THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Classified THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1947 PAGE THR 240tic t dares the intention of such City and Council to commence ana in­ FOR SALE—Automobile insurance. itiate a proceeding for the vacation P E T T Y S U E Public Liability, Property Damage. of the following described portion Fire, Theft and Collision. Plactu of Green Avenue in the City ol P in the best companies at lowest Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon: I 0E1SV S U E — H O W ARfc. go t h e measul j possible rates. Bernard Eastman. Y « 1 HONEY? All that portion of Green Avenue 14FtfC. H a TES: T wo cents per word (or each issue. Alter one month one | in Green Addition to City of Ny.iSa FOR SALE:— Heatrola, practically lying between the Westerly line ctni per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. new. C. M. Tensen. 19Dtfc. of the Oregon Short Line rail­ TOR SALE— Philco radio, good road Right of Way and a line 6o 19D3xp. feet West of and parallel to said eceric refrigerator. Bernard East­ condition. 299 4th street. For Sale man. 12Dtfc. FOR SALE—Three acres, close in. Westerly line, in the manner provided by Chap­ Bernard Eastman. 29AUc. ter 259, Oregon Laws 1931. FOR SALE—Local taxi business. Will sell to highest bidder. S ee' FOR SALE!— Draft regulators Section 2. That Notice of Resolu­ WANTED tion and Proceedings for Vacation any day oetween 9 a. m. and 5 p. j for oil stoves. $2.25. Nyssa Furni­ 12Dtfc. WANTED— Job by ex-service man. of that portion of Green Avenue m., six blocks north on Second. 2j2c ture Co. W M lV IM A i » tA T w « » * Will do anything. Write or see at in Green Addition, shall be given FOR SALE— Two choice building | FOR SALE—Choice 235 acre farm Collins' trailer camp. Lloyd Phar- by publication oi notice once each lots in Adrian, basement excavated.• week for four consecutive and The NEWSOM FURNITURE COMPANY has the furniture and Hotpoint oah. 2Jlxp Phone 412-M Ontario or write Apt. on bench, for sale reasonable. successive weeks, and for five pub- appliances you’ve been looking for. Yes, sir— we’re geared to meet your Southwest of Nyssa. 160 acres row WANTED To hire large caterpillar 3F, veterans housing project. Ont­ liations, in the Nyssa Gate City ario, Oregon. 2J2xp crop land. See Frank T. Morgan with driver. See Frank T. Morgan. Journal, a weekly newspaper print­ requirements. All you have to do is name it— WE’LL PRODUCE IT. 5Dtic 12Dtfc. ed and published at Nyssa, Ore­ FOR SALE— 80 acres, 40 under FOR SALE— Dry slab wood Phone WANTED— Beauty operator. Owy­ gon. and by posting of a copy ol pump, six-room house, electric 192-M Nyssa. the notice at each end of such 19D3xp. hee Beauty Shop. 12Dtfc. lights, pressure water system, good portion of Green Avenue proposed chicken house, 20 by 60, 36000. In­ WANTED— To buy anything in to be vacated, within five days quire Journal office. 2Jtfc FOR SALE— Roll-away beds, beef or real. Also buy banger cows after the first publication of such complete with mattresses. Nys­ sa Furniture Co. 2Jtfc. or win handle ror hide and offall notice, and that the time fixec FOR SALE or Trade— 1942 Stude- Phone 31M or 011J1 22Atic for the hearing upon such mattei baker pick-up, 1936 Ford pick-up, 1939 Ford truck, 1 1/2 ton. Zack FOR SALE 1&—2% H. P. gaso­ j WANTED— Wll. Duy any moae. hereby is fixed for the 14th daj Walker, phone 28-R. 2Jtfc line engine, International. Leo Willys cars, highest prices puia of January, 1947, at the hour ol 8:00 o’clock P. M. at the Council 28Ntfc. telephone 144J. Watts Motor com­ Room in the City Hall in Nyssa. Coy Christmas day. FOR SALE— Baby chicks. New Fife, Phone 05R-2. day. In Oregon. pany, Nyssa, Oregon, authorized Oregon, a t which time interested Hampshire Reds, White Rocks, FOR SALE— Eating potatoes. $1 Charlene Chritton, who Is at­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and ' Four Oregon breed associations dealer, Malheur and Payette coun­ persons may appear and file ob­ tending ICinman Business college at Buff Minorcas, White Leghorns cwt. Bring your sack. L. J. Joseph- ties. lAttC. Martha Smith of Nyssa and Bon­ will hold separate meetings Tues­ jections or remonstrances in writ­ and Austra Whites. Custom hatch­ son and Son. Phone 392-J, Payette, Spokane, spent the Christmas holi­ nie Duel of Fruitland were guests day afternoon, with the annual ing done. Vale Electric Hatchery, Idaho. 3!Otfc WANTED—Dead or worthless am- j ing. Adopted this 10th day of Dec, days with her parents, Mr. and in the O. P. Counsil dome Christ­ banquet scheduled that night. mals, horses, cows, calves, sheep Vale, Oregon, phone 2922. 2Jtfc. Wednesday's program will start Mrs. Charlie Chritton and son. 1947. and hogs. Phone collect Nyssa 102W, mas day. Gem potatoes for sale. with an address by Dr. O. H. Wll- FOR SALE— 1940 model "HN" Any A. R. Roberts, Sr., returned to R. G. Whitaker Payette 560J3. Frultland 3713 or quantity. Ed Jamison, phone Mr. and Mrs. Oral Hite and ster, head of dairy manufacturing John Deere tractor, with cultivat­ Chairman of Council his home Tuesday after being a 7Mtfc 65-J. 2Jtfc. Nampa 1000. or, power lift, Walter Obendorf, Jr., patient in the hospital because of family, Mr. and Mrs. EYed Hite at O. S. C., on new dairy products, Attest E. K. Burton and family, Mr. and Mrs. George after which Russell J. Walts, man­ 7 miles southeast of Parma, Ida­ f o r SALE— Or cash rent 37 acres MISCELLANEOUS Illness. Recorder ho. 26D2xp. adjoining Overstreet beet dump. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tosch and Johnson and family of Haines and ager of the Consolidated Dairy Seal Good land and excellent improve­ MISCELLANEOUS— Flee manure family of Prosser, Washington visi­ Jackie and Billie Wilson were Products company will speak on FOR SALE— By owner, 120 acres, guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. “New Developments In Marketing CITATION ments; 4 acres pasture, 17 acres in for fertilizer, haul it yourself. 7 38 irrigable, could be row crop. 18 hay, remainder was In grain. Phone blocks north on First, 1 east, 1 In The County Court of the State ted in the R. J. Thompson and Ed Harley Wilson. Dairy Products." E. L. Peterson, Bergam homes last week. dairy cattle, team of horses and 122-J, Nyssa. south. Leo Chard. 19D3xp. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nothels and state director of agriculture, will of Oregon 26D2XC. Charlie Schweizer was a busi­ machinery. House with pressure daughter, Clarice, spent the holi­ be the final morning speaker on For The County of Malheur ness visitor Monday in Ontario. water system and fair out-build­ F O R S A L E— New commercia MISCELLANEOUS— Sewing mach­ days visiting in Portland. “The Livestock Program of the IN THE MATTER OF THE Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen have ines wanted, treadles, portables ana ings. Ben Shaw, Gem Ave., route building Just completed. Building Mr. and Mrs. George 8chweizer State Department." ESTATE OF MALLIE J. GREELEY gone to California to spend the electrics, any condition. Will pay 2, Nyssa. 26D3xp. is 50 by 70 with modern two bed­ entertained at Christmas dinner DECEASED Committee reports will occupy winter. room apartment. Excellent location top prices. Phone 247M, P. O. Box TO all persons interested in the Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Lee most of the final afternoon session FOR SALE:— Good Poland China with parking area in front and 608, 469 So. First St. F. "Lete" hog. William Peutz, phone 01-J2. rear. Best of construction. Must Sackett, Ontario. Rebuilding, elec­ estate of Mallie J. Greeley, de­ spent from Thursday until Satur­ Householder of Owyhee, Mr. and plus talks by O. H. Ehllenwlder of ceased, including the heirs and day in Portland on business. Mrs. Kenneth Ahrens and family Carlton on "The Work of the Ore­ 5Dtfc. 26D2xc. be seen to be appreciated. Bernarc trifying, repairing. next of kin: of Nampa and Mr. and Mrs. Van gon Dairy Products Commission," Those enjoying Christmas dinner ISastman. Phone 64. 7Nttc MISCELLANEOUS— Storage. Set Everett L. Miller, the duly quali­ Scoy and family of Nyssa. and by Qlen Householder of the FOR SALE:— E3ectric hot water Jake at Fix-it shop. 8Atfc fied and acting Administrator ot in the home of Mr. and Mrs. 51 Those spending Christmas eve In Holsteln-FYleslan association on FOR SALE H. Strickland were Mr. and Mrs. heaters with inter-locking ther­ Several good 80'S priced from MISCELLANEOUS—For better ra­ the estate of Mallie J. Greeley John Strickland and daughters, the Charles Ditty home *vere Mr. "The place of the Purebred Breed­ mostat, 40 gallon capacity. Nys­ deceased, having filed herein ills $12,000 to $20,000. Betty Jean and Roberta. Mr. and and Mrs. Leslie Ditty and fami­ er In the Dairy Industry." dio service bring vour radios h sa Furniture Co. Phone 149-W. duly verified petition for an order ly of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newsom Furniture store. Gene Sey- Fifteen acres in Apple valley. 2- 2Jtfc. this Court authorizing and di­ Mrs. Ray Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. Ditty and family of Nyssa and Mr. room house, cow shed, chicken bold, radiotrician. 13Jtfc. of Leslie Robbins and Karen and REGULATIONS ON recting him as such Administrator and Mrs. Henry Hlntz and sons. house, 3 miles from Nyssa. $3800. FISHING TO BE SET to sell the real estate belonging Sharon of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. F. MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car 20 acres Langton’s corner— 15 FOR SALE— Olson manure load­ to said deceased, for the purpose A. White and Mr. and Mrs. John and cylinder lock keys made. Gam­ R. White of Ontario. The Oregon state game com­ ers, horse-drawn Moline beet cul­ irrigable. 250afc of securing funds necessary for 1 acre of ground, 2-room house, ble store. Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer mission will hold its annual hear­ the payment of the debts and fun­ tivators, Atlas land levelers. Con­ spent Christmas eve with Mr. and price $3000. eral expenses of said deceased: ing Saturday, January 11 at Its tact Lester urbank, representative For Rent Three-room house, fully fur­ It was ordered by said Court that Mrs. Kenneth Ahrens and family offices at 1634 S. W. Alder street, B and M Equipment Co., Inc., of Nampa. FOR RENT— 100 acre dairy farm a citation issue directing all per­ Portland, to consider angling regu­ Caldwell, Idaho. 26D2xc. nished, close in. Also have unimproved acreages. and 20 cows. Possession middle of sons interested in said estate, in­ Mr. and Mrs. Bud Charlend are Members of the Oregon Dairy­ lations. Seasons, bag limits and FOR SALE— Cedar shingles. Zack KEN RENSTROM, REAL ESTATE February. See Dean Fife, one mile cluding the heirs and next of kin honeymooning t h i s .week. Mrs. men's association are expected to other regulations affecting the tak­ Phone 47J north of Thompson Oil on Third to appear, and you are hereby re­ Charlend was Lucille Chadd before devote major attention to disease ing of game fish will be determined Walker, phone 28-R. 26Dtfc. street. 19D3xp quired to appear before the County her marriage last week. control at their 53rd annual meet­ for the ensuing year. FOR SALE— New four-room house FOR SALE— New grates and re­ Mrs. ChifPTes Ditty has been con­ ing in Baker January 6, 7 and 8. Judge of Malheur County, State ol Fish liberated during 1946 for BUTCHERING with bath. Good location, 50 by 120 pairs for any make of stove. Also fined to her home because of ill­ Oregon, within ten days from the i Not only has the action of the the benefit of the sportsmen in lot. Partly furnished, including el- stove pipe, dampers, nue stops Custom butchering every Mon­ date of the service of this Citation ness. I Western Oregon Livestock assoc­ Oregon lakes and streams total­ day and Friday. Beef, sheep and upon you, if served within Malheur Mabel Roberts, teacher in the iation focused attention on this led 14.698.644, In spite of the fact One mile west of Nys6a on Alberta Ontario grade school, spent her issue, but the program for the th at hatchery production was han­ County, and within 20 days if avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc vacation at the home of her par­ dairymen's meeting Just released dicapped all through the year by served in any other County of this pork. Sanitary outcnerlng guaran­ teed Phone 05R1. All stock must State, if personally served, or with­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Roberts, by Roger Morse, secretary and ex­ the scarcity of the meat products come In Thursday or Sunday after­ in 28 days from the date of the Sr. School was resumed Monday. tension dairyman at OSC, shows used for fish food, the commission E. H. Strickland was called to this subject listed for first con- announced. The total weight of noon between 12 o’clock and 6. No first pubkcatlon of this citation •tnck accepted on butchering day. and show cause if any you have, Cheyenne, Wyoming recently to a t­ I sidération. the fish released was 139,890.3 why a license should not be granted tend the funeral of his brother-in- Plan of the convention, as usual, pounds. for the sale of the real estate de­ law, Elmer Whetstone. Legal Advertising 1 calls for committee meetings Mon­ Releases Included 12, 158,416 rain­ scribed in said petition. Mr. and Mrs. James Reeder and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Witness my hapd and the seal Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parsons were day. January 6 when groups will bow trout, 468,714 cutthroat, 463, Department of the Interior of the County Court of Malheur dinner guests Christmas day of Mr. j prepare tentative reports on dis­ 576 eastern brook, 628,273 steel- Bureau of Land Management County this 3rd day of December, and Mrs. Arden Newsom of the ease control, herd improvement, head. 105.986 loch leven, 248,440 The Dalles, Ore., Nov. 19, 1946 1946. Newsom Furniture company of Nys­ dairy products promotion and res­ sllverslde, 529,789 Chinook and 5, olutions. 450 chum salmon. NOTICE Is hereby given th at Will­ H. S. SACKETT, Clerk sa. PHYSICIANS WYCKOFF Following the address of Presi­ Fish allocated to the 18 water­ iam Leon McCutcheon of Rt. 1, By Glenn E. Pierce, Deputy Mrs. Annie Gregg and Herschel Homedale, Idaho, who on Dec­ A. L. Fletcher JEWELRY STORE Gregg and children are visiting in dent Fred Knox of Oaston, opening sheds of the state Included 44,686 SARAZIN CLINIC the regular session Tuesday fore­ fish or 390 pounds In Malheur ember 14, 1942, made original home­ Attorney for said Administrator Yakima. Official Time Inspector for Dr. J. J. Sarazin stead entry, Act 6-17-02, No. First pub. Dec. 12, 1946. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson attend­ noon, P. M. Brandt of O. S. C. county. Unica Pacific 031875, for Farm Unit ‘‘B" or the Last pub. Jan. 9, 1947 Dr. K E. Kerby ed the wedding of Ruth Good In will report on “Observations at the ONTARIO OREGON S1/2S1/2 Section lo, Township 22S, Nampa December 25. Mrs. Hobson U. 8. Livestock Sanitary association Here From Salem— Physician and Surgeons I Meeting in Chicago". Dr. O. H. Range 46E, Willamette Meridian, NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Is a niece of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Ward of OPTOMETRISTS has filed notice of intention to NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phillips and Muth of the O. S. C. "veterinary Salem are spending their Christ­ L. A. Mauldin?. M. D. make final proof, to establish A. L. Fletcher, Administrator of family ate Christmas dinner at | department will speak on "Current mas vacation visiting relatives and Physician and Surgeon DR. J. A. MCFALL claim to the land above described, the estate of Marquis H. Lock- the home of her sister, Mrs. Ralph Status and Most Recent Research friends in Nyssa and vicinity. Mr. Phone 37 before Frank T. Morgan, notary wood, Deceased, has filed in the Holcomb, and family In Owyhee. I Findings on Brucellosis of Cattle Ward Is attending Willamette un­ DR. JOHN EASLY Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the County Court of Malheur County, Mr. and Mrs. Don Strickland I and Swine". Palmer Torvend, iversity In Salem, while Mrs. Ward, Daily—Except Sunday 7th day of January, 1947. Oregon, his first and final account were guests of her mother, Mrs. I Washington county agent, will con- the former Elolse Herold, who Claimant names as witnesses: of his administration and that i elude the opening sesison wittf a taught In Nyssa last year, is teach­ Charlie Hawk, Clarence MdKague, Monday, January 13, 1947 at the Hazel Kressley of Nyssa, Wednes­ j report on artificial insemination ing in the Salem public schools. DENTISTS day. F. E. Dazey and Durward Jurg- hour of two o'clock p.m. and the Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reffett spent enson, all of Rt. 1, Homedale. Ida, County Court Room In the City J. R. CUNDALL Grace Oavlre Lewis, of Vale, Oregon, have been fixed a few days last week visiting her Dentist Acting Manager by the court as the time and place parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry And­ Phone 66-J erson of Klamath Falls. Oregon. First pufb. Nov. 28. 1946 Phone 21, Ontario, Ore for the hearing on said account, Sarazin Clinic Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg en­ Last pub. Dec. 26. 1946 when and where any person Inter­ NYSSA OREGON tertained at a Christmas dinner ested in said estate may appear, for Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Oregg RESOLUTION 135 FLOOR SANDING file objections In writing thereto F. F. BODMER A Resolution Declaring Intention ind be heard thereon. Said account of Buena Vista and Mr. and Mrs. Dentist to and Commencing Proceedings is for final settlement and upon Don Grant of Boise. Afternoon cal­ New or old floors sand­ for Vacation of a Portion of being settled and approved, said lers In the Oregg home were Mr. Ph. 187W and Mrs. George Oregg and daugh­ Green Avenue. ed perfectly. Large estate will be closed and said Ad­ ter, Annette, of Richland and Mrs. Wilson Bldg. WHEKE^S, The following de­ ministrator discharged. commercial machine Martha Klingback and son, Fred, of scribed portion of Green Avenue First Pup. Dec. 12, 1946 TANK CLEANING Owyhee. In the City of Nysaa, Malheur Lest pub. Jan. 9, 1947 and experienced oper­ Tuesday afternoon callers of Mr County, State of Oregon, at this A. L. Fleiciier, Administrator atore. Telephone Boise and Mrs. Jim Langley and family Cess pools and septic time is not used or needed for Estate of Marquis H. Lockwood. were Mr. and Mrs. Don Crouch 6189R. tanks cleaned. purposes of public travel or con- Deceased. and Mrs. Pearl Brandner of Leotl, Phone 256 or write box FLOOR LAYING AND j venlences, and the area thereof is Kansas. The visitors were en route valuable for puposes of the ad­ 221, Caldwell, Idaho CHARIVARI HELD to Yakima. jacent owners, and It Is deemed SANDING T. H. Brewer of Owyhee was a Our many modern tools and efficient mach­ in the interests of the City of IN SUNSET VALLEY Refinished, Filled, Varnished Sunday dinner guest in the Charley HAY BUYER Nyssa that such portion of Green By Experienced Men SUNSET VALLEY (Special i— Mr. Ditty home. Avenue be closed, to-wit: ines enable us to offer you a money-back guar­ Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and All that portion of Oreen Avenue and Mrs Alvin William Fuller were Write N. J. Barnett W. F. JAHN treated to a charivari Monday eve­ daughter were among those enjoy­ In Green Addition to the City cf Dealer in hay and grain Mareing, Idaho antee on all work. j Nyssa. lying between the Westerly ning at the Community hall. They ing Christmas at the home of his Third at Good Ave. line of the Oregon Short Line were married Sunday at the Metho­ sister, Mrs Earnest Barker of Ar­ Sales Service Supplies Railroad Right of Way and a line dist church In Nyssa. Mrs. Fuller cadia. JEWELRY STORES Mr and Mrs. Fred Stephans and 80 feet West of and parallel to before her marriage was Fanny Mr. and Mrs John Strickland are said Westerly line, Kollen WORLD FAMOUS Mr and Mrs. Henry Hints and vacationing In California. Betty and PAULUS ELECTROLUX NOW. THEREFORE, BE it Re­ four sons, Mary Query and daugh­ Jean and Roberta Strickland are JEWELRY STORE Cleaner & Air Purifier solved. By the Common Council of ter, Sharon, and Tressa Ditty were enjoying a visit at the home of Union Pacific Time Inspector I the City of Nyssa, Oregon, as Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. their aunt. Mrs. Leslie Robbins, in E. R. Anderson JEWELRY — DIAMONDS and Mrs. Robert Ditty and family Apply Valley, during their parents’ j follows: WATCHES OREGON NYSSA Phone 83-J Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, absence. i Section 1. That the City of Nyssa, of Nyssa Main Street a. Second Weiser, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pomeroy were Orade school students In this I Oregon by and through Its Common ¡Council hereby determine and de- guests of Mr. an d , Mrs. Lew Mc­ vicinity resumad their studies to­ Advertising Nyssa Furniture Co. “ACt" NEWSOT'I, W HY/ HCU.O. FR£CKV.t5, HECK - • V - »’v t T V 9 Uke M e Ÿ Zlim/á NEW5DM F iM Ii Alili « f i I ill VIA Baker Host To State Dairymen Professional And Business Directory . Bring In Your Body And Fender Repair Work OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMP. GO.