____ T H E N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO URNAL, NYSSA, OKEGON PAG E SIX TH U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2, 1047 Mrs. E. G. Stunz, Miss Margaret Barnett and Mr. Cotton, and trav­ fam ily were dinner guests at the Sarazin, Miss Martha Browne, and eling prize by Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Willard Bennett home in Parma Sunday. Miss Mardi Bailee. Kingrey. | The couple left for Portland for —I— a short wedding trip, before return- MISS IV Y JUNE CARVER WEtXsS O. E. S. W IL L MEET j ing to Corvallis, where they will Now making their home in Nys­ Golden Rule chapter No. 131, make their home. sa, Oregon, alter an L. D. S. tem­ Mr. Bauer Is attending Oregon ple marriage in Salt Lake, are Order ol the Eastern Star, will State college In Corvallis and Mrs. meet January 6. bride's roses, tied with white Bauer Is an instructor In the chem­ Mr. and Mre. E. Vern Beesley. BARBARA LARSO N W EDS A social hour will be held alter A double-ring ceremony was istry department there. the business meeting. Mrs. Olive Mis« Barbara Carolyn Larson, streamers of nbbon and forget- performerd Wednesday, November F ifty relatives and friends at­ Rogers, newly-elected worthy mat­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond me-not flowers. tended Che ceremony and recep­ 27. by Robert I. Burton in the pres­ ron, and Mrs. Eva Chadwick, new­ Miss Lucille Sallee, maid of hon­ Larson of Nyssa became the bride ence of the hrides parents, Mr. ly-elected associate matron, will tion. o f George R. Bauer of Corvallis or, wore a formal dress of seafoam and Mrs. Royal O. Carver, the be in charge oi the entertainment - I - at a double-ring ceremony in the green and carried a nosegay of M AR R IE D IN IDAHO bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. and refreshments. home of her parents in Nyssa, Sun­ sweetpeas and roses. Miss Evelyn Marie Evans and Robert H. Beesley. and Mr. and - I - day, December 29. The bride's mother wore a black John A. Church were united ir* Mrs. Johnny Maw. SO C IE T Y HOLDS M EETING The bride was given In marriage dress with black accessories, ana marriage at a candle-light service The Women's Society oi the On Friday evening, November 29, by her father, with Rev. George wore a corsage of gardenias. Mrs. December 22 at the home of the a reception was held in the Plain Methodist church held its Christ­ Whipple officiating. V. Benita of San Jose, mother of bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C lif­ The bride wore a traditional the bridegroom, wore a dress of ton Evans In New Meadows, Ida­ City L. D. S. ballroom with over mas party at the home of Mrs. white satin wedding gown and a 500 guests attending. The bridal Bert Lienkaemper last Thursday teal blue with black accessories, ho. Juliet cap made of lace and seed and a corsage of gardenias. The ceremony was performed by party stood before a background afternoon, with Mrs. Henry H art­ pearls with finger-tip veil. Her ley as co-hostess. Warner Bauer, brother of the Rev. H. J. Rightmier of McCall. of seven-branch candelabra. bouquet was of gardenias and white bridegroom, was best man. Ray- Mrs. Helen Grimm, Bancroft, Ida­ Mrs. Carlas Buchner gave a de­ The bride, the former Ivy June mend Larson, Jr., Dick Tensen and ho, aunt of the bride, was matron Carver, wore a wedding gown of votional program, which was bas­ j f honor and Mr. Thomas Church, white imported pure silk, with ed on '’Christmas Customs of Oth­ Robert Eldridge were ushers. After the ceremony a reception brother of the groom was best man. lace yoke and skirt en train. The er Lands '. The group sang Christ­ The bride wore a lovely bridal was held at the home of the bride's veil, fingertip length and lace trim, mas carols. parents, with Mrs. Prank Van Pet- gown of white lace bodice with Each person opended a gift from Insurance ten of Ontario, and Mrs. A. C. Sal­ ulle skirt and finger-tip veil, held was held in place at the head with Real Estate* i lee of Nyssa, presiding at the table. back by gardenias, with a bridal a halo of lace and orange blos­ the Christmas tree. The gifts were Mrs. George Mitchell was in charge oouquet of pink and white carn- soms. Her bouquet was an orchid for the church kitchen, however, rather than personal gifts. of gifts. Mrs. Hilda Tensen played itions, lilies of the valley and chry­ and white roses. Phone G4 the wedding march and incidental santhemums. Attending the bride were her -5 - Nyssa, Oregon Following the ceremony, the bride sister, Miss Nadine Carver, dressed piano selections. F A M IL Y G ATH E R S Assisting about the rooms were cut the three-tiered cake. Mrs. Ev­ in a pink lace and net model, The home of Mr. and Mrs. Les­ ans served cake, ice cream and cof­ the bridegroom's sister, Miss Don­ lie Burbanks of route 1, Nyssa, was fee to the guests. I the gathering place of members of Dr. G. W . Graves Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Church and na Beesley, In a blue net, as brides­ the family of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh maids, and little Virginia Clifford Don M. Graham Bob, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bagley, Sr. The group spent Christ­ Maurice Burrell, were present, as as the flower girl in a pale green mas eve opening gifts and visit­ O PTO M E TR IST were the bride's brothers, C liff of net formal. They carried nose­ ing. On Christmas dinner was serv­ Insurance Agency Payette and T/Sgt. Donald Evans gays of chrysanthemums and rose­ ed to the following persons: Mr. Eyes Examined of Fort Laughton. Washington. A buds. and Mrs. Hugh Bagley, Sr., Mr. and few family friends of New Mead - 1 Rex Beesley, brother * of the Mrs. Hugh Bagley, Jr. and sons, ows were present. Phone 720 Mr. and Mrs. Newbern Glenn and Fire and Automobile bridegroom, was best man. After a short honeymoon in Og- , The mother of the bride wore sons, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beck den and Salt Lake City the couple and son, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bur­ Insurance mother of 718 Arthur St. will make their home In Nyssa. | a brown suit. The banks and children and Mr. and the bridegroom wore a black crepe Mrs. Le Roy Sohinn and son. I dress. Both wore corsages of pink Rentals Bonds Caldwell, Idaho HOLDS C H RISTM AS P A R T Y , At 5 o’clock a fam ily group pic­ Marian Grace Brown entertained carnations and rases. ture was taken at Grant’s studio 18 of her friends at a Christmas | Assisting were Mr. and Mrs. of the parents and five children, party at her home Saturday even- ! Elmer Carver, Mrs. Wilford Eng­ except for one son, Owen Bagley, ing. December 21. After Che group land, Thair Carver, Miss Ina Car­ of Montpelier, Idaho, who was un­ had played games, refreshments ver, Miss Wilma McFarland, Mrs. able to attend. The reunion marked were served by the hostess and her Rex Beesley, Mrs. Frank Skeen, the first time in 14 years that the mother, Mrs. Burnall Brown. fam ily had been together Christ­ Misses Lora Gaye Carver, Jean mas. and Joan Skeen, Beverly Johnston, GUESTS IN BOISE —« — Mr and Mrs. Hugh Bagley, Jr., Carol Folkman, and Anna Meryl C H R ISTM AS D INN ER SERVED England. MLss Donna Parker, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bagley, Sr., A group of relatives gathered at and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Schinn Myrtle Davis and Mr. Allan Davis the home of W yatt Smith, north­ FOR BUYER AND SELLER OF MEAT were dinner guests at the Major and Mrs. Allan Davis furnished the east of town, for dinner Christmas. W eekly market report for Tues., Dec. 31, 1940 Bagley home in Boise Monday. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. program. —t — Prior to her marriage the bride James Chard of Lucas, Kansas. Fat steers: $18 to $20.10. Medium steers $17 to $19 Bulls *14 to HAVE SLUMBER P A R T Y was entertained by former school­ Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Smith and $14.75 Choice cows $14 to $15. Heifers $18 to $20.20. Veal calves Miss Lorraine Fischer entertain­ mates at the home of Mrs. Roy family, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dor­ $13 to *19. ed some of her friends at a slumb­ man, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Chard and Miller. The evening was spent in Hheep: Lambs *12.50 to $17.50. er party New Year's eve. sons, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Chard making a bride's book. Hogs: Top fat hogs $23.50. Feeders $18 to $21. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ewen The bride Is a graduate of W e­ Chard and family, Mr. and GUESTS A T DINNER Mrs. Receipts for this week including, cattle 546, Mr. und Mrs. O. E. Dorman and ber college, where she was a mem- I Ernest Smith and family, Mr. and ber of the social club Chanodo,' Mrs. Clara Beam were Sunday din­ Mrs. John Bretz and family, Mr. hogs 225, sheep 192. ner guests of Mr. adn Mrs. Henry the W. A. A. and the Pep club. and Mrs. Glen Brown and daugh­ Sherwood and Frank. ters, Mrs. Glenn McGinnis and The bridegroom, a graduate of ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. _ f - Mrs. Rhoda Mettlen, Miss Davis high, fulfilled an L. D. S. sons, “Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” C O U NC IL W IL L MEET mission In the central states, and j The ladies council of the Christ­ Cols. Ellis White and Clayt Tschirgi (Schirge), served in the Pacific theatre of I'll 00 TO THE SHOW ian church will hold its first meet­ war 28 months, being honorably Auctioneers ing of the new year at the home WITH YOU,’CAUSE SISTER'S of Mrs. Mary Marshall Thursday discharged In April, 1946. O N T A R IO — 413-M F R U IT L A N D — 522 — 5— afternoon, January 9. DOWN W ITH F L U ------- QUESTS A T D INN ER —5— Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rigney and E N T E R T A IN A T D INN ER AND AAOAA’S GONE. TO Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown had several guests for Chtstmas din­ ner. They were Mr. and Mrs. Gamp- j bell Baer and their two children, Beverly and Billy, Dan Wesierski Circulating o f Milwaukee. Wisconsin and Mr. TO GET A PRESCRIPTION and Mrs. Boyd Brown and son of F IL L E D • Boise. Ph on . 106 — ? — GU FISTS A T DINNER Christmas dinner guests at the H. R. Sherwood home were Mr and TH UR SD AY & FRIDAY, JA N U A R Y 2-3 Electric Mrs. O E. Cheldelln, Donna Jean A distinguished motion picture returns to and Phyllis. thrill you anew! —5 HONOR FRIENDS David O. Selznick’s Dr. and Mrs. Forrest Bodmer en­ “REBECCA” tertained at a bridge party at their home In honor o i Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine and George Sizes 15, 32, 42 and 52 Dwight Wyekoff of Corvallis Satur­ Sanders day evening, December 21. gallons. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs The Academy Award Winner o f its year. Herb Smith o f Corvallis, Mr. and Please note— A two hour, 25 minute show Mrs. Lloyd Wilson. Mr and Mrs. Houston Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. starting at 7 and 9:25 each evening. Edward Boydell. Mrs. Houston W il­ Evening prices 40c-9c, Inc. Tax. son and Dwight W yekoff won priz­ es at cards. SATURDAY, JA N U A R Y 4 -5 - SERVE C H R ISTM AS DINNER Plumbing Shop DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM M r .and Mrs. Dean Smith en­ Albert Dekker, Evelyn Ankers in tertained at Christmas dinner for “THE FRENCH KEY” Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Tucker and «ons, Mr and Mrs. Afton Paris Also Roy Rogers, Dale Evans in of Pocatello and Mr. and Mrs “UNDER N EVAD A SKIES” Maronl Tucker of Blackfoot. Idaho. m rm Bernard Eastman ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY Farr and Earl Chard, all of Nys­ sa. Too Late to Classify W ANTED— Riders to share ex­ F A M IL Y REUNION HELD penses to Oakland, California, leav­ A family reunion was held Dec­ ember 22 at the home of Mr. and ing about January 8. W rite P. O. 2Jlxp. Mrs. A. R. Roberts. Present were box 490, Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Orcutt and son and Rex Orcutt oi Seattle, Mr. FOR SA LE — 1 Ford Ferguson tractor mower, heavy duty type. and Mrs. L. T. Rea of Meridian, Two miles west of Deseret Sheep Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Roberts, Jr., company ranch. Robert Runcorn. and son oi Nampa and Miss Mabel LOST— Big, black male German Roberts of Ontario. The Roberts pointer, answers to name of Blooch. reunion was the first held in lour Reward, call 74R. 2Jlxc years. FOR SALE— New army Stude- baker truck, with Olsen beet bed. NEW Y E A R S P A R T Y HELD See or call D. H. Christensen. 2J2xc Mrs. R. G. Whitaker and Mrs. Phone 016J4. C. W. Buchner were hostesses to FO R SALE— Heavy springer H ol­ members of their bridge club and stein heifer. Leslie Robbins. 1/4 their husbands at a New Year's mile east o f old hotel in Apple eve party and midnight supper at valley. 2Jlxp the Whitaker home. Prizes for the card games were given to Mrs. FO R SALE— One ton grain-tight Grant Rinehart, Mrs. L. A. Maul- two-wheel trailer. See Harvey Otis. ding, Bernard Eastman, and Car­ Adrian. 2J2xp los Buchner. FOR SALE— 840 feet of dry floor­ — 5— ing. some new windows, 1 daveno, B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y HELEL- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bennett en­ good condition. Warren Kelch, west 2Jlxp. tertained at a party in honor oi 7 th. Mrs. Ed Jamison last Thurs lay i V t ALW AV6 W O N D E R E D evening, the occasion being Mi'3. Jamison's birthday. Other guests f w asn t a p r e tty were Mr. Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. INTERESTING V IE W , C. C. Cotton, and Mr. and Mrs. -THROUGH TH‘ BARS AT TH* John Barnett. - I - i rr -5 - HAVE D INNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilson had as dinner guests last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson oi Parma. — 5— GUESTS A T DINNER Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Oiezentanner of Emmett, formerly of Nyssa, formerly of Nyssa, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Lienkaemper. ' Z O O - FROM TH' INSIDE OF T H ' O CAG ES- The N Y S S A A U T O B O D Y S H O P knows how to keep the outside and inside o f your car in a first-class condition. W e suggest body repairs, a new paint job, glass re­ placement and new up­ holstery. All work is done by experienced workmen -5 - E N T E R T A IN A T D INN ER who strive to serve cour­ Mr. and Mrs. Ron Whitaker en- I tertalned at New Year's dinner for teously at all times. IN V IT E FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hummel In­ vited friends to their home to wel­ come the new year. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McPartland won prizes at bridge. —5 - HAVE C H RISTM AS DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Ron Whitaker and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smeltzer and family were guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner and family. —i — G U IL D T O MEET St. Paul's guild of the Episcopal church will meet at the home of Mrs. Hilda Tensen at 8 p.m. Janu­ ary 8. 33 55*M)Bodi]Shop. C O M P U T E BODY f, PAINT 5H0P W PEC KC B SERVICE \J C L A S S D E P T . . qSrilO T W OWYHEE NYSSA DRUG CO. PROGRAM THEATRE O IL HEATERS Water Heaters BROWERS Mai., bat., t:$0 M m . Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. 25r-5r Inc. Tax Including Tax SU N D A Y & M ONDAY, JA N U A R Y 5-6 Splendid and stunningly beautiful entertain­ ment— A stirring love story vibrant with dram­ atic [lower, conflicting emotions, great music. “I’VE A L W A Y S LOVED Y O U ” In Technicolor with Philip Dorn, Catherine McLeod Passing Parade Mat., San., Z:30 Adm., $0c-9c, Inc. Tai Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax TUESDAY, JA N U A R Y 7 BARGAIN NIGHT DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Warner Baxter, Ellen Drew in "CRIME DOCTOR’S M A N H U N T ” Charles Starrett, Smilev Burnette in “LAND RUSH” W E D N E SD A Y & THURSDAY, JAN. 8-9 Gary Cooper, Robert Alda and Lilli Palmer in “C LO A K AND DAGGER" — Action that supercharges the blood— A tense, terrific thrill drama o f espionage and love. Latest News, Sport Subject and Cartoon A te . Erm ines. «•■ -•e , Including Tnx V IS ITO R S FETED Mr and Mrs. Millard Jensen of The Dalles. Oregon were the In­ spiration for a party given for them last Saturday evening by Dr. and Mrs. F. F Bodmer The evening was spent visiting. HOSTESSES T O PIN O CH LE CLUB The C. H. Bennett home was the scene of a pinochle party New Year's eve. Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. John Barnett, and Mrs. C. C. Cotton were co-hostesses to the members of their ladies pinochle club, the husbands, and several other guests Extra guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jami­ son. Mrs. Veda Marshall, and Mrs Ella Patton o f Boise High prizes were won by Mrs. Ella Patton and Mr Bennett sceond high by Mrs W e Now Have On Hand DAVENPORTS A T THEIR BEST, W IT H IN THE REACH OF ALL Here’s a grouping o f fine, spring filled davenports specially priced for this selling. Any furnishings plan you 1941 Ford passenger car grilles. may have in mind may be exactly com- 1939- 1940 Ford passenger car grilles. [flled with in this selection. 1940- 41 Ford pickup grilles. Cantilever jacks. Seal Beam road lamps. 700-20 10-ply truck tires. Large assortment includes famous Bilt-Well and Sleepmaster brands. Each cover has been appropriately chosen for the particular styling. 750-20 10-ply truck tires. Dr.J.H. Berger V E T E R IN A R IA N Box D 825-20 10-ply truck tires. Type N anti-freeze. New Mercury 100 H. P. motors. Phone 135J Nyssa, Oregon HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY $179 And Up Nyssa Furniture Co. Across from Reclamation Office