Guests of the More than 50 relatives and club were Mrs. Robert Crummett friends were present. Following a of Ontario, and Mrs, B. B. Lien- ; short honeymoon on the coast ,the kaemper, Mrs. Barney Wilson and youi^g couples will make their Mrs. H. H. Kingrey. home In Baker. - 5 - —5— GUESTS AT DINNER NYSSA GIRL MARRIES Mr. Ray Elggren and George Miss Myrna Jordan, daughter of Keller of Salt Lake City, Utah were Mrs. Icle Jordan of Nyssa, and dinner guests at the Ray C. Lew Rudy Schram, son of Mr and Mrs. is home Tuesday. B. J. Schram. were married March 17 in Vancouver, Washington. They CARD OF THANKS were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. We wish to thank all of our N. D. West. friends for the kindness extended The bride wore a bright blue ¡u.t to us during the Illness and follow- with white accessories and a cor ig the death of our beloved wife sage of orchids. and mother, and for the beautiful The couple plan to make their floral offerings. We e s p e c i a l l y home in Ontario. thank neighbors who cared for A reception will be held for the things during our absence. couple In the parish hall In Nyssa Frank Parker tonight. Don Parker and family Social Notes NOTICE OF ANNUAL AND SPECIAL ELECTION OF NYSSA ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 Notice Is hereby given that on the 8th day of April, 1947, at the City Hall of the City of Nyssc, In the County of Malheur, State of Oregon, the annual election of the Nyssa Road Assessment Dist rict No. 2 for a director of sa id Nyssa Road Assessment District No. 2, will be held at 8 o'clock In the afternoon of said day and Whereas a petition, dated the 23th day oi March, 1947, signed by more than ten (10) owners of real property situated within the limits of the Nyssa Road Assess ment District No. 2 petitioning for a special election for the purpo e of obtaining appoval for the as sessment of an addition ten (10) mills to be applied toward the cost of road Improvements for 'he year 1947-1948. was filed with the Board of Directors herein, Now therefore, notice is hereby given that on the same day, at the same place and during the same hours a special election of said Nyssa Road Assessment Dist rict No. 2 will be held for the pur pose of voting authority to said Electric Range Beautiful new Gibson. Two-oven electric home range. Completely automatic. Appliance & Record Shop 213 N. 10th Boise, Idaho FOR M A X I M U M CROPS »> *■ ; ». • • a . * B U Y T H IS WISE WESTERN FARMERS always de mand Northland Brand Seed . . . the clean, tested, fertile seed identified by the Flying Goose on the bag. Northland Brand 1« oi higher quality this year than eyer . . . and it's specially adapted to local climatic conditions. To be SURE oi your supply oi the seed backed by the 62 year reputation oi America's leading seedsmen, see your nearby Northrup King dealer or write to . . . • SEED NORTHRUP, KING & (0. BOISE Only the BEST need can pass the Northlaiiii Brand tests f o r quality an d fertility. IDAHO ORDER NOW THE NEW "ELECTROLUX” Russell and Mclntire Brush and Spray Bigger, better and for less money Paint Contractors Cleaner and Air Purifier and with all the Attachments And Sign Large monthly shipments now being received. For Only $69.75 FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION Phone or write W riters Work Guaranteed Phone 181J, Nyssa, Oregon Ed. R. Anderson Rt. 3 Weiser Phone 567J4 -5 - WOMEN JfEET The Nyssa Civic club met Wed nesday afternoon at the parish hall. The meeting was the first held since election of new officers. Mrs Bernard Eastman, president, conducted a short business meeting preceding a food demonstration SALE PUBLIC FARM SALE— Located 1 mile west of Vale, Oregon on Graham Boulevard, then 1 mile north and ■« mile west on old B o x Social Nu-Acres Community Hall Two miles north of Nyssa-Parma Jet. March 28, 8P. M. Fun and entertainment will be provided i.: *-±-* v-“ ' - " KITH H\DRAUL1C4LLY OPERATED TR.4MSMISSI0i\ ,-LVD gÿrol FLUID DRIl E a cm x a zn n a It's small w hen compared with a fountain p e n ! And for beauty and quality o f tone, the . . . 'tVlERL'S < o o m a n v GOOD FOLKS IN-THIS HERE WORLD FER A FELLER T o a s s o c ia t e w n v » th e m iUATb NOT. ie the m oat e c o n o m ic a l an d tha moat p o w e r fu l h e a r in g aid ot all tim e! M a d . poaaibl. by th . use o i " B e a n i.d E le c t r o n ic P o w e r " an d t h . fam oua "H earing Lenses". See announcement on this »am. page lor raw, of the next FREE Hearing Clinic See and try the new Acouaticon Imperial. THE ABC OF lETTER HEARING FO« THE HARD OT HEARING Signs that do mean strength, dependability and satisfactory service are found in: Oliver Farm Implements Perfection Milk Master Milkers Planet Jr., Garden and Tractor Tools Myers Pumps and Chattin Ditchers You can buy them from the Nyssa Implement Company. Answer to last week’s problem:— Although cats cannot see in the dark, they can see better than most animals in a dim light. PLAY SAFE. . associate with the NYS8A AUTO BODY SHOP If your car needs paint or body work of any kind. . we re qualified to give it to you. We offer you this town s most expert body rebuilding service m s^ufcßodjShon|llS! COMPUTI 900V £ If NYSSA IMPLEMENT COMPANY IP'. C f "»o; V < p a i n , j M C p B H — WRECKER SERVICE om s? otPf. :A - ^ FARM EQUIPMENT & SERVICE PHOMt 10 R ------------------—--------- r = NVSSA; OREGON . v* ’ . C u t Ci: SEE YOLK CHRYSLER.PI.YMOITH DEALER MR Waggoner lMotor Co. .