THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OKEGON cation in Portland and Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes were hosts at dinner Christmas. Guests OREGON TRAIL (Special)— Mrs. were Mr and Mrs. A. M. Goodson Holland Holmes honored her son, and daughters of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes and Sandra Deane, on his birthday with a of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hol party Sunday evening, December 22. mes, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Byers Guests were Mr. and Mrs. F. G. 1 and family and Bonnie Kressly. Holmes and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank Mills and Frank Roy Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Gil : Daws were Christmas dinner guests bert Holmes anad Sandra. Mr. and at the J. E. Bowen home. Mrs. L. W. Toll, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mitchell F. S. Byers and family and Bonnie and Jerry were Christmas dinner Kressly. | guests at the Norman Douglas Mr. and Mrs. William Smiley home. and sons spent the Christmas va Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes were FAMILY DINNERS SERVED ON XMAS NOTICE Class A and B Preferred Stock Certificates, dated January 1, 1935, issued by Farmers Co- Operative Creamery Co., Payette, Idaho have been called for payment in full as of January 1, 1947. Holders of these certificates are requested to present or mail them to the main office, ¡Pay ette, Idaho. FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY COMPANY Announcing Chiropractic Offices to be opened in the Fry building on or shortly after January 1, 1947. DISABLED VETERANS! Formerly instructor and director of the clin Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts Phone 56w House Need Painting? Basement Need Water- TRY CHIROPRACTIC FOR HEALTH DR. EDWIN W. OLDHAM D. C. Chiropractic Physician Proofing? Call A. B. Crews Room 32, Over Dime Store 61-J5 New JPlymoutl Olson Manure Loaders Available for Any Tractor See or Call Lester Burbank Local Representative B. & M. Equipment, Co. Inc. Caldwell, Idaho An Insured Man--A Wise Man Wise, did you say? Yes! And worry-free, too—because today, this man’s property is fully protected through our policies— including fire, accident, and auto. It’ll pay you to Frank T. Morgan JERSEY SALE REMEMBER! ic at the Western States College of Chiroprac tic and Natureopathy in Portland, Oregon. Registered And Grade Monday, January 6 PHYSIOTHERAPY — ELECTROTHERAPY “Insure in Sure Insurance” PAGE FIVE children of Klamath Fulls spent Thursday for a short vacation in Go To Corvallis— Christmas week with Mr. and Mrs. UwAngeles. where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Houston Wilson Charles Garrison of Nyssa. CHRISTIAN CHURCH relatives. While there they also left Friday for Corvallis, where he will attend Oregon State college, 6th and El. ms Sts. Go To California— plan to attend the Rose Bowl foot- ^hey have spent the holidays with Geor ge Whipp e. Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Al Chadwick left The Church of the "Christian Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilson. ____ ___ ball game on New Year's day. Call". Tune in at 8 a.m each week day except Sunday to ICiRV in On- I tario, 1450 on your dial for "The | Christian Call" of Vale, Ontario,! Weiser, Payette. Ontario, and N>s- I sa. Wednesday’s programs are con-! ducted by George Whipple of Nys-1 sa. 1 Bible school at 10 a.m. Having sold our ranch, we will sell at public auc Mor ning worship, 11 a.m. "Where- tion, our cows and farm machinery 1 mile north of unto We Have Attained, By That If You’re Experiencing Nyssa and 3 miles west on Columbia avenuje. Same Rule Let Us Walk.’’. Fellowship pot-luck dinner at Difficulty Obtaining Payette, following the morning ser vices for five churches. Junior choir practice, 7 p.m. un Civilian Work— SALE, 12:30—LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS der the direction of Thelma Flor- BULL ea. Services for all ages, 7:45, song service conducted by the young FOSTER VOLUNTEER SULTAN 445680 two »tar«. people. Sermon topic “Where Are REV. C. H. DAVIS Sire Brampton Noble W arrior, 2 stars, Cl. V. G. W ill Rev. C. H. Davis opened a ser The Dead; Man and the Nature be Silver Medal and tested sire this year. of Death.” ies of old-time revival meetings in Church ohoir practice, Thursday Dam Foster Farm Dixie 1261949. Ton of Gold. Clas- The Regular Army the Church of the Nazarene, Fifth evening at the church. jified very good. Has 2 V. G. Ton of Gold daughters. street and Good avenue, Wednes May Have Just the Open Has 1 Silver Medal excellent granddaughter R. O. M. HE METHODIST COMMUNITV day and will continue the services CHURCH •27, 501, 613, 631. every night at 8 o'clock and Sun ing For You! Rev H J. Gernhardt, Pastor Grand dam Estella Volunteer Midge 1225996, class- days at 11 a.m. through Decem Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. ber 12. There are over 100 different clas- ified excellent. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Rev. Don Campbell will speak. siflcations open for enlistment to Production records are as follows: Age 2, 485 lbs. hosts at dinner Christmas eve. Fellowship meetings, 7 pm. combat disabled veterans of World fat, 286 days; age 3, 625 lbs. fat, 300 days; age 4, 651 Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Marion TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH War II in the Army. Only 23 of lbs. fat, 305 days; age 5, 672 lbs. fat, 305 days; age Chard and daughters of Nyssa these classifications require previ OF PARMA Wayne and Bonnie Kressly and “The Church of the Lutheran Hour” ous qualified experience. This op 6, 899 lbs. fat, 303 days; age 7, 928 lbs. fat, 365 days Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mitohell and portunity for enlishment is partlc- MM; age 8, 648 lbs. fat, 305 days G ; age 9, 687 lbs. Harold A. Heckmann, pastor Jerry Thompson. Divine worship Sunday morning ulary attractive if you have an 293 days G ; age 10, 775 lbs. fat, 305 days G ; age 11, at 10 o'clock. "God’s Gift of His MOS grade in any of these 23 clas 586 lbs. fat, 300 days. NU-ACRES PEOPLE Spirit to His Son for His Task ", sifications. Here’s a good, sound, financially attractive way to step Grand Champion at Oregon State fair in 1940. ' based on Matthew 3, 13-17. ATTEND FUNERAL REGISTERED Sunday school and adult Bible up your earnings. NU-ACRES (Special)— Mr. and hour at 11 a.m. FOSTER MAC REGAL DOROTHY 1278063 Mrs. Frank Johnson and fam i Congregation voters’ meeting Sun- The Regular Army needs straight Dropped Jan. 3, 1939. Classified very good. Sire: ily accompanied Forrest Hatha ady, January 5 at 2:30 p.m. thinking combat disabled veterans way of Adrian to Chico. California Men and women interested in who possess, or are trainable in, Mac’s Glen Conclave Regal 383078. Dam Sultana for a visit with Mrs. Hathaway and learning more about the “Funda certain critically needed skills and Zell of St. Mawes 1004267. W ill freshen Feb. 8, 1947. family over the holidays. mentals of Christian Doctrine" are who meet other eligibility require Mr. and Mrs. Marion Sewell and invited to attend such a course to ments. Investigate at your nearest FOSTER BLONDE GEORGIA 1423959 be held every Sunday night from Army Recruiting Station’ immedi Dropped Sept. 9, 1941. Sire Volunteer double check 8:15 to 9:45, beginning January 12. ately as these enlistments are rap 335081. Dam Foster Farm Diana 1261950. Classified £.W. PRUYN The meetings will be held In the idly being filled. good plus. W ill freshen Feb. 27, 1947. church. Check in—talk it over! CONDUCTS REVIVAL and accessories be just as wise. Investigate our services now. Church Notes THURSDAY, JAN UARY 2, 1947 FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST- CHURCH M. J. Duncan, pastor A Bible school is being held at the First Baptist church by Rev. Duncan each Tuesday evening at 7 o’clock. We especially invite the school p children. THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE - E. J. Wilson, Pastor 10 a.m., Sunday school. 11 a.m., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dil- ly will have charge of the music and Rev. Davis will be preaching. 7:15, N. Y. P. meetings. 8 p.m., Our evangelists will have charge of the service and every night at 8 p.m. on through the 12th. 1ST SECURITY BANK BUILDING, PAYETTE, IDAHO OBSERVER FAVOR JESSIE 1483089 Dropped July 10, 1942. Classified good plus. Sire Observer Favored ¡Prince 433179. Dam Observer Blonde Jessie 1345623. W ill freshen May 18, 1947. LADY VOLUNTEER MILLY 1447026 C l i n i c p o r H a r d Q f Dropped Jan. 19, 1942. Sire Brampton Noble W arr ior 410280. Dam Volunteer Lady Goldie 1096052. Hearing at Nyssa W ill freshen Feb. 5, 1947. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL MISSION Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Second Sunday of month com munion at 9 a.m. Evening prayer service at 4 p.m. on other Sundays. Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. ev ery Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Creswick and baby left early Sunday morning for Kansas City. Missouri to attend New Aids for the funeral of Mr. Sewell's and “Hearing Happiness Mrs. Creswick's mother. Demonstration at Owyhee hotel, Mr. and Mr. Chester Sager and Friday family of Washington have been spending some time visiting in the To prove to you how much your hearing can be restored, D. C. Harley Sager home. Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Har Rush, experienced Acoustician, in ley Sager had as supper guests Mr. vites you to attend the free clinic and Mrs. Chester Sager and fami- I for the hard of hearing he will ly. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S a g e r: hold at the Owyhee hotel in Nys- and family of Nyssa and Mr. and j sa Friday, January 3, from 10 a.m. Mrs. Sager, Sr., of Emmett. ' until 6 p.m. Those attending to business in Nampa Friday were Mr. and M rs., As a result of war research, , Ac- F. A. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Cur- oustlcon P r id e s a new scientific tis Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood, bearing correction through which Paul Thompson and Henry Blanch- the degree of deafness may be ‘ fit ted” Just as one would be fitted ard. Mrs. Paul Thompson and Bobbie for a pair of glasses. and Barbara spent Christmas day Rush states that there are eight with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. different “Hearing Lenses”, each Alvie Lanfear of Caldwell. specifically designed to bring into F. A. Johnson returned from focus different portions of sound. Colorado Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnson and _ “ conversation and music. Mr. and Mrs Warren Johnson spent Sounds must be in clear “focus” Christmas with Mr. ad Mrs. Carl to be heard correctly, according to Peterson and family of Greenleaf. Rush, and normally nature provides Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans shop us with ears that focus without dif ped In Nampa Monday. ficulty, but some people, unfortun ately, have Impaired hearing. The Here For Christmas— new Acousticon gives the degree Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garrison and of correction needed to bring hear ing into clear “focus". “Unlpar” tVei*hs Only 8 Ounce«! Though complete weight of the smallest size “Super-Power” Uni- pac is no more than 7'A ounces Acousticon has a special “all-in- one-garment" made of rayon for women which weighs even less. The sealed, airtight case of the “Super- Power” model is molded of opal escent luclte making it outstanding in beauty as well as durability. To provide Acousticon users with efficient service, offices arc so located that there is one not more than 24 hours distant from you no matter where you live. If you are unable to attend the clinic, you may receive a private demonstra tion and appointment in your own home by phoning Mr Rush at the Owyhee Hotel In Nyssa. Adv. CORONATION ROSABELL MAJESTY 1458562 Dropped Mar. 10, 1943. Classified good plus. Sire Idaho Carnation 407980. Dam Majesty P. Daughter 1104609. W ill freshen Mar. 18, 1947. DUSTEE LANE GWENDIE ( Reg. pending) Dropped Feb. 20, 1944. Sire Oglethorpe Eagle Aim 426942. Dam Lady Volunteer Milly 1447026. W ill freshen Feb. 20, 1947. VOLUNTEER DARK EYES (Reg. pending) Dropped Jan. 27, 1945. Sire Foster Volunteer Sultan 445680. Dam Lady Volunteer Milly 1447026. DUSTEE LANE LADY ZIPPER (Reg. pending) Dropped Dec. 17, 1945. Sire Foster Volunteer Sultan 445680. Dam Lady Volunteer Milly 1447026. GRADE JERSEY CATTLE Star, age 9, fresh Nov. 14, 1946. Janey, age 6, fresh Dec. 2, 1946. Pinnochio, age 6, fresh Oct. 22, 1946. Nona, age 7, fresh Nov. 14, 1946. Vickie, age 4 freshen June 6, 1947. Beezie, age 4, freshen May 16, 1947. Twinkle, age 3, freshen April 17, 1947. Susiebell, age 2 yrs., 9 mos., freshen April 17, 1947. Winkle, age 3, fresh Nov. 20, 1946. 4 Large heifers. 4 Heifer calves. D.H.I.A. testing. Production and test will be given sale day. T. B. and Bang’s free. Year after year this herd has tested over 5 per cent. %, FARM MACHINERY 1 John Deere model B tractor on rubber. 1 John Deere tractor corn-potato cultivator. 1 John Deere tractor disc. 1 three-section harrow. 1 tractor buck-rake. 1 McCormick-Deering bunch rake. 1 McCormick-Deering side-delivery rake. 1 V alley Mound corrugator. 1 McCormick-Deering manure spreader. 1 John Deere tractor mower. 1 Oliver tractor mower. 1 com planter. 1 ditcher made by Peterson. 1 Burr mill. 1 iron wheel wagon. 1 sagebrush grubber. 1 cement mixer. 1 five-foot horse fresno. 1 V-8 chassis. 1 stock trailer. 1 dump trailer. 1 International gas engine. 1 Hin- man milking machine, 2 single units. 8 milk cas. 1 750-pound cream separator. 1 set good harness. 1 team, “smooth”, nice and gentle. 4 horse collars. 100 16-foot poles. 4 Iron King lettuce planters. MISCELLANEOUS 300 Bu. barley. 250 Bu. oats. About 300 sacks. 1 small stack of oat straw. 2000 feet of lumber. 1 chicken electric waterer. Feeders. Many small articles. Considerable household goods. TERMS—CASH Mr. & Mrs. James Olin, Owners Auctioneer»— Col». Bert Anderson and Joe Church Clerk— L. H. Fritta