T H E NY SS A G A TE CITY JO U R N A L , N Y S S A , OREGON PAGE TW O ihe Gate City Journal (LASS V. 1*0WELL - - - . . ---- r- Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVERTISING BATu.8 _>ne Y ear----- --------------- *2 00 Six Month* _________ *1.25 Open rate, per Inch.........J8c National, per inch. 40c Claasifleds, per word..... —Je M.nlmum.... . 30c sin g .e C opia».................... .............. Ü» (Strictly in Advance« ' Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postoiflcea at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act o: March 3, 1879. daughter, Donnald and Shirley, were in California and Reno, Nev ada last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dirksen and RICHLAND (Special)— Mr. ana Mrs. E. H. Pleshmen and son and family were In Caldwell and Nara- VISITORS RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA Box Soc ia I And Free Dance Fri. Night, Feb. 14 Cow Fiollow H all A ll lad ies please bring a box. Prizes aw ard ed for b est boxes. B en efit for buildin g and landscapin g Notice Of Annual Meeting Of Farmers Co-Operative Creamery Company N otice is hereby given that the annual m eet in g o f F an n ers C o-operative Cream ery Co., a corporation, w ill be held at the S ilver Star D ance H all, corner o f 6th Street and Cente A venu e, iPayette, Idaho, on T u esday the 25th day o f February, 1947, at the hour o f 10 o ’clock a.m . o f said day. The purpose o f this m eetin g is to elect d i rectors and transact such other business as m ay properly com e before the m eeting. P. F. Countrym an, Secretary nouncing! ! The op ening o f the new o ffic e o f Edw* J. Fair Co. Public A ccountants Friday, February 14 O ffices located in Payette O ver S edlm ayer Drug A uditors T ax Consultants A ccounting System s B ook keep ing O ffice hours 9 a.m . to 5 p.m. E venings by A ppointm ent Courteous and E fficien t Service EDW. J. FAIR AND COMPANY Public Accountants O ver S edlm ayer Drug Phone 707 B ox 281 P ayette, Idaho Attention Farmers For prom pt and efficie n t rem oval o f dead or w orthless anim als call the Idaho-Oregon Rendering Company There is a phone near you. P a y e tte 80 Parm a 25 O ntario 53 W eiser 92 V a le 3504 Bud Vanscoy and two children, What Keeps the Churches Apart", Evenlng service at 8 p.m. will be Mrs Vanscoy. Sr., Mr. and Mrs program entirely made up of ^ 1 « ^ ^ ™ . Don, £ r sacred music to be presented by a a“ d M r ot Adrian, and Mr. and choir of 17 voices and will include ! children 6 anthems by the entire choir, a Marvin Udlineck, son of Mr. a n d '“ « Jew WtUiMW «j Adrian. quartet, a trto. a duet and 2 solos Mrs Dick Udlineck. has been hi! ° fuy- Glen" with the mumps. Thursday ol Mr. and Mrs. by members of the choir. The pro gram is directed by the choir di Jill Marie Nielsen, daughter of Lee Householder. Mr. and Mr. George Schweizer rector, George Whipple. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Nielsen, has were week-end guests of relatives recovered from the chickenpox. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Simmons en in Nampa and Boise. COUPLE MOVE ONTO tertained Mr. and Mrs Carl Se M .CHARD FARM bum, Mr. and Mrs. Harland Dlv- OREGON TRAIL (Special)— Mr en, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Tertiune, and Mrs. Phillip Mitchell have Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grider, Abe moved to the Marion Chard place, Simmons and Bill Rinehart at a THE CHURCH OF THE which they will farm this year. pinochle party Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers made NAZARENE High piUt» were won by Mrs. Hu a business trip to Weiser and Cald E. J. Wilson. Pastor bert Terhune and Carl Sebum, low well Friday. 10 a.m., Sunday school. Mrs. Charles Grider and Bill Rine The Merry Matron's club met 11 a.m., morning worship service. hart. Mrs. Hubert Terhune and 7:15 pm., three different groups with Peggy Brown February 5. The Charles Grider won t r a v e l i n g afternoon was spent embroidering of young people’s services. prizes. tea towels for the hostess. Nine 8 pm., Evangelistic sarvice. Mr .and Mrs. John Lane oi Nys 8 p.m., Wednesday, pray and members and one guest, May Bretz, sa served a birthday dinner for answered roll call with “Some Mary Ann Focht. daughter of Mr. praise service. Changes We Want Made.” In a and Mrs. Adam Focht Thursday. game Alta Fry won the prize. Miss Lela Runcorn of Portland is TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH quiz The next meeting will be held OF PARMA visiting a few days with her broth T h e Church of the Lutheran Hour” February 19, with Gladys Byers as er, Robert Runcorn. Mr and Mrs. O. E. Cheldilin Harold A. Heckmann, pastor and daughters, Phyllis and Donna, Sunday worship at 10 am . "We were In Ontario Saturday after Stand Beholding" on the basis of Luke 23, 47-49, an exhortation to noon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grider behold the Cross of Christ aright. were In Ontario Thursday. Sunday school and adult Bible Ronnie Woody, son of Mr. and hour at 11 am . Mrs. Les Woody, spent Friday night Sunday, the 18th, at 3 p.m. a with his grandparents, Mr. and meeting of the Walther Leagues of Mrs. Ben Morris. the Boise valley at our church. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell were Tuesday, 18th, Sunday school the guests of Mr. and Mrs C. C. teachers meet at 8 pm. in the par Cotton at a card party Wednesday sonage. evening. Wednesday, 19 at 8 pm. Ash Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gregg are Wednesday, the first lenten service building a new garage on their with the showing of a film, "Jour ney Into Faith”, which portrays farm. NYSSA Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fleshmen, Mr. the Savior's passion. A special film FURNITURE and Mrs. Dale Oarrison and Mr. for the children has been selected. and Mrs. Charles Grider were Welcome. COMPANY guests at a surprise party given for A cross From Mrs. Lewis Pfetler and Ray Rus TIE METHODIST COMMUNITY R eclam ation sell by Mrs. Ray Russell and Lewis CHURCH Pfeller Friday evening. Rev H J. Gernhardt, Pastor O ffice Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sebum were Sunday school, 9:45. in Boise Thursday. Worship and sermon, 11. The Wilber Anderson family mov Youth Fellowship, 7. ed In the house on the Terhune Intermediate fellowship, 7. farm last week. Evening service, 8. Ruth Russell, daughter of Mr. Bible study and prayer, Wednes and Mrs. Ray Russell, was 111 for day. 8 at the Parsonage. two days this last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dlven and CHRISTIAN CHURCH son and daughter, Richard and 5th and Enms Sts.- Margaret, were dinner guests of George Whipple, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Smith In Bible school 10 a.m. Nyssa Sunday. Worship, 11 am . Sermon topic, Mrs. Carolyn Gardner, mother of Mrs. Loyd Adams, has been 111 the past week. pa Monday. Mr and Mrs. Dave Mitchell were In Baber Saturday and Sunday visiting Mr and Mrs. Bob Thomp- Church N otes. Fruitland 73-J Call Collect N ig h t and Sunday call N yssa 06-R1 hostess Roll call will be answered starts at 12 noon Thursday. Feb- by "Pollyanna Suggestions". Lunch ruary 20. 11 horses, 41 cattle, farm was served by the hostess, assisted J machinery. Terms cash. John T , i Braddock, owner. C»ls. Bert And- by Lvumie Smith. erson ana joe Church, auctioneers. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Smiley shopped in Nampa Wednesday. Thursday. Feb. 20. starting 1 p. m . 5 miles NW of paye.te on Oie- CARD OF THANKS side, 1/2 mile N nd 1 1/4 W We wish to express our sincere gon of Texaco station: 7 cattle, 2 hor appreciation to all the neighbors ses, farm machinery. Ray Gutter- and friends for the sympathy ex tended to us in our recent sorrow. idge, owner; Floyd Randall, auc- Mrs. Louisa Heldt a"nd sons. tioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heldt. CARD OF APPRECIATION I wish to thank all my friends for the cheery get-well wishes, and beautiful flowers and plants sent to me while I was In the hospital. They a*ere all sincerely appreciat ed and also helpful over some dreary days. Sincerely, Mrs. Carl Hli’ FARM SALE Public Farm Sale—Located H mile west aftd H mile north of Harpe.*, Oregon on the Braddock ranc l Will sell all personal property. Sale fuller JU S T A GOOD PLACE TO EA T George's Sweet Shop ron 62 yea ps THE UNFAILING SIGN OF GOOD See d p r in t s O nly th« BEST «ned can pas« the N orthland Brand fetts lor fertility . . . a n d this year th* quality is higher than e re r. Buy your supply NOW to a ro ld probable sh o rta g es oi ioree kinds ol N orthland 8eed. See your local N orthrup. King dealer, or w rite to . . . Northrup, King fir Co. BOISE IDAHO 1947 Is th e y ear to s t a r t f a r m in c for the fu tu re , a s well aa the p re s e n t. R ebuild yo u r soli by p la n tin g wisely selected r o ta tio n crop«. Bernard Eastman HOUSE IS FINISHED AT OWYHEE CORNER Real Estate Insurance OWYHEE (Special)— Mr. and Mrs. Irvin White and daughter, Karen, Phone 64 I of Dehver are visiting at the par N yssa, O regon ental Louis Skinner home. They are en route to California for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters have U N K L E H A N K SEZ moved to their new home, which has Just been completed at the ------------------------- Owyhee corner. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon m a n w h o T h in k s e v ir 1! ald entertained at dinner Thurs day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Hank BODV ELSE IS CROOKED, Korman and daughter, Kristine, USUALLY NEEDS A U1ÏLE of Adrian. WAfCHIN' The Adrian Outlaws were defeat HIMSELF., ed In a doubleheader basketball I program Wednesday night by the Nyssa Eagles, 28 to 24 and 36 to 24. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McMillan and daughter, Kathy, of Boise were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs R. L. Patton. Sr., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg and daughter. Annette, were dinner guests of Mrs. Martha Klingback Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Louise Skinner en tertained at dinner Sunday evening for their children and their fami lies, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skinner . . . , , , , , » i and Bobby and Shirley, Mr. and Watch that Car OI JIOUTS. Mrs. Neal Nicholson and Mr. and W h e n yOU f i n d i t n e e a S *“ any k i n d o f g la ss w i n d o w Merle Kygar returned home last or windshield. . .Come to week from Portland, where he re- m v c c 4 A T T T A RflT Y V ceived a physical check-up. I U Mr and Mrs. Russell Patton, Sr.. SH O P. W e h a v e a COm- had as dinner guests Saturday ev- n lp *p c p l p e t i n n f o r anV oning Mr and Mrs Russell Pat- P,ele » eieC U O n IOT ttu> ton, Jr., and son, Del. and Mr. and make Car. . .M ay W G Serve Mrs. G. L. McMillan and daughter, you I Kathy of Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder were guests at a family dinner given Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Vic Marshall. Other guests were Mrs. Ruth McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. C. COMPLETE BODY & PAINT SHOP A. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Charles WPECKCB SERVICI æô , Schweizer. Mr and Mrs. George CLASS DEPT. <3ïïrJ01* Sohwezer, Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schwe izer and son. Bud, Mr. and Mrs. 1 5 ^A>4uk) Bodq Shop Special Rummage Sale B asem ent H ouse So. o f Sub-Station 600 N o. Third Street Stoves, hot w ater tank and coils, seed plant er, Jr., day bed, kitchen cabinet, cloth in g and N yssa 26 T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 13, 1947 m any other articles. ò i t ta fat t b i t T h e managing e d ito r o f th e IVeri' York H erald took a day off on D ecem ber 21, 1879. So tbia h e a d lin e in his p a p er hit h im w ith o u t w arning. EDISON’S LIGHT— IT MAKES A LIGHT, WITHOUT GAS OR FLAME I The public promptly shouted “hoax!” Scientists called Edison crazy. And our shocked, angry editor expected to be fired. But he wasn’t. Eleven days lat er, Thomas Edison held a unique New Year’s party in his laboratory at Menlo Park, New Jersey, and invited the world to see his “flame less light.” Thousands came and were convinced. The incandescent lamp was real. Soon small companies were bringing the benefits of Edison's newfangled lamp to the people. Engineers and business men poured in their energy and time . . . risked their own savings . . . overcame all kinds of obstacles . . . broad ened and improved the service. Government didn’t do the job. Individuals did. And in the process, they created jobs for many thou sands of Americans, as well as a great new service for many mil lions more. When Edison opened the first powerplant in 1882, electricity cost 25c a kilowatt-hour. This year, as we mark the 100th an niversary of the great inventor’s birth, the average price of house hold electricity across the country is only 3V^c per kilowatt-hour, and Idaho Power Company’s average for residential and farm users is only 1.97 cents per kilowatt-hour. Thanks to Edison’s imagination and enterprise—thanks to the courage and initiative of many men and women, working under the American business system—• this country enjoys the most and the best electric service in the world. And all our lives are richer, safer, more productive. • U M M tfc. E M r M H a r — tk . M o l * o r l H Altai »«Biajr,. « : M r. M-. l i T , l l i Sale w ill be held on Friday, Feb. 14 LLOYt) N. POUNDS IDAHO A ÇlTIgfN V POWER WHSR6VER IT S E R V E S