Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Classified Advertising K A I 't o Two cems per word ior each issue. A lter one month one | cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, is 30c. 13F2xp. 2, Nyssa. For Sale fVVt.V FOR SALE!— New home, 2-bed FOR SALE— Six-room house in rooms, living room, kitchen with Prma, good location. Fireplace, In .ots of built-ins, bath. On Thirc sulated and electric water heater ,treetv north. Can ue nought com R. W. Swanson, phone 116-L2. pletely tiunisnea, Immediate pos- 20Flxp esiou. New home on east side, lawn, FO R SALE— Chicks, New Hamp- .lowers, garage, full basement, kil- chires, reds, white rocks, barren jie n , living room, bedroom and ratii on first lloor, extra bedroom rocks, bull mmorcas, white leg oia slc-uae ufXsialrs. horns, austra-whites, rock-Hamp- Six-room house on Third street shire cross. Available for immediati .lorth, garage, lawn, shade. Have a few good business lots and future delivery. $15 per hun- or sale. uied. Vale Electric hatchery. 20Ftfc KEN RENSTROM FO R SALE — One set harness, also I hone 41-J, Real Estate Oliver horse-drawn mower. Char lie Culbertson, phone 014-J3, Nyssa. TO R SALE O R TRAD E— 6 white- 20Flxp. face bulls, coming 3 years old. W ill f n m i . h registration papers. William FO R SALE— One good James way Hlpp. Phone 163-M. 30J4xp. oil brooder, 500-chick size. Clifford FO R SALE — EOrd Jeep, $uo. Nielsen, route 2, on Grand avenue. 20Fzxp Guaranteed good condition. Pow ell Service station. l6Jtfc F O R SALE — Roan milking short TOR SALE— 75 by 120 foot corner horn bull, 9 months old. Can be registered. Oscar Schafer. 20Flxp loation on Main Street. Bernard Eastman. 23Jtfc. FOR SALE— Beet-bed, almost new. with stock rack to fit. A. W. Hen FOR SALE— Several house for dricks,Box 823, Nyssa 20F3xp. sale. Attractive buys. See Frank T. Morgan. 16Jllc FO R SALE— 1 good manure load TOR SALE— Owyhee Beauty shop. er for Oliver tractor. One M -M combine, on rubber. Leo W. Child, Well equipped and good business. 3/4 mile west on Alberta avenue. Phone 116-J or 24, Nyssa. lGJtfo 20Ftfc. TOR SALE;— 1937 GMC 154 ton S T R A Y E D — One roan mare and truck. 2-speed axle, beet-bed. Phone one black two-year-old filly, taken 07-J5. Dick Ashcraft. 54 north. 54 13F2xp. up on my farm, 10 miles south of east of Adrian, Oregon. Adrian. Burt Search. 13F3xp. TO R SALE^- About 30 ton good FO R SALE—Second and third second cutting hay, 4’y miles NW cutting chopped hay. Glen Salter, Adrian on Overstreet road, good 13F2xp. 1 mile north o f Adrian. 13Ftfc road. Charles E. Harris. FO R SALE— 1940 DeSota 4-door custom sedan, kingston gray, $1285 cash. Spotlight, 2 fog lights, radio, heater, windshield defrosters. J. W. McGinnis, Adrian, Oregon 13F2xp FOR SALE— 1931 model A, good condition. 1934 panel Ford. Inquire at Bakery. 13F2xp FOR SALE— 5 54 foot deluxe Leon ard refrigerator. C. K. Olson, phone 05-J2. 13F4xp. FOR SALE— 1942 Ford-stx truck, new beet bed, new tires. Ralph Focht, 54 mile west of Deseret Sheep Company. 13F2xp. TO R SALE— Flat truck bed, 154 ton. Charles Schweiaer, route 2, 15 miles southwest of Nyssa. 13F3xp. T O R SA LE or TRADE— 1941 Ford pick-up for late model truck. Nell Dimmick, 10 miles southwest of Nyssa. 13F2xc. I I TO R SALE;— Registered whiteface bull, 2 yrs. old. Neil Dimmick, route White Leghorns, Buff Mmorcas • e p a I A d v e r tiN Ín v Austra Whites, Light Brahmas and Black Aurtralorps at $15 per 100. , N THE C O U N TY COURT OF Bring us your eggs for custom THE STATE OF OREGON Hatching; 130 eggs fill a tray Bring them in on Tuesdays each IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF week, 4 cents an egg. Call us M ALHEUR through Fruitland 6221 or write N O TIC E O F SETTLEM ENT O F Payette. Payette Valley hatchery, i F IN A L ACCOUNT 30J4xp1 In the Matter of the Estate of I ED W ARD D O N ALD NORCOTT, V8, 85 Deceased. TO R SALE —1937 Ford 30JIÍC horse power. Phone 128M Notice is hereby given that L i- cille F. Norcott, Administratrix of TOR SALE;— Russett and Pontiac the Estate of Edward Donald Nor seed potatoes, grown from blue tag cott, deceased, has filed in the seed, rogued twice. S. E. Flanagan, above-entitled court for final set route 2, Nyssa. 30Jtfc. tlement her account and report FOR SA LE —1 54 ton chain hoist, as such administratrix together 1 barrel pump. One 12 ton hy with her petition for final distri draulic jack, 16 foot factory made bution of said estate, and that ice stoke rack, grain-tight, for $150. hearing of the same has been fix ed by the court for Friday, the 21st Stanley Reffett, route 1, Nyssa. 30Jtfc. day o f March, 1947 at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. of said day, at the TOR SALE— Dark blue double- courtroom o f said court in the breasted man’s suit. Worn two courthouse at Vale, Oregon; and times. $35. Darreld Steinke. 6Ftfc. that all persons interested in the said estate are notified then and FOR SALE— New two-bedroom there to appear and show a cau ;e. home with full basement, furnace if any they have, why the said TO R SALE;— 20 tons of good hay, 454 miles northwest of Nyssa, Ore and stoker. This Is in an excellent account should not be settled and gon. T. J. Sparks, owner. 13F2xp. location. Can be financed under F. allowed, and why distribution of H. A. Bernard Eastman. 9Jtfc. said estate should not thereupon be TOR SALE— Caterpillar number immediately made to the persons FOR SALE— Two-bedroom house 30. Good condition. Jake Groot, 3 entitled thereto, without further with hardwood floors. Two baths. miles north of Nyssa on corner of notice of proceedings. Gem avenue. 13F3xp. Furnace. Full basement. Double Dated this 20th day of Febru garage. Good location. Extra large ary, A. D. 1947. FOR SALE;— Russett seed pota lot. Can be financed under F. H. Lucille F. Norcott, 9Jtfc. toes, grown from blue tag seed. A. Bernard Eastman. Administratrix of the Estate o ' Magnus Ekanger, route 2, Nyssa, Edward Donald Norcott, De 1937 Ford tudol Sunset Valley. 13F4xp. FOR SALE— ceased. sedan. 1936 Ford pick-up, 1939 Ford FOR S A L E -- Thompson’s Chek-R- truck. 1 54 ton. Zack Walker, phone E. Otis Smith, 23Jtfc. Attorney for administratrix, Chix for delivery every Wednesday 28-R. Ontario, Oregon. and Saturday. Write for breeds and prices to Thompson’s Ontario Hat i FOR SALE— Baby chicks. New Rocks, IN THE CO U NTY COURT OF chery, box 578, Ontario, Oregon. 1 Hampshire Reds, W hite THE STATE OF OREGON 13Ftfc. 1 Buff Minorcas, W hite Leghorns IN AND FOR THE C O UNTY and Austra Whites. Custom hateh- OF M ALHEUR T O R SALE;— 20 tons of good al ; lng done. Vale Electric Hatchery, NOTICE T O CRED ITO RS falfa hay, 454 miles northwest of Vale, Oregon, phone 2922. 2Jtfc. Nyssa, Oregon. T. J. Sparks, own In the Matter of the Estate of er. 13F2xp. H E NR Y TERRA, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that by FOR SALE;— Good home with two TO R SALE)— Electric hot water order of the above-entitled Court bedrooms, kitchen, living room, heaters with inter-locking ther made and entered on the 11th day dining room, bath, full basement mostat, 40 gallon capacity. Guar of February, A. D. 1947, the under with 2 bedrooms finished. Furnace anteed. $105. Nvssa Furniture signed was appointed Executrix of heat. Electric hot water, garage, Co. Phone 149-W 2Jtfc the Last W ill and Testament of Henry Terra, deceased, and has duly qualified as such executrix. FOR SALE— New four-room house All persons having claims against with bath. Good location, 50 by 120 said estate are hereby notified to lot. Partly furnished, including el- present the same, duly verified as eceric refrigerator. Bernard East required by law, to the undersign man. 12Dtfc ed Executrix at the office of E. Otis Smith, her attorney, in the TO R SALE 154—254 H. P. gaso Wilson Building at Ontario, O re line engine, International. Leo gon, within six months from the Fife, Phone 05R-2. 28Ntfc. date of this notice. Dated February 20, A. D. 1947. TOR SALE— EXting potatoes. $1 Margaret Terra, Executrix. cwt. Bring your sack. L. J. Joseph- son and Son. Phone 392-J, Payette, Idaho. SlOtfc FARM PRODUCTION O PTO M ETRISTS Professional And Business Directory PH YSIC IAN S S A R A Z IN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K E. Kerby Physician and Surgeons Dk. J. 'A .'"M C F A lX “ DR. JOHN E A S LY r L. A. Maulding. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Pnone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Daily—Except Sunday HAY BUYER Phone 21, Ontario, Ore FLOOR SANDING New or old floors sand W. F. JAH N ed perfectly. Large Dealer in hay and grain commercial machine Third at Good Ave. and experienced oper ators. Telephone Boise ^JEW ELRY STORES 6189R. PAULUS JEWELRY STORE FLOOR LAYING AND SANDING Union Pacific Time Inspector JEW ELRY — DIAM ONDS W ATCHES Reftnished, FUled, Varnished By Experienced Men Main Street a. Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific O N TA R IO OREGON W ORLD FAM OUS ELECTROLUX Cleaner & A ir Purifier E. R. Anderson Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, Weiser, Idaho . 1 • , '*? * \ cow shed, chicken house and 1 acre Mack Bissonette, route 1, Nyssa. ol ground just outside city limits. ___ 6F4xp. Ths is a good buy at »3250. Terms. M ISCELLANEOUS— macn- Bernard Eastman. 23Jtic mos wantoJ, ueadies, portaoies ana , „ ' electrics, any condition. W ill pay FOR S A L E - 60 acres under Owy- g phone 247M, P . 0 . Box hee ditch. 7 mUes southwest of 608 So plrst s t. p Nyssa. Klaas Stam. 6F4xp c ackett. Ontario. Rebuilding, elec trifying, repairing. SDtfc. FOR SALE— 1938 Olds sedan with M ISCELLANEOUS--For uetter ra radio, heater and good tires. K. dio service bring vour ramus i Saito route 1, Nyssa, Oregon. 6F4p. Newsom Furniture store. Gene Sey- bold, radiotrician. i3Jt:c TOR SALE— Bliss Triumph po tatoes, Nebraska certified, one year M ISCELLANEOUS— Storage ~Set 8Atl, out. See Frank Parr, Nyssa Imple Jake at Fix -it shop. ment, or call 01-J2. 6Ftfc. M ISCELLANEO US— Duplicate car TOR SALE— 140 H. P. Chrysler' and cylinder lock keys maae. Gam 2boat stationary motor, on trailer, right ble store. angle pulley attachment. Develops BUTCH ERING uli horsepower at 3200 rpm. Satis- Custom butchering every Mon actory for large hay chopper. See Frank Parr at Nyssa Implement oi day and Friday. Beer, sheep am .ah 01-J2. 6Ftfc. pork. Sanitary butchering guaia.. teed. Phone 05R1. All stock mus TO R SALE— The Payette Valley come in Thursday or Sunday alt«; hatchery located between Payette noon between 12 o’clock and 6. N and Fruitland hereby announces stock accepted on butchering da the 1947 season, which marks our One mile west of Nyssa on Albert, 27th year of commercial hatching. 29 M f. This year we 11 have White Roc as. avenue. Jake Fischer. W rite N. J. Barnett Marsing, Idaho Sales Service Supplies DENTISTS J. R. C U N D A LL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic N YS 84 OREGON F. F. BODMER Dentist Ph. 187W Wilson Bldg. V * * 3 ♦* -V . ♦ »'.• 4 H ' P A C K 1'HHKK THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1947 B E T T Y S U E “ACE"-NEWSOM The money you spend at the NEW SOM FU R N ITU R E C O M PA N Y will give you the last word in “ full value” . W e ’re proud o f our reasonable prices and friendly services. You can count on our unswerving honesty just as our forefathers counted on the honesty of George Washington. Uhe M ìe Zlua/i NEW5DM F pared to 53,000 acres last year. | Piercy home. Arlene Plercy, Joyce The Department of Agriculture’s | Kurtz and Shirley Smith prepared action In Unking 1947 price support and cooked the dinner. The young operations with farm potato goals er girls set the table, served and is designed to avoid a repetition helped wash the dishes. The menu . . . , . was roast beef, mashed potatoes, of last years costly over-produc- brown gravy ^ and carrots tion and at the same time fulfill p|neapp]e and cottage cheese salad, governmental Price support obliga- butterscotch ple with graham lions under the Steagall amend- craoker cruat and coffee Pla(,e6 ment. Nationally price support op were marked with valentines. Fav erations on the 1946 crop are ex ors were small cups containing pected to cost about $80,000,000. andies. In Oregon, the Department pur chased outright 375 carloads of in- 1 . n r r n r n CTO D T termediate crop potatoes, and h a s , * ''” * I\fc.fc,Llfc.lY j 1 U K L made price supporting loans to TO BE IMPROVED producers on more than 154 million ! _______ hundredweight of the late crop. c o w HOLLOW (Special)— Mrs. growers already have delivered a- Howard Parson ,has returned home round 300 carloads in repayment from the N Nurslng home with of the loans, most of which the , ber baby son Department sold for use as live- Jim Reeder, merchant at O le’s lock feed. corner, plans on lnstallng an Ice year with $lrs. Smith of Chalk butte as their leader. Considerable work has been done on the Cow hollow community hall and premises. Much more will be done in the near future by the committeemen. Harold and Everet Callahan have rented the Callahan ranch for the coming year. Both are building new homes. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Her- rud and two children moved here from Pine City, Minnesota last month. They are at present living in Ontario. Joey Herrud is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Callahan. Several children are sick writh mumps in this vicinity. The LDS church will hold an I auction sale the coming week, Farm machinery, household goods, cream and cold drink fountain in livestock and almost everything will the near future and enlarging his be sold. The time and place will PARTIES HELD IN be announced later. ADRIAN DISTRICT store. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Calla- — —------------------------------------ ----- hun and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cal-> AD R IAN (Special)— Mrs. Oayle lahan were business visitors in Martin. Mrs. George Riddle, Mrs. Vale last Wednesday. Clyde Steelman and Mrs. O. J. Irvin Callahan called at Holy Ehiglish of Roswell were shoppers' i-osary hospital this week to see Tuesday afternoon in Parma and Helmer Hintz, who was accidentally For those tough jobs BUY A JEEP Ny-^a. shot. The Jolly Janes club held a The Y. O. A. boys and girls of meeting in the home of Mrs. Henry this vicinity were organized this Reuter Tuesday afternoon. A sur prise pink and blue shower was given for Mrs. Reuter. Many lovely Dr. G. W. Grave» gifts were received. Refreshments were served following the opening of the gifts. O PTO M ETRIST Several ladies of Adrian and community attended the Mary and Eyes Examined Martha society meeting held in Newell heights at the home of Mrs. George Scheimer Thursday Phone 720 afternoon. The seventh and eighth grades in Adrian enjoyed an exchange of 718 Arthur St. valentines and a party St. Valen tines day, February 14. Caldwell, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. O. J. English oi Roswell and Mr. and Mrs. Gayie Martin were in Homedale Friday to help their grandson and nephew Jerry Ehiglish celebrate his birth day. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. English were overnight guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Martin. f * eSH$ 0 Mrs. H. M. Korman and Kris tine spent several days visiting in Baker the past week at the home of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ball. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson Buddy, all of Boise, were dinn GOALS DISTRIBUTED and FOR SALE;— New commercial er guests Sunday in the FYank building just completed. Building Johns home The Malheur County committee is 50 by 70 with modern two bed Many residents o f Adrian and room apartment. Excellent location is working on the job of distribut vicinity attended the music clinic with parking area in front and ing the 1947 potato production goal held at Payette Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Patch and rear. Best of construction. Must among individual growers, and will be seen to be appreciated. Bernard notify each grower of his farm j KOns Qf Burns were dinner guests goal on or before February 20. Glen > Saturday evening in the K. I Eastman. Phone 64. TNtfc L. Hutchinson, chairman o f the | Peterson home. They visited oth er. FOR SAT F— Automobile Insurance, county AAA committee announced. friends in Nyssa over the week-end.' Public Liability, Property Damage Only those growers who plant Mr and Mrs. K. I. Peterson were Fire T inert h eft and Placed within fof their government farm goals wlU su p bB dinner guests Friday in the Frank Fire, ana Collision collision, piacea priCe -Cahill home ln Nys8a. in the best compames at lowe.- port protection on their 1947 crop. M r and Mrs. Herbert Thomas, possible rates. Bernard Eastman. the chairman pointed out, citing Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dille, Mr. and 14Fti" an earlier announcement to th a t1 Mrs. Bill Ashcraft, Mr. and Mrs. SO Here are a few of Its many uses •Herding Stock •Fencing •Range Work ♦Spraying •Belt Work Write for •Pump Water •Drill Wells •Delivery Work •Discing •Drilling further Information Trade your present car in on a JEEP Watts Motor Co. Phone 141J Box A Nyssa, Ore fiA V O tW SO FIN E FOR D IN N ER effect by the Department o f A g William Toomb, Mr and Mrs. L. TOR SALE;— Can now deliver new Dlerking and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Willys Jeeps and new Willys mo riculture. A 10-day appeal period will fol Steelman were among those from tors; also genuine Willys parts low the February 20th goal notifi Adrian who attended the Kingman 1 Phone 144-J, Watts Motor Co. Nyssa, Oregon. 16J8xc cation date. During that time Home Economics club benefit pin growers who did not receive a ochle party held Saturday evening FOR SALE—Three acres, close m goal or who are dissatisfied with ln the Kingman Kolony schoolhouse. Bernard Eastman. 39Atfc the goal assigned may file an ap Phizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. peal. supported by proper evidence, FYank Cummins, high; Mrs. W ill iam Toomb and L. W. Dlerking, with the county committee. WANTED No farm goal of less than three low, and Mrs. Della Hemenway, W A N TE D — Basement waterproof acres will be established, as grow traveling prize. A lunch of potato ing. W e guarantee. Free estimates. ers planting less than that acreage salad, sandwiches, pickles, cake Call A. B. Crews 61-J5. New P ly will automatically qualify for price and coffee was served by the Home mouth. 6F4xp. support. Growers Who did not re - 1 Economics ciuib ladies. Mrs. A. C. Henderson return- 'd ceive a goal and do not make ap- I W ANTE D — Hemstitching machine. plication for one by March 3 will < Saturday from Emmett, after stay I Mrs. Ernest Rose, 1058 West Third, not be eligible for price support! ing for a time with her daughter, Weiser. 6F3xp. if they plant more than 2.9 acres. |Mrs J. A. Coon, while she recovered Mr. Hutchinson explained that from an operation, | W ANTED— "Hammer mill and the county committee has com- Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Brown were electric motor. What have you? ¡¡d jjst of all operators for guests ln Boise over the week-end Box A or phone 144-J Nyssa. 23Jtfc ^ CQUld obtaln acreage dat# Mf and Mrs Herbert m « , * , or any year during the period 1943 and granddaughter, Jean Dille, to 1946 Farm goals will be set for visited relatives ln Huntington all operators on the list whose pro- Sunday. duction history will support a goal I Mrs C. A. Roe and Hazel M. of three acres or more. In addition Roe of Boise were vsitors ln the to historical acreages, the commit- George Riddle home Sunday. Mrs. LOST tee will give consideration in set- Roe and Hazel are mother and | j L O S T - White Collie sheep dog. tine from goals to such factors as sister of Mrs. Riddle. crop rotation, land use, availability Mrs E21cn Sparks and Mildred female Reward. Phone 04-R3 13Ftfc. of production facilities, and the visited in the Elmer Carlev home operators Intentions for 1947 , In Apple valley Sunday afternoon. He reported that the reduction The Fidelia Amicae girls of th-J MISCELLANEOUS ___________________________I of county growers is in line with United Presbyterian chunh enter- MT°CELLAN130U8— Hay bailing the final state goal, which calls talned their mothers with a dinner and general trucking. Phone 02-R4, for 45,300 acres ln 1947 as com -. Sunday evening ln the Wesley, W ANTED — T o buy anything til I hoc* or "eal AL ho buy banger cows ! or will handle for hide and offall [Phone 31M or 0UJ1 22Atfc much the heart of dinner as meat...put on your daily menu!