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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1947)
'>* % » — r . ^ r e g / j . 1 ^ V —W ^ - -* The NYSSA V O LU M E X X X X II NO. 2 JOURNAL N YS S A ,O R E G O N , TH U R SD AY, J A N U A R Y 30, 1947 Price O f $14.50 i A l b e r t L. Heldt ¡ h J l m e r h i n t z is Nyssa To Enter ACCIDENTALLY SHOT OF GIRLS DISPLAYED For Sugar Beets Members of the home-making I I I Succumbs Here IN SUNSET VALLEY Baseball Team class of Nyssa high school com In 1-0 League Is Agreed Upon pleted household furnishing pro Albert Lee Heldt, Nyssa contrac Hilmer Hintz, oldest son of Mr VISITOR FROM W1SC. SUCCUMBS AT NYSSA Hartley Reveals Recent History O f Nyssa School William Berl Brandenburg of Park Falls, Wisconsin died at the home of Prank Wilcott on Gamble tor and builder, died at his home and Mrs. Henry Hintz of Sunset island in Snake river Sunday jects which are now on window unexpectedly Wednesday morning vaiiey. was accidentally shot with Eagles Lodge and Cham morning, January 26 about 7 Reasons For Congested Preliminary Plans Made display in the Newsom furniture o'clock. as the indirect result of a leg frac a .22 calibre rifle Wednesday night Condition Given A t ber of Commerce Aie For Harvesting Row Mr. Brandenburg, a funeral di store. ture sustained about three weeks about 8:30 by Lurelle Bergam, a P T A Meeting rector at Park Falls for 43 years, Sponsors An upholstered chair was com ago. Crops in 1947 neighbor boy, who thought he was and his wife and daughter had pleted by Bernice Bowen; sofa A blood clout which naturally -hooting at a stray dog. Some of the conditions that have Arangements have been com been visiting at the Wilcott home. Representatives o f the Am al pillow, Mardi Sallee, and slipper formed at the fracture, loosened The bullet entered Hintz’ right pleted for the organization of a The body was sent to Park Falls brought about the critical shortage gamated Sugar company and beet chair, Nan Grider. Mrs. Virginia and passing into the blood stream Steffens, instructor, supervised the ride, penetrated the liver and lodg Nyasa baseball team to be entered Monday night by the Nysaa Funer of housing facilities for pupils of growers oi Utah, Idaho and Ore members of the class in the work. entered the heart, causing death. Mr. Heldt, son of Friederick and ed in the spine. The youth, about in the Idaho-Oregon league this al home for Interment and services. the Nyssa school system were re gon agreed after negotiations held Earlene Wildman and Catherina 17 years old. was taken to the spring. in Boise last Friday on a price Van Twisk refinished a sewing Amalia Heldt. was bom March 25, viewed by Superintendent Henry The team will be sponsored by Holy Rosary hospital at Ontario. of $14.50 per ton for sugar beets machine by the use of oil and wax, 1893 in Harlan county, Nebraska H. Hartley at the regular monthly Hintz walked passed the Ber the Eagles lodge and the chamber and lived there until 1936, when he in 1947. Helen Mundy experimented with moved to Nyssa with his family. gam home while en route to the of commerce, which have voted meeting of the Ny ssa Parent-Teach The contracts, calling for the e n d in g an<j applying seven coats of Mr. Heldt, confirmed into the I Lou McCoy farm, where he intend - to contribute money for that pur er association in the high school highest price ever paid for beets. varnish u, a machiIM;. Lined drap- Lutheran church at Stamford, Ne- fed to visit. He changed his mind pose. Local merchants will buy are expected to be ready for eries were sewed by Ellen Herrman building last Thursday night. braska April 9, 1911, was united i and was returning to the Bergam the 12 uniforms that will be need t ° sign after February 1. ancj EVa Hieter. Other projects in marriage to Louisa Lena Pentz farm to play with a group of boys ed. The Nyssa community has grown The Nyssa Eagles defeated the W illiam Hogg of Caldwell, a were safa plilows by Helen Warr- All new equipment will have to Nampa R and V Oilers 58 to 18 in a manner probably not duplicat August 1, 1917. Six sons were born when he was shot. director of the Nyssa-Nampa Disc- en anci Marian Hipp; ottoman, Joy be purchased as Nyssa has not last Thursday night, January 23, ed In many places in the United to the union. riet Beet Growers association,! Munday and upholstered chair re had a baseball team for several on the Caldwell high school court States, Mr. Hartley said. The com Mr. Heldt, who served in the i . termed the contract the best ever pairing, Lorraine Farr, years. A. Chadwick, announcing in their first night of play in the munity has grown in spurts. When signed from a grower standpoint. The home-making class express- United States navy during world > the plans at the chamber o f com- Caldwell basketball outlaw tourn the Owyhee dam was built many Representing the Am algamated1 ed thanks t0 M r. and Mrs. New. war 1, was an active member of the / \ i fy | l merce luncheon Wednesday noon, ament. Nyssa post of the American L e - 1 persons came here, bringing "a Sugar company at the contract som for the window space. said eight teams will be entered However, being pitted against the good crop of youngsters” . The gion, having served both as ad- [ conferences were President H. A. in the league. strong Caldwell Lions the following s c h o o l population doubled and Jutant and commander. He was also j Henning, his son, Arthur Benning; The committee members are Mr. evening, the Eagles lost a close trebled. At one time the present past district commander of dis- Only one recommendation of the R. G. Larson o f Nyssa, district trict No. 7 of the American Legion, Malheur Game league was approv- Chadwick. Harry Miner and Artie contest, 42 to 36. grade school housed both the grade manager of the company; Harry Against the Nampa five, the and high schools. In 1937-38 the department of Oregon. He was an ed by the Oregon »tate game com- Robertson o f the Eagles and Ber Elcock and Del Smith. Represent | active member of the Pilgrim Luth mission at its hearing on angling nard Eastman, Kenneth Renstrom Nyssa quintet opened the first district used several buildings, in ing the growers were William eran church of Ontario. regulations in Portland January 25. and Emil Stunz of the chamber of period with a series of fast-breaks, 1938-39 it maintained split sessions Carson of Weiser, president o f the gaining an early lead of 15 to 2 and in 1939-40 the present high In compliance with the league commerce ! Survivors are his widow; six Nyssa— Nampa growers association, at the end of the first quarter and school building was erected. Then W illiam Hogg and other growers, i In a fast, high-scoring game, sons, Albert Peace, Paul Wilbert, suggestion, the commission closed Increasing it to 32 to 4 at the end the Adrian school and six rooms Discussions °at'*the ännnuaV meeu I “ “ , Ny* aw Bu“ dtf ■ the Ev<‘rf ‘tt Charles, Warren Dale, Rob tributaries of the Owyhee river be of the first half. on the Nyssa grade school were ing of the Malheur County Farm 1 Adr‘an hj f h basketball team ert Eugene and James Hobart, all low the dam to angling. The Oilers, unable to stop either built, making a considerable fin The open season on trout will be Labor Sponsoring association ln T the Nyss? / ]°°r Y esday nl* 1,t of Nyssa: ° ne grandson, four sist- Nyssa team, were held to five ancial drain on the district. The Nyssa earlier in the week indicated by * ° { 46 t0 45 , « ■ ■ « » “ ^ ee brothers. His mother- from April 26 to October 15, Pr points by the Nyasa substitutes in community experienced an Influx that domestic labor will be relied! w T h * ha lf-t‘me score was 24 to in-law Mrs Magdalene Pentz, elusive with exception of special the third period. seasons for certain waters. of people and had no new money. upon more in the harvest of sugar ! 14. Nyssa tied the score In the lives at Stamford. T. Holman, Nyssa guard, led all When the high school building was The Farmers Supply Co-op of The bag lim it is 10 fish, but not beets and other row crops during fourt!1 g a r t e r with only four Funeral services will be held Fri- . . ‘ ° m i n n t P Q w i T I ip R n l l H n o c t h o n H a t ; T o n o f O ■ Qft i n M m M t t e m scorers of the evening, dumping minutes to go. The Bulldogs then day, Jan. 31 at 2:30 in the Nyssa to exceed 15 pounds and 1 fish Ontario and Nyssa elected two dlr- erected, the district bonded tor all 1947, in 23 points. Hayes of Nampa was A sponsoring group will Drobablv! went ahead two P °ints and Adrian Methodist church with Rev. H. F. in any one day and 30 fish not to ectors and voted to sponsor six high scorer for his team with 11 it could bond. People moving from a well est n operation operation again again this be in this vear year, I tied the count again. Nyssa mov- Koehlinger of the Pilgrim Luther- exceed 30 pounds and 2 fish in 4-H scholarships this year at the counters. Other Nysaa players were but more lore emphasis emphasis will will be be placed i ed t,liree b °ints ahead and Adrian an ctiurch of Ontario in charge, any 7 consecutive days or in pos- annual meeting held Wednesday of B. Wilson 1, G. Bellon 6, D. Will- ablished community into a new „»m th» employment of white fank another basket just before Interment will be in tire Stamford ession at any one time. last week in the Boulevard Grange community sometimes cannot un upon i the son 11, C. Wilson 6, L. Wilson 2, derstand the absence of the things the final whistle was sounded. cemetery at Stamford, Nebraska Six inches will be the general hall. L. Bailey, H. Wilson 4, B. Hend Labor. ____ 1 Stam of Adrian scored 16 points Tuesday afternoon, February 4. minimum length limit, with a few Edward K er of the Oregon Slope they have been accustomed to, Mr. Nyssa. secretary- in the flnjt haIf. ^ The body Is in the Nyssa Funeral exceptions. I district was re-elected to the board ricks, and D. Stelnke. Hartley said. treasurer of the association, gave i * ,, The next evening the Eagles lost • I The open season on salmon and for a three year term and W. V. Property valuation in the county figures showing the number o f! The p!ayers were as follows: home. in a close contest to the Caldwell __________________ | steelhead 20 inches and over in Richmond of the Cairo district more than trebled from 1938 to workers employed through the j Lions. Nyssa having several "tough Church 21, Holcomb 6, Herren 10, the present time, Mr. Hartley said, m j length will be during the entire wes elected to succeed George association in 1946. breaks" In the game, was unable but the district can bond under the Anderson 5, Bellon, Green and I L i v ¡HO* T a n m c T V U y e a r except as otherwise provided Ward for a three year term. The new directors are Wayne IC t lllia ■ " in certain waters. The bag lim it1 The ladles of the Home Econom to get underway, missing several law for only five per cent of the K er and Orville Heap of Oregon * ay: AdriaY Hatf ,10‘ ST ” * easy baskets. In the first quarter assessed valuation. There is some F n < r * ltr < l i n wiU be two in the aggregate in any ics club of the Boulevard Grange Slope, Duddley Sitton and Everett " d J a c k ie 2 111 i T l c l l l I l one day, but not more than six served dinner to approximately 250 the teams were fighting for the indication that the ratio o f assess Taylor of Ontario, Clarence Redd Nyssa won the second string ------ j in any seven consecutive days or members and patrons at noon. The lead, with Caldwell leading 13 to ed value to true value may be ick and Harry Featherstone of game 34 to 18. meeting was opened at 2 p. m. 11 at the end of the period. In raised by officials. The ratio varies Adrian and Nyssa high school in possession, Vale, Ira Ure and Dale Garrison The Bulldogs overwhelmed the boxers will stage a smoker in the i with A. P. Goodell of Nyssa pre the canto both teams played on throughout the state. In Malheur --------------------- of Nyssa and W illis Pratt and L. even terms until the last few c unt: it IS 39 vet cent and In Vale quintet last Friday night by Nyssa siding. «- gymnasium Wednesday BLUE CROSS DRIVE L. Kreager of Adrian a count of 27 to 16. Manager Clinton Keasling gave minutes. Hopkins of dfeMwell led Baker county 60 per cent. night, February 5 at 7.30. , c t a D T C w r Y 'T ' i i / r p y Nyssa players were Holcomb 9, "A t present we could raise Adrian will bring 11 men to Ny- J I A K l j 1 ' L A 1 W l l \ the audit report for past year's his teammates in a first half rally PLANS OF JERSEY business, which showed an increase to gain a margin of 24 to 19. (Continued On Page 5) Sutherland 6, Koyano 4, Church ssa for the smoker. They are Louis Nyasa. still unable to click in 4, Herren 3, Bellon 1, Anderson, Hoke, Benny Keller, Eugene Jones, A county-wide enrollment in Blue of 42 per cent in volume of bus CLUB FOR ‘47 ARE Green and Ray. Walter Gray, Kenneth Price, A l- Cross plan for prepaid hospital iness over the previous year. It also the second half, trailed 34 to 28 at GRANGE TO STUDY GIVEN AT MEETING The Nyssa second stringers de- bert McGinnis, Jess Assumendi,1 care will be held February 3 to 8, showed that the members had sav the end o f the third period. O. Bellon was high for Nyssa. I feated the Vale quintet 22 to 17 SALES TAX PLAN Bill Ratigan. James Eastman, Eddy ¡with headquarters in the Idaho ed 11 per cent on their purchases scoring 10 points, followed by Hol Plans of the Malheur County | Nyssa will play Baker on the sharp and Charles Doty. I Power company offices in Ontario, through their co-operative. The co-operative sponsored six man and D. Willson, wiho made Jersey club lo r the ooming year Nyssa floor Saturday night in a ! Coach Howard Lovejoy will s e l-! according to Quentin S. Nelson, The Oregon Trail Grange voted were outlined at a meeting of the non-conference game and will ect 11 fighters out of 27 who are Blue Cross representative, who last 4-H scholarships last year and eight each. Hopkins led the Cald Tuesday night to make a study Eloise Richmond. Darlene Robbins well squad with 19 counters. organization in the city hall in meet Ontario on the Tiger court practicing for the bouts. Nyssa1 week completed arrangements for of the proposed state sales tax, Holman was placed on the tourn according to George Cleaver, mast Nyssa last Saturday. next Tuesday. boxers will have a match with On- I the campaign. Nelson and Roy and Deane Hunter were present to "all-star team" by the er of the grange. report on the 4-H summer school. ament The program for the year in- i ------------------------tario sometime in February a n d ' Bradford will enroll interested Louis Jordan of Malheur county tourney officials. He was the only eludes the second annual spring NYSSA JUNIORS WIN wdl1 enter thp Malheur county meet groups and eligible individuals. A round table discussion led by player from this section of Ore show to be held in Nyssa, a spring n A e v r-rn , i f r r , the first part of March prepara- Practically every employed per- and two youngsters from Idaho Harlan Diven and Frank Parr will gon to receive the honor. BASKETBALL GAMES tory to the Snake river valley son can qualify for enrollment n attended summer school, but were classificatlon program, a summer be a feature of the February 11 The Eagles will play the College meeting, Marie Holmes announced tour and entry in the 1947 M al matches to be held during the either the hospital plan or the hos- not present at the co-op meeting. of Idaho Junior varsity at Cald heur county fair, a pedigree study Bill Wright of the Walla Walla The Nyssa Fliers, the junior high middle of March. pital-medical-surglcal p l a n , said all Grange members are invited and awarding of honorary mem basketball team, played the On- ^ -------------------------- Nelson, Self-employed persons or office of Pacific Supply co-opera well February 4 in a preliminary to attend the meeting and help to the C of I varsity game wltn berships to all 4-H and F.F.A. tario Junior high team Tuesday ADLJLT CLOTHING formulate the Grange policy on (those who work with less than five tive was the principal speaker. members who are interested in ' evening at Ontario and won 24 R. H. Hunter spoke in behalf of the University o f British Colum the legislation. _ _ _ _ ' ma y join Blue Cross on direct en- bia. The next night the Eagles Jersey breeding. Dairymen through-18. j CLASS IS STARTED rollment and employed groups may the Malheur Dairy Breeders assoc Frank Sherwood made a report out the county are invited to| They had played Vale last Sat-1 ________ I come in at a slightly lower rate. iation and George Bain of the will play Adrian there and the on A.A.A. activities for the com following evening February 6, will participate in Jersey club activities I urday morning at Vale and lost The adult clothing consruetion Any person accepted may also en- county agent's office spoke on ing year. The Grange voted to play Parma on the Nyssa court. and may contact Mrs. Charles by two points, 21-19. I class will start its regular meetings roll husband or wife and all un- weed control for Malheur county. support the uniform trucking law Grider of Nyssa for information. Lester Belisle of the Pacific Sup- ! These boys have been having a Monday evening, February 2 at 7 1 married children under 19. for Oregon. Rosel Hunter, president of the successful season, winning four out o'clock in the home economics room I Blue Cross is the hospitals' own ply co-operative seed division re- j SCOUT ACTIVITIES club, introduced Charley Grider, of six games played in this league, o f the high school building. program for furnishing prepaid ported on the marketing of seed Is Page Boy— FOR WEEK PLANNED Youth who made a report on the state and scoring 132 points against 75, The class is still open to anyone health care to the largest number for the past year. Terry G. Flanagan, son of Mr. dairymen's meeting held in Baker scored by opponents. The annual court of honor ol and Mrs. S. E. Flanagan of Nyssa. Present directors o f the co-op ! who is interested in either plain ' of people at the least possible cost. earlier in the month. Lee Stoker W. L. McPartland. grade school sewing or tailoring. A t the first ‘ With more than 25,000.000 mem- are A. P. Goodell of Nyssa, LeRoy the Nyssa Boy Scouts will be held Is working as a private page bet gave a talk on "selling" the Jersey principal coaches the Fliers. The meeting Monday evening the 16 bers, 64.000 of whom are Oregon- Herrman of Nyssa, Edward Ker in the gymnasium Sunday night for Lt. Governor Victor A. Myers breed to the public. Archie Smith players are Dick Pounds, Delwin women present studied textiles and ians. Blue Cross has shown a phe of Payette, H. N. Black of Payette at 7:30. In the capltol building at Olympia, and Oene Bair offered suggestions Holcomb, and Lyle Jensen, for- the testing of wools and rayons, nomenal growth,” Nelson reported. and W. V. Richmond of Ontario. J. W. Browne of Nampa, scout Washington during the current from which a four-point program wards; Jack executive, will be here, as will Bowen and Joel Samples of materials were display- Organized in Oregon in 1941 by session. During his stay there, he was drafted. Leon Myens o f Ontario, field exec is making his home with his Mitchell, centers: and Richard ed to illustrate the different finish- seven hospitals who saw the need TRAP SHOOTS IN utive. Selections by the high Wllson. Melvin Marcum, Carl Mow, es and weaves, for such a program. Blue Cross lo grandparents. Senator and Mrs. and Ronald Jensen, guards. COUNTY ACCEPTED school orchestra and other en E. J. Flanagan. Mr. and Mrs. Flan cally has steadily grown, during the TUBERCULOSIS IS tertainment features will be pro year, averaging more than agan stayed In Olympia for a GRANGE WILL HOLD past FEATURE SUBJECT Attend Luncheon— The trap shoots held near Cairo vided. The public is lnvoted to week to help their son get settled. 1,000 members per month. When attend. Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mrs. Henry HALL DEDICATION the doctor orders hospitalization junction by tht MaLheur Game While there they attended the Beginning February 2, at 7:45, Zobell, Mrs. Campbell Bear and Valdee Child will receive his formal governor’s ball, which 1s the last several for a Blue Cross member, he simp< league during Eagle badge and Reed Ray will weeks have been very successful, the Malheur County Public Health Mrs. Burnall Brown attended the NU-ACRES (Special!— Members ly presents his membership oard to the most important social func assicoation will present over K SR V K nife and Fork club luncheon at 0f the Nu-Acres Grange will hold i the hospital and when he leaves, according to President Murle Mar receive an Eagle palm. tion during the session^ One thous The banquet for scouts and cum of Nyssa. the first of the new series of 13 the Hotel Boise last Thursday. i their official dedicaton ceremonies I Blue Cross pays the hospital.” and and ten persons went through The shoots, held every other their parents will be held Thurs the receiving line to meet the gov radio dramatizations entitled “T h e ! ------------------------ | Saturday evening, February 1 for I Local Blue Cross members could Constant Invader and featuring Returns From Trip— ! the new community hall which be treated in Holy Rosary hospit- 1 Sunday, beginning at 11 a. m., wilt day night, February 6 at 7 30 In ernor and other state officials. Lionel Barrymore, film and radio Elden Yergensen of the Owyhee will be used for all community act- al, which is a participating hos be continued until fishing becomes the high school building. During their month’s vacation, ( star, as narrator. Truck and Implement company ivities and Grange meetings. pital, or in any one of 30 hospit- good Mr. and Mrs Flanagan visited Called to Oklahoma— The program, which will be has returned from a business trip Pour hundred and thirty persons A picture program will be pres- als in Oregon. More than 3,800 hos- relatives and friends tn Seattle heard each Sunday at the same to Seattle, Mr. and Ms John Lane laft last j ented by a past master o f state pitals in the United States offer engaged in shooting at the traps •nd Yakima. time, is based on true stories of Remodeling Sten Tuesday for Morrison, Oklahoma. I Grange, E. T. Taylor. A portion hospital care. Nyssa's quota o f | last Sunday. Mrs. Lane had received word that Nuhilng Home Iten people who have won their fight Operators of the Golden Rule of this picture was taken in this potential patients Is 185. her father was seriously 111. against tuberculosis and returned store are remodeling the inside of part of the country and should be | Rates range from five cents a d a y ' Nurse Here from Boston— Parents of children born recently to take their place in normal life, the store. A doorway Tias been cut o f interest to everyone, he said, for a single person enrolled in the 1 Miss Vera Jensen arrived here are Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin, Visit In Ted Berreth,, president of the a s -, through the wall between the There will also be a kitchen show- hospital plan to 20 cents a day for Wednesday to visit her mother, Nyssa. January 22. boy. 7 pounds: sociatlon, said. | Golden Rule store and Everybody's er and other forms of entertain- a man enrolled with a group and Mrs Mary Jensen, after finishing Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge McKee Mr and Mrs. A. M Neeley. On Dime store. ment, according to Paul Thomp-1 covering himself, wife and any a four months post graduate course visited in Boise Sunday with Mr. tario. January 25. boy, 7 pounds. Attorney May Locate— I -------------------------- I number of children under 19. j at the Boston Lying-in hospital. and Mrs. John Dougal. Mrs. McKee 5 ounces; Mr. and Mrs. Dale son. president. Clyde Snyder of Missouri was Leave for Home— and Mrs. Dougal are slaters. There are 40 members of th e ! Teter. Adrian, January 28, girl, 5 in Nyssa the first part of this week Mrs. J. B. Beckham and child- newly incorporated Grange, which Contributions Asked— Officers Named— pounds, 4‘4 ounces; Mr. and Mrs. investigating the possibility of lo- ren who have been visiting In the Was organized only a short time Bernard Frost, Nyssa chairman, I Officers named Sunday evening Enters Boise Hospital— Howard Parsons, Nyasa. January eating here. Mrs. Snyder is a cou- Arthur Boydell home, left Tues- ago. Members started their pro- announced Wednesday that 8at for the girls committee were Mrs. Mrs. Leo Fife entered a Boise 27. boy. S pounds, 15S4 ounces, and sin of Dr. K. E. Kerby of Nyssa. day for their home in Ft. Lewis, Jeet several months ago to con- urday would be the last day on j Wllford Peterson, chairman; Mrs. hospital Friday for treatment. Mr and Mrs. W J Bales. Nyssa. ■ I Washington. struct a hall and most of the ac- which contributions would be ac- \ William J. Beus. counselor, and January 28, girl, 8 pounds, l2Vi Club W ill Meet— ! ------------------------ tual labor has been voluntarily cepted for the infantile paralysis j Mrs. Wes Abersold as secretary. Attend Meeting— ounces. The Rebekah Sunshine club will In Salt Lake City— given on the part of the communi- fund. Anyone wishing to donate ¡The LD8 girls between the ages of Mr and Mrs. Charley Orider meet at the home of Mrs. Harry | George Stettler, manager of Geo- ty. The New Plymouth chamber may either take the money to j 12 and 18 are given awards for attended a meeting of the board Picture To Be Hhoa Kingrey Friday, February 7 at 2 rge's Sweet Shop, was In Salt Lake of commerce contributed 8100 to the Idaho Power company office or special activities In church, of directors of the Idaho State The public is Invited ta attend p. m. j City over the week-end on a bust- ! aid in paying for the new struc- j mail it to Mr. Frost. Nysaa is far | ----------- :------------ Jersey club In Boise Wednesday the showing o f s religious motion .ess trip. ture. 1 short o f its quota The quota last ! Visits In Idaho— Mrs. Orider. secretary of the Mal picture Tuesday evening. February Visits Parents— | --------------------------- The public Is invited to attend | year was $400 and the committee Mrs. Hazel Krul Is visiting at j heur County Jersey club, spoke 4, at St Paul's Episcopal church. Mrs. Jack McKee visited her Have Charge of Meeting— the meeting. ; was asked to raise twice as much -t the home of her daughter In Am- briefly at the Boise meeting. parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles The LDS Missionaries had charge --------------------------------------- ------------------ | this year. ' erican Falls, Idaho. The visit was ( Nyssa Youth In Arrldent— McConnell, in Boise Sunday. of the meeting Sunday night. Talks, i Assistant to Queen— - ■ ■ prompted by the arrival of M rs.! Visits In Njraoa— Mrs. Irvin Die trick o f Ontario ] representing the youth, were given Miss Helen Anderson. Nyssa girl Return from Utah— Krul's first grandson. Mrs Casaie Gonhert of Boise was slightly injured Sunday at Collector Coming— 1 by Miss Dean Irving, and Lee An- ' who is taking nurse's training at | Mr and Mrs. Vibert Kessler have j ------------------ visited her mother, Mrs. Nora Ray. Durkee when an automobile In A deputy collector of internal derson. Mrs Ersel Beus. the main Idaho Falls, was attendant to the returned from a trip to Utah. Return Home— In Nyssa over the week-end which she was riding with Leroy revenue will be in Malheur county speaker, talked on “ How Well Do queen of the Gold and Green ball Mrs Ernest Bunn returned Sat- Mr and Mrs Tom Nordale re- Merick of Nyssa became Involved next week to assist income tax We Know God". DarThel Pike in Idaho Falls last week. Miss An- urday evening from Utah, where turned last Wednesday from a Go To Babe— In an accident with a car driven payers with their returns. He will sang "Oh, Divine Redeemer". El- derson will also receive her cap she visited her sister, Mrs Clarence trip to Seattle and Los Angeles Mr and Mrs C. H. Morrison and by Robert C. Moyer o f Allentown, be In Vale February 3 and 4 and der Dean Fife, who was In charge, and bib at a special meeting. She Rasmussen The Rasmussen baby They traveled by a transport plane son. Billy spent Sunday visiting ui Pennsylvania. Both automobiles Ontario February 5 to 7 Inclusive, gave a talk. has been training since September. 'Is in the hospital with pneumonia from Seattle to Los Angeles Boise were considerably damaged Eagles Win One Tourney Game I riO||t,{|TIGS Of UWynee VJOSCQ Nyssa Defeats Adrian 46 To 45 Farmers Supply Holds Meeting