Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY PAGE EIGHT Social News Nyssa high school prior to her ! marriage. The young couple will 1 make their home In Payette. MARRIED IN WEISER — » - EX-RESIDENT MARRIES Miss Ellen March, daughter of James A. Aston, son of Clarence Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Marsh oi itston of Payette, former Nyssa Nyssa, and Lee Curtis, son of Mrs. I resident, was married February 28 Grace Curtis of Welser, were 1 in the S alt Lake City temple of married March 2 at the home of j the LDS church to ML.s Valene the groom’s mother. Cherry Peterson, daughter of Mr. The bride was a student of the and Mrs. Hilmer Peterson of Eph- i raim. Utah. Mr Aston, who attended Snow college at Ephraim, spent two years FOR SALE in the service. He recently visited WHITE ROSE SEED Nyssa friends In company with his “bride to be". Mrs. Aston also POTATOES attended Snow college. Purple Tag - 8 - JUNIOR AUXILIARY MEETS Greenhouse tests show near zero The Junior American Legion Aux- disease readings. Write ' iliary held its meeting March 4 at j the home of their chairm an, Mrs. Wm. H. Sester | E. K. Burton. The members de cided to send five girls, accompani- Rt. 2, Box 390 I ed by Mrs. Burton, to Baker March GRESHAM. OREGON 22 to attend the district meeting. Mrs. Josephine Boyer of Baker, JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON district No. 7 chairman, and other state officers will be in attendance. —« — OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY A dinner was given Tuesday evening of last week in the Tom Loe home in observance of Mr. and Mrs. Loe's 23rd wedding anniversary. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Nielsen of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Loe and the Misses Mildred and Dor othy Loe. - I - HOSTESS TO CLUB Mrs. Kenneth Cottle was hostess on Tuesday to members of her club. Bridge prizes were awarded to Mrs. Joe Sutherland and Mrs. George Sallee. Mrs. Ron Campbell and Mrs. Tom Eldredge were spec ial guests. STUDY CLUB MEETS The last meeting of the St. Thom as study club for the winter months was held Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Pow ell. —$— ___ WOMEN HOLD MEETING The women’s council of the Christian church met last Thurs day at the home of Mrs. Ralph Currey, with Mrs. George Whipple Remodeling. ROADS ARE GOOD Music By The Gold Coast Rangers WILL PRESENT THE 10TH ANNUAL FOR SALE— 3 acres In Apple Val ley. Four-room house, furnished or unfurnished, bam , well, strawber ries, raspberries and Iruit trees. Pos session in 15 days. Leslie Robbins. 14 mile east of old hotel. 6M2xp. Just received a carload of shingles. Cinderella Ball NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY Friday, March 14 Enjoy Spring 8 p.m. Nyssa Gymnasium IN THE GREAT OUT-OF-DOORS WITH A NEW Theme “Rhapsody in Blue” Program followed by dance. Tickets on sale beginning Friday, March 7. Obtainable from any high school student. Two prizes will be given away. Vote on your ticket for your choice of Cinderella and Prince. ¡Public Invited Sneed’s Orchestra Tickets 80c, including tax i<ai NYSSA Phone 106 PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 7-8 The story Reader’s Digest called the most baffling ever written............. “THE VERDICT” With Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre and Joan Lorring Cartoon Mai., Sal., 2:S0 A«Jm. Z5c*5c 2-Reel Comedy Inc. l * i Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, MARCH 9-10 John Garfield, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Walter Brennan, Faye Emerson and George Tobias* in “NOBODY LIVES FOREVER” Romance in the rough as love wins over greed. Bugs Bunny Cartoon Mat.. I n . 2:30 Adm.. 30c-»r. Inc. T u Adm. Evenings, 40c-9r. Including Tax TUESDAY, MARCH 11 BARGAIN NIGHT Joe Kirkwood, Elyse Knox, Leon Errol, Guy Kibbee in “GENTLEMAN JOE PALOOKA” 2-reel Comedy Admission Evenings 2Se-9e. Including Tax. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAR. 12-13 John Payne, June Haver, Charlotte Greenwood and Connie Marshall in “WAKE UP AND DREAM” In Beautiful Technicolor Cartoon News Adm . E v e n in g s. «Or Oe. In c lu d in g Tax FOR SALE— Know Meal Master cook stove. Used six months. John Reeves, 3/4 miles west on Adrian highway. 6M2xp. FOR SALE— Trash burner and 40-gallon tank in excellent condi tion. Kenneth Reese, box 744. 6M2xp. Shingles THE NYSSA GIRLS LEAGUE Weekly market report for March 4, 1947 Cattle Fed steers $20 to $21.50. Fed hellers $16 to $19 Good cows $14 to $16.50. Bee! bulls $14 to $15.70. Veal calves $15 to $24 Fleshy stocker and feeder steers $15 to $24. Fat hogs $29 10. Packing sows $19 to $22. Feeder pigs $24 to $26 Lambs $18 to $19. Receipts: Cattle 1198, hogs 285, dieep 10. Special Horse Sale Salurday, March 22 ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. “Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” Elli» White, Manager 413-M Ellis White & Clayt Tschirgi (Shirge) Aucts. ONTARIO—413-M Dayton Bicycle Win cash prizes and radio audition on ama teur hour with songs, skits, readings, dances. Benefit of Memorial Hospital Fund A quilt will be given away. Nyssa Gymnasium 8 P. M. FOR SALE!— Old buildings on Felton ranch. Ira Ure, phone 06R2. 6MtIc. FOR SALE—Pour ton White truck with flat bed 14 feet long, support ed by two live-inch “I” beams running lengthwise with bed, cross “I" beams every two feet. T en ! duel rollers for hauling lumber; also beet bed goes with truck a n d . contract for hauling hay. Price I $1500. Powell Service garage. 6M t'ci FOR SALE;— Tualatin nursery stock. S. C. McConnell, two blocks 6M2xp north of sugar factory. March 19 Sponsored by Arcadia Sunshine Club Amateurs wishing to enter call 06-R3, Nyssa or write Box 212, Nyssa, Oregon before March 15. Our Statement Of Policy That it is our constant endeavor to raise to the highest degree the standards, eth ics and practices of automobile merchan dising. That we seek, through cooperative ef forts of local, state and national automo bile dealers associations, the correction of any unfair or unbusinesslike practices. That new cars are being distributed fair ly and equitably, with every considera tion being given to our community’s in terest. That new cars will be sold at established prices current at time of delivery, and no bonus payments or premiums of any kind will be accepted. That fair and reasonable value is given for every used car taken in trade; while we hope customers having used cars will, as in the past, trade them with us (so we in turn may supply more people with needed transportation) we will still make every effort to provide new or used cars to those not having cars to trade. A That while we are glad to install special u accessories (when available) which add to the appearance, usefulness, comfort and convenience of the new car, no cus tomer is required to purchase any extra equipment which he does not desire. That we are doing everything in our power to help eliminate black market operations in our industry. That despite the continued, critical shor tage of new cars we are anxious at all times to talk over with you your new car needs. i Latest models in boys’ and girls’ coaster brake 3 bicycles. NYSSA FURNITURE COMPANY Across From Reclamation Office We Want Our Customers Special Set-Aside Sale for VETERANS AndThe Entire BOISE, ID A H O i l n m 111 l i n t f\ r V > u m iliu iiu y $ 36 , 000.00 To Know~ worth of SLEEPING BAGS Approximately 1,000 arctic type sleeping bags in new condition and priced excep tionally low for Certified Veterans of W orld W a r II. Here is a top value item for the sportsman or outdoorsman and priced at o n l y _________________ $728 EACH 8 M A R C H 17, 1947 - 9 A. M. Sale to b« conducted for Veterans of W orld W ar II on presen tation of discharge papers— no certificates required— awards by drawing on a "first come— first served" basis. 30 0 sleeping bags held in reserve for Veterans' mail orders. Send payment in full (money order or certified check) and photostatic copy of discharge papers. (S U -2 3 9 ) W a r - A s s e t s -'A d m i n i s t r a t i o n B O IS E D IS T R IC T O F F IC E 609 B A N N “'C K ST R E E T FRUITLAND—522 Attention Amateurs FOR SALE— 12 tons oi first cut ting of hay. W. T. Cannon and son. route 2, Sunset Valley. 6Mlxp. Sat. Night, March 8 B R A C K E N 'S ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY FOR SALE— 1931 model-A Ford ! coupe, good motor and three new tires. Phone 63-J. 6M3xp. COW HOLLOW HALL March IO 6. 1947 6Mlxp. | in charge of devotions. The next meeting will be held Thursday, WANTED— Land Leveled. See March 13 at the home of M rs., Elmer Hill on Gem evenue. A Charlie Grider, Rt. 2, Nyssa. 6Mlp. business meeting and missionary WANTED— Light carpenter work, program will be held. hourly basis only. Repairing and remodeling. House finishing. Phone GIVES PARTY 24. W. A. Dunn. 6M3xp. Mrs Lester Fleetwood honored her four-year-old daughter, Lonnie, WANTED—Good merchandise man with a birthday party February to work into store manager's job. 24. The seven little guests played Write box 72, Nyssa. giving quali SMlxc games and were served ice cream fications. and a birthday cake decorated in FOR SALE—11-acre island on Snake pink and white. river, 3/4 mile south of Adrian. $- Sale transportation, living quarters, TO ENTERTAIN BOYS Tlie Mary and Martha society of pumping system for irrigation, or the Kingman Memorial Community chard. See C. E. Hensley at Ad , 6M2xp church will have as guests the Ad rian garage. rian high school basketball boys FOR SALE— Violin, lu ll size, good Wednesday night, March 12. The condition. J. O. Lane, phone 02 -J2. public is invited to attend, but Nyssa. 6M2xp. tickets should be secu »d by the FOR SALE!— To Pea Growers, stub first of the week. guards for Oliver mowers. Order now for May delivery Nyssa Imp Returns to Nvssa— 6M2xc. Mrs. Earner Clonlnger of Multu- lement Co. ma'h, formerly of Nyssa. arrived FOR SALE— 1939 International this week for an lndefinate stay. pick-up, 3/4 ton. long wheel base, transmission. 1 mile north Too Late To Classify 4-speed on Third street. N. H. Moses. 6Mt(c. MISCELLANEOUS— Cabinet work done by hour or Job. Apartment FOR SALE Comfortable daveno, 20, Veterans housing. Phone 192-W. $35. Nyssa Auto Parts. 6M3xp. Dance W ill Reopen Monday THURSDAY, MARCH F 10 That regardless of the termination of government regulations, affecting our business, we believe the high standards herein expressed are sound business prin ciples, and we will be guided by them. I hat our business is being conducted on a basis to merit public confidence and respect. HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY , .4