Classified Advertising building just completed. Building is 50 by 70 with modern two bed- 1 room apartment. Excellent locat.on | with parking area In Iront and rear. Best of construction. Must ce seen to be appreciated. Bern arc. Eastman. Phone 64. 7Ntlc K.\TEfc>: Two cents per word for each Issue. Alter one month eat per word. Minimum, cash In advance, la 30c. For Sale mg done. Vale Electric Hatchery, Vale, Oregon, phone 2922. 2Jtlc. FO R SALE— New two-bedroom home with full basement, furnace and stoker. Tnis Is In an excellent location. Can be financed under F. H. A. Bernard Eastman. 9Jtfc. PH YSIC IAN S S A R A Z IN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K E. Kerby Physician and Surgeons L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon FYione 37 ^ R o u rs : 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Dally—Except Sunday WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector lor U n ic i Pacific O N TA R IO OREGON OPTOM ETRISTS DR. J. A. M C FALL DR. JOHN E ASLY DENTISTS J. R. C U N D A LL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON F. F. BODMER Dentist Ph. 187W Wilson Bldg. TANK CLEANING Phone 21, Ontario, Ore FLO O R SANDING New or old floors sand ed perfectly. Large commercial machine and experienced oper ators. Telephone Boise 6189R. Cess pools and septic tanks cleaned. Phone 256 or write box FLOOR LAYING AND 221, Caldwell, Idaho SANDING HAY BUYER Refinished, Filled, Varnished By Experienced W. F. JAH N Dealer in hav and Grain Third at Good Ave. JE W E LR Y STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time 1 rupee tor JEW ELRY — DIAM ONDS f WATCHES Main Street a. Second Men W rite N. J. Barnett Marsing, Idaho Sales Service Supplies W O R LD FAM OUS ELECTROLUX Cleaner & A ir Purifier E. R. Anderson Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, ___ Weiser, Idaho___ be vacated, within five L e g a l Advertising RESOLUTION 135 Resolution Declaring Intention to and Commencing Proceedings for Vacation of a Portion of Green Avenue. WHEREAS, The following de scribed portion of Green Avenue In the City of Nyssa, Malheur County. State of Oregon, at this time Is not used or needed for purposes of public travel or con veniences, and the area thereof is valuable for puposes of the ad jacent owners, and it Is deemed In the Interests o f the City of Nyssa that such portion of Green Avenue be closed, to-wlt: All that portion of Green Avenue In Green Addition to the C ity cf Nyssa, lying between the Westerly line of the Oregon Short Line Railroad Right of Way and a line 80 feet West of and parallel to said Westerly line, and NOW. THEREFORE. BE It R e solved. By the Common Council ol the City of Nyssa, Oregon, as follows: Section 1. That the City of Nyssa. Oregon by and through its Common Council hereby determine and de clares the Intention of such City and Council to commence and in itiate a proceeding for the vacation of the following described portion of Green Avenue In the City of Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon: All that portion of Green Avenue in Oreen Addition to City of Nyssa lying between the Westerly line of the Oregon Short Line rail road Right of W ay and a line 80 feet West of and parallel to said Westerly line, in the manner provided by Chap ter 269. Oregon Laws 1931. Section 2. That Notice of Resolu tion and Proceedings for Vacation of that portion o f Oreen Avenue In Oreen Addition, shall be given by publication of notice once each week for four consecutive and successive weeks, and for five pub- liations. In the Nyssa Gate City Journal, a weekly newspaper print ed and published at Nyssa. Ore gon. and by posting o f a copy of the notice at each end o f such portion of Oreen Avenue proposed A p a g i - days after the first publication of such notice, and tnat the time fixed for the hearing upon such matter hereby is fused for the 14th day of January. 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the Council ( Room In the City Hall In Nyssa. FOR SALE Several good 80'S priced from ' Oregon, at which time mterestea persons may appear and file ob *12.000 to *20.000. Fifteen acres In Apple valley, 2- jections or remonstrances in writ room house, cow shed, chicken ing. Adopted this 10th day of Dec. house. 3 miles from Nyssa. *3800. 20 acres Langton's' corner— 15 1947. R. O. Whitaker irrigable. Chairman of Council 1 acre of ground. 2-room house, \ttest E. K. Burton price *3000. Three-room house, fully fur tecorder leal nished, close In. FOR SA LE — By owner, 120 acres, 38 Irrigable, could be row crop. 18 dairy cattle, team of horses and machinery. House with pressure water system and fair out-bulld- Also have unimproved acreages F O R SALE— Two-bedroom house ings. Ben Shaw, Gem Ave., route KEN RENSTROM. REAL ESTATE with hardwood floors. Two baths. 2, Nyssa. 26D3xp. Phone 47J Furnace. Full basement. Double garage. Good location. Extra large FOR SALE—Automobile Insurance FOR SALE— Electric hot water lot. Can be financed under F. H. Public Liability, Property Damage heaters with inter-locking ther A. Bernard Eastman. 9Jtfc. Fire, Theft and Collision. Placei mostat. 40 gallon capacity. Nys In the best companies at lowe<- FO R SALE— 15 tons long hay in sa Furniture Co. Phone 149-W. possible rates. Bernard Eastman. stack at our Nyssa plant site. Ida 2Jtfc. ho Canning Co., Payette. Idaho. 14FU 9J2xc. FOR SALE—Three acres, close In SALE— White Leghorn pull- FOR S A LE — One ton grain-tight Bernard Eastman. 29Atfc ec« New Coronado cream separ two-wheel trailer. See Harvey Otis, 2J2xp ator electric type. One two-way Adrian. WANTED John Deere plow, horse drawn. Carl FOR SALE —Local taxi business Mitzel, 3 4 miles west on Colum W ANTED To hire large caterpillar Will sell to highest bidder. See bia avenue. 9J lxp. with driver. See Frank T. Morgan any day ueiween 9 a. m. and 5 p. 12Dtfc FO R SALE— 1936 Ford coupe, ex m., six blocks north on Second. 2j2c tra good engine, good tires and W ANTED— Beauty operator. Owy body, see, Phillip D. Clowers. Vet FOR SALE— New army Stude- hee Beauty Shop. 12Dtfc. housing apt. No. 3. 9Jlxp. baker truck, with Olsen beet bed. See or call D. H. Christensen. WANTED— To buy anything in FO R SALE O R TR AD E — 1938 Phone 016J4. 2J2xc or "eal. Also buy banger cows Uulck 8 Special, good condition, *1150. Johnny Turner, Nyssa Ore FOR S A L E - 1 Ford Ferguson or will handle for hide and offali 22Atfc gon. Rt. 1., % A. C. Hawkins. 9Jlx. tractor mower, heavy duty type. Phone 31M or OllJl Two miles west of Deseret Sheep FO R SALE— Rotler boring bar and company ranch. Robert Runcorn. W ANTED— Wll. buy any mode. hone; Black and Decker valve re 2J2xp. Willys cars, highest prices paid telephone 141J. Watts Motor com facer; acetylene welding generator mounted on four wheels, complete FOR SALE— Cedar shingles. Zack pany, Nyssa, Oregon, authorized 26Dtfc. dealer, Malheur and Payette coun and new; tap and die set, 4 to 14 Walker, phone 28-R. inch standards, new; Black and ties. lAttc. Decker drill with 4 inch chuck, FOR SALE— New four-room house and one ton chain block. Associat with bath. Good location, 50 by 120 W ANTED -Dead or worthless ani ed Oarage, Vale, Oregon. 9J2xp. lot. Partly furnished, including el- mals, norses, cows, calves, sheep eceric refrigerator. Bernard East and hogs Phone collect Nyssa 102W. FO R SALE— 130 ewes. Lambing man. 12Dtfc Payette 560J3. Frultlund 3713 or will start January 10. Marion I. Nampa 1000. 7Mtfc Smith, Gamble Island, 2 miles FOR SALE—Choice 235 acre fare; north of Nyssa. 9J3xp. on bench, for sale reasonable. M 1 SC E LL A N EX>U S ~ Southwest of Nyssa, 160 acres row FO R SALE— Tw o choice building crop land. See Frank T. Morgan. MISCELLANEOUS— Sewing mach lots In Adrian, basement excavated. 5Dtlc ines wanted, treadles, portaoles ana Phone 412-M Ontario or write Apt. electrics, any condition. W ill pay 3F, veterans housing project, Ont j top prices. Phone 247M, P. O. Box FOR SALE— Roll-away beds, ario, Oregon. 2J2xp j 608, 469 So. First St. F. “ Lete” complete with mattresses. Nys Sackett, Ontario. Rebuilding, elec FO R SALE— 80 acres, 40 under sa Furniture Co. 2Jtfc. trifying, repairing. 5Dtfc. pump, six-room house, electric lights, pressure water system, good MISCELLANEOUS— Storage. See chicken house, 20 by 60, $6000. In FOR SALE 1 4 —2 4 H. P. gaso Jake at Fix-It shop. SAtlc International. Leo quire Journal office or write, P. O. line ' engine. box 310, Rt. 1, Ontario, Oregon. File, Phone 05R-2. 28Ntfe. M IS C E LLAN E O U S-F or better ra dio service bring vour radios to 9Jtfc. FOR SALE— Eating potatoes. *1 Newsom Furniture store. Gene Sey- FOR,'SALE or Trade— 1942 Stude- cwt. Bring your sack. L. J. Joseph- bold, radiotrician. 13JtIc baker pick-up, 1936 Ford pick-up, son and Son. Phone 392-J, Payette, 1939 Ford truck, 1 1/2 ton. Zack Idaho. 3!Otfc M ISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate oar and cylinder lock keys made. Gam- Walker, phone 28-R. 2Jtfc 250afc Gem Potatoes For Sale. ole store. F O R SALE— Baby chicks. New Any quantity. Ed Jamison, phone BUTCHERING Hampshire Reds, White Rocks, 65-J. 2Jtfc. Custom butchering every Mon Buff Minorcas. White Leghorns day and Friday. Beef, sheep am F O R S A L E— New commercia and Austra Whites. Custom hatch- Yne mile west of Nyssa on Alberti ivenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtii ,)ork. Sanitary Dutcnerlng guaran- ;eed Phone 05R1. All stock musi .■ome In Thursday or Sunday after noon between 12 o’clock and 6. No stick accepted on butchering day Professional And Business Direciory to TH U RSD AY. J A N U A R Y 9, 1947 C IT A T IO N In The County Court of the Stale of Oregon For The County of Malheur IN TH E M A T T E R O F THE 3STATE OF M A L L IE J. GREELEY DECEASED TO all persons interested In the estate of Mallie J. Greeley, de- eased, including the heirs and text of kin: Everett L. Miller, the duly quali- .ied and acting Administrator ot .he estate of Mallie J. Greeley leceased, haring filed herein Ills iuly verified petition for an order if this Court authorizing and di recting him as such Administrator to sell the real estate belonging to said deceased, for the purpose of securing funds necessary for the payment of the debts and fun eral expenses of said deceased: It was ordered by said Court that a citation Issue directing all per sons Interested in said estate, in cluding the heirs and next of kin to appear, and you are hereby re quired to appear before the County Judge of Malheur County, State ol Oregon, within ten days from the date of the service of this Citation upon you, if served within Malheur County, and within 20 days if served in any other County of this State, if personally served, or with in 28 days from the date of the first publication of this citation and show cause if any you have, why a license should not be granted for the sale o f the real estate de scribed in said petition. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court o f Malheur County this 3rd day of December. 1946. H. S. SA CK E TT. Clerk By Glenn E. Pierce, Deputy A. L. Fletcher Attorney for said Administrator First pub. Dec. 12, 1946. Last pub. Jan. 9, 1947 NOTICE OF F IN A L H E AR IN G NOTICE H EREBY IS G IVEN, that A. L. Fletcher, Administrator of the estate of Marquis H. Lock wood, Deceased, has filed in the County Court o f Malheur County, Oregon, his first and final account of his administration and that Monday, January 13, 1947 at the hour of two o'clock p.m. and the County Court Room in the City of Vale, Oregon, have been fixed by the court as the time and place lor the hearing on said aocount, when and where any person inter ested in said estate may appear, file objections in writing thereto and be heard thereon. Said account Is for final settlement and upon being settled and approved, said estate will be closed and said Ad ministrator discharged. First Pup. Dec. 12, 1946 Last pub. Jan. 9, 1947 A. L. Fletsuer, Administrator Estate of Marquis H. Lockwood, Deceased. NEW YEAR’S DINNERS SERVED IN ADRIAN A D R IAN (Special)— Mr. and Mrs. F. E. D effer entertained at a New Year’s dinner for Mrs. F. E. Defier of Nebraska. Joe Cawdery of Wen atchee, Washington and Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and Mervin and Donna Maria. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dierking celebrated New Year’s with a dinn er for Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lomax of Parma. Betty Lomax and Bever ly Hill of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steelman and Donna Lee of Adrian and Norma Jean Dier king. Kenneth Elliot and Betty Moore were among the young people of Adrian who returned to their res pective schools after spending the holidays in their homes. Raymond and Martha Mar shall of Ersklne, Canada, cousins of Mrs. Dollie McCreary, Susie Johnson and Mrs. Dollie Mc Creary were visitors In the home of Mrs. Threlma Elliot during the holidays. Mrs. K. I. Peterson and Donna Maria. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steel man and Donna Lee were shopp ers in Ontario Friday. Mrs. Elmer Sparks and Wayne and Mrs. A. C. Henderson were shoppers in Ontario Friday. Mr and Mrs. George DeHaven and family were guests In the R E. Dille home New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb and Dickie were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kriegh New Year's day. Dorothy Toomb and Elmer John son were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs Henry Magruder at the H. R. Otis home Thursday ot last week. Mrs. Gayle Martin and Mrs. Edwin W illis were In Nyssa on business Saturday. C. M. Beaumont and Miss May BETTY EVERY ONE OF.QOD5 j/ CREATURES IS HERE FOR A USEFUL PURPOSE^ ACE" NEWâO„M SCIE HOW WHAT DO W E LEARN FROM 1\Ht MOS QUITO, BETTY S U E ? ---- WE LEARN FROM THE^ MOSQUITO KGW EASY IT \S Tb GET S fU N Û .;— r The purpose of the NEW SOM F U R N ITU R E C O M PA N Y is to give you the finest furniture and the most economical appliances. . . .and save you money. Our stock is complete. . .prices low. Come in today and see our Bcn- dix radios and listen to records. Beaumont of Kingman Kolony and at the. Oral Hite home were Mr. who Is 111 Mrs. Ralph Jones of Boise spent Robert Toomb of Nyssa were din and Mrs. Werner Peutz and Mr. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W ill and Mrs. Woodie Brewer and son, the week-end visiting her daugh iam Toomb Friday. Danny, and Mrs. Bertha Oreen ter, Mrs. Byrd Walters. Mrs. Threlma Elliot, Mrs. W. of Ontario. Prayer meeting will be held at H. Bunch and Mrs. Donald Brewer charivari and dance for Mr. were in Boise on business Monday. and Mrs. Bud Charland were held the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Betty Jean Toomb returned home at the Sunset valley hall Friday Corfleld Tuesday evening, Janu Sunday morning after spending a night. ary 14 at 8 o'clock. week visiting her grandparents. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ditty and NEWS OF RECORD and Mrs. Conrad Martin in Clarks- Mrs. A. L. Atkeson and daughter, ton, Washington and her sister, Bonnie of Nyssa were Sunday ev M AR R IAG E LICENSES Dorothy Toomb In Reuben, Idaho. ening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cecil Faw o l Ontario, ami School was resumed Monday in Werner Peutz. Donna Marie Jacobson of Vale. Adrian and Kingman Kolony a f Mr. and Mrs. Jay Duncan and CO M PLAIN TS, C IR C U IT COURT ter a two-weeks vacation. fam ily of Payette were dinner , Estei Bayless Moser vs. Nellie Mrs. F. E. Defier, Sr., and Joe guests of Mrs. Martha Klingback Moser. 12/31/46. Divorce. Cawdery left Friday for W enat Tuesday. I PE TITIO N S, PROBATE COURT chee Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tallman Guardianship of Ronald R Frank Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright and son, Mr. and Mrs. Donald lin, et. al. and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cart Brewer and Fled Klingback were Estate o f Emily Elizabeth Ruz- wright ot the Big Bend commun Sunday afternoon callers In the lcka, deeased. ity were dinner guests Sunday ot John Jarvis home in Adrian. • Estate of James L. Gray, deceas Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg and ed. in Adrian. daughter, Annette, were Sunday , Estate of Joseph Arthur Black, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks and guests In the Klingback home. I deceased. Wayne were New Year's dinner Don Franklin, who Is in the ser I Estate of John B. Boston, deceas guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. vice, arrived last week from the ed. Henderson. South Pacific by way of San Fran Mr. and Mrs. Harry Looney and cisco and Is vlsting his wife at the two sons of Payette and Mr. and '• home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Looney and three j Mrs. Lynn Kygar. children of Caldwell were New, Mrs. Lee Householder Is visiting Year's day dinner guests at the a friend, Mrs. Taylor of Emmett, Bill Looney home. lsrs. Zola Coon, May and Betty V E T E R IN A R IA N Coon and Mrs. Lorraine Glennon and tow sons, all o l Emmett, vis ited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Box D Phone 135.J Henderson, Sunday. Real Estate' Insurance Mrs. Georgia Parker and chil dren, Betty Korman and daugh Nyssa. Oregon ter. Kristine, Anna Sparks and Phone 64 Wayne, Ruth Looney and children atteuded the birthday party lor Nyssa, Oregon Little Linda Bishop in the Big Bend community Friday aftemocn. Mrs. Vernon Parker entertained at a birthday party Thursday, Jan uary 2 for her son, Bobby on his ninth birthday. Bill Looney went to Emmett on business Saturday. Dr.J.H. Berger B ernard Eastm an ARCADIA SUNDAY SCHOOL ELECTS AR C A D IA (Special)— Mrs. Otis Bullard was elected superintendent of the Sunday school December 29. Tomy Bates wes elected secretary- treasurer; Otis Bullard, teacher of the young people’s class; Mrs. Ellis Warner, adult teacher; Mrs. Clyde Bowers, Junior teacher, and Mrs. George Moeller, primary teacher. Mrs. Lily Dement o f Myrtle Point, Oregon, who spent the hol idays here left Saturday for her home. She was accompanied by Wilma Bullard and Marjory Crook. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and family and Mrs. Anna Dail were business visitors in Boise Jan uary 30. Miss Marjory Crook of Notus spent FT-iday night at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller. The Idaho Power company built a line to the John Lucero home last week. Miss Alice Warner was absent from school last week with septic sore throat. Fred Schilling Is building a new room onto his house. Ethel Bullard returned to Her- miston after spending the holidays here with relatives. Carol and David Garren spent the holidays In Glenwood and Okanaga, Washington with friends. Several skating parties have been held recently on Arcadia lake. Students who returned to school this week after spending the hol idays here were Van Ure and G er ald Zittercob to Corvallis, Beverly Ure and Eunice Brady to Eugene and Wilma Bullard to Portland. Olin Lay has had a well drilled on his farm. Signs Paii nted. Patterson Sign C L ™ 233 N o r t h F ir s t S tre e t N y s s a , O re g o n Health Through Chiropractic Chiropractic is a system of treatment design ed to restore health, through the adjustment of the bony articulations (joints) of the body, es pecially o f the spinal column, to restore the nor mal functions o f these parts. This restores the normal flow o f blood, lymph and nerve energy to the various organs and parts o f the body to increase their vitality, giv ing the individual a better feeling o f well-being COMMUNITY CLUB TO HOLD MEETING and a freedom from dis-ease. O W YH EE (Special)— The regular meeting of the Owyhee Community club well be held Thursday, Jan uary 16 at the home of Mrs Dorothy Fox. Mr and Mrs. Werner Peutz en tertained at dinner FYlday evening for Mrs. Mildred Hite and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hite. Mr and Mrs. Lew McCoy of 8un- I set valley were guests at dinner Sunday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. Hugh Olenn. Guests at a New Year's dinner unless you have tried chiropractic. You cannot say everything possible was done PHYSIOTHERAPY ELECTROTHERAPY DR. EDWIN W. OLDHAM D.C. Chiropractic Physician Over Dime Store Nyssa, Oregon wn v THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RNAL, NYSSA, OREGON