/ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1947 PAGE SIX Social Notes servance of Mrs. O. O. Andersons birthday. Others present were Mrs. Edna McConnick ot Sedgwick, Col and Mrs. Zora Osborne NYSSA COUPLE MARRIED orado Chinese checkers and dom Ilene Blodget and Virgil Jordan, Play.ng inos provided the entertainment. both of Nysaa, were married in i Winnemucca, Nevada Monday, Feb GIVE DINNER ruary 3. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure entertained The bride Is a daughter of Mr-. at dinner Sunday for Mr. and M. i. Myrtle Blodgett of Nysaa and Mr Ira Ure., Jr., of Corvallis, Mrs. Ella Jordan la a son of Mrs, Icle Jordan Fouch of Ontario and Jack Zitter- of Nyssa. They have returned to cob. Nyssa to make their home. He Is 8 employed at the Nyssa elevator BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED and she is employed by the Owyhee Mrs. Gordon Chapman entertan- Drug company. They both attended , ed February 7 in honor of her Nyssa high school. J daughter, Patty, on the occasion of the girl's seventh birthday. The 8 ENTERTAINS AT DINNER 1 guests enjoyed refreshments, whi 'h Mrs. Mary Pruyn entertained at I included a pink birthday cake. dinner Wednesday evening in ob I Patty received many lovely gifts. - - George Mitchell, Mrs. Ed Frost, Mrs. A. C. Sallee, and Mrs. A. H. Boy dell Prizes at the evening par ty went to Mrs. George Sallee. Mrs. Jean Fletcher, Mrs. Herb Fislier, Mrs. J. J. Sarazln and Miss Eva Boydell. Too Late To Classify - Vern Chadwick Nyssa Food Center Specials for Friday and Saturday February IU €r 15 Flour 50 lbs. $2.95 Picket, Surfine, Scott’s Best Baby Foods Doz. 90c Gerber’s, Clapps’, Standby Raisins, 2 lb. package 59c Cheese, American cheddar, lb. 52c Salmon, No. 1 tall can, Pink 29c; red 55c Oranges, size 200, 2 doz. 49c Prices Paid At The Northwest’s Outstanding Livestock Auction Market This Week Weekly market report for Feb. 11, 1947 Cattle: Fed steers $18 to $20. Fed heifers $15 to $17. Good cows $13 to $15. Beef bulls $13.50 to $15.05. Veal calves $16 to $22.50. Fleshy stocker and feeder steers $14 to $16. Fat hogs $26.30. Packing sows $17 to $20. Feeder pigs $8 to $18. Lambs $17 to $19. Receipts: Cattle 622, hogs 204, sheep 11. Special Horse Sale Saturday, Feb. 22 ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. “Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” Ellis White, Manager 413-M Ellis White & Clayt Tschirgi (Shirge) Aucts. ONTARIO—413-M FRUITLAND—522 Esther Nein of Nyssa and L; d They will make their home at Mer- L. Huber of Meridian (above) wove idian. married in Ontario February 3. 1 Out-of-town guests were Mrs. E. Laurence, the occasion being her ; O. Chapman of Ontario, Mrs. Viola birthday. The 12 guests present Ahlstrand of Payette and Mrs. the honorees with many George Browning and daughter, presented lovely gifts. Karen, of Parma. _5 HONORED AT PARTY HONORED 8 AT PARTY The C. C. Cotton home was the Miss Carole Flinders was hon ored at a birthday dinner given scene of a second birthday party by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. El- last Wednesday evening when 16 wood Flinders, last Friday night. friends, mostly former neighbors The valentine color scheme was from the Kingman Kolony section, carried out in the table setting and gathered to help Mr. Cotton cele menu. A large, tiered birthday cake brate his birthday. The guests decorated with red candy hearts brought Mr. Cotton many lovely centered the table, with valentine gifts. At pinochle, Mrs. Dave Mitchell place cards and favors. A three-course dintjer was served and Frank Cummins won prizes for to Donna Jean Cheldelin, Helen high scores. Miss Mae Beaumont Telford, Parrel Peterson, Val Child, and Mr. Mitchell won low prizes. Jerry Williams and the guest of Traveling prizes went to Mrs. Will honor, who received many lovely Beam and Walter Fox. gifts from her friends and rela 8 FAMILY GATHERING HELD tives. A family gathering was enjoyed —5 - at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. PRIMARY HAS PARTY Anderson Saturday in honor of Approximately 100 children be Mrs. Edna McCormick of Sedwick, tween the ages of 3 and 13 at Colorado, a sister of Mrs, Anderson tended a valenttne party given Others present Mr. and Mrs Tuesday afternoon by the LDS Chris Thompson were and Mrs Primary association. Folk dancing Robert Thompson, and all Mr. of Vale, and was held under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Griffiths and Mrs. Elwood Flinders. The decorations consisted of a Mrs. Mary Pruyn. - 8 — PARTIES large red satin heart on a lace TWO cloth-covered table, with six white Mrs. GIVES Burnall Brown entertained candles burning on each side. In with two dessert parties the rear center was a large red box Monday. Five tables bridge In play in which the children placed “love at each party. Mrs. were Brown used pennies''. The money will be sent valentine motif for her decora to the children's hospital in Salt the Lake City. The children received tions and appointments for her heart-shaped cookies topped with parties. the afternoon prizes were won red frosting and valentines from by In .Mrs. Joe Sutherland, Mrs their teachers. —5 - AUXILIARY MEETS The American Legion Auxiliary Home sites and small held its regular meeting at the acreages home of Mrs. H. O. Hopkins last Thursday. Two new members, Mrs. Ralph Larson and Miss Kessler, For Sale were accepted. Luncheon was served by Mrs. Hopkins. THEATRE Phone IOÔ DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14-15 Sharyn Moffett, Regis Toomey in “CHILD OF DIVORCE” Also Ken Curtis, Joan Barton in “LONE STAR MOONLIGHT” Mat., Sat.. 2:30 AOm. :3c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16-17 Errol Flynn, Eleanor Parker in the heartwarm ing story of two people in love. . . “NEVER SAY GOODBYE” With S. Z. Sakall, Forrest Tucker and Donald Woods Cartoon Sports Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., 30r-0e, Inc. Tai Adm. Evenlagx, 40c-9r, Inrludtnz Tax TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 BARGAIN NIGHT DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Chester Morris in “BOSTON BLACKIE AND THE LAW” William Boyd, Andy Clvde in “FOOL’S GOLD ” Admission Evenings 25c-9c, Including Tax. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, FEB. 19-20 Fast moving mystery without time for a yawn. It’s Bogart and Bacall at their best in highwire suspense and unexpected situation! Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall in “THE BIG SLEEP” I-ate News Adm. E r m tif* . Mr In cto d tn f Tai DANCE —AT— Sunset Valley Community Hall Saturday, February 15 Pond’s Orchestra Admission $1 iT » LO N G E R W EAR - - 8 - HONORED 8 AT PARTY Mrs. Harry Erleback was hon ored by Mrs. Eddie Powell and Mrs. H. E .Collins at a pink and blue shower at the home of Mrs Powell Friday afternoon. The host esses also honored Mrs. Rolland — PROGRAM TAX CONSULTANTS Office Hours 9 ajn. to 5 p.m. Evenings toy Appointment Phone 707 Box 281 Payette, Idaho \ - NYSSA Edw. J. Fair and Co. OLDHAM, D. C. Chiropractic Physician Physiotherapy Electrotherapy Nyssa, Oregon Over Dime Store BETTER CARE - ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY NOTICE—I will not be responsi ble for debts contracted by any- FOR SALE— 5t4 foot deluxe Leon ard refrigerator. C. K. Olson, phone 05-J2. 13F4xp. FOR SALE—1931 model A, good condition. 1934 panel Ford. Inquire at Bakery. 13F2xp FOR SALE—1940 DeSota 4-door custom sedan, kingston gray, $1283 cash. Spotlight, 2 fog lights, radio, heater, windshield defrosters. J. W. McGinnis, Adrian, Oregon 13F2xp FOR SALE— Dining room tab's, four chairs and buffet. Good con dition. Crisman apartment, Fourth street. Leaving Nyssa Sunday. 13Flxp. FOR SALE—Second and third cutting chopped hay. Glen Salter, 1 mile north of Adrian. 13Ftfc FOR SALE— 1936 Chevrolet truck. 1937 Terraplane pick-up, both In | good condition. Watts Motor com pany. Phone 144J. 13F1XC - - Al Chadwick one other than myself. Bill Blakes- STRAYED— One roan mare and ly. ISFIxp one black two-year-old filly, taken up on my farm, 10 miles north of DR. EDWIN W. Adrian. Burt Search. 13F3xp. — - On highway just north of city limits Lloyd W . Lewis Phone 011-R2 Nanette Dream Girl Rayon Hose Rayon Hose Service Weight Color Skydawn Semi-Sheer Color Sunlure 57c 1.15 Dream Girl Dream Girl Nylon Hose Silk Hose 51 Gauge 20 Denier Color Magic heige Irregulars Service Weight 45 Guage Color Skvdawn 1.39 1.65 Mojud Silk Janet Walker Hose Slips 3 Thread Color Allure White and Tea Rose Four Gore 1.65 2.49 BRACKEN’S New Motors Your rlothes will reward you With attractive appearance for a longer time when you have them cleaned periodically the K - U - N way. Phone us today. NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR Ford Or Mercury KEEP-U-NEAT HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY Your Ford Dealer N.SECOND ST • PH0NE:70 Nyssa Lumber Co. Spring Clean Up Aids Pittsburgh Paints Outside White Paint, Limited Supply. Plastic Plaster, per gal. 4.25 Masking Tape .25 Kem Tone, per gal. 3.49 Sandpaper, Ass’t Pkg. .10 Velio, per 5 lbs. 1.45 Wallpaper cleaner, .15 Paint Remover, pts. .65 Bruce Floor Finish, qt. 1.35 D.X. Floor Cleaner .25 Lfnoleum Wax, qt. .89 Wall Size, 1 lb. .50 Floor Cleaner .89 Patching Plaster, 1 lb. .20 Johnson Glo-Coat, pt. .59 Plaster Pencils .25 Brass Polish, */z pt*, .29 Paint Brush Cleaner .10 Plastic Wood .35 PAINT BRUSHES OF ALL SIZES Miscellaneous Other Cleaning and Painting Needs. Pittsburgh Glass • * Phone 118 Nyua, Oregon WE CAN NOW GET YOUR WINDOWS AND FRAMES AT PRE-WAR PRICES