Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON as hotly contested as the mat a game. The Ontario players, appearing to be better ball hawks than the ~ (Continued from Page 1) Bulldogs, held an 18 to 12 lead at verted a foul shot to make the the end of the third period. The score 36 to 33. I lead switched several times in the Lineups ! last qiurter and the game ended Ontario Nyssa • in a 23-23 tie as Wilder shot a Doman • F. Herren, 8 field goal. In a "sudden death” ov Chambers. 6 F. Kayano. 5 er-time period. Moranaga of On Eehanis, 20 C. Sutherland tario raced down the field to con Wheeler. 3 G. Holcomb. 4 vert a shot and win the game. Glaves, 6 G. Church, 12 Nv-ssa players were Sutherland. Connor, 1 S. Bellon, 4 Anderson. Wilder, Hale, Wilson, Ackerman Toombs. Christensen. Cleaver, Kay s. ano and Chadwick. The second team g Ontario by a score of The Bums-Nyssa game was tight BULLDOGS LOSE 2 BASKETBALL GAMES ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY Church Notes Weekly market report for Tues., Jan. 7, 1947 CHRISTIAN CHVRCH 5th and Ennis Sts. George Whipple. Pastor Bible school at 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Sermon topic, “Is Religion a Lux ury?" Special music by the choir. Vo cal solo, Thelma Florea. Evening services: Junior choir! practice at 7. Services for all ages at 7:45. Evening worship will be conduct ed by the women in observance of I “Women's day". Mrs. George Whip ple will be the speaker. The offer ing will go to the women's council. Church choir practice Thursday night at the church. Fat steers: $20 to $23.50. Medium steers $17 to $19.75. Bulls $14 to $15.50. Choice cows $13 to $15. Heifers $18 to $20. Veal calves $15 to $19. Sheep: Lambs $18 to $22. Hogs: Top fat hogs $23.50. Feeders $18 to $22. % Receipts for this week including cattle 1384, hogs 379, sheep 101. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. “Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” Cols. Ellis White and Clayt Tschirgi (Schirge), Auctioneers ONTARIO—413-M FRUITLAND— 522 ! W E CAN H ELP Y O U Close Your Books 9 Income Tax New Bookkeeping System for 1947 See Us Now The Accounting Service Co. Heldt Whitaker Seppich East Side Carl’s Doll House Bldg. Phone 2-W from start to finish, with the lead switching several tames. The Bull dogs tied Bums with 10 seconds to go, but Williamson of Burns cut loose with a lung shot from the middle of the floor and the ball zipped through the basket with out touching the* rim. Nyssa players in the Bums game were Herren 9. Holcomb 8, Suther land 5, Church 2, Kayano 2. Bel lon, Iseri 1, Green 2, Anderson and Ray 4. Half-time score was 19 to 17 for Bums and the three-quarter score 37 to 25 for Burns. Nyssa will play Weiser on the Weiser floor Friday night. No games will be played here this week. 'V------- Nyssa, Oregon THE CHVRCH OF THE NAZAKENE E. J. Wilson, Pastor 10 a.m., A great Sunday school rally. Rev. Davis will tell about his trip through a leper colony. 11 a.m.. The Dillys will have charge of the music and Rev. C. W. Davis, our evangelist, will preach. 7:15, N. Y. P. services. 8 pm., will be the last service of our revival, come. Service every night through the 12th at 8 p.m. CATHOLIC’ CHURCH SERVICES AT EPISCOPAL CHURCH PARISH HALL Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor Mass every Sunday at 9:30 a.m., except on second Sunday, mass at 8 a.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF PARMA "The Church of the Lutheran Hour" Harold A. Herkmann, pastor Worship at 10 a.m. Sunday school at 11 a.m. First session of course in "Funda mentals of Christian Doctrine” to be given Sunday night. January 12 j from 8:15-9:45. Meetings will be held in the church. Attendance ob- j ligates in no way. Missionary c o u n c i l will m eet' Monday. January 13 in the church at 8 p.m. Choir rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. COLUMBIA AVENUE (Special)— Mr and Mrs. C. M. Tensen en tertained at New Years u.nner for Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen. Mr. and Mrs. John Broad and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. New Year's eve guests at the Gerrit Groot home in Apple val ley were Mr. and Mrs. John Tim merman of Newell Heights. Mr and Mrs. Dick Grtjot and Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson ol Parma The even ing was spent playing cards. Mr and Mrs. Clayton Jensen ol Nyssa had as a dinner guest on New Year's day Mrs. Jensen's mother. Mrs. T. H. Beranet. Mr. and Mrs. John Broad mot- >red to Boise New Year's day to meet Mr. Broad's sister. Mrs. Ann Sullivan, at the airport. She was on her way from Portland to New Vork to visl' relatives. Dinner guests on New Year's day at the Gerrit Groot home in Apple Valley were Mrs. A. L. Atkesou, Elizabeth, Jack and Bonnie Atke- on, Nick Osborn. Mr. and Mrs Ditty and Jake and Wanda Groot. Several farmers of this com munity attended the jersey sale at the James Olln farm in Njssa Heights Monday. Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail entertained at cards and a covered Serving 5 Counties Dr. G. W. Grave$ DINNER PARTIES HELD ON COLUMBIA From the Largest Stock of Genuine Parts Orders Shipped Immediately i Reductions 2 0 to 5 0 Percent SAVINGS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Reg. 6.45 CLOTHES HAMPERS Large size—peach or green ........... 4.49 718 Arthur S t Caldwell, Idaho Payette, Idaho Bridgford Acreage dish dinner for the following rela business visitors In Ontario Wed tives and friends: Mr. and Mrs. nesday afternoon. Pete Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman of Newell Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were HOAV.E B aoe M d u Honorably discharged veterans of World War 2 may arrang: a home loan on special terms TRAII EASTBOVND 8:17 am *1:20 pm 3:07 pm **6:06 pm 10:50 pm •Twin Falls local ••Boise local WESTBOUND 5:00 am 10:05 am *2:26 pm ‘8:06 pm 11:56 pm •Weiser local DEPOT— TOWNE'S GARAGE Phone 196W Eastern Oregon Federal Savings and Loan Association Baker, Oregon Announcement Wanted for asparagus, raspberries, strawberries, peas, lima beans and sweet corn. Please write or call On Monday, Jan. 13 Aero-Clean Carpeting And Upholstery Cleaners will be in Nyssa to serve you. Work performed TH E B R ID G FO R D CO M PA N Y in your home. For appointment call KEEP-U-NEAT CLEANERS Ontario, Oregon P. O. Box 300 LOANS lim * ! Phone 70 Phone 500 TRINITY Statement of Condition FIRST NATIONAL SANK of Portland December 31, 1946 RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks........................'.$118,953,641.47 U. S. Bonds, including U. S. Government Agencies ■ 251,951,037.52 $370,904,678.99 Municipal B o n d s ............................................................ 51,651,930.39 Other B o n d s.................................................................... 773,161.09 Loans and Discounts..................................................... 108,516,983.06 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank...................................j 450,000.00 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures.................... 3,573,695.27 Other Real E state................................ None Customers’ Liability on Acceptances. .................... 17,732.00 Interest E a rn ed ...................................... ",.................... . 1,993,385.54 Other R esources.............................................................. 210,264.49 RIVERVIEW (Special)— A recep tion and shower were held at the home of L. B. Robbins foi* Mr. and Mrs. Don Lytle. Refreshments of punch and cookies were served. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Clowers and family. Mrs. Lawrence Bailey and daughters, and Mrs. and Mrs. | Phillip Clowers were dinner guests j at the parental George Clowers home Sunday. I Tom Loe returned from the vet erans hospital in Boise, where he underwent a major operation. Phillip Ransom has been spend ing a 14-day furlough with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ran som. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoaks have sold their farm and will hold a sale, Monday, January 13. TOTAL RESOURCES UNKLE R adio H A N K SEZ is a w on o er - i FUL I U in G B U T THERtS -TOO MANY PEOPLE, m i ON TH' WRONG END-Vi Reg. 6.95 MT. VERNON DOOR CHIME .........4.89 Reg. 5.95 $538,091,830.83 LIABILITIES . f! Reg. 5.95 BABY STROLLERS ....................... 1.98 Phone 720 Manser, Inc. RECEPTION HELD IN RIVERVIEW AREA O f* * * * ” OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Phone 49 PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1947 C apital............................................................................. $ 4,500,000.00 Surplus ............................................................................. 10,500,000.00 Undivided Profits and Reserves.................................. 9,935,865.08 $ 24,935,865.08 Reserves Allocated for Taxes, Interest, etc............... 1,130,156.06 A ccep tan ces.................................................................... 17,732.00 Interest Collected in Advance.................................... 341,874.88 Other L ia b ilitie s............................................................ 266,758.54 Deposits (exclusive of reciprocal bank deposits). . 511,399,444.27 TOTAL LIA BILITIES $538,091,830.83 COMMANDER DOOR CHIME ..... 4.19 Reg. 4.98 METAL BOXES Keep your valuables safe from fire ...3.89 fû a Reg. 12.95 LADIES OVERNIGHT BAGS .........8.95 Reg. 3.19 2-FOOT STEP LADDER Can be used as stool ....................... 2.19 Reg. 1.19 LIGHT-WEIGHT PARLOR BROOM .69 Reg. 3.39 ZIPPER TRAVEL KITS ...................2.39 Ideal for shaving supplies and cosmetics Buy Now And Save DON B. M O SS FIRESTONE DEALER STORE You’re on the “right end” when you come to the Nyssa Auto Body shop for body and paint work for your old car. We spec ialize in making old cars look like new. . . . May we serve you? When you need wrecker service. . . call us. In addition to Its 40 branches throughout Oregon, also affiliated with the First National Bank of Portland are 10 other Oregon banks DEPOSITS First National Bank of Portland and 40 branchoa............................................................ $511,399,444.27 10 other Oregon Bank* affiliated with Firat National Bank of Portland...................... 90,215,472.57 T O TA L DEPO SITS........................................... $ 6 0 1 , 6 1 4 , 9 1 6 . 8 4 LOANS AND DISCOUNTS Fir«t National Bank of Portland and 40 brancho*............................................................ $108,516,983.05 10 other Oregon Bank* affiliated with Firat National Bank of Portland........... .......... 10,567,255.35 TO TA L LOANS AND DISCO U N TS............. $ 1 1 9 , 0 8 4 , 2 3 8 . 4 1 NY 5 $AA/Jo ßodqShop. l" COMPUTE 800Y & PAINT SHOP W P tC K fB JtPVICt — ^ ^ class d e p t . qG&cnw - M E M B E R FEDERAL. DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION