Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1947)
PAGE SIX t HE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON ? * k THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1947 les, Mrs. Hiatt, Mrs. Sweaney a n d , Chatter Box club meeting, which | were enjoyed outside. > ell Heights After the meeting re for Chet Corfield this summer. his folks to Toledo, Washington. MANY RESIDENTS Betty Lou Newbill and Ada Pearl freshments were served and then Fred Guthrie of Shoshone, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fleahman, Mrs. Terhune were the women from was held at the home of Mrs. Or- OF ADRIAN MOVE J West art preparing eight Brownie cards were played for the remainder came last week to move the house Mr. Fleahman's mother and fath thls district who attended the ma Qoodell.__________ __________ ADRIAN (Special)— Mr. and Mrs j Scout girls for Joining the Girl of the evening. All V. F, W. mem hold goods of Mrs. Marie Black. bers are invited to attend the next William Beus will move into the Kail Parker and sons of Fruitland j Scout troop in June. Mrs. Charles Newbill checked meeting to be held March 5 at the Black house. and Mr. and Mrs. Dorcy Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brewer of of Caldwell were dinner guests in badge work for several girls. They home of Mervln Peterson in Ad also practiced a play in prepara Owyhee moved this week to Sun tile Arthur Cartwright home Tues tion for their birthday relebrut'.on rian. Mrs. Dollie McCreary's home at set valley. day evening. to be held hi March. They played Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and George Washington games. Jack Fields, who lives near Nys Snively hot springs was the scene Donna Maria were In Nyssa Satur The Saturday evening pinochle of a double birthday celebration sa, visited his parents, Mr. and day evening to attend a surprise club met in the Clyde Steeiman birthday party ror Frank Cahill home February 22. A potluck sup Sunday, February 23. The birthdays Mrs. Nelson Fields Sunday. Gary Wilson. Rex Langley and in the Cahill home. Potluck supper per was enjoyed. Later in the ev celebrated were those of Mrs. Susie was enjoyed. ening four tables of pinochle were Johnson, 84 years old, and her Sharon Query are recovering from Mr and Mrs L. L. Hudson of played. Mrs C. Glenn Brown won niece, Miss Martha Marshall. Miss chickenpox. Lowman. Idaho were dinner guesis high prize. Low and the traveling Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen have Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Fra it prize were won by Mrs. Dale Ash Marshall and her brother, Ray mond Marshall, are here visiting returned to their home here after Johns. Many residents of Adrian have craft. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Durham of from Erskine, Alberta, Canada. The wintering in California. moved the past week. Mr. an d ! Wilder visited Sunday evening with table centerpiece was a beautifully Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Mrs. Ray Weatherspoon are now, their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nyssa were Sunday evening vis decorated birthday cake. Those at making their home in Nyssa. The | by Brown, in Adrian. tending from Adrian were Ardis itors in the O. P. Counsll home. Henry Reuter family moved to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eastman of Threlma ElUot, VWlbur The road from Mitchell butte to the Kressly farm in .Kingman Caldwell spent the week-end vis Hurst, Mrs. and Donald Elliot. the Owyhee reservoir is being Kolony, which was recently vacat iting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Mrs. C. Glenn Brown returned grader and worked. ed by the Howard Van Dewater | E. E. Eastman and Mr. and Mrs. home Wednesday evening after O. P. Counsil’s right hand was family. The George De Haven fam C Glenn Brown. spending two weeks visiting at Port badly crushed while he was help ily have moved to the house in A crew has been blasting the base Townsend, Washington, Portland, ing to load rock last week. He was Adrian that was vacated by Mr. I ment of the new Community Uni and Salem. While at Port Town not able to continue his work and Mrs. John Aukers. The John | ted Presbyterian church the past send the 50th wedding anniversary for three days. Auker family have rented and week. The excavating will be done of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Milligan and moved onto the farm in Kingman this week. James McGinpis Is do Camfleld, was observed. The an two children of Payette were Sun Kolony vacated by the De Haven ing the carpenter work. niversary marked the third time day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude family. The Mary and Martha' society that a golden anniversary has been Nicholson. Barbara Hatch was hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson had six girls at a slumber party S at of the United Presbyterian church observed by the Camfleld family. urday evening, The girls who en will hold a cooked food sale Sat All ten children were present at as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. joyed the party were Myrna Lane, urday, March 1 in the Eder store the celebration except one daugh Charley Wilson who live near ter, who was unable to attend be Roswell. Joyce McGinnis, Jean pille, Donna In Adrian. cause of a recent operation. A fam Mary Jane Wilde spent Friday Steelman, Shirley Sparks and Betty Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webster visit ily group picture was taken of all and Saturday with Mr and Mrs. Lou Jarvis. Glen Solomon of New Plymouth. The Brownies and Girl Scouts ed in Nyssa Sunday. Bob Webster who were present. Mr. and Mrs. Madison Urwln held their meeting Saturday af and Sandy Peterson tried out th e ir, and family of Nampa were Sunday ternoon at the high school. Brown boat "Scram-bug” from the Nyssa WILSON RESIDENCE guests of Mr. and Mrs E. J. Hob ies held a short meeting. Discuss Boat dub dock. son. Dorothy Hobson and Iva Lee The Adrian V. F. W. held a regu IN SUNSET VALLEY ion was held on the "Lazuli Bunt Boilerjack of Nampa accompanied ing”. Another chapter of "Bambi's lar meeting Wednesday, February DESTROYED BY FIRE them here. Children” was read. Then games 19 in the Bob Kurtz home in New- and Mrs. Bill Gregg had SUNSET VALLEY (Special)— -Mr. as Mr. guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Claude Wilson lost their Paclieel of Sclo, Oregon, Mr. and house and its contents in a • fire Mrs. George Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Monday morning at 2 oclock. The Wallace Gregg, Mrs. Annie Gregg origin of the fire was unknown. and Sally and Mr. and Mrs. Don When Mrs. Wilson discovered Grant of Boise. the flames the greater part of Mrs. Jim Langley and sons, Rex the front porch was afire. She and attended a birthday j then awakened Mr. Wilson and party Keith, given near Vale Monday In the family escaped. Mrs. Wilson observance of Wayne McConnell’s suffered burns on the back. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorenson fifth birthday. Mrs. Clara Shaw and son, Donnie, DEAD OR WORTHLESS ANIMALS were among those attending the among those present. of Nyssa were Broadhurst trial at Vale last week. HORSES, COWS, CALVES, SHEEP and Mrs. Howard Paoheel Mr. and Mrs. James Unna and of Mr. Sclo, Oregon were overnight OR HOGS family moved from the Leonard guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Newgen tenant house to the Nyssa Bill Gregg. PHONE COLLECT NYSSA 102-W Mr. and Mrs. Pacheel camp the first of the week. — OR— George Hashitanl will farm the are newlyweds and had just come to Sunset valley, where they spent Ora Newgen place this year. PAYETTE 0180-J3 Mr. and Mrs. James Reeder re their honeymoon. Mrs. Pacheel Note the change in our Payette number ceived word of the serious illness was Miss Bernice Loucks before marriage. She is the eldest of her father, Mr. Cleaver, who liv her granddaughter of Mrs. Annie es in Missouri. Geo.rge Cleaver of Gregg. Richland and Mrs. Arden Newsom, Nyssa, are also children of Mr. Cleaver. On Thursday Mr. and DINNER PARTIES Mrs. Reeder and Mr. and Mrs. HELD AT RICHLAND Cleaver left by automobile for the southern part of Missouri. Mr and Mrs. Nelson Fields of RICHLAND (Special)— Mr. and National City, California have mov Mrs. Ira Ure were Che guests of COMPANY ed into the house on the L. C Mr. and Mrs, Dave Mitchell Fri Ditty place. Mr. Fields will work day evening. Mr and Mrs. Orma Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Cilff Begstead and family were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell Sun day. Dick Udlinek Is ill with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Van Zelf and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Groot of Arcadia were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dlrksen Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zimmerman of Portland were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nielsen last week. Mrs. Zimmerman Is the sis ter of Mrs. Nielsen. Mr. and Mrs. John Lane were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Adam Focht Saturday evening. Mr. and Mr. Jake Simmons and “ Certa” Box Spring and Mattress Nationally Advertised $89.50 son and daughter and Abe Sim mons, were dinner guests of Mr. now $69.50 and Mrs. Jack Terhune and daugh ter and Bill Rinehart Wednesday evening. “ Superbilt” Snowflake Box Spring and Mattress. Regular $85.00 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pasohell now $59.50 of Sclo, Oregon, were dinner guests ■„ft of Mr. and Mrs Wallace Oregg Saturday. Mrs. Paschell is Mr. “ Superbilt” Spring-filled Mattress. Regular $39.50 now $29.50 Gregg's niece. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fry and son, Willis, and Rulon Staples were the All Cotton Mattress $16.50 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Cheldelln Sunday. Mrs. Clifford Nielsen won the “ Superbilt” Daveno’s As Low As $59.50 Chatter Box club quilt, which was given away in Nyssa. “ Superbilt” Davenports and Chairs. 100', Mohair. Up to $255.00 Mr and Mrs. Wallace Oregg and family were dinner guests of Mr. now $159.50 and Mrs. William Gregg Sunday. Mrs. Charles Grider, Mrs, Ray Russell and Mrs. Louis Pfeiler Dinette Set, 6-Piece Solid Oak $49.50 shopped in Caldwell Friday. Clifford Nielsen flew home from Portland last week after taking $27.50 Dinette Set, 6-Piece Hardwood, ussed W anted Prompt Service er and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfeiler were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell Tuesday evening. Albert Brandt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Brandt, has recovered from the measles. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Diven and family and Mrs. Nora Ray were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Landreth of Nyssa in ob servance of Mrs. Dlven’s birthday Sunday. Mrs. Eric Boenlc gave a birthday party for her son, Robert. Satur day afternoon. The guests were the neighbor children. Robert re ceived many lovely gifts. Refresh- were served. Mrs. Wilbur Anderson and her mother, Mrs. Maze shopped in Boi se Saturday. Mrs. Cheldelln, Mrs. Nielsen, Mrs. Oregg, Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Know Edw. J. Fair and Co. TAX CONSULTANTS Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings toy Appointment Phone 707 Box 281 Payette, Idaho Coming Soon North Dakota Blue Tag Blits Triumph Certified Potato Seed Hartley Produce Co. Nyssa Veterans Association Sponsored Dance Saturday, March 15 Southwest Idaho’s only Independent Radio Sta tion. Nyssa Gymnasium A refrigerator will be given away. K. C. I. D. Caldwell We expect you to have a good time. Come! 1490 On your Dial Tickets $1 per couple, including tax. Sweet Corn Idaho Animal Products Acreag Furniture Clearance For 10 Days We Offer The Following Discounts To Make Way For New Arrivals ‘Red Spot” Guaranteed Electric Water Heaters. 30, 40, 52 and 66 gallon. 20% discount. 2 Good Used Electric Ranges 6-Way Floor Lamps. Close Out. 1700 board feet $62.50 and $110.00 $7.75 Pin-up Lamps. Plastic Base $3.25 Sweet Corn Acreage For O ur * New Nyssa Plant A Nice Cash Crop. You may see one of our representatives any Saturday between now and April 10 at the Al Thompson Son Feed Store, Nyssa 13116 and 2 y 4 Oak $17.75 Bridge Lamps Flooring Must dispose in one lot. O r Drop Us A Card At Can see at Consolidate There will be many other money-saving discounts. ed Freightways, Ontar W e will be open evenings March 8 to 15 inclusive. ED. CASE'S HI-WAY MDSE. MART. For Sale W e Are Now Contracting Payette, Idaho io. » Union Floor Company Portland, Oregon GA 1291 Idaho Canning Company