Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, February 06, 1947, Image 1

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NO. 3
Baseball Group OP^N N
UuCRHsmS h o m e ! Annual Chamber
Flans To Build in h a l l r e s id e n c e i Banquet Flanned
Bleachers Here
j* '
i Cinderella
Jin n e r p llii
• „
a ll
rtn sA M M i
Eagle Award And
i Palm Are Given
To Boy Scouts
part 0f NySSa Grades May Be
Placed on Double Shirt; Basis
■ v i
w -v
/->• a
* .
Mrs. Naomi Buchert, manager of j Dr. John Anderson, dean o f the each year by the Girls league of j
the Nyssa Nursing home, has pur- 1 school of religious education oi the
school has been postponed
Merchants Plan To Buy chased the Frank Hall residence the College of Idaho, will deliver i rorn Marini 7 to March 14.
Annual Court of Honor
located between First street and the principal address at the ann-
The 8lrLs have engaged Sneed’s
Uniforms; Players
Dr. Huffaker Thinks That
of L.D.S. Troop Held
the railroad tracks and will open baj banquet of the Nyssa chamber orchestra of Weiser to play for the
the building next month as a nurs of commerce Thursday night. Feb- dance which will be held in the
Show Interest
Is Temporary Solution
In Gymnasium
ing home.
ruary 13 at 7:30.
I gymnasium. The theme of the pro-
To Problem
At a meeting of the Nyssa base­
The Eagle award, the highest
Nancy White, three months and
l gram will be Rhapsody In Blue .
ball committee last Thursday night, the present nursing home under talk was not announced
Prospects that at least part of
12 days old. died at her home in
The court will be selected with-
the members decided to make ar­ lease from the Lions club for th e 1 The dinner wlU be served by
palm were awarded as the high­ the Nyssa labor camp Saturday. the Nyssa grade school pupils will
rangements to buy all new equip­ past 16 months. The club has been the Nyssa Civic club in the home in the next few days.
light of the court of honor held
ment and erect enough bleachers given notice by the owner to va- economics room of the high school
Graveside services were held in be taught on a double-shift basis
cate. Mrs. Buchert will operate the building.
to seat 600 persons.
by Boy Scout troop No. 58 in the the Nyssa cemetery with Rev. next year because of the shortage
Because of the large outlay of new nursing home as a private ( j n addition to the main address,
Friday George Whipple officiating Mon­ of school rooms were Indicated at
cash that will be required. Nyssa business.
I musical numbers will be presented
day. The Nyssa Funeral Home was a meeting of the school board and
Mrs. Buchert purchased Mr. Hall s and short talks given. Members
firms will be permitted to buy the
The Eagle palm was presented to in charge.
planning committee Tuesday night
uniforms. The name of each spon­ household goods and will dispose 0j the committees in charge con-
The girl is survived by her par­ with Dr. C. L. Huffaker, dean of
Reed Ray and the Eagle award
soring firm will be placed on the of some of them to make room for sist of j L Herriman. Dr. K. E.
education of the University of Ore­
back of a uniform. Because so the nursing home fixtures. The Kerby. A. C. Newsom, Ralph Cas-
The Nyssa
dropped was given to Valdee Child.
In presenting the awards, J. H. a brother. Bobby; a sister, Mary gon, who made a survey of the
many firms desire to buy uniforms, building will be remodeled to acc- tator and olean Wells
district this week.
Browne of Nampa, scout executive
, a d business men and their wiv-
the committee decided to hold a ommodate the business.
Figures compiled by Dr. H ulf-
Mr. Hall, resident of Nyssa for ^ are invp ed tQ attend the ban- one-sided »¡ores, losing to Baker of the Ore-Ida
talked of Nyssa. and her grandmother,
drawing to determine which est­
aker revealed
iast Saturday mgnt by a count of "about the things, the time and
ablishments will become the spon­ the last 36 years said that he will qUet.
attendance last year increased al­
50 to 30 and to Ontario Tuesday the people behind an Eagle scout”.
sors. Persons wishing to buy uni­ go to Medford next month to make
most 10 per cent over the attend­
night on the Ontario floor by a The Eagle palm is given to the
forms should contact Harry Miner. his home. His sister and brother
ance of the year before and attend­
boy who has gained six more
score of 55 to 37.
The cost of each uniform will be live in Medford.
ance this year has increased 20
less than $25.
HELD ON POTATOES During the first quarter oi the merit badges after he has re­
per cent over that of last year.
Baker game the playing was large­ ceived his Eagle award.
Money for the equipment and
" It would not be at all impassible
"The scout troop must have a
bleachers will be raised through
A series of four hearings on ly fouling and free throw shooting.
that by this time next year you
donations and a public dance. The
proposals to add a
commercial The visiting Bulldogs demonstrated sponsor, maybe 50 to 5000 per­
have as many in the first eight
committee feels that many firms
grade for potatoes to the Oregon a fast style of play and finished sons” , Mr. Browne said. "There
Roy Holmes was elected presl- grades as you now
have in 12
potato standards was announced the half on the long end of a 27 , must be a troop committee and a
and individuals who do not wish
by The "state"'agricultural""depart- to 10 score. The score at three- ‘ scoutmaster. The boy comes into dent of the Owyhee Riding
club of grades” , Dr. Huffaker said.
to buy a uniform would wish to
The elementary school has 783
The Nyssa L. D. S. team is one
nient in Salem "Friday. quarter time was 38 tcf 23.
j the troop.
By passing tests he Nyssa at a meeting
held in the
donate to a baseball club. Money
___ be
__ ___
____ ________
First hearing will be held in
The Nyssa players were Koyano comes into contact with many fine Oregon Trail schoolhouse Friday, pupils now. It could have 900 next
left with
Kenneth ____
Ren- of the four teams remaining in
tall and most certainly will have
strom or Bernard Eastman. The the stake M. Men’s tournament Klamath Falls February 10 at 8 7, Sutherland 10, Church 9, Hcrren men. After he becomes a first January 31.
names of all donors will be publish- underway this week in this vicinity, p. m. Other hearings will be held 5. Holcomb 3, Green 8. Ray 4 a n d ; class scout he begins ranging into
Other officers are Charles Cul- 850 the educator said.
Dr. Huffaker suggested that the
ed in the Gate City Journal the The other three quintets remaining at Redmond Grange hall Feb. l l a t Anderson.
| the field of merit badges. In order bertson, vice president; Mrs. Lynn
committee said.
in the competition are
Weiser, 8 p. m., Ontario city hall Feb. 13 at
Between the halves Jim Rigney to be a star scout he must pass j Snodgrass, secretary; Neil Dimmtck, school district could move one of
"There seems to be lots
of mat-
Letha and Adrian.
8 p m. and the United Fruit and and Rudy Marostica gave
a box- j five merit badge tests. T o become | drill-master; and Willis Bertram, the 17. sections in the Nyssa grade
eriul for a winning ball team", A.
The four teams will play tonight Produce company offices in Port- mg demonstration.
Ian Eagle .scout he must pass ftve;Lx>>’d Adams. Lynn ^Snodgrass, Pat school to Arcadia, giving the dis­
Chadwick, one of the prime movers at Adrian. The semi-final will be iand February 15 at 10:30 a. m. | The Nyssa B squad, playing more tests, must know how to Norman and Ora Clark, members trict 20 sections (or rooms) in the
in the baseball program stated. "A l- played Friday night and the final • Request for the commercial grade against the Ontario B's in the swim, must know pioneering work, of .the exrcutive committee. Com­ two schools. He said the district
have six or
ready the boys are applying
for game Saturday night on the Adrian which would be a combination of preliminary
to the Baker-Nyssu ( how to make rope and how to mittee members are as follows. R o­ could conceivably
suits. Let’s, all get behind this'floor. The public is invited to at-| u. S. No. 1 and U. S. No. 2 came 8 une, won by a count of 38 to 34; .'■pi ice rope. Only about two per deo. C.M. Tensen, Lynn Snodgrass eight more sections by fall.
“ I can see in sight 20 sections,
movement an d. have a real b a ll. tend the games free of charge, from the Klam ath Falls Potato in a hotly contested encounter. | cent of the scouts in America are and Willis Bertram, and entertain­
ment. Mrs. Vic Marshall, chairman, 16 here and four at Arcadia", Dr.
The winner Saturday night will j Growers association. Frank Mc- The Nyssa players were Anderson Eagle scouts” .
play in the division finals for the Kennon, chief of the agricultural 4, Wilder 7, Toombs 6, Wilson 13. | Reed Ray placed the Eagle scout and Mrs. C. M. Tensen, assistant Huffaker said. "The only way out
is to build tor eight sections, for
Child’s chairman.
to enter
the all-church department division of plant in­ Chadwick 4, Hale, Christensen 2, neckerchief
A box social held after the busi­ what you have now, without con­
Mitchell and Itamuri.
j shoulders.
tournament in Salt Lake City.
dustry will conduct the hearing.
sidering any anticipated Increase.
The Ontario Tigers, hitting th e' “ The greatest inspiration a boy ness meeting netted $62.
In the double elimination tour­
Growers and shippers are in­
The riding club members voted
The six lower grades will prob­
really clicking on has to become an Eagle scout is his
ney, Nyssa defeated Adrian. Weis­ vited to attend the meeting at basket
er beat New Plymouth and Letha Ontario city hall at 8 p. m. Feb­ floor play, led the Bulldogs all scoutmaster, who in the case oi to join an organization of Snake ably have to be operated on a
the educator
the way Tuesday night. The line- j Valdee Child was his grandfather", river valley riding clubs which was double-shift
beat Vale Monday night in the ruary 13.
formed at a meeting held in Cald­ said. That means seven or eight
ups and scores
were Ontario— j Mr. Browne said.
A series of community weed meet- Nyssa gymnasium. New Plymouth
Chambers 11, Echanis 14, Conner
The grandfather, Leo Child, then well Wednesday, January 22. Lynn additional teachers. Part of the
ings have been arranged for th e 1 and Vale were eliminated when
Snodgrass of Nyssa was appointed children would attend school in
11, Wheeler 9, Glaves 6, Doman l , 1 pinned the badge on Valdee.
month of February to determine they lost to Letha and Adrian. No
temporary vice president of the the morning and the remainder
HAVE NEW CHURCH Turnbull. Johnson 3. and Wise 1; | “ The next greatest inspiration, new
the amount o f weed law enforce-1 games
were played Wednesday
would attend in the afternoon.
Nyssa — Sutherland Koyano 6, perhaps, Mr. Browne said, "is the
ment to bp. carried out in Malheur night.
The Nyssa club decided to Jiold
No relieF from construction, of
A meeting will be held in the Church 11., KOTComb 6, Herren 5,-boy’s mother” .
county, George W. Bain, assisLui
Sunset valley hall Sunday, Feb- j Anderson 4, Ray 2 and Green 3.
Valdee then pinned a miniature two rodeos during the summer ' at a new building could be expected
county agent, announced.
9 at 10 a. m. to organize a
Ontario won the B squad game Eagle pin on his grandmother, who the Nyssa grounds but did not set soon, as the work would require
The schedule for all of these
Holmes, executive
from 12 to 18 months.
_ _ 24-
acted In behalf of his mother, who, any
_ dates
____ Roy ____
and establish a |29 to
meetings is not available as yet, DRESS, FLOWER SHOP Sunday school
Some work must be done on the
community church A short s e t- 1 The Bulldogs will have no games with her husband. Bishop Arvil j committeeman, presided at the
Bain said, but the remaining ones
outside of the elementary school
will play Child, is visiting in Mexico.
Mrs. Opal W. King and Mrs. mon will follow the business m ee t-' this week-end.
will be published as soon as ar­
Leon Myers of
Ontario, field
The next meeting will be held or part of it will be lost, be­
| Weiser here next Tuesday in the
rangements have been made for Clara V. Emery left Wednesday mg.
(Continued On Page 5)
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W il­ cause the bricks at the lower edge
At 8 p. m. church services will next to the last home game of the
for Salt Lake City, where they will
a place and date to hold them.
of the walls are dislntlgratlng.
Community meetings scheduled secure stock for their new store. be followed by a business meeting, season.
The building will also have to be
so far are: White Settlement at
improved inside, including the in­
.. „
the White settlement school in Shoppee, which will hold its open­ appointed to arrange for construe- _ _
stallation of more toilets.
cooperation with the NCA start­ ing about February 15.
tion of a church and parsonage.
M p n t* V
I #1
" I would like to see wardrobes
The ladies have leased the Sess-
Everyone interested in a com-
L «
ing at 8 pjn. February 12; Cow
built in those niches, the halls
The bands and glee clubs of the
hollow and Sunset valley at Chalk ler building and have redecorated munity church are invited to at-
to reduce the noises and 1
Snake river valley high schools
constructing tend both services.
Butte Grange hall February 13 at the
would like to see the place paint­
| have been invited to participate
2 p.m.; Arcadia district at Arcadia shelves and counters. A florist from
Nyssa high school boxers down­ ed” . Dr. Huffaker said. "You should
Henry Terra o f Nyssa died Mon- in the annual music clinic to be
school at 8 p.m. February 18; and Caldwell will assist them for a time r U D | C T | A f J YOUTH
high with the floral section.
Ladies’ |
. . . . n D | . . . day morning, February 3 at his conducted by professors of the Uni­ ed the Adrian high school team build enough to house eight sec­
I would like to see It 12.
school, starting at 8 p.m. February , ready-to-wear apparel will be sold. I
I (J M t L 1 1 IN ADK1AIN farm home in Sunset valley as the versity of Idaho In Payette Thurs­ Wednesday night In a smoker held A tions;
lter that you can do some work
--------------------- —
I result of a heart attack. He had day and Friday February 13 and in the Nyssa gymnasium. The
final count for the Nyssa team on the high school building. The
The weed program for that com- KNIFE AND FORK
A Youth for Christ rally will been living in Nyssa. but moved 14.
Lynn Lawrence Nyssa high school was six decisions two draws and pressure Is not here yet, but it
munity will be determined at these,
, I n IO
i u i T r n be held in the
Methodist back to the farm about a month
will be by the time the sixth grade
music Instructor said that 54 mem­ one defeat.
CLUB IS ORGANIZED church in Adrian Monday night ago.
meetings and a committee will be
The results of the bouts were gets here".
at 8 p .m. with the young people' Mr. Terra was born December bers of the girls glee club 26 band
elected to help plan the program
The visitor said that without
The latest information available
Judge M. A. Biggs of Ontario of Adrian as hosts.
j 14, 1885 in The Azores and came to members and possibly 15 boys who as follows;
decisloned considering any increase in pop­
on 2,4-D and other weed chemicals was elected president of the K nife
Les Parrott a well known youth the United States when he was 18 will participate In a mixed chorus,
ulation caused by people moving
will be given as well as pictures and fork club of Malheur county leader will provide a program. He years old, and moved to Nyssa in will go to Payette for the clinic. The Henry Durfee, 90, Nyssa.
Bartholoma, 112, Nyssa. decision- to the district, the natural Increase
Oregon at the final organization will appear under the auspices of 1937. He worked as a shipbuilder public is invited tq attend a joint
and mounts of the more trouble
in the school
meeting of the group held in On­ the Boise Youth for Christ, which in the San Francisco bay area be- concert to be given by the bands ed Keller, 108, Adrian.
some weeds of the county.
Williamson. 120. of Nyssa fought amount to 100 each year fo r the
is directed by Stan Adair, who fore coming to Nyssa. Mr. Terra and glee clubs of the valley Fri­
Bain expects excellent attendance tario Tuesday evening.
N. O. Richards was named vice will be
ceremonies, a member of the Catholic church, day night February 14 at 8 o’clock. to a draw with Gray, 123, Adrian. next five years, which would mean
at these meetings because of the
Stradley, 131, Nyssa. and Price, the addition of three grade school
Sectional tryouts will be held
increased Interest in weed control president and L. R. Richards, R. Music, a singspiration and quizzes was married in 1914 to Margaret
Thursday morning and rehearsals 131, Adrian, took equal credit from sections each year.
among fanners of the county. All G. Larson and Robert Lytle two- will be featured on the program. Gloria in Sacramento.
Dr. Huffaker also discussed the
Mr. Parrott's program will be
Survivors are his widow; a son, will be held Thursday afternoon the judges.
men and women interested in this year terms; Tony Yturri Dr. J.
financing a
Rigney, 135, Nyssa decisloned Mc­ matter of
J. Sarazen and Robert Thurston, "geared to the times and anchored John of Nyssa: a daughter. Mrs. and Friday. Prof. Marty will handle
program are invited to attend.
to the Book", according to Rev. E. W. Morse of Sacramento; his the band an4 Prof. Walls will con­ Ginnis, 133, Adrian.
Dr. Huffaker will make his writ­
Jensen. 136, Nyssa, decisloned
Original territory anticipated for R. C. Opfer of Parma, district father Antonio of The Azores duct the vocal work.
Will Hold Dance—
ten report to the school board
Assumendl, 138. Adrian.
i three sisters and a brother.
The Nyssa Veterans association the K nife and Fork club was to chairman.
Callahan, 142, Nyssa. won from within the next few weeks.
Visits Parents—
------------------------I Catholic funeral
services were
will hold a St. Patrick’s dance in include Payette and Washington
Captain Wilbur W. Smith of Rattgan, 139, Adrian.
held at 10 a. m. this morning in
the Nyssa gymnasium March 15. counties in Idaho with the Malheur Parents of Girl—
Nicholson, 143, Nyssa, decisloned Visiting Parents—
Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Weeks are the Episcopal parish hall. Inter- McChord field, Tacoma, visited at
The proceeds will be placed in a county club. However, b e c a u s e
Mrs. C. O. Peterson and her twin
building fund, which will be used membership in the club is limited parents of a 7 pound. 8 ounce ment was in the Nyssa cemetery, the home of his parents, Mr. and Eastman. 142, Adrian.
Marostica. 144, Nyssa, won over daughters of Portland are visiting
in construction of a community to 100, the Payette county dele­ girl, born January 28, in the Brit- with the Nyssa Funeral home in Mrs. W yatt Smith Tuesday and
Mrs. Peterson’s parents Dr. and
Doty, 141. Adrian.
hall. A refrigerator will be given gation requested permission to with­ tingham Nursing home in Ontario, charge.
- T w o exhibition bouts were fought Mrs. J. J. Barazln and family.
draw and form a club for Payette
away at the dance.
by Nyssa boxers Howard Flanary.
and Washington counties. Demands
113, and Dean Erwin. 115. and Admitted to Church—
Parents O f Girl__
for membership since organization!
Eleven members were admitted
Cecil Bair, 154, and Duane Erwin.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Henry of proceedings started have been fa r 1
to the LDS church here Sunday.
Portland are parents of a girl lnexcess of the memberships avail-
Nyssa's next smoker will be held They are Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon
born January 19 Mr. Henry for- able. Withdrawal of Payette county
Thursday evening, February 20, Archibald and daugher. who moved
merly taught in the commercial made available additional mem-
when Ontario and Nyssa fighters here recently from Ontario; Mr.
department at Nyssa high school, berships for Ontario. Nyssa and
and Mrs. Irwin J. Sherman and
will tangle.
Mrs Henry is a daughter of Mr. Vale. Ontario's original allotment
-w f ]
four children; John H. Anderson
of 25 members has been increased
and Mrs. E. A. Dewey.
and William Bair.
Youth Program Olven—
to 45. Nyssa will have 30 and
The young people of the Christ­
Vale 25.
Nursing Home News—
ian church, assisted by Mrs. J. W. i Files to Boise—
Parents of babies born recently
Carl Bumlngham flew to Boise
Rigney, were In charge of the ev­
at the Nyssa Nursing home are Visiting In Gresham—
on business last week.
ening service Sunday evening.
Mrs. L A. Maulding and her
Mr and Mrs. Lamar Luker. Jan
The guest speaker was BUI Ker-
uary 30, girl, 6 pounds, 10 ounces; children are visiting relatives in
nan, a student of Boise Bible col- Here from Halt Lake—
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zamora. Gresham, Oregon.
lege. Other special features in- Mrs. Stella Moss of Salt Lake
Nyssa. January 31, girl, 7 pounds,
eluded a duet by Misses Donna City arrived here Wednesday morn-
12 ounces; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Visit in Portland—
Florea and Irene Bibbey, a chalk lng to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W Buchner
H. Smith, Nyssa, February 1, girl,
drawing by Miss Thelma Flores, |
7 pounds, 15 ounces: and Mr. and and children left Saturday for
accompanied by Claudlne Tomlin- Home from Hospital—
Mrs. Eugene Pratt, Nyssa, Febru­ Portland to spend a few days at­
so, and an instrumental duet by| Mrs. Leon Child arrived home
tending to business and visiting
ary 4, boy. 8 pounds, 9 ounces.
Barbara Mosler and Doris Rigney. from Ontario Wednesday with her
Frank Hill is receiving medical relatives.
Out-of-town visitors Included Miss baby girl.
treatment at the Nyssa Nursing
Mae W olf and Mr. and Mrs. Ob-1
_____ _____________
Visiting Daughter—
enchain of Boise as well as 16 Stake Leaders Here—
Mrs J. W McDowell is visiting
young people o f the Church of
Three stake officers of the M. I.
at the home of her daughter. Mrs
Gym Floor Rerarnished—
Christ In Boise.
A. visled the Nyssa Mutuals last
The Nyssa gymnasium floor will Bernard Frost.
Wednesday They were President
be re varnished Friday. The floor
Veterans Lose—
Mrs. W Archibald Mr. Sherman.
has had such hard use, particu­ Recreation Planned—
The Adrian town team defeated Nelson Mrs. Charles Taylor and
Miss Jean Williams extension
larly from dances, this year that
the Nyssa V. F. W
basketball who recently moved to thia ward,
two coats o f varnish applied dur­ specialist in recreational work is
quintet Wednesday of last week gave two musical saw selections.
ing the summer were not sufficient. planning to give training to all rec­
by a score of 34 to 17. Half-time
reational leaders at the Vale Orange
held Tuesday February 11 at 8 p.m. The Malheur County Public Health matizations of the fight against station manager, and Ted Berreth, score was IS to 13. Nyssa players City Hall Revnovated—
Return Fram Visit—
were Emil Stunt f , W. Holmes 4,
Kalaomlnlng and painting o f the
M r and Mrs Ormond Thomas All men and women Interested in association started this week pre­ tuberculosis with Lionel Barry­
dent, -confer on details of the start Don Wilson 3. Harry Erlebeck 1, city hall Is underway. Prisoners'
and son have returned from a trtp leading any kind of recreational
senting over Station K S R V the more. film and radio star, as com­ of the series.
Picture courtesy Lloyd Pharosh 1. and Joe Car- have kalacmlned and H. J. Holmes
to Tacoma, where they visited rel- I activity is Invited. Refreshments
Capps, Eastern Oregon Observer.
field 1.
Is now painting the woodwork.
will be served by the Vale women. first of a series of 13 radio dra­ mentator.
Bulldogs Drop
Two Hoop Games
Officers Named
By Riding Club
Four Teams Left
In LDS Tourney
Weed Meetings
Will Be Held
Nyssa Fighters
Defeat Adrian
Nyssa Succumbs
'e n r,