Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1947)
77 » ? NYSSA VOLUME XXXXI NO. 52 Improvement in Situation At r Nyssa T is Held Possible State Suggests School HAREM HOOPSTERS District Give Ground WILL PLAY NYSSA For Widening EAGES ON FEB. 17 JOURNAL Ni'SSA. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1947 To Receive U.S. Aid On Airport CONTRIBUTIONS TO PARALYSIS FUND asked in n y s s a The National Foundation for In fantile Paralysis has asked the lo- hulldogs Defeat Fruitland; Lose To Weiser Five New Census Will be Taken in Nyssa Within Next Two Months ¡City Receives Tentative cal to «*• twlfe “ Emmett And Vale Will much money as in past years be BUILDING PERMITS Play On Nyssa Floor Allocation O f $4700 cause' the foundation funds are IN NYSSA IN ’46 Next Week For Field depleted. TOTAL $406,646 The foundation needs more mon Purpose Outlined By O ff icials; Councilmen Take Office After losing to the Weiser quin The city has received a tenative ey for research and more funds After the councilmen elected ln Prospects that the traffic situa Building permits totaling $406,- One of the most colorful basket- allocation of $4700 for improvement tet by four points last Friday tion at the “Y " at the west end ball outfits in the nation, the ^ Nyssa airport, located across for local use, Chairman Bernard night, the Nyssa Bulldogs trounced 646 were issued at the city record the general election in November Frost reported. had taken the oath of office, the of Main street will be Improved Harlem Legionnaires, will appear Snake river from town. the Fruitland basketball team cn er's office for construction of in Nyssa Monday, February 17 The local committee has no way |.. _ , ... city council passed a resolution soon were revealed by representa when residences and business buildings , the Nyssa floor Tuesday of this they will meet the Nyssa j ^be application for funds was Tuesday night at the first meeting of raising funds except through tives of the state highway depart Eagles. in Nyssa during 1946. made October 25, 1946 to the de- week by a score of 43 to 23. of the year requesting the secre ment this week. The figures included $298,535 for tary of state to direct a new census All of the Harlem players, vet- | partment of commerce. However, direct coutrlbUti01lS' whtoh may be Every combination that Coach N. A. Toole, resident engineer of erans of world war II, are members before the civil aeronautice ad- wailed to Mr. Frost or placed in against the residences and $108,111 for bus in Nyssa. the state highway department, was of the American Legion. In their ministration can approve the appli- collection receptacles in N y s s a Howard Lovejoy __ used , . . iness buildings and miscellaneous If the resolution is approved by here Monday to secure data for two seasons on the road they have ¡cation it must be approved by the stores. | vlsitors looked good 1,1 spots and structures. the state, a man will be sent to the designer of the Main street won 122 games and lost 14. They Oregon state board of aeronautice. Fifty per cent of the money is 'ed throughout the contest. All The business figures included Nyssa to direct the work. The city improvement, which will include are reported to be clever ball of the Nyssa squad only three large items, the largest will pay his expenses and the sal The Oregon state board will be received by the national founda members re-surfacing the stffcet. handlers and hardwood clowns. asked to assist in the preparation tion. played. The half-time score was one $25,000. The residential figur aries of the enumerators. In connection with the Main The players include Andy Cole of plans for the project, according es included the estimated cost of On the basis of the 1940 popu 23 to 8 for Nyssa. street work, the state proposed that man. flashy forward formerly with to Leo G. Devaney, state director. three apartment houses. lation, Nyssa receives $1200 a year Nyssa players and their points the school deed a triangle of j the Harlem All-Stars, Cliff Stin- Building permit figures for 1945 from the state liquor commission The city plans that some grad- ' ~ c „ IKI k j v c c A ground on each side of the street, son, formerly with the Globe ing and surfacing will be done to L t - K U IIN IN I 3 3 A were Herren 3, Bellon 4, Church were not available for compara funds and $3300 from the state gas leading to the grade school and Trotters and Pete Lotln. 6 foot, 6 1 bring the runway to the accepted 1 ------------- 16, Koyano 8, Sutherland 5, Isen tive purposes. oline tax fund. City officials esti gymnasium. Each side of the inch center formerly with the New length and width, 400 feet by 2500' The temperature dropped to 4, Anderson 1, Holcomb 2, Ray mate that the population of Nyssa triangle would be about 40 feet, i York Hottentots. They will tour j feet, which will be ample for zero, the coldest of the whiter, has increased one-third since 1945 and Green. Traffic would be directed into the United States, Canada and commercial planes. in Nyssa Wednesday morning. The t so that the city is now entitled to the various highways and streets Mexico this season on a schedule! City Manager E. K. Burton will bureau of reclamation thermom- i The Nyssa second string won an increase of about $1500 per year leading from the "Y " by means of 150 games. I write to Mr. Devaney immediately., eter showed the temperature a t! 27 to 8 over the Fruitland B's. in receipts from the state. A gov of signs and concrete barriers. | ------------------------- I but the work, if approved, will n o t , just a “shade" under zero. I The final score of the Nyssa- ernment census will not be taken — until — *” the -----— ike the ’ ’ Wej until 1950, so tliat the city will ,a^ as°to°w h eth er 'thef school^dls- BOXING TOURNEY TO be under taken weather [ To — make the weather weather seem seem cold- mg was 32 to 28 Weiser say as to wnewier tne scnooi dis- . p. . . . i w r i c r n “breaks". 1 er, the mercury climbed only to a „ _ S. \P Boaruman, superintendent | kaiii in receipts from the state trict would accept the state pro- BE HELD IN W E ljL K maximum of 18 yesterday. led most of the time by a small of the state parks, is expected te : $4500 by the time the official cen- posal pending a meeting of the The minimum temperature this margin, with the count 14 to 12 arrive here soon to investigate the ^sus Is taken by the government, board of directors. morning was 11 degrees above zero. at half-time and 22 to 16 at the possibility of developing the Owy- | City Manager E. K. Burton esti- Golden Gloves qualifying bouts ¡ j g ^ g . J ( a y D e fp ü t end of the third period. The game of the Snake River valley will be I hee reservior area into a state mated that taking of the census was slow and rather uninteresting. park. held in Weiser January 23 and 24. will cost the city between $600 and P W c PUPILS COMMENDED Players were Herren 1, Holcomb The bouts, for both novice and M. Boardman has asked for a '* 700 It will be completed within L ö i r 0 1 1 £ 1 1 V e S ON O N RED CROSS CR O SS WORK W O R K 7, Sutherland 2, Church 8, Koyano map open classes, are sponsored this year of the area, which is now be- ' days. _ „ "—;------ ! _______ 12, Bellon 6, and Anderson 2. by the Weiser Athletic club. They ing drawn in Vale and will be sent | T*le council ordered an ordin- The Nyssa Eagles continued their * v ms. i„ nir,r will be held at the Oregon Trail string of victories as thev chalked A letter of commendation and } , Nyss‘l J“ mo1 varsity over siring QI victories as they cnalked whelmed the Weiser live by a to Salem this week. He will come ance drawn vacating the east 80 park in Weiser. up decisive 57 to 39 and 29 to 13 thanks for the work of Mis. Ken- ___„ . .. to Malheur county after studying fc*t of Green avenue. No objection Joe F. Dyer, manager of the I Winners in each of the two clas wins over the Payette town team heth Renstrom s sixth grade class count of 51 to 14. the map. 1 was expressed to the vacation. Bulldogs win will piay play r-ayene Payette Ontario branch of the United ses for each weight division will here last Thursriav evening in a of the Nyssa public school has * The “ c ouuuogs The proposal is sponsored bjJ The llew councilmen are Fred States National bank, has an qualify for a trip to the Golden double-headerUrSday a ,been received from Miss Charlotte ° » tbe Pay< f e «oor Friday night the Nyssa Boat club and the Mai- Bracken and Lloyd Wilson. The nounced that Ralph E. Brooke has Gloves regional tournament to be heur Game league, Itwo councilmen re-elected last fall Traveling to Emmett the fol- 1 M- Lmioot. administrative assist- j oi * eef„ been appointed as agricultural a- held in Twin Falls. The winners lowing lowing evening evening the Eagles d » fe a t - ant ° f the Junior Red Cross i n '. BO, ° f hext weeks games will M. H. Galt. Vale, . ^ ’ gjer. h as1 are R- O, Whitaker and George the Eagles defeat- p if. be played in Nyssa. The Buldogs to compete in the nationally fam ed a strong gent for that institution. Emmett team by a cne ciu-iiic aiea. I will meet Emmett Tneeriav nioht advised league members that the ’Sadee . Mr. Brooke is well known in ous Golden Gloves finals, which score of 52 to 40. I Writing to Mrs. John S. Conway, t . » . X v nigTit The ,n»m division of grazing of the depart- I The council re-elected Mr. Whlt- Malheur county and other parts will again be held in March in The Eagles started out fast aa- Malheur county Junior Red Cross and Vale * day night The main ment of the Interior is Interested a^er as ch»x. ,’uri and passed a res I o n .. U out Iast af 'chairman Miss Linfoot said 'W e (fame Tuesday night w ill/; arted of eastern Oregon, having served Chicago. 'orcclatloii for ainst the Payette aggregation in ” £ ? at 8 o'clock and Frld. . .t at in the establishment of a good olution expressh. Amateur boxers of the area de the main game of the evening, were so Pleased to receive the as assistant county agricultural viand— teams road to the site as part of the g raz-, Ibe services of 17--*“ ing council- agent in Klamath county 1934-35; siring to compete for the right to leading 20-8 at the end of the first cm respondent* aibum prepared by Botb o t t b e “ tea" ls ing division's fire security plan; men, Bernard F r . o l d Grant county agricultural agent hi Grant enter the regional meet are re quarter, and stretching it to 33- Mrs Renstrom's sixth grade class have been defeated rather badly. and he said that the division would Rinehart, county from 1935 to 1941 and as quested to send a card to the Wei- jg at the half " I of the Nyssa public school. It was cooperate with other groups. countv agent of Malheur "county r«r Athletic club giving full name, Nysaa ocntmued to score b e a v l-' we" Planned, will J e of interest MALHEUR COUNTY Galt suggested that representa from 1941 to 1945. Since Septem address, weight, and amount of ly ln ^ thlrd quarler ieadliig ' to a [orelkn Kr»up and wl3h IS PROMISED MORE tives of groups interested in a ber 1, 1945 he has been Oregon- ring experience, in order that they | 47.30 at the end of the period auJ to send our special compliments r , c u T U ie v r a d state park at the dam meet with Idaho general manager for T. O. may be entered in the matches running it to 57-39 at the end of i t0 P jtiy Yoneyama for her well r I d r l 1 H l b IE A K the grazing planning board at Vale Tomasello company, growers and which will start at 8 o ’clock each the game j written introductory letter. The I ----------- February 13. shippers of fresh produce with evening. Willsons' 21 points were, enough book has gone forward to national | Bernard Frost, Charles Newbill One of the principal aims of the headquarters in Watsonville, Cali to give him high point honors for 1 headquarters with a request f o r , and Vernon Butler have returned proposed park is to obtain a site ¡Adrian (Special)— Pour-H pins and fornia. the game Beigert was high f o r ! Placement in Ecuador, according to from Portland, where they were or sites at which boats may be certificates were awarded to sev- MASONIC OFFICERS "A college graduate, holding his Payette with 15. preference indicated. We want the told by the fish and game com- put into the water and removed, eral boys and girls who had com- bachelor's and master's degrees in INSTALLED HERE In the preliminary the Nyssa Nyssa sixth grade pupils to know mission that more fish for stock- according to Murle Marcum of pleted their work at a 4-H achleve- agriculture, with a farming back team trounced Payette's quintet that we consider their work well ing purposes would toe provided Nyssa, president of the league. I ment program held ln the Kingman The new officers of Golden Rule to the tune of 29-16. Again Nyssa done ground to support a college train Malheur county in 1947 than in One proposed plan provides for ■ schoothouse Thursday evening, Jan- ing and his experience as county lodge No. 147, A. F. & A. M „ were started out with a fast barrage o f ! past years. designating as park areas three uary 2. agricultural agent for a period of Installed at a recent meeting of baskets in the first quarter to lead ’ QUONSET HUT IS The commissioners also promised sites for this purpose, one at the Flret year leader Rins were given years, Mr. Brooke should be well Che Masonic lodge. 12-4 at the end of the period, and F R C f T C n R V R I I R F A l 1 ' (> stock yellow catch fish in the dam, a second at Dry creek and to D. L. Hurst and Mrs. Dan Holly. The officers are Wayne Morris, lead at half-time by 16-10. qualified to fill his new position tarviLV, 1 r , u D 1 D U M - r t U Owyhee and Malheur rivers. a third at Watson. Special awards were made for and be able to contribute material worshipful master; Julian John Nyssa Increased its lead in the ----------- ' The three men presented to the outstanding work in the past year, ly to the services of the institu son, senior warden; Kenneth Ren third quarter toy making two field A <luonset hut erected by the , commission recommendations of with Arlene Piercy being named tion with which he is to toe af strom, Junior warden; Arthur Boy- goals and one free toss to lead the bureau o i reclamation on First 1 the Maheur Game league as to INTER-CITY LIONS the outstanding girl in the com dcll, treasurer; E. S. Frost, secre Payette five 21-11 and at the final strect just south of Good avenue | angling regulations. The principal MEETING PLANNED filiated”, Mr. Dyer said. munity and Patsy De Haven as al tary; Frank Hall, ohaplln; Jesse whistle emerging with a 29-16 vie- has been completed with the ex- : recommendation was that the trout ternate and Ivan Jensen the out senior deacon; Roy Hol tory. ception of pouring of the con- season be opened ln the Owyhee An inter-city meeting of the standing boy, with Jimmy Wilson PRODUCTION CREDIT Rlgney, mes, junior deacon; Ormond reservoir by February 15. The group Lions club of this district will be High point honors were well tre' e II°°r- MEETING ARRANGED Thomas, senior steward; Jacob divided with L. Bailey and L. Wil- I p°uring of the concrete was halt- also recommended that the cwn- held in the home economics room alternate. Reconltlon was given to Ellen Simmons, junior steward, and Louis son each making six points an d! Pd because of the cold weather,' mission close the tributaries of the of the Nyssa high school Wednes Judd, who has completed 10 years The 13th annual stockholders' Pratt, tyler. Steinke garnering eight. I ilfter three-fourths of it had been Owyhee river for spawning pur- day evening, January 22., of 4-H work. At this week's meeting of the meetings of the Baker Production The following evening the Eag- P°ured- poses and that the Owyhee river Dinner will be served by the Arlene Piercy won the dollar din Credit association will be held ln lodge the third degree was con les met a strong Emmett Legion I Tlle but, made entirely of met- be closed to all fishing from the Home Economics club of the Ore ner contest in the state, being the the Moore hotel ln Ontario Jan ferred on Dr. K. E. Kerby. team at Emmett to win a closely a1, w111 be used il>r stora*e al,d mouth of the Owyhee ditch to the gon Trail Grange. Nyissa, Ontario, first to win from Malheur county. uary 17 and in the Baker hotel fought battle 52-40. | as a repair shop The size of the dam, except during trout season. Weiser and Emmett clubs will be Mention was made of the school in Baker January 18. Throughout the entire game the building is 40 by 60 feet. Decision on the recommendations represented by an estimated 80 arships to 4-H summer school, BOXING STARTED Each meeting will be opened with was reserved by the commission men. lead changed several times with given toy the Junior Council, go a noon luncheon, followed by the IN NYSSA SCHOOL until a later date. both teams playing on even terms. Leaves For Sanatorium— George Knowles of Emmett, dis ing to Norma Jean Dierking with business session. The session will Herbert L. Fischer left Wednes trict governor of the Lions club, Barbara Hatch as alternate, and In the first half both teams toe completed by about 3:30 or 4 Practice was started this week by fought fpr the 'lead, with the Eag day for Savannah, Missouri, where CO-OPERATIVE WILL meeting with the Nyssa club Mon- Donald De Haven with Fred Def o'clock. One director will toe elect the 'boxing team of the Nyssa high les leading at the half 25-19. he will receive medical treatment m p r - r A -p 0 1 m r v ir» (lay noon, discussed the program ter as alternate. ed. The term of F. A. Phillips of school. Twenty-seven boys turned "**-**-■ * ^ ‘ c A I K U JL-. j of Lions, International, which was In the opening of the third quar at Dr. Nichols' sanatorium. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hauser, coun Keating will expire. Members of out for the first practice, which ter Emmett made three quick field outlined at the convention held ln ty club leader, were present. Mr. the nominating committee are was held Wednesday. j The annual meeting of the Far- Philadelphia. The program includes Hauser showed a motion picture goals to tie the score at 25-25. Visits At Monmouth— George N. Holcomb of Richland, The boys will practice for two Throughout the final half the lead Mrs. Edward Boydell is visiting mers Supply Co-operative Inc., will helping the blind, fighting Illiter of sea animals and ocean fish. Mr. Ralph McCullough of Haines and months before the Snake River see-sawed until the last few min at the home of her mother, Mrs. be held ln the Boulevard Grange acy and working for the adoption Hauser also spoke of the advance Carl Seburn of Nyssa. valley tournament, which will be utes when Nyssa staged a rally Dessa Hofstetter, in Monmouth, hall at Cairo junction Wednesday, of the English language in South ment in 4-H work over the county held in March. Probably one or two which the Emmett team was un- I Oregon, January 22, commencing at 12 o’ America as the second language and the program for the new year. smokers will be held before that able to check. P.T.A. Will Meet— clock, noon. I - - -------- ■ and the adoption of the Spanish Pop corn balls were made and A talk on the proposed school time. A free dinner will be served at language as second ln the United served by Mrs. Art Sparks and Mrs. The next home game will be Returns From Clinic— The boys range in weight from played against a strong New Plym- | Leonard Marshall has returned noon. Audit reports will be given States. building program ln Nyssa will be Wesley Piercy. discussed by Superintendent Henry 105 to 165 pounds. ________ oQth team here tonight. The first from Rochester, Minnesota, where and two directors for three year Miss Threlma Elliott announced H. Hartley at a meeting of the game will start at 8 o'clock. he received treatment at the Mayo terms will be elected. The terms Will Preach__ the program, which included group Nyssa Parent-Teacher association Return from Portland— of Edward Ker and George Ward j Rev. H. G The box score for the Emmett clinic. McCallister will singing. in the high school building Thurs will expire. Mrs. Sid Burbidge and daughter, game was' as follows: preach at the Methodist church day night. January 23 at 8 o ’clock. Marilu, have returned from Port Nyssa Creditors Meet— Sunday morning for Rev H. J. Celebrate Anniversity— Emmett The remainder of the program land, where Marilu received treat- 10. Bellon. G. F The Nyssa Merchants Retail Burley Family Move Here— Gernhardt, who Is recovering from Morachem The Weiser Stake men and will Include a chemistry demon- ment. They will return to Port- 6. Wilson, B. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kesler and his recent illness, but is still un Gleaner girls of the LDS Mutual F R. Smith. 6 stratlon by Charles Steffens and land February 7. their family have moved to Nys able to be out. 14, Willson. D. C Oriziboli. 4 celebrated their 25th anniversity musicial numbers. Refreshments | ------------------------- - sa from Burley, and have bought 14, Holman, T. G R. Hosoda. 15 Sunday evening with a special pro will be served. The executive board Home from East— a farm here. They have five child- 2, Wilson, C. O Visits in Ogden— S. Hosoda, 5 gram in the stake house at Wei of the P.T.A. will meet tonight | Mrs. Jean Fletcher returned Hendricks, B. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barker and Mrs Kesler. who served as S Qartea, 6 Mrs. J. L Church is ln Ogden ser. Those of Nyssa taking part at the home of Mrs. George Sallee home Monday from Dover-Pox- 2, Wilson, H. S Heap | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burton will councelor in the LDS Relief soc- visiting her daughter. Mrs. Boyd were Lloyd Lewis, stake “M" men --------------------------- 1 croft, Maine, where she attended Wilson, L. S Bremner, 4 hold the grand opening of their *eIy f° r I°ur years while in Bur- Cole, and her new granddaughter. director, Mrs. DarThel Pike, one Baby Baptized— 1 services for her husband, A. L. Bailey, L. Enqueria new business, the Owyhee Ice 'ey, is a sister to Mrs. Vibert Kes- S of the first Golden Gleaners ln John, Jr., son oi Mr. and Mrs. | Fletcher, of Nyssa, who was killed 4, Steinke, D. Lareon S Larson Cream company ln Ontario, Just |'er. Visiting Sister— the stake, and Clarence Heath. J. L. Huseby. was baptized Sunday in an automobile accident Decem- Root, R. S Anderson ’ east of the underpass there. They Miss Jeanette Calkins of Eugene Many Nyssa residents attended the by the Rev. H. Hickman at the ber 24 near Vale. 52—^ Total will make ice cream and deliver | Ontario Man Speak) Total—40 is visiting at the home of her sls- program. Parma Lutheran church. Bert it to various cities. They will also i Stake Geneology Chairman Blac- | ter, Mrs. Frank Morgan Osborn of Marsing is the god Born in Ontario— operate a drive-in during the sum- ker of Ontario was the main speak- Returns Homi Arrive from Salt Lake— father. -------------------------------------------- Mrs. M. Burman of Parma --------- Mr and Mrs. Raymond T. Sag- *. Ashby .e.i Mrs. Clifford T. left c Sat- mer months. Mrs. Barker is a sis- er at the Nyssa LDS ward meet- I Attend Banquet— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burningham acted as proxy for the godmother, j er are parents of a girl weighing urday morning for her home in ter of Mrs Sherman P. Bybee. She j ing Sunday night, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman and Mrs. Don Moss, Sr., arrived Mr. and Mrs. Osborn spent the 5 pounds, 11 ounces. The girl was Hynes, California after spending and Mr. Barker have been spend- attended a Realtor's banquet at In Nyssa Monday evening to at day with Mr. and Mrs. Huseby. bom Wednesday, January 15 in the past 10 days at the home of ing the past week at the Bybee j Resigns Position— the Owyhee hotel ln Boise, Tues tend the Bybee reunion. the Brittingham Nursing home in her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. home. Miss Esther Neln. who has been day evening, January 7. New Course Offered— Ontario. The baby has been nam Lewis. ■— ■ - j employed in the Wilson brothers Attends Meeting— The high school has started a ed Bonnie Louise Visit in Wyoming— | dry goods store for the last five Go to Alliance, Nebraska— Carlos Buchner attended a busi course in commercial law. with Firemen Called— Mr. and Mrs John Murphy re- years, has resigned her position, J C. Krul. local contractor, was ness meeting and dinner ln Nam 25 Juniors and seniors enrolled. IU At Hoi Only minor damage was caused turned home last Thursday. They She will be married February 3 called to Alliance. Nebraska be pa Tuesday evening of this week. The course was started Monday, A1 Thompson, local merchant, is b y a f i r e starting in Harley visited a month in Rawlins. Wy- cause of the death of his brother- the first day of the new semester confined to his home by illness, Moore's garage on Ennis avenue oming with Mr and Mrs. M. R Undergoes Operation— in-law, Frank Bedly Funeral ser Receiving Discharge— Miss Nthart is the instructor. caused by influenza. Tuesday evening. Firemen, called | Thomason Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Mrs. Nick Rudelick returned vices were held Saturday Corp Sam Bretz arrived at the -------------------------- at 7 o ’clock, quickly extinguished j Thomason are sisters. home Wednesday from the Holy home of his parents. Mr and Mrs. Returns Hoi Sails For Overseas— | the flames Rosary hospital, where she under Babies Christened— John Bretz from Camp Beale. Cal Mrs Albert Heldt snd son, Rob- Pfc. Calvin Mason left Camp Returns from Kansas— went a major operation. Two babies were Christened at ifornia last week. He Is receiving ert, returned home last Friday S ton man. California the first of Expected Hoi Mrs Lee Miller has returned to the LDS sacrament meeting Sun his discharge. from a visit at Stamford, Nebras- the week for overseas He visited; Mrs. J J. Sarazin Is expected to Nyssa, after visting relatives in Has Slumber Partv— day. They were Micheál Elton, ln- ka. where they visited relatives. *-*- ---------- — * ----- — his parents. Mr, and Mrs. Wayne return from Portland this week- Colorado anlV Kansas for several | Miss _ ______ ___ ______ _____ ___ Man is III— __ Fredrte ___ Fife was hostess _____ fant ________ son of __________ Mr. and ____ Mrs. Elton1 Mrs. L. Bentz, mother at Mrs Mason, over the Christmas holl- end. She has been visiting h e r ! weeks While in Caldwell, Kan- to several of her friends at a slum- | Jennings, and Clarence Sydney Pat Bennett, who has been ill Heldt. accompanied them home for days, returning to camp last Tues- daughter, Mrs. Clare Peterson, who sm, Mrs Miller visited ijer father, her party last Friday evening. The Landcaster. son of Mr and Mrs 'at his home in Nyssa is reported an indefinate visit. day has been ill ln the hospital. I who is 96 years old. I girls enjoyed a waffle breakfast. Clarence Landcaster. 1 to be Improving. Owyhee May Get New State Park Brooke Chosen Bank’s Ag. Man 2 strn m r 4-H Achievement Program Is Held