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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1947)
I HE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE TWO D im a? J1E The Gate City Journal Editor and Publisher KI.ASS V. I'OWEUL SUBSCRIPTION Six ADVERTISING R A T tS KATES *2.00 Months.... ~ ................ »1.25 .06 (Strictly in Advance* Open rate, per Inch....... ,3V National, per inch.......... 40 c Classifieds, per word..... M.ulmu;n......... 30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postofflces at Nyssa, Oregon lor transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act Ol March 3, 1879 PICARD RULING JUSTIFIED Federal District Judge Frank A. Picard has dealt a punishing blow, if not a death blow, i the plans of labor leaders to capitalize on the portal pay law upheld by the United States supreme court last year. Judge Picard held that the claims of the Mt Clemens Pottery company workers for port to portal pay were trifling. Following the filing of the Mt. Clemens case, unions filed retroact ive claims running into billions of dollars ag ainst employers. The suits represent the attitude of many pi es ent-day employes, who apparently think the boss can take all the losses and still continue to make money with which to pay good wages. If we don’t somehow dispense with that notion, our economic system is headed for trouble. A man who spends several minutes each day on company property before and after his working hours is probably justified in his de mands for extra pay, hut when a fellow wants pav for changing his pants he needs a different job. Friday of last week. INJURED YOUTH IS RECOVERING Mrs. Robert Ditty and children called at the home of her parents UPPER SUNSET (SneciaL— Hel- last week, taking her brother to mer Heintz, who was injured a few ills home. weeks ago. is able to be out again. Sunday school is held at the Henry Durfee attended the mus ic concert at Payette Thursday and Sunset hall every Sunday at 10 o’clock with Mrs. Brim as superin tendent. After Sunday school the I sermon is preached by Rev. Brim Everyone is invited to attend. Mrs. Frank Parker who has bi.*n quite ill is improving. Baked Enamel Finish Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee a t Metal Slats— No laihor Charge tended the gold and green ball Nyssa Furniture Company at Payette. Mrs. Ervin Durfee, who Phone 149-W has spent several weeks visiting her mother, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. D Durfee returned home Saturday from Utah, where they visited relatives. Mrs. Del Gamer was an Ontar io shopper Saturday. Venetian Blinds THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE E. J. Wilson, Pastor F IR sT MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH M. J. Duncan, pastor Sunday school, 10 a.m. 10 a.m., Sunday school. Morning services, 11 a.m. 11 a.m., morning worship service. Evening services, 7:30 pan. 7:15 p.m., three different groups Bible study Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. of young people's services. Prayer service, Tnursday, 7:30 8 p.m., Evangelistic service. pan. 8 p.m., Wednesday, pray and You are invited to attend these praise service. .erv.ces, especially Bible study. 1RINITV LUTHERAN CHURCH OF PARMA The Church of the Lutheran Horn Harold A. llrckm ann, pastor CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES AT EPISCOPAL CHURCH PARISH HALL Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor Mass every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.. Divine worship Sunday morning it 10 o’clock with the celebration tl xcept on second Sunday, mass at loly communion. "A Worthy Gues, 1 a.m. At The Lord's Taible"-1 Cor. 11, 27 ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Sunday school and adult Bible class at 11 a.m. MISSION Young Peoples society meets Sun Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector day night at 8 In the church base Second Sunday of month com- ment. Second Lenten service, Wedncs uumon at 9 a.m. Evening prayer service at 4 p.m. lay. the 28th, at 8 p.m. Topic Your Redemption—Its Necessity’. n other Sundays. Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. ev- HE METHODIST COMMUNITY ry Sunday. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1947 00. W 7th and Walnut, cinderblock, ond house up Monroe creek. 43 head of cattle, 6 horses, John 26 by 28. Lynn Muir, construction, block Deere tractor, electric refrlgeratoi, 87, Westfield addition, cinderblock. 2 radios, variety of furniture, 2 electric fencers, hay and grain and $4000, 22 by 31. farm equipment. Oscar M. Evans, Lon S. Root, construction, frame, owner. Welty and Lane, auction 18 by 24, $600, lots 17. 18 and 19. eers. Ruby Lane, clerk. CLUB MEETS [¡block 59, Green addition. Park PUBLIC FARM SALE— Monday, The Sunday evening Mr, and street. Feb. 24, 1 p.m. 9 miles southwest Mrs. club met at the Harry Miner I of Ontario, or 1 % miles south of home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ron j the Lincoln School. 17 cattle, 4 Whitaker won prizes at bridge. horses, chickens, machinery, 6 tons - 5 - FARM SALE— Thursday, Febru hay, 12 sacks wheat. Roy Pearce, HAVE DINNER owner; Col. Bert Anderson and Joe Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith ate ary 27, 1 p.m. 5 miles south of Church, auctioneers; L. H. Fritts, Weiser on Oregon side, second Sunday dinner at the Glenn Brown house south of junction known as clerk. home, Potato Smith place. Tractor and -* — equipment, home freeze locker, el DINE AT PLANT B ernard E a stm an ectric fencers, manure spreader, 3 Nyssa folks are taking advan cows, 5 calves, 1 heifer, two hogs, tage of the suppers served at the and some household equipment Insurance new Owyhee Ice Cream Oo. in On Emmit Rutson, owner, Welty and Real Estate tario. Wednesday evening Mr. and Lane auctioneers. Ruby Welty, clerk Mrs. S. P. Bybee, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fisher of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. FARM SALE Phonp 64 Wayne Parker of Ogden, and Mr. Friday, Feb. 28, 1 p. m., 7 miles and Mrs. Harry Yost of Boise din north of Weiser on highway. » • - Vv<5sa. Oregon ed there. - 5 - GIVES DINNER Mrs. Thelma Glenn entertained at dinner in honor of her siste. and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mr, LeRoy Schirm, Sunday. Thost attending were Mr. and Mr.- Schirm, Mr. and Mrs. Le.lle Bur bank and Montie and Ruthie and Mr. and Mrs. Newburn Glenn and Roger, Jerry and Ronnie. Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harry Ktngrey. High prize went to Mrs. C. C. Cotton and low to Mrs. Max Goldman. Mrs. Charles McConnell and Mrs Henry Fields won traveling prize. SALE CALENDAR There’s SOME Need For SP EED -ïo buy G O O D Farm Seed Though the 1947 supply of tested, fertile. Northland Brand Seed is greater than in war years, some shortages may occur. This, in part, is due to ever-increasing demand for the best seed that money can buy. Year after year, more formers are insisting upon the dependable seed Identified by the Flying Goose on the bag. It Is wise to get your supply NOW! See your local Northrop, King dealer, or write to . . . • CHURCH Rev H J. Gernhardt Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Worship and sermon, 11 a.m. Intermediate fellowship, 7 pan. Youth fellowship, 7 p.m. Evening service, 8 pan. A study of the gospel of John. Mid-week fellowship, Wednesday, 3 p.m. at the Parsonage. CHRISTIAN CHURCH ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor, C. L. Snider There will be no services at the Assembly of God church Sunday, February 23 as we will be attend ing the southern Idaho district council. The following Sunday there will be services as usual. FULL GOSPEL CHURCH AT REBEKAII HALL 5th and Enms Sts. George Whipple, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a.m. Bible school at 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Special music by the choir. Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Morning worship at 11 a.m. Sermon topic, “Am I My Broth L. D. S. CHURCH er’s keeper?” Sunday, a m., priesthood Junior Choir practice, 7 p.m. at meeting. ^ the church. Sunday, ^10:30 a. m„ Sunday Services for all ages at 7:45. Evening Sermon topic, “A Ser school. Sunday, 7:30 p. m„ sacrament mon Preached To One Negro”. Church choir practice Thursday, meeting. ” % Tuesday, 2 p. m., Relief society 7.30, at the church. meeting. First Tuesday of each month ai SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST p. m. Primary for children be- Elder Robert Adnms, Acting Pastor Sabbath school, 3 p. m., Saturday. ween ages of 4 and 12. Prayer meeting 8 p. m„ Tuesday Ices beginning Sunday, September at the home of Mrs. Mollie Nelson. J. OUESTS AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Less Robins and family and Mr. Robin's brother and Miss Winona Henderson were Sunday dinner guests at the A. A Bratton home on the occasion of a party honoring Oscar Bratton on his birthday. Northrup, King & Co. WEDNESDAY CLUB MEETS Mrs. John Bowen entertained the Wednesday club last week with a card party. Mrs. Aden Wilson won high, Mrs. Nick Rudelick second J and Mrs. Lloyd Marshall traveling prize. Luncheon was served by the hostess. BOISE IDAHO See your local P.M .A. Committee, formerly the Triple A, about government payments for seed used in build ing permanent pas tures. Dealers For Building Permits Warren Keith, construction, $25- Lennox Furnaces Edw. J. Fair and Co. TAX CONSULTANTS Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by Appointment Phone 707 Box 281 Payette. Idaho OIL COAL Chrome Mixing Faucets Wall type Stokers— Blowers— Air Conditioning Ledge type General Sheet Metal Fabrication VISITORS DISCUSS TRIPS erland and Carlos Buchner won The A. N. K. Garden club met prizes at bridge. at the home of Mrs. Dale Ashcraft HAVE VALENTINE PARTY near Adrian Tuesday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Lane and February 11. Mr. and Mrs. Kinsey Keveren were Several of the members had been hosts at a valentine party at the on extensive trips throughout the Lane home Saturday evening, Feb northwest and California during ruary 15. Twenty-four guests were the past montil and gave interest present to enjoy an evening of To Speak On Radio— games appropriate to Valentine's R. H. Hunter, president of the ing accounts of their trips. day. Prizes were won by Mrs. Eng- Malheur County Jersey club, a n d 1 Mrs. Charles Newbill discussed | strom and Charles Steffens. Saw MiUi Mrs. Charles Grider, secretary, will various types of daisies and their —f — speak on "The Merits of Registered culture. 7<W ULT BENEFIT PARTY GIVEN Mrs. W. L. McPartland began Cattle" over KSRV radio station So*tk ,.</ A , The benefit card party held by a review of the book, "Adam’s Pro at 11:15 Saturday morning on the P O IN T * fession and Its Conquest by Eve”, the Royal Neighbors recently at county agent’s program. by Julian R. Meade. This book is Carl's Doll house was enjoyed by EASTBOUND an amusing story of one m ans members and many friends. Prizes 8:17 am *1:20 pm 3:07 pm Ill at Home— were won by Mrs. Herman Towne, Caroline Whitaker, daughter of gardening experiences. The review Mrs. Alice Collins, Miss Pauline •'6:05 pm 10:50 pm will be finished at the next meet Mr. and Mrs. Ron Whitaker, has •Twin Falls local Towne, Tom Morris, Clifford Fox been ill the past week with rheu ing. ••Boise local The hostess served refrestiments and Herman Towne. matic fever. WESTBOUND of ice cream, angel food cake, and GUESTS IN VALE 5:00 am 10:05 am *2:25 pm coffee. Nyssa Girl To Sing— Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wieneke and •8:05 pm 11:55 pm —8— Miss June Savage will sing over son. Gary, were Sunday dinner BUFFET SUPPER SERVED •Weiser local KSRV at 11:15 Friday on Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner were guests at the home of Mr. and DEPOT— TOWNES GARAGE I Charley Grider's piano protram. hosts at a buffet supper and bridge Mrs. Art Smith in Vale. Phone 196W 1 “Melodies by Hope". party Sunday evening. Mr. and - 5 - CLUB MEETS Mrs. Ted Bryan of Ontario were out-of-town guests. Mrs. Joe Suth The D. W. T. pinochle club met Serving On Destroyer— I O. Zamora, firemen, second class, ! son of M. C. Zamora of Nyssa, is serving aboard the destroyer USS j Yosemite. Zamora entered the naval service in Marcii 1946, and received his recruit training at the naval training center, San Diego Complete Bathrooms OWYHEE SHEET METAL SHOP Installed. BROWER’S Homedale, Idaho—jPhone 2802 Plumbing Shop ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY It's much easier than falling ofl a Jog! Just try Chevron Supreme Gasoline in your tank. It's tailored to your car and equipment with the . _ same skill that perfected Standard's war-proved dying fuels. New blending agents in Chevron Supreme give you fast starts, smooth acceleration, pingless performance. It's the finest motor fuel Standard ever produced—you can bank on every trip being a pleasure trip with Chevron Supreme I W. E. SCHIREMAN PHONE 61 Prices Paid At The Northwest’s Outstanding Livestock Auction Market This Week Weekly market report for Feb. 18, 1947 Cattle: Fed steers *19 to $21. Fed heifers »16 to $19 Good cows *74 to $16 Beef bolls *13 50 to $14 50 Veal calves $16 to $24.25 Fleshy stocker and feeder steers $15 to $17. Fat hogs *27.25. Packing sows *17 to *22. Feeder pigs »22 to *25. Receipts: Cattle 690. hogs 208. Special Horse Sale Saturday, Feb. 22 ON TARIO LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. “ Where Buyer» and Seller* Meet” Elli» White, Manager 413-M Ellis White & Clayt Tschirgi (Shirge) Aucts. ONTARIO— 413-M A STA N D A R D OF C A LIF O R N IA PRODUCT Section of lounge cur on Hundred Union Pacific item Going East, or lo California, or the Pacific Northwest or othor Union Pacific regions, you con smile at storms - roin, snow, wind or fop Your Union Pocific train carries its own peaceful weather . . , pleas- ontly air-conditioned. Smoothly, safely, you speed to your destination. And no need to worry about where to sleep . . . where to dine. But above all, it's the dependability - and the comfort - of train travel thot means r*ost to most people You know you'll get there relaxed and refreshed. be Specific - "Union Pacific’ FRUITLAND— 522 for complete information. Inquire at your noaroet Union Pacific ticket office