Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1947)
TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N AL, NYSSA, OKECON PAG E SIX m m ,l,w » « w in ■ rum li ti in h in ri in in h in h h ni ni ti in » r i iiiiii M hi miii in rrm ti in in ni ¡i m u n i m 11 m n 200 PAIR LADIES SH O ES Values to $5.95 Now $2°o pr. UNBLEACHED CURTAIN t/USLIN M A T ER IA L 21c and 28c Cottage Type Red and Green Flowered Per Yard 29c Per Yard 1 Lot P ILL O W S LAD IES Hou se Slippers $2.49 Values Now 30 Per Cent Duck Quills 70 Per Cent Curled Chicken Feathers 3 lbs., 7 oz. 21 x 27 $1.00 u Pair LAD IES ANNOUNCES ENGAGEM ENT Mrs. Icle Jordan has announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Myrna Maedean, to Rudy Schram, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. j J. Schram of Ontario. The wedding will be an event of early spring. A party was given in honor of Miss Jordan Monday evening at her home. Miss Jordan, who was $1.89 gpjr SWEATERS Values to $5.95 $1.50 6- $2. B ra ck en ’s 111 ! II ti niiii iinii nuil mili ni iiiiuiii m mili mi tu ii ni ni mui mui ni mmiiiin !i mini iriii i iiiiiiiiin iiT NYSSA G IVEN B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y Mrs. C. C. Cotton was surprised by a group of friends from King- man Kolony on her birthday Fri day, January 3. Gifts and refreshments including a large birthday cake, were pro vided by the guests. The cake was white with a flower candle in the center. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummins, Mrs. Lula Cummins, Mrs. Nellie New- bill, C liff Beaumont and Miss Mae Beaumont. Phone 106 THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JAN. 10-11 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake as D AGW OOD and BLONDIE in “BLONDIE KNOWS BEST” For laughing out loud, it’s the Bumsteads’ best. Ken Curtis and J e ff Donnell In “SINGING ON THE TRAIL” Mat., Sat., 2:iO Artm. ¿5c-5c Inc. i'ax Adm. Evening«, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, JAN. 12-13 At last! The story that only the screen could tell, with its true, terrific thrills; the year’s greatest glory story of the men behind the men who won the war. Alan Ladd and Geraldine Fitzgerald in “O. S. S.” Miniature, “ Strange Destiny” Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., auc-9c, Inc. las Adm. Evening«. 40c-9c. Including Tax HONORED ON B IR T H D A Y Mrs. DarThel Pike was the In spiration for a surprise party giv en in observance of her birthday Saturday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee. The cake was trimmed in white, with pink candles. Decorations con sisted o f white candles adorning i the mantle, and red candles in crystal holders on the dining room WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JAN. Uj-TtT Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo, Vera Ellen and the Goldwyn Girls in “THE KID FROM BROOKLYN” In the sparkling splendor o f Technicolor! The story o f a befuddled milkman who fum bles his way into fortune. Brimful o f songs, laughter, dancing and brilliant color. Canine Casanova Latest News Adm. EvenlBgs, t#r- *c. Including l u l oo Late to Claasily M ISCELLANEOUS—John 7, "M a r vel not that I said unto thee, ye must ibe born again’’. St. John 3- 3-6. “Jesus answered Verily, Verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Emma Hall. 9Jlxp F O R SALE— 1936 Ford truck, good beet bed, good condition. L. K. Barton, 9th street, south of Donty Welding shop. 9J2xp FOR SALE O R TR AD E — 1937 4- door Buick, A - l condition. For sale—combination bed daveno witn flat springs and mattress. Apt. 7, vets housing. 9Jlxp l, Auto Repairing Tractor, Welding Formerly Red’s Sta tion. CHOICE OF TWO QREAT ENOINfS. 100- H .P. V S for toughest ta«k«, 90-H.P. Six for «too-and go thrift. M M I-CtNTgIPU O Al CLUTCH. Transm ita 4-RING ALUMINUM PISTONS. increase compression seal; maintain more effi cient oil control. ^-FLOATING RftAR AXU . Typical o f heavy truck design; axle shaft p r o - pa/s, axle housing oarriaa the load. SIRAUOLE MOUNTED PINION. A x le drive pinion held firmly by bearings on both sides o f gear. mounted to side o f frame, typical o f heavy duty construction. full angina torque, yet operate« with low pedal pleasure. ATTENTION Young man between the ages o f 20 and 30 years. DO YO U H A V E THESE Q U A LITIE S? Energy. Enthusiasm. Dependability. Honesty. Punctuality. Desire to progress. * Non-smoker. Experience not necess ary. I f you have these qualifications there is a good position awaiting you at a good salary. Contact Alva Watts WATTS SEED CO. Parma, Ida.-Nyssa, Or. IN HALF-TON TRUCKS O R %HEAVY DUTY UNITS...FORD LEADS IN VALUE HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY FOR SALE— 1934 Chevrolet, good tires, good motor. Inquire Nyssa Food center. 9Jlxc OWYHEE DRUG CO. COULD CIVC HI M SOMETHING TO HCIPf FIX UP THAT COLD AND SORE THROAT/ HOW DO YOU DO YOUR FOOD BUYING MORE SHOPPING ^ GORDON'S D R IV E -IN THEY HAVE JUST WHAT YOU W A N T A N D AT REASONABLE P R IC E S -. j - r 1 ! ! y. & ì . J) (XU- J \ Leased by Earl Post and Bill Marsh. -Specials- FancyMeats Fri. And Sat. Frozen Foods BACON Sugar cured, Slicedl 69c PEAS 12 oz. Package ........ .......... 28c STEAKS Tender, Grade A ........... ... 59c CAULIFLOWER 10 oz....................... .......... 32c WEINERS Fancy ................ PEACHES Sliced, Sweet .......... .... lb. 27c KRAUT Drv Pack .......... ........21bs. 25c PINEAPPLE Sugar Added ........... .... lb. 38c F resh Q u a lit y Circulating O IL H EA T ER S Electric Carole Landis and Allyn Joslyn in with Rodney, the pooch with a nose for news. Cartoon and 2-reel western featurette Building Permits W alter Freeman, construction, propane gas storage tank, steel on concrete foundation. $8500, block 7, original townsite. Sweet Shop 5 - HOLD OPEN HOUSE ; Dr. and Mrs. K. E. Kerby held ; open house fo r their friends from 3 to 5 o’clock New Y ear’s after- I noon. Out-of-town callers were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kerby and Mr. and Mrs. Don Reynolds of Boise. - I — ENGAGEM ENT ANNOUNCED The engagement o f Miss Joy Munday, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Munday of Nyssa, to Ver- lan Hawes, brother o f Mrs. Irvin Dulfln, was announced at a birth day party for Mrs. DarThel Pike Saturday evening. Miss Munday, a senior at the Nyssa high school, plans to graduate prior to her mar riage. Mr. Hawes Is employed at the sugar factory here. _____ —S— _____ ’ E N T E R T A IN A T SW EET SHOP Mrs. Mary E. Bybee was host ess to Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee and Celia Carol to a chicken sup per given at George's Sweet shop Sunday evening. TUESDAY, JAN. 14 BARGAIN NIGHT “IT SHOULDN’T HAPPEN TO A DOG” Returns From Visit— Mrs. Julia Smith returned home Saturday night after spending 10 days visiting her son, Holly Smith, and fam ily in Idaho. George ’s PIN O CH LE P L A Y E R S MEET A married couples pinochle club, Dance which was formed recently, met at Cow Hollow Hall the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith Saturday evening. Mr. and 14 1/2 miles southwest of Nyssa or Mrs. Charles McConnell were ex 4 miles west of O le’s corner, Sat tra guests. High prizes were won urday, January 11. music by Gold by Mrs. H. H. Klngrey and John Barnett; low prizes, Mrs. C. C. Cotton and Mr. McConnell; and traveling prize by Mrs. McCon nell and Walter Fox. - PROGRAM Aä 6 - A U X IL IA R Y MEETS The American Legion Auxiliary held its regular meeting January 2 at Browne’ cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ostercamp, former resWents of Nyssa were visitors. The American Legion post pre sented the auxiliary with a beaut- ful leather brief case in apprecia tion of the many lunches and dinners and services rendered to the post by the auxiliary. - I — BRID G E CLUB MEETS The Tuesday afternoon bridge cub met at the home of Mrs. George Sallee this week. Mrs. Artie Robertson was a guest. Prizes were won by Mrs. Joe Sutherland and Mrs. Bernard Frost. -5 - Now FORD HALF-TON TRUCKS OFFER THESE FEATURES school in 1946, is employed at Camas, Washington. Mr. Schram, who spent two years overseas with the army, is employed by the On Letter Travels Fast— Sid Burbidge mailed a letter to tario Elevator. his sister, Mrs. Tom Atkeson, at 4:30 December 14 and the message Martin. reached Boston. England at 6 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnson and o ’clock December 17. The letter daughter of Ontario were guests. was sent air mail. - 41 Inches W ide radio. Estate heatrola, trash burn Coast Rangers, admission, men $1.20 Ford sedan, good tires, first class tax included. 9Jlxp mechanical condition. Can be seen er. All in A - l condition. One and at Herriman Motpr Co. 9Jlxp. one-fourth miles west on Colum FOR SALE—80 acres, 6 4 miles bia avenue. C. M. Tensen. 9J3xc northwest of Ontario. Oregon. 71 FO R SALE— 3 doe rabbits, 2 bucks. acres irrigatable. 30 alfalfa, 8 1 rabbit hutch. Walter Reeves. 3/4 FOR SALE— Model C Allis Chal pasture. 2 fruit, berries and gar mile west of Nyssa. 9Jlxp. mers tractor and equipment. Joe den. Balance farm land. Improve Counsil at Watts Motor Co. gar 9Jlxc ments livable. _ II no commission FO R SALE— Government bed for age. -■* - involved, will sell at reclamation 6 x 6 truck; about 100 poles; 14 H. FOUND— Ladles watch. Owner GUESTS A T DINNER appraised value. Some terms. Owner P. gasoline engine; cycle grinder. may have by identifying and pay Mr. and Mrs. Vem Beasley and J. I. Brady. Rt. 2. 9J2xc, Tom Harvey, Rt. 2, Ontario. ing for this ad. Gate City Journal. Miss Nannette Bybee were Sun 9J3xp. FO R S A LE -- R. C. A. cabinet 9Jlxp. day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Beus. FOR SALE—Stove boards. 30 by 30, for use under oil and coal heaters. C H R ISTM AS D INNER GUESTS $2.98. Nyssa Furniture Co. 9Jtfc. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thrasher had as guests for dinner Christmas day FO R SA LE — 1946 Letz mill for Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pinkston and grinding and chopping hay and sons. Jerry and Gale Vaughan of ( ensilage. Mounted on rubber. Write Bend, Oregon. Mrs. Elsie Boren of ( or see Martin L. Tuttle, route 2, Union, Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. Parma. 1 mile south and 4 mile E. J. Cole and children, Nylamae, west of Parma-Nyssa junction. I Und«, f , « , « n l Condlllona, Spor« Tiro I a N o i A r o llo k lot 9Jlxp. Carlena, Clyde and Wayne and Mrs. Jessie Bacan of Parma. POR SA LE — 1937 Lincoln Zephyr — jl — ___ HOSTS T O EMPLOYEES Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray, man- aers of Gordon's Drive-in market, and the four Bybee brothers, D. O.. W. A., S. P. and B. G. Byee were YOU HAVE TO EAT! hosts to their employes at the Do It Where You Drive-in market and Inland Oil station and the employees’ wives Get The Best at a turkey dinner given in the j dining room at Carl's Doll House. I Places were laid for 20 guests. D. I O. Bybee was master of ceremonies. table. Those winning prizes were Verlan Hawes and Miss Munday, and Mrs. Dale Moss and ’ Red ’ Montgomery. Mrs Mary E. Bybee assisted in serving the refresh ments, which consisted of open- faced sandwiches, orange and rasp berry punch, fruit cake and ice cream. The honoree received many lovely gifts. m M A R R IE D IN IDAHO | ENGAGEM ENT ANNOUNCED Miss Mildred Adams, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Smith. Mr. „nd Mrs. Loyd Adams oi Nys- Sr., Nyssa. announce the engage- sa, became the bride oi James T. ment oi their daughter, Martha, to Hill also oi Nyssa, in the Grace Herman Joe Counail, SOI1 of q . P. Lutheran church In Caldwell, Ida- „ ,, . ho January 4. , Counsll oi Nyssa. The ceremony was performed by | Miss Smith is a senior at Ore- Rev. Beaver o i Caldwell. Witnesses gon State college. Mr. Counsil is were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams, employed by the Watts Seed corn- uncle and aunt oi the bride. 1 pany. The wedding will be held Mrs Hill graduated from the during the summer. Nyssa high school in 1945. Mr. Hill $ attended Nyssa high school until I B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y HELD he entered the army, in which he , A birthday dinner was given at served fo r two years overseas. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter The young couple will make their 1 Johnson January 4, The occasion home in the Oregon Trail com- was in celebration of the birthdays munity. of Mr and Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. TH U R SD A Y, J A N U A R Y 9, 1947 Water Heaters Sizes 15, 32, 42 and 52 gallons. BROW ERS Plumbing Shop STRAWBERRIES 1 lb................................... 69c F is h G ro c e r ie s F ru its V e g e t a b le s SHORTENING 31bs.................... LETTUCE Solid heads, Each .... .......... 13c ORANGE JUICE 46 oz. Tin ......... ................25c SALMON Tall Tin CELERY Crisp, Local ............. ..... lb. 10c WAX PAPER 125-foot Roll GRAPEFRUIT Four F or.................. ......... 23c FLOUR 17c POTATOES GORDON'S drivi ; - IX 50 lb. Picket ...................... $2.98 DEPEND ABLE ORANGES Fresh ...................... ..... lb. 7c Red or White TELEPHONE 66 NYSSA. OREGON 10 lb. 29c GROCERS V