Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1947)
ADRIAN SCHOOL PICTURES TAKEN TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N AL. NYSSA, OREGON tions, classes and seniors. Mr. Heater came again February 7 and finished taking all of the other pictures. Friday, January 31, was picture Home Economics News day at Adrian, when Mr. Heater of The Senior class prepared a din Ontario took pictures of the ath ner for themselves February 5. letic associations, club organiza- j There were hot biscuits and butter, combination vegetable salad, steak and peach upside down cake. The girls provided the food for their dinner. The sophomore class is finishing projects on breakfasts. They have set table, cooked and served a breakfast. The freshman class is sewing on blouses, wash dresses, and skirts. Physical Examination Given TuJÊe/t CAN’T HURT IT! FULLERGLO P e r fe c t p a in t fo r kitchens, ba throoms—walls, woodw ork, radiators. A n d w h a t colors! Come in and see them ! Outside white also av ailable in gallon and five gallon lots. Nyssa Furniture Company Across from reclamation office Mrs. Edna Farris, the county health nurse, gave health examina tions to the high school students. Ieeth, eyes, ears, and throats were xamined. Height and weight were ilso checked. Medical examinations vill be given to the students later ¡n the spring by Dr. Mauding of Nyssa. Lettermen Hold Meeting On Tuesday, February 4, the ettermen held a meeting. The top ics discussed were the constitution and letters. A committee of Iv .n Tensen, Roy Meoham, Dean Woods, Wilbur Jackson and Dick Stam was appointed to draw up a new constitution. 7 CH ILD O FF ER S SOLUTION TO U. N. P R O B L E M . . . Michelle Etche- verry, seven, shown with her brother, Dominick. She wrote a letter to Secretary of State Byrnes suggesting a plan for establishing the future status of Trieste. Michelle's plan calls for selection of com mittees elected by the people of Trieste. Michelle, who lives in New York City, became interested in world peace efforts after her father, Pvt Alfred Eteheverrv. was killed in action near Luxem hour- in 1045 Superior Service O. J. Jumper, Prop. FULLER PAINTS Dance COW HOLLOW HALL Saturday Night, February 22 Roads are passable Music by The Gold Coast Rangers The Happy Farmer O f Cow Hollow Our Community Church (By The Happy Farmer) Our preacher says “My greatest desire is to be worthy of the con- fidence of Ood and man” . W ell wo have confidence in him. Preparations for our community church are marching forward. Fred Stephen has given us about two acres o f ground up by Reeders Grocery. That will be handy for the kids, after Sunday school they can | run over and get them an all-day I sucker. I f Jim Reeder can get the 1 suckers. | There has already been several hundred dollars in cash and pledg es given for the building o f “he church which is to be called the Richland Community church, j Our Pastor A1 Brim is moving into the old home of Joe Stephens. ' Joe has bought the old George Gabriel place and built himself a R U G G E D H E R M IT . . . Living a rough and rugged life in a truck with white rats, guinea pigs, pup pies, skunk and pet coyote, Willis R. Willey, 66, of Spokane, Wash., was arrested by Boston police be cause his pet coyote bit a girl. j real nice cinderblock house, j w ith tne building problems as | they are, Mrs. Joe Joe Stephens ; has a home to be proud of. It is the first realy fine home to bo completed in Cow Hollow. W ith the spring thaw the old Cow Hollow mud hole on Elza Niccum’s place has opened up a- gain. The other day Joe Stephens, Frank and Don Parker and Elza Niccum spent a half day hauling gravel and putting into it, but a driver must hold his mouth just right to get through it at all even now. That little rain we had last week melted the last of the snow on the head of Cow Hollow and sent it on the war path. A drift formed against the bridge A Steer Is 75 Per Cent Water THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME! (That goes for Ford Service, fool) Bring your car “ back home” to us, for check-ups, lubrication, for service needs. Depend on Ford Service for four important reasons: any 1. FORD-TRAINED M E C H A N IC S -w h o know your Ford best. 2. FACTORY-APPROVED M ETHODS-fora fast, thorough job. 3. SPECIAL FORD EQUIPMENT — for O good job, don« right. 4 . GENUINE FORD PARTS— mad« rightist lo fit rig h t . . . lost longer. A n d here’s a convenient Ford-E xtra: Immediate service on a ll jobs! W hen you try our Genuine Ford Serviee, w e’re sure y o u ’ll agree . . . HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. at Frank Parker's and washed around the south side of it. The school buss and milk truck had to make an extra ten mile run to get around it. We could sure use some more cross roads from Cow Hollow to fcun Set Valley. Its a long way from Russle Howell's to Ray Rook- s too ls when you can't Use Cow Hollow’s one and only bridge. -come of us sure wish Malheur county had of voted a small road tax last fall to give the county j some much needed road work. Joe Stephen and Clarence Nic- um with Bill W alkers aid fought the next drift, down the Hollow at their private bridge, untill two o’clock in the morning. They won out only by the skin-of-their- i teeth’. Don Parker with his challer tractor and tumble-bug scraper got the bridge passable next day but Church Share still has a several hundred dollar repair job on hie field to do on account of the high watter. CLARENCE N ICCCM * . & -V \ > I K . ' Stockmen, here are two important facts about your livestock: A steer, ready for market, is 5 per cent mineral, 20 per cent protein and 75 per cent water. A sheep, on dry feed, drinks as much as a gallon and a half o f water daily. It takes a lot o f water to keep a ranch going. Livestock won’t move very far away from water. They’ll leave good grass untouched if it’s too far from their drinking supply. To get well balanced grazing, plenty of water is need ed. The Agriculture Conservation Program’s range improvement practices will help you im prove your water resources. Your County A gri cultural Conservation Committee, headed by Chairman Glen L. Hutchinson of Ontario will provide you with conservation practice details. In the interests of better soil reclamation and conservation practices, this advertisement is sponsored by NYSSA BRANCH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. PAG E SEVEN A turkey dinner was served to ed to the fact that the company .mu ma.iuiactured tne one mill the group by the ladies of the ionth bag of sugar at the Nyssa Nyssa Civic club. factory several oays ago. This year marks the first time that the com DR. ED W IN W. pany has ever manufactured a m il lion bags of sugar in any of its O LD H AM , D. C. individual plants in one season. The one millionth bag of sugar was subsequently presented to G ov Chiropractic Physician ernor Earl Snell. JOHN ANDERSON DELIVERS TALK (Continued from Page 1) and their wives and out-of-tewn guests were welcomed to the din ner by the chamber president. Klass V. Powell, who introduced the other officers and directors, Ralph, Castator, vice president; Frank T. Morgan, secretary, and J. L. Herrlman, Henry Hartley, Dr. Kerby and A1 Thompson. Following the Invocation by Rev. George Whipple, pastor o f the Christian church, the meeting was turned over to Ralph Castator, who conducted the meeting as toast master. Group singing was led by Spenci-r Lane, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. C. W. Buchner. Miss June Savage, accompanied by Miss Mary Lou Schenk, sang a solo. A quar tet, composed of Grant Rinehart, Ron Whitaker, Earl Crandall and Hugh Tobler, accompanied by Mr? Buchner, sang two selections. Frank Morgan reviewed the In dustrial and business development o f Nyssa during the last year. A f ter enumerating the new business es, Mr. Morgan said "W e appreci ate the new businesses, but we must not forget the old” . Referring to the value of the Amalgamated Sugar company to this community, Mr. Morgan point- Physiotherapy BILL LANE Electrotherapy Nyssa, Oregon Auctioneer Over Dime Store I Phone l l b J _____ Nyss. MiCKfYand WS MA Br O K- "««» ber welders ViRRf DO MOO (RE.RN. <,( B u t I *— X * MICKEM NOlRN ? £ ( C O U U iN Ï / ) •**' W A & N - t PL6M ÍM ■<AC(1Y3 . V7*r o— ? >------SOUE-8UT / [ (*\M utOIA > / (SAibicoou) S ERI RS i>\oca Çre I l i K i D - NU-ACRES RESIDENT RETURNS FROM VISIT MU-ACRES (Special) Clyde Butcn- >r returned last week from River- ide, California, where he spent several weeks helping care for his mother. He reports her condition I much improved. Mrs. Della Wood left Saturday morning for Albany, Oregon to visit her sister, after spending five weeks in the home of her step son, Harry Wood. A son, named Roy Steven, w s born last Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans in the Nyssa Nursing home. Those from Nu-Acres who enjoy ed the box supper Saturday night sponsored by New Plymouth Grange were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Dur- rington, Mr. and Mrs. Paul T h om son and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs Harry Wood and Horace. o’clock for adults. All those wishing to learn mor. Classes in Machinery repair are in machinery repair are asked tc held every Thursday evening at attend. Now under repair are on e.i feeder for hogs, two hay feed ers for cattle, four trailers, on< ■orrugator, and one mower. The F. F. A. class is now work ing on parlimentary procedure f a a public speaking contest to b held at La Grande March 7 and ij Mrs. Joe Brumbach’s Social Ec onomics class visited several gov ernmental offices in Vale, K SR V Veltex oils, gas, bat and the Eastern Oregon Observe; teries, tires, and tubes. Saturday, February 1. Mrs. Raymond Holly gave tnc Repair shop. Nyssa, girls of Adrian high school an in teresting talk on different things Oregon. Phone 83-W. in the various places in which she Located on junction lived Thursday, February G. F. F. A. News of Adrian highway ac ross from Grade school. TH U R SD AY. F E B R U A R Y 20, 1947 gurl sez Have a will of your own and Insist on the best In recapping and vulcanizing. The re caps at O. K. Rubber Welders are properly applied, thus Insuring you of long, trouble free wear. Grade A truck quality rubber used on every recap...«xpert tire repair ser vice also! I O.K. RUBBER WELDERS NEW c CAR, TRUCK-TRACTOR TIRES R E CAPPIN G & REPAIRING PHONE 5 M = = = = = NVSSA. OREGON The Owyhee Beauty Shoppe Wants to tell you ladies that we have secured the services o f Nellie Johnson, who is highly recommended as a beauty operator, in addition to Hazel Tyler, who needs no recommendation. Both are experienced operators in all types of beauty work. Our permanents and all work guaranteed. W e use only the best material available, which is nationally known. You will find the shoppe courteous, and the most efficient. Call 24 for an appointment. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF REVLON COSMETICS Here Is Your Chance To Help The Baseball Team Benefit Dance March 8 Nyssa Gymnasium Tickets Obtainable From Eagles Lodge Barber Shops Ny9sa Tavern Olympic Club Rosebud Ken Renstrom Bernard Eastman Inland Oil Co.