THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON economic footing. If big and little industries are forced to pay back wages for the last sev­ I he Gate City Journal eral years under the portal-to-portal law they will suffer financial losses that will tie another KI 4SS V. POW ELL.......................... Editor and Puhlioh« snarl in the economic structure. As a result of ail the “ifs”, it appears from this angle that the ADVERTISING RATcd SUBSCRIPTION RATES entire story of our economic life during the next One Year.................. — ......»2.00 Open rate, per Inch....—36c year will be based on whether -labor and in­ Six Months............ — ........-61-25 National, per indi .....— 16c dustry iron out their differences or whether Single Copies— ......................—Oo Classifieds, per word.... — ilr Minimum....... 30c (Strictly In Advance; they continue to pull in opposite directions in an effort to feather their own nests in total dis­ regard of the interests of the country. Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon PAGE TWO Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act o March 3, 1878. aid and children, Kay and Ray­ holiday guests of her parents and mond, spent Christmas with the brother in Salt Lake City, and at the Bishop home In Ogden. Utah. Fletcher family In Homedale. and Mrs. Gerittt Muntjewerff Among those at a family dinner and Mr. children were Christmas guests on Christmas day at the Anna in the parental Muntjewerff and Larson home were Mr. and Mrs. Newbon homes, returning to their home at Joseph, Oregon, Friday Hugh Glenn and son, Billy, Mr. morning. and Mrs. Albert Larson and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller and and Mrs. Lester Larson of Cald­ Virginia and Jim, Lora Pillsbury, well. Arthur Holly and Mr. and Mrs. Will Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar en­ Gibson and Donald were among the tertained at Christmas dinner for relatives who were guests at a Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kygar and Ohrlstmas eve party held at the of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly in Merle, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ky- home Adrian. They were also dinner ;ar and children, Mrs. Don Frank- guests there Christmas day. in, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bennett and 9rown and children of Boise. family and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glenn and Bennett family and Mrs. Hart son, Billy, were dinner guests of at Baker and were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Kreager of I guests of relatives Christmas in Parma. Kingman Kolony Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McMillan daughter were dinner guests In the and daughter, Kathy, were Christ­ Vlrl Bishop home Christmas day. mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mr. and’Mrs. Paul Hatch of Ok­ lahoma arrived Christmas eve at Skinner of Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, fer., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr., TRAVEL and son, Del, were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Harry Rowe In Boise TRAIUVAVS Christmas. Mrs. Rowe Is visiting 3 KHCbUUS DAILY her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patton, between SALT LAKE CITY Sr. for several days this week. gal, fresh May 11. 1 Hoi. heifer, 3 yrs., giving 3 gal. now. fresh Mar. 10 1 Jersey eow, 6 years, giving 3V2 gal. now. These cows are all T. B. and Bang’s tested three will be in Nyssa to serve you. Work performed months ago. Milk production and test given day of sale. in your home. HAY For appointment call 10 tons 2nd and 3rd cutting alfalfa in stack. KEEP-U-NEAT CLEANERS MACHINERY & MISCELLANEOUS Phone 70 1 new oil heater. 1 used oil heater with 100 gal. tank stand and tub­ ing. 40 New Hampshire pullets, laying now. IF INTERESTED IN BUYING 1 McCormick mower, 5 foot. 1 McCormick hay rake, icefoot, like new. APPLIANCES SUCH AS 1 Disc. 1 McCormick-Deering milking machine. 1 Spring-tooth harrow. 1 Hay derrick, extra good. 1 2-section harrow. 1 Boy’s bicycle, new tires. 1 Corrugator. 1 Boy’s saddle, new last spring. 1 John Deere cultivator, potato attachments. 1 walking plow. 1 wagon and hay rack. 1 scraper, 1 float, 1 slip. 2 sets harness. 1 Two-unit Conde milking machine, used 16 months. 1 Milk cart 9 milk cans. 1 Sorrel mare, 9 years old, weight 1600. 1 Sorrel horse, 3 years old, broke, weight 1300. 1 Pinto saddle horse,5 years, gaited well in bridle. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 Majestic range, good baker. 1 Heating stove. 2 Tables. Lots of miscellaneous articles. LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS see me this week-end TERMS: CASH before I leave on a buying trip to California. Announcement On Monday, Jan. 13 Aero-Clean Carpeting And Upholstery Cleaners Stoves, Furnaces, Hot Water Heaters & Refrigerators Operated With Propane Gas Walter Freeman At Freeman’s Machine Shop W. W. Deffenbaugh Owner Bill Welty, phone 357J2, Ontario Bill Lane, phone 116J, Nysta Mr». Lane Auctioneers Clerk