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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1947)
TUE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1947 PAGE SIX purposes an then plowed under. Faye and Jacqulynn and Billie MARIAN PRICE WINS ; day Jim last Robb week. “The committee feels, Mr. Hutch Wilson attended th e basketball has rented 40 acres of BOX SOCIAL TITLE I ground from Harley Wilson for ,ame at Adrian Friday evening. inson stated, that a good incentive SUNSET VALLEY (Special)— Ml i the Rev. year. Le ter Carlsen of I .a Oranue and Mrs. Chester Newell and was speaker the morning ser daughter, Sharon Lou. of Tacoma vice at the at Assembly of Goo came Saturday for a week's visit church Sunday. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Some of the ladies of the Worth Charles Ditty, and other relatives while club attended the meeting in Nyssa and Ontario. ; of the Federation of Women's clubs Edgar Stiner maue a business ! at the Nyssa high school Saturday. trip to North Powder, Oregon one O. P. Counsil and daughter, Vera Dang er— Don’t Forget That U Spring Fever” Hits Automobiles, Too Drive in For A Spring Check-up Tomorrow. to stimulate Interest in building back the soil after the heavy use given the land during the wartime years is a worthy aim." PINOCHLE CLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Borgman en tertained their pinochle club Sat urday evening. Prizes were given to the couples who6e combined scores were high or low, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kingrey won high, and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Bennett wen Mr and Mrs. Hailey Wilson spent the week-end visiting her father, O. R. Hite, and other rela tives at Haines, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hints and sons have completed cleaning and repairing their house and will move soon from the tenant house on fire Andrew Titland place, where they have oeen living. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Newell and daughter, Sharon Lou, and Sharon Query were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ditty and family at Ontario. Marion Price received the high est number of votes for “the most popular girl" at the box supper at the Cow Hollow hall Friday ev ening. Cash Turner installed an oil fur nace in his house last week. Mrs. E. W. Morse has returned to her home in Saramento after spending several days at the home of her mother, Mrs. Henry Term low. Traveling prize went to Mrs, Charles McConnell and C. C. Cot ton. - 4 - GIRLS HAVE PROGRAM The Junior girls of the M. I. A. entertained for their mothers at a program Wednesday evening, honoring the pioneers. Va r i o u s pioneer relics were displayed, and stories were told. Refreshments were served to 27. Mrs. Carl Burn- ingham is class advisor. I trill III 11 I I I I HI FREE P IC K U P OWYHEE VICINITY IS PLANNING PARTY DAVIS CUP TEAM OFF FOB AUSTRALIA . . . The United States OWYHEE (Special)— The OWj .ce Davis cup team is pictured here as it prepared to board a clipper to Community club met with Mrs. fly to Australia to play in tennis tournaments to be held there soon. LaVona McDonald Thursday. A From left to right: Tom Brown, Gardner Muiloy, William Talbert party was planned for the mem and Frank Parker. Front Tow ne’s G a ra ge left to right: Jack Kramer, Walter bers and their families to be held Pate, who is the non-playing row, captain, and Fred Schroeder. at the hall in the labor camp Sat urday, February 22. After the busi ness meeting Mrs. Doris Wilson 19. A double-header has been OF DEAD OR WORTHLESS ANIMALS and Mrs. Doris Gregg were prize scheduled with Payette at Adrian winners In composing valentine ver Thursday evening, February 27. ses. The next meeting will be held Members of the Owyhee Com with Mrs. LaVone Culbertson on munity club who attended the the regular date In March. Re meeting of the federated clubs in freshments of fruit salad, sand were Mrs. Kenneth McDon wiches, cookies and coffee were ser Nyssa ald, Mrs. Louis Skinner and Mrs. Week Days 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. ved. KHngback. T .H Brewer went to Boise Sat Martha Nyssa has proven to be a fine section for urday Prayer meeting will be held at to see his grandson, Eldon home of Mr. and Mrs. William Barker, who recently had an op the N y ssa —2 6 Gregg Tuesday evening, February eration on his knee In a hospital 25 with Mrs. Gregg as the leader. sweet corn, with high tonnage yield per acre. there. Sundays and Nights Mrs. Kenneth McDon The Adrian Outlaws met the Mr. and and children spent Sunday In American Legion team of Payette ald visiting relatives. .n that city Monday evening, los Homedale N yssa— 0 6 R I Little Ann Evans, who lives near ing both games, 39 to 16 and 45 Parma, was an overnight guest of to 43. They played city teams from her grandfather, T, H. Brewer, Ontario at Adrian Wednesday ev Idaho-O re. Rendering Co. ening, winning one game 46 to 34 Saturday. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs and losing the other 47 to 20. At Keith Tallman Sunday were Mr Greenleaf on Thursday evening an d Mrs. Howard Evans and NYSSA, OREGON Lhey won two games 43-26 and 25- daughter, Ann, of Parma and their ¡mini iinii linn minim iii nn.i m m mm 11 m m mm m m i.un 11 mn i i i hi ' i i i i i i i mn|!iiini| ii;im i-ii-iminHi house guest, Roy Evans of Twin Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kel ly and two children of Eagle. Af OXFORD HONORS . . . Dr. Harolii callers in the home were Clayton Urey, professor of chem Dr.J.H. Berger ternoon the Earnest Barker family of On Istry at University of Chicago, and tario and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell one of the scientists who developed Williams and Mary Ellen. the atomic liomb. shown at left as VETERINARIAN Mrs. Byrd Walters spent the he received honorary degree of doc week-end in Boise as a guest of tor of science at Oxford. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Phone 135J her Box D Jones. Several children were out of Washington and other western school due to an epidemic of chick- states were not long in recognizing Nyssa. Oregon Phone 2384 Vale, Oregon enpox. value of this business.” SALE STARTS AT 1:30 Grover Douglass was taken to the “ By 1940 the middle western and Lunch Served the Ontario hosptal Thursday ev eastern On Grounds By Ore. Trail Grange banks has become interes ening. CATTLE Mr. and Mrs. Mearl McClure ted In consumer Installment loans, ad family moved Tuesday to the but about that time equipment fad On Fleshman farm l 1/* miles west on Grand av Joe Maughn ranch, which they will ed out of the picture and became enue, or 51/0 miles southwest of Nyssa, near Adrian farm this year. Now the banks are highway. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz and unobtainable. their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. eager to step into the financing 1 nolstein cow, 6 years old, fresh by sale. SEE THEM OPERATE George Nein of Colorado, were Held.” First National of Portland, in 1 Holstein cow, 6 years, just fresh. 45 lbs. milk daily dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo common with other large banks Huber at Meridian Sunday. on the Pacific coast, has had wide 1 Holstein-Air., 8 years old, milking now. AT THE FOX PLACE Mr. and Mrs. Nell Dlmmick en success with automobile purchase 1 Holstein cow, 4 years old, milking now. tertained at a K'“dge party Sat- loans, and household equipment 1 Holstein cow, 4 years old, milking now. urdy evening In honor of Mr. and purchase loans. Mrs. Andrew Borsma of Baker, Just Out of Town on Ontario Road 1 Holstein cow, 4 years old, milking now. who were week-end guests in the home. Other guests were Mr and SOIL CONSERVATION 1 Holstein cow, 7 years old, milking now. Mrs. Vic Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. PRACTICE OUTLINED 1 Holstein cow, 6 years old, milking now. Oce Sohwelzer, Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Patton, Sr., and Klass Stam. 1 Holstein cow, 7 years, milking now, 400 lbs. in Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe of The Malheur County AAA com 270 days. Boise were week-end guests of Mr. mittee by using a special provision of the 1947 agricultural conserva 1 Holstein cow, 10 yearn, fresh in May. Record 420 and Mrs. Russell Patton, Sr. The room mother of the inter tion program has developed a soil mediate grades in the Owyhee coservation practice for Malheur lbs. in 285 days. school gave a party for the pupils county that members feel will con 1 Holstein cow, 4 years old, milking now. In that room Friday afternoon. tribute a great deal to long range J Valentine boxes were enjoyed In conservation in its application, Glen 1 Guernsey cow, 7 yearn old, milking now. Other models on display in Ontario L, Hutchinson, chairman of the 1 Guernsey eow, 5 years old, milking now. the upper and primary rooms. county AAA committee said. Mr. Hutchinson explained the 5 Head of Holstein calves. BANKS TURNING TO practice We will unload a carload at Nyssa further by stating that cow, 7 years old, milking now. INSTALLMENT PLAN mer's “First, at least 50 per cent of far 1 1 Jersey Jersey cow, 3 years old, fresh July 1. Not milking total cropland must be In within the next few days. National and state banks of Am soil conservation legume such as Cows have all been tested for T. B. and Bang’s, a erica are turning In Increasing num pasture, alfalfa or red clover. Then good clean herd of cows. All records and dates will If this requirement is met and a bers to the installment credit buxi nes, according to William Bell, farm plan is filed at the AAA of he given at sale. We will be pleased to receive orders and furnish information vice president of the First Nation fice before May 1 the farmer can FARM MACHINERY al Bank of Portland, who met 850 earn payments as follows: bankers from every state at the “1. $10 per acre for green manure 1 John Deere tractor, model A, new 1944. consumer Installment credit confer crops of hubam clover, third cut 1 John Deere tractor buck rake, new 1945. at present at ence of the American Bankers as ting alfalfa, red clover or Austrian 1 John Deere tractor mower, 7 foot, new 1946. sociation in St. Louts, Missouri. winter peas. "This is one phase of bank cred "2. 50 cents for each spreader John Deere beet cultivator with tools, new 1946. it In which the west Is undisputed of barnyard manure hauled and 1 1 John Deere grain chopper, 10 inch hammermill, n leader,” Bell asserted. "California spread on cropland. really Is the brithplace of bank "3. to per acre for green manure ew 1946. credit to Installment buyer cus- crop of third cutting alfalfa which tomers, but bankers In Oregon, I has first been used for grazing 1 Killfer disc, 5 foot, new 1946. Mr. Corn Grower Phone Collect We Contract For $25.00 Per Ton Farm Sale i Tue., February 25 Grigg Brothers’ Produce Seaman Tillers 162 No First Street Just West Of New Bus Depot At Ontario Paddock Equipment Company It’s As Simple As A-B-C A. Figure out about how much your house and contents values have gone up since you bought fire insurance. B. Check the date and amount of your fire insurance. C. Call us now before disaster finds you under insured. Frank T. Morgan 1 Oliver harrow, 3-section, all steel. 1 Studebaker truck, 2 1/2 ton with beet rack, 1944 model. Used one season. 2 Army truck beds. 1 Surge milker, 2-unit, new 1946. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 1 New seven-foot frigidaire, Hotpoint. 1 Electric washer, Hotpoint, new. 1 Electric stove, Hotpoint, new. 2 Tons of coal. 1 Estate heatrola, new. 1 Studio couch. 1 Covered chair. 1 Light bedroom suite, three-piece. Several small chairs. 1 Enamel top kitchen table and chairs. Fruit jars and other odds and ends. TERMS: CASH 0. P. Williams & E. H. Fleshman, Owners Col. Bert Anderson, Auctioneer—L. H. Fritts, Clerk