Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1947)
_____T H L N Y SSA G A TE C IT Y JO U RN AL, N Y S S A , OREGON FACE TW u fhe Gate City Journal «L A S S V. POW ELL SUBSCRIPTION - - - - - - - Editor and Publisher AD VE R TISIN G R A T fS HATES ........ *2.00 ......... $1.25 Single Copies............ ............... 05 (Strictly In Advance» 35c Open rate, per inch..... 35c National, per inch........ Classifieds, per word... .....Jc .Minimum 30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission thrdhgh the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act o March 3, 1873 SCH O O LS IN PINCH A survey of the Nyssa school system, conduct ed this week by Dr. C. L. Huffakei^ well-known Oregon educator re-emphasized the seriousness o f the over-crowded condition in the local schools, especially the elementary grades. The district has started too late to find a completely satisfactory solution to the problem, but steps can be taken to give some relief. The delay in meeting the anticipated increase in the local population has not been the result of negligence on the part of the school board, but has been due to war-born conditions. Officials realized that they were facing a problem, but could do little about it because materials and finances were not available. As a result, somewhat drastic measures must be taken. The amount of finances that will be available for construction o f a new building depends to a certain extent on developments in the state legislature, which is now considering the basic school support proposal that was apnroved by vote of the people last fall. The important thing for the residents o f the district to do is to give the matter their serious consideration and learn all the facts they can in the matter and when the proper time arrives provide finances for a satisfactoiy program. M A R C H OF DIMES Real Estate Insurance BILL L A N E Auctioneer Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon home from Holy Rosary hospital hospital In a few days, according Lambing 1s underway at the C. M. Tensen feed lots. to his physician. | Tuesday. Guests at a covered dish lun Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen I Mrs. Fern Hatch wes hostess to the Jolly Janes club Tuesday after and his father, H. C. Lorensen of cheon and card party at the home noon. A bridal shower was held Lakewood, Nebraska visited the of Mr. and Mrs John Timmerman for Mrs. Raymond Cartwright, for Davis and Allen families in On of Newell Heights were Mrs. Dick merly Sheila Search. Afterwards tario recently. O. P. Counsii and daughter, Vera Stam of Oregon Trail, Mr. and a short business meeting was held with the vice president, Mrs. Henry Faye, were visitors in Boise Fi'i- Mrs. Gerrit Groot of Apple valley, Reuter, in charge. The new bride day. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. Byron and Dwight Ditty of Nys then opened her gifts. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Mr. ana Refre Jiments of sandwiches, pick sa spent Saturday night with their Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma. les, home-made doughnuts and co grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. John Broad have Ditty. coa were served to 30 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Titland returned home from a visit of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mackey are and fam ily were Boise shoppers several days with relatives and visiting in Hill City, Kansas. friends at Coquille and other coast Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steelman Monday. Mrs. Lew McCoy and Mr. and al cities. and son. Frank, of Council, Idaho Mrs. Webb Pennie is sick. were overnight guests Friday in Mrs. Ted Pomeroy visited Helmer Hint at the Holy Rosary hospital the Clyde Steelman home. Recruiter Visits— Mrs. C. Glenn Brown, Mrs. Rob Friday. E. J. Hobson and daughter, Doro Staff Sergeant Fred W. Prince, ert Brown, Mrs. W. B. Bunch and Richard and Mrs. H. M. Korman thy Hobson, were Nampa visitors NCO, in charge of the Boise re cruiting office of the United States and daughter, Kristine, spent Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gregg were marine corps, has announced thai Thursday in Boise on business. Mrs. Robert Brown helped cele guests Sunday of Herschel Gregg a recruiting sergeant wil be in the post office in Ontario from brate the wedding anniversary of and fam ily o f Richland. The A. L. Brim family were Sun 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. every Wednes her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert day. The Boise office is in room Cummings 229, Federal building. Sgt. Price Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dille enter Bergam and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson and said that the marine corps has a tained the Saturday evening pin daughter were guests Sunday of wide variety of courses for marines ochle club at a party and potluck supper at the home o f Mr. a n d ! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herring on duty in all parts of the world and their credits are accepted in Mrs. William Ashcraft February 2. ot Nyssa. High prizes were won by C. Glenn Mrs. W alter Hillis and Mrs. Lew- all standard American colleges. Brown and Mrs. Dick Ashcraft. Low Is Mitchell entertained Tuesday af- prizes were won by Mrs. L. W. ternoon at the Sunset Community Move T o Idaho— Dierking and Bill Ashcraft. The hall in honor of Mrs. Bud Char- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Evans have traveling prize was won by Mrs. land, who was Lucille Chadd before bought a ranch at Ola, Idaho and Dale Ashcraft. I her marriage in December. have moved onto the place from Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft and The bride received many lovely Parma route 2. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dierking att-1 gifts. ended the pinochle party held in I Mr. and Mrs. John Kollen left Ridgeview Friday evening. I Monday for Madras to make their Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dille and home. They will move into the Jean visited relatives in Weiser house on the Jim Langley farm Sunday. there until a house can be built FAR M SALE— Thursday, Febru ary 13, l pan. 3 miles south of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Korman and on their farm. Kristine spent the week-end visit- I ° P Counsii, Vera Faye and Joe Weiser or Weiser Ontario junction ing friends. I Counsii were dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hansen are of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of attending the dog races In Ashton, Nyssa. | Chrome Mixing Ictalio | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen Superintendent Stanley Huffman and H. C. Lorensen were dinner] has returned home from a business guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. | Faucets trip to Seattle. | Don Parker and family of Cow hoi- j The Howard Hatch family have low. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newgen and been hosts to relatives from P ar W all type Ledge type son left Monday for Madras. ma the past week. Louie Astrika, who has been Mrs. Ellen Sparks and Mildred were callers Sunday afternoon in spending his furlough in the Frank the Bob Atteberry home in A p p le1 Assumendi home, left Sunday for San Francisco where he will enter valley. Complete Bathrooms Wilbur Jackson Is absent from the hospital there. His brother,1 Gabriel Astrika, accompanied him school with influenza. Donald Elliot is quite ill with to California. Installed. Mrs. Hubert Sharp of B akers-' Influenza in the C. W. Wilson home field, California arrived here Sun- 1 in Nyssa. Dan Holly, Virginia Miller and day evening to visit her parents, Charles Witty attended a republic Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hintz, and an meeting Tuesday night in On fam ily and to be near her brother, Helmer Hintz, who Is in the hos tario. Plumbing Shop Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright pital at Ontario suffering from a entertained at Sunday dinner for gunshot wound. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hibbard and daughter, Joyce, Chester Norris of L A M B IN G U N D E R W A Y Wilder, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray A T TENSEN PLA C E Elliot and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Lawler of S unny Slope and Clyde Cartwright j CO LU M B IA AVENUE (Special) — were dinner guests Sunday in t h e ' ------ ----------------------------------------- Arthur Cartwright home. FREE D IA G N O SIS Eyes Examined Phone 720 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho Box Social And Free Dance Fri. Night, Feb. \U Cow Hollow Hall All ladies please bring a box. Prizes award ed for best boxes. Benefit for building and landscaping Wanted DEAD OR W ORTHLESS A N IM A L S HORSES, COWS, CALVES, SHEEP OR HOGS PHONE COLLECT NYSSA 102-W — OR— PA Y E TTE 0180-J3 Prompt Service Note the change in our Payette number Idaho Animal Products COM PANY O F DEAFNESS N O W R E C O VE R IN G DANCE Cow Hollow Hall Saturday Nighty Feb. 8 Music by The Gold Coast Rangers SUNSET V ALLE Y (Special)— The Federation of Women's Clubs will meet Saturday, February 15 at the Nyssa high school. Each member is to furnish a covered dish. Mrs. L. E. Newgen of Nyssa, one time resident of the valley recently submitted to a major operation at the Holy Rosary hospital at On tario. Helmer Hintz, who was accidently shot Wednesday evening of last week with a .22 caliber rifle. Is reported as getting along satis factorily and without further com plication can be released from the What did the Roman thumbs down really mean? New “ Hearing-Lenses” To Bo Demonstrated At Clinic In Nyssa E. M. Hollenbeck, expert Acous tician will be In Nyssa Friday, February 7 to offer free diagnosis to people who are hard of hearing, at the Owyhee hotel from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. ^ L> ( Thursday. February 13, 1 p. m., three miles south of Weiser or Weiser-Ontario junction, then one mile west, 1/2 mile south, pony ¡saddle mare, miscellaneous house hold equipment, a large assort ment of fine farm equipment, '41 Ford truck, caterpillar tractor, Moline tractor and plenty of other« B R O W E R ’S I ^hone 110.J______ Nyssa) B O Y SH O T IN SIDE æ then 1 mile west Vi mile south, i first class equipment. Fred Haun, owner. Weity and Lane, auction | Pony, saddle mare, miscellaneous] eers. household equipment, a large as-1 ¡sortment of fine farm equipment, 41 Ford truck, Caterpillar tractor. Dr. G. W . Graves Moline tractor and plenty of other first class equipment. Fred Haun, O PTO M E TR IST owner. Weity and Lane auctioneers. SALE CALENDAR infantile paralysis campaign, re- AHD1AM ported that *03.63 was received A L IK lA iN <pt>Z j through donations and “ March of ------ Dimes" cans placed in the stores. A D R IA N (Special)— Glenwood j Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson rounds, chairman of the Adrian and Donna Maria were dinner --------------------------------------------- i guests Saturday evening in the . _ Prank Cahill home In Nyssa. B g fp Q rQ E a s tm a n Betty Jean Toomb was taken w rTC INE, 1 D TH U R SD A Y, FE B R U A R Y 6, 1947 y gg^1 7 cZC love be , heartfelt/ VVhen is Washington's re al /p ‘b irthday ? (TZ& l Hollenbeck will employ the new Acoustocon “speech-hearing test" in diagnosis of the various con ditions of deafness which con front him. This test, he said, is based upon the latest scientific research in the field of sound, and has been perfected during the war years. “ New Hearing Lenses” H ere!........ “One of the most amazing scien tific discoveries made during the war", said Hollenbeck, "resulted in a development called 'Hearing Lenses’ ... actual lenses Which may be fitted to the ear Just like glasses are fitted to the eyes, to correct the particular type of de fective hearing In each Individual." Hollenbeck will offer a free dem onstration of these new "lenses" during the clinic. He pointed out that they are now available for practical use, having been devel oped by America's oldest manu facturer of hearing aids, the Ac- oustioon company Their most re cent use has been perfected In the new Acousticon "Suped-Pow- er" Unlpac. I i * > W A TC H FOR TH IS FE ATU R E AND OUR SPECIALS E A C H Nyssa Implement Company At Stunz Lumber Co. Yard W EEK It was emphasised that Hollen beck’s demonstrations and hearing tests demand absolutely no obli gation on the part of the people who attend He also suggested that those unable to come to the Ow yhee hotel may phone him at the hotel and that he would provide private appointments at individual homes of as many as possible. Adv SERVEL GAS REFRIGERATORS HOP IN YOUR CAR, jum p on the bus, come on foot, i f you must— but come/ See the wonderful new Servel Gas Refrigerators . . . look at their modern time-saving convenience, and listen to their famous silence. For the modern gas refrigerator is different. I t freeze» with no moving pa rt». Just a tiny gas flame does the work. See what big advantages this means for you. N o m oving parts means a Servel can’t get noisy. I t means, too, that Servel lasts longer. There’s nothing in the freezing system to wear or need fixing. Y o u ’ll m arvel at the beauty o f the new Servels. T h e y ’re f cilenl big and room y with ingenious 1 StVf* s flexible shelves and special 1 , kind o f storage for meats, for 1 vegetables, for frozen foods. 1 ' Y ou ’ll decide, then and there, 1 , to switch to a silent, longer- 1 lasting Serve!. a A L S O A V A IL A B L E Empire Furnaces O’Keefe & Merritt Ranges Servel Water Heaters Ideal Gas And Applisance W A L T E R FREEM AN, MGR. PH O N E 125W .y a