Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1947)
TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y J O U R N A L , N Y S S A , OREGON PAGE EIGHT TH U R SD A Y, FE B R U A R Y 20, 194V su. c/o Richard Mikkelson. 20F2x;>. sided at the business meeting. Is the retiring president. Tea was served by Mrs. Eastman and Mrs. Miner. Mrs. Schireman presided at the tea table. FOR SALE— Pour cows and two heifers, jersey and snorthom, all to fresh this month, all tested. Herb Petty. Kreager ranch. King- man Kolony. 20Flxp W IL L CELEBRATE Open house will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Marshall. Third and Reece avenue in Nys.a on the afternoon of Feb ruary 25 in observance of their golden wedding anniversary. Their friends are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall located on a farm southwest of Nyssa in 1913 and operated the farm until about two years ago, when they moved to Nyssa. ? CHATTER BOXERS MEET Mrs. Willis Bertram entertained the Chatter Box club at her home Thursday afternoon, with 16 lad ies enjoying the valentine grub box. The members decided to give away the club quilt Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Alva Goodeil was in charge of the quiz game, with Mrs. John Ridder and Mrs. Jake Simmons winning prizes. Refreshments of salad, wafers, rake and coffee were served, with each lady receiving a valentine on her tray. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Alva Goodell’s home February 28. CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. Bernard Eastman was elect ed president of the Nyssa Cldc club ut a meeting held In the . parish h ill Wednesday afternoon, j Other officers are Mrs. Ed Frost. \ vice president; Mrs. Harry Miner, T h is O l d w o a u o is a m ig h TV F in e . P l a c e , t o l i v e — t h a t is if Y Ç U m a k e \T T h a t w a y y -X “ Mrs. Dar Thel Pike was chosen on the bads of m erit'and popula vote by members of the Mutual Improvement association to reign as queen over the Nyssa Gold and Green ball, which will be held - 8 - M AR R IE D IN NEVADA Fibruary 26 in the Nyssa gymnas Ida Case of Caldwell and Her- ium. Mrs. Pike, the only Oolden Gleaner in Nyssa. is an L. D. S. ber G. Johnson of Nyssa were mar ried at the Methodist church In stake missionary. She attended Brigham Young university at Provo Lovelock, Nevada, February 14. j The bride wore an acqua blue and Redlands university. suit with pink accessories and a secretary; Mrs. Wesley Brown, pink orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left for treasurer, and Mrs. W. E. Talbot, a trip to California and other musician. The program for the afternoon coastal points. Mrs. Johnson has been emplo 'ed was In charge of Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, who presented the following pro for the past three years in the gram: 2 vocal solos, "In the Gar Sorlat Rosana shop of Caldwell. den of Tomorrow" and Wanting Mr. Johnson operates the Nyssa You", Mrs. Talbot accompanied by Pipe and Tile factory. -I— Miss Adrienne Peterson; talk on WOMEN T O MEET a recent trip to Mexico by Mrs. The Methodist Women's Society Arvil Child, who displayed some interesting leather goods a n d of Christian Service will meet at hand-work; violin solo. Miss An the home of Mrs. C. H. Bennett gela Peterson, and talk on English Thursday, February 27, at 2 p.m. Mrs. Carlos Buchner will have customs and traditions, Mrs. Lloyd charge of the program, which will Wilson. Mrs. W. E. Schireman, who pre- be a forum discussion on the sub- |ect, “ Children of One World". - § - BRIDGE CLUB MEETS The Wednesday evening bridge Vv e like to make your car beautifully outstanding. . give you more quality foi your money. Nothing can do more for the attrac tive appearance of your car than fenders that have been straightened and painted by the N YS SA A U T O BODY SHOP. FO R SALE— Two-wheel, covered, plywood camping trailer. 1115. Phone 012-R1. 20F2x:. A1 Chadwick Vera Chadwick Nyssa Food Center W A N TE D —Carpenter work, repair ing and built-ins. Hansen and Johnson. 151 North 3rd. 20F5xp. FO R SALE— Turkey toms. First house west of Baptist churoh. 20F2xp. W ANTE D — Transportation to On tario mornings before 10. Phone 11, Ontario, or write box 442, Nys sa. 20Flxp FOR SALE— 1942 special deluxe Chevrolet 4-door sedan, good rubber, clean car. 1939 International pick up 3/4 ton, long wheel base. 4- speed transmission. 1 mile north on Third street. N. H. Moses. 20Ftfc FOR SALE:—Single and double cur tain rods. Cloth window blinds Nyssa Furniture Co. COFlic. FOR SALE— 1935 Ford touring tudor. Herriman Motor Co. 20Flxc. Mrs. Ira Ure, Jr., who was recently married, and Mr. Ure have moved to Corvallis, where they are attending Oregon State college Mrs. Ure, the former Beverley Jeanne Fouch, is a daughter of Mrs. Ella Fouch of Ontario. club met at the home of Mrs. Ed Frost last week. Mrs. Tom Burn- mgham won high prize, Mrs. Sid Burbidge, second high, and Mis. Bert Lienkaemper, the traveling prize. - 8 - SH A RP TH E W ANTED — Married man wants FO R S A L E - Good team and har year-round work, with house fur ness .Ira Ure, phone 06-R2. 20Ftfc. nished. Cecil Turner, box 593, Nys- FO R SALE!— Gem seed potatoes. Ira Ure. phone 06-R2. 20Ftfc. FO R SALE— Peach trees in stock, first class, prices reasonable. Gen eral line of fruit trees, ornamentals and evergreens. Snake River Nur sery. Payette, at C ay Way corner. 20Ftfc. FOR S A L E - 3 bedroom house. In quire Oscar Pike, 5th and King avenue. 20F4xp. FOR SALE - I will offer for sale at auction at the Fleshman sale February 25 five guernsey heifers, to freshen this spring. Bang's and T. B. tested recently. Also two- year-old bull of high breeding from Hight herd. Frank Parr. 20Flc your clothes. FOR SALE —Surge milking mach ine, 2-unit. Eversman land-levclel:, 10-foot blade, used very little. M. A. Rataezyk, route 2, Nyssa. 20Flxp You'll save yourself time, money ad energy the Keep- U-Neat dry cleaner way, and you- | 'll be pleased with our fine qual- ; F R ID A Y and S A T U R D A Y , FEB. 21-22 Peggy Ann Garner, Randolph Scott, Lynn Bari and James Gleason in ity service and reasonable prices. U2 EEP-U-NEAT OJUatuM. _ to warn you of fire lo ss- INSURE^! Ken Renstrom N.SEC0NDST • PH0NE:70 FDR SALE:— Movable brooder j house. 8 by 10 feet. Two brooders, one 350 and one 500 chick si« , ' also feeders and water fountains. Neil Dtmmick. >- mile south of cld | CCC camp. 20F2xp. Mat.. Sat., 2:J0 Adm. C5c-3c Inc. T py Adm. Evening*. 40c-9c, Including Tax H E Y / T A K E IT E A S Y / WHERE D O Y O U G E T ALL TH A T PEP? , S U N D A Y and M O N D A Y , FEB. 23-24 He came to dinner and lost his heart. She proved that beautiful women and politics do mix. George Raft, Sylvia Sidney, Stanley Ridges and Sara Haden in T U E S D A Y , FEB. 25 B A R G A IN N IG H T Constance Moore and William Marshall in “E A R L C A R R O L S K E T C H B O O K ” 2-Reel Comedy Admission Evenings 25c-9e. Including Tax. W E D N E S D A Y & T H U R S D A Y , FEB. 26-27 Alan Ladd, Brian Donlevy, W illiam Bendix and Barrv Fitzgerald in “T W O YE A R S BEFORE T H E M A ST” A saga o f savage seas and mighty men, grim and red-blooded and savage as life itself. Cartoon Late News Adm. Evenings, W r -v , Including Tax Gates Tires HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY n if in i,i ii in in m in untili in m i in inilium m it m mu mw mm min mum in in in min m in in m itimi in nu'i* The Ritzie Dress And , FROM V IT A M IN S , Y MY BO V ' WE ALWAYS GET OURS A T OWYHEE CATES TIRE 11 In Gates Tires A v .il ,b l. lo w la A U Track Tir#« and in i o n * P«M *n ger Car u m «. You w ill havo it in ALL Gatoa Passenger Car sisoa ao soon as tho supply ©I • A potted plant will be given free to each of the first six persons buying a dress or suit. A rose will be given to every customer. A ll stock has not yet arrived, but we invite everyone to see what we have in the way of merchandise. Large assortment of potted plants and pottery. Corsages and funeral sprays must be order ed one day in advance, A florist will assist us in the floral department. Special Farm Machinery Sale Monday, February 2U Nyssa Livestock Com. Co. This Sat., Feb* 22 RAYON CORD • Saturday, February 22 Regular Livestock Auction Now . , . • Will Be Open At lO A.M. For Our DRUG CO. Naturally, you N O W want a tire that will permit you to drive as you couldn't drive during the war. You want to go more places, travel farth er, harder and faster. That's why our factory— as a re sult o f Its experience in building thousands upon thousands of mili tary Urea for the war— has designed and built this Ure especially to meet your POSTW AR driving needs. Behind this Gates POSTW AR Tire are over 1V4 Million Miles of road testing, heavily overloaded, and at sustained speeds of 50 to 60 miles per hour day after day after day It will be a pleasure to show you this Floral Shoppe We have several large consigments now and more coming. There will be all kinds of tractor and horse drawn machinery. I f you have an extra machine bring it to this auction. V- "M R. A C E ” Mai., Sun., 1:30 Adm.. 30c-V. Inc. I l l Adm. Evenings, 40r-9r, Including Tax FOR SALE:— 142 acres, seven-room modern house, large barn, granary, shed and hen house. Small acreage of alfalfa, also two good gravel pits. C. A. Reese. End of north First street. 20F3xp. FK>R S A L E — New army Studebaker truck, Olsen beet bed. Phone 016- J4. D. H. Christensen. 20F2xc Insurance Real Estate “H OM E S W E E T H O M IC ID E ” FOR SALE— Manure spreader, good as new. horse drawn. Iren wheeLs. Pieter Tensen, Columbia Avenue. 20F3xp. FOR SALE— John Deere 6-foot combine. Jake J. Groot, Alberta Avenue. 20F2xp. A masterpiece o f mystery and mirth with three juvenile Hawkshaws outwitting the police as murder strikes in their own back yard. C irtoon Sports Latest Issue “ March o f Tim e" Color Cartoon Open Rawleigh localities are scarce but in so vast an organization expansion creates new opportunities in City of Nyssa and part of M al heur county. I f ambitious, willing to start with good earnings and increase rapidly write for full In formation. We supply sales, adver tising literature— all you need. Rawlelghs, Dept. ORB-331-118. Oakland California. 20Flxp. A Shipment O f Too Late To Classify ll/ e , Let us assume part of the care of THEATRE j HONOR G RAN D PAREN TS Miss Mary Terhune was hostess at a surprise Valentine party, F ri day night lor her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Terhune. Miss Terhune presented a heart- box of chocolates to her grand- liarents, and served refreshments FO R SALE— Hay, approximately at her home Enterprise avenue. 155 ton, good second cutting, Frank Parker. Cow hollow. 20F2xp Raisins, Thompson, seedless, 4 lbs. $1.13 Flour Special Discount Figs, Golden Poppy, 2 lA lb. tin, 29c Eggs, clean, fresh grade A, large Dozen 40c W e now have a nice selection of the famous Bird’s Eye frozen foods. Also wide selection of magazines and comics. __ Phone 108 Baker, Oregon Just Received Feb. 21 And 22 PROGRAM Eastern Oregon Federal Savings and Loan Association ill HI M I I 11 111111 11 II I'l If 'f If If 11 If If If If 11 III In If If III If If III If If If If ti l! l,i m n; m t; i l l 111 ; ...... lie I Fri. And Sat. Specials NYSSA Our modern loan plan, through rent-size payments, will safely clear your home of debt • • we will sell 14 head o f Guernsey dairy cows for B. Snow. These cows are all abortion tested and good ones. Also other cattle o f all kinds. We can sell your fat hogs, $25.50 top last Saturday. Remember these two big sales and be at the Big Little Auction Saturday and Monday. NYSSA LIVESTOCK COM. CO. and the record of its performance. Bill Lane, Auctioneer-Mgr. HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY Phones 116-J or 25-R 262 MAIN-RALPH CÄSTATER