THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1946 I George W. Fuller, of Council, Ida­ the bride, was her matron o f hon­ evening held a Christmas party son and Barbara. The evening was spent playing ho Sunday. December 22, at 3 or. She wore a fuachia afternoon Monday evening of this week. A f ­ at the Nyssa Methodist chureh. dre&s with a gardenia and rose­ ter a chicken dinner at Carl’s Doll bridge, with Mrs. Frank Morgan House, the group went to the home winning first prize and Mrs. A. H. NVSSA G IR L MARRIEJS ! Dr H. G McCall Liter of Boise of- bud corsage. of Mr, and Mrs. George Henneman Boydejl, second. I Henry KoUen, the brlJe's brother, . Miss Fannie Kolien, daughter of j flciated. for an exchange of gifts and cards. The guest of honor received many | The bride wore a gray suit with was best man. Mrs. Bernard Eastman and Harry beautiful gifts from her Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J. Kolien of Mrs. Don Stewart sang "Always” , gray and black accessories;. Her Miner won prizes at bridge. and .Nyssa friends who were pres­ Nyssa beca.r.e the bride of A l.;n corsage was of gardenias and rose­ and ’ O, Promise Me” , preceding ent. W. Fuller,* son of Mr. and Mrs. buds. Mrs. Leo Ohard, a sister of j the ceremony. She wa$ accompanied H AVE D INNER GUESTS ' by Mrs Jim Langley. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton were SU NSH INE CLUB MEETS | A reception was held m the Sunday dinner guests at the home The Sunshine _ club held a pot- | church parlors after the wedding. of Mrs. Nellie NewhiU of King- luck supper and Christmas party .Miss Mary Zink of Caldwell, cous­ 1 man Kolony. Other guests for din­ at the home o f Mrs. Minnie Lueck in of the groom, poured and a ner and the afternoon of pinochle last Thursday evening. After an group of the bride’s friends, tne | were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummins, exchange of gifts the evening was misses Darlene Robb, Lulubelle W il­ | Mrs. Lulu Cummins, Miss Mae spent singing carols and visiting. son. and Shirley and Marlon Price, Beaumont, and C liff Eeaumont. Mrs. Art Cook o f Baker, a form­ assisted with the serving. er Nyssa resident and member ol —5— Out-of-town guests were: Mr. and HOSTESS T O CLUB the club, was a guest. Mrs. George Fuller and daughter, Mrs. C. C. Cotton was hostess — 5— Fern, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson and | to the D. W T. pinochle club E N TE R TAIN E D A T B R E AK FAS T Mrs. Ed Shannon, all o f Council, • Wednesday aftem.ion. December 18, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Terhune Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Slatter | for their Christmas party. Mrs. were entertained at a Christmas and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob . Frank Cummins of Kingman K ol- breakfast by their son. H. F. T er­ Slatter and fam ily of Welser; Mr. ' ony was a spencal gue t. The host­ hune and family and W. D. Rine­ and Mrs. R. W. Zink and daughter, ess gave several prizes, which were hart, brother o f Mrs. H. F. T e r­ Mary, and Mrs. Annie Fuller, Cald­ received by Mrs. Will Beam, Mrs. hune. Unwrapping of presents well; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ful­ Cummins. Mrs. John Barnett, Mrs. around a Christmas tree was en­ ler, Nampa; Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Charles McConnell. Mrs. Walter joyed. Satisfactory business relations rest upon past Fields, Meridian; Mr. and Mrs. Fox, and Mrs. Max Goldman. -f- performance. It has been our aim to justify Vollie V. Zink. Boise; Mr. and Mrs. —t — HAVE C H R IST M A S D INN E R your confidence in us and to merit your con­ Don Seward. Parma: and Mr. and E N TE R TA IN S CLUB Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Terhune en­ Mrs. Frank Morgan entertained tertained at a Christmas dinner Mrs. J. J. Kropp, Ontario. tinued friendship. The couple will live in Concil, the Thursday afternoon bridge club for Mr. and Mrs. E Bowman of Accept our hearty thanks for the pleasant where the groom Is employed by at her home last week. Guests were Payette, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. T e r­ associations o f the past year and our best wish­ Mrs. F. F. Bodmer and Mrs. Ed- i hune and daughter, Mary Terhune, the McGregor Lumber company. ward Boydell. Mrs Arthur B oydell1 and W. D. Rinehart. es for a happy and prosperous 1947. DINNER GUESTS held high score. Since it was th e 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hansen and Christmas party, the hostess pro- DANCE PLAN NE D daughter of Weiser were Sunday vied prizes for everyone. Plans have been completed for dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. - 5 - | the holiday dance to be given by HONORED A T P A R T Y Dorman. the Nyssa Civic club in the Nyssa Mrs. Fiank Van Petten of On­ gymnasium Saturday night, Dec­ EMPLOYEES HOLD DINNER tario gave a party at her homo ember 28. The employees of the Golden last Friday evening honoring Miss — 8— Rule store and Everybody's Dime Barbara Larson o f Nyssa, whose Purchase Ranch— store and their husbands and wives wedding Is to be an event of the H. F. Terhune and W. D. Rine­ held their annual Christmas din­ Christmas season. hart, business partners in land ner at Carl’s Doll House Monday Guests from Nyssa were Mrs. A. leveling around Nyssa, have pur­ evening. After a chicken dinner, C. Sallee, Mrs. E. G. Stunz, Mrs. chased a 160 acre ranch on En­ gifts were exchanged. George Mitchell. Mrs. A. H. Boy­ terprise avenue and have named dell. Mrs. Edward Boydell, Mrs it “The Atlasta Rancho”. The men —8— MR. AND MRS. MEET Dwight W yckoff, Mrs. Burnall are from California, where Mr. The Mr and Mrs. bridge club Brown, Mrs. J. L. Church, Mrs. Terhune engaged in heavy high­ which regularly meets on Sunday Frank Morgan, Mrs. R. G. Lar­ way construction for many years Mr. Rinehart engaged In business in Sacramento. Mr. Rinehart, who served two years In the Pacific campaign, will leave soon for Sacramento to visit his brother and sisters and friends. Social Notes HAPPY P R O S P E R O U S 26D2xc. dairy cattle, team of horses and machinery. House with pressure FO R SA LE — Good Poland China water system and fair out-build- 122-J, Nyssa. hog. W illiam NYSSA Phone IOÖ PROGRAM i HtAÏRE Big New Year’s Eve Show Old Fashioned Tue., Dec. 31, Midnight Welcome the New Year by attending this entertaining musical show, packed with ro­ mance and comedy. Evelyn Keyes, Keenan Wynn, Ann Miller, Allyn Joslyn in “ TH E T H R IL L OF B R A Z IL ” The tropical Tune and Talent Topper of Them all! Romantic Rio on a heart-to-heart hookup with music, laughter, love. Cartoon and Community Sing S A TU R D A Y, DECEMBER 28 Pat O’Brien, Claire Trevor in “ C R AC K -U P” A story of a man who doubted his own in­ nocence. Special: Bryce Canyon Cartoon Turkey Shoot Sunday, Dec. 29 12:30 Quarter mile west o f Cairo junction. Win a turkey, goose or chicken. Lunch served on grounds. Shotgun and .22 rifle range. Mat.. Sat., 2:3» Aflm. 25e-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evening*. 40c-9c, Including Tax SU N D A Y & M ONDAY, DECEMBER 29-30 She’s back— on a honeymoon jaunt that’s jam-crammed with joy! Joan Leslie, Robert Hutton, Edward Arnold, Ann Harding and the Gay Janie Gang in “ JANIE GETS M A R R IE D ” Latest Issue “ March o f Tim e” and Cartoon W e hope to have plenty o f ammunition, if av­ ailable. MALHEUR GAME LEAGUE Mat., Sun.. 2:3» Adm., 30c-9c, Inc. T w Adm. Evening*. «Oc-flo, Including Tax TUESD AY, DECEMBER 31 BAR G AIN N IG H T DOUBLE FEATU RE PRO G RAM Michaline Cheirel, Steven Gray in “ SO D ARK TH E N IG H T ” Hopalong Cassidy in “ D E V IL’S P LA Y G R O U N D ” Evening prices 40c-9c, Inc. Tax. W EDNESDAY, J A N U A R Y 1, 1947 NEW Y E A R ’S D A Y Celebrate New Year’s eve by attending the special midnight show Tuesday night, Decem­ ber 31. Evelyn Keyes, Keenan Wynn, Ann Miller, Allyn Joslyn in “ TH E T H R IL L OF B R A Z IL ” The tropical Tune and Talent Topper of Them all! Romantic Rio on a heart-to-heart hookup with music, laughter, love. ________ Cartoon and Community Sing ________ TH U R S D A Y & FR ID A Y, J A N U A R Y 2-3 A distinguished motion picture returns to thrill you anew! David O. Selznick’s “ REBECCA” Starring Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine, George Sanders, Judith Anderson The accademy Award Winner o f It’s Year, latest News Please Note— A two hour, 25 minute show starting at 7— 9:25 each evening. Adm. Evening*. 4t>c »c. Including Tax p. m. C H R IS T IA N CHURCH Bible school. 10 a. m. Worship service, 11 a. m. Ser­ mon topic “ The Majesty of Chris­ tian Service". Evening services: Junior choir practice, 7 p. m. Services for all ages, 7:45. Opening song service conducted by the young people. We W ill Change-Over To A Strictly Cash Basis \ This is being done to give you better service and prices. W e are reducing our prices through­ out the store and invite you to enjoy these sav­ ings. This action is taken, not by any desire to deny credit to our loyal patrons, but rather to bring to them the reduced prices and savings 26D3xp. FOR SALE— Electric refrigerator. FO R SALE —Portable skill saw, 26Dlxp. like new. W ith extra blade and rip FOR SA LE — By owner. 120 acres,1 gauge attachment. Inquire Nyssa 38 irrigable, could be row crop. 18 Food Center. 26Dlxc. W E NOW H AV E IN STOCK New 1946 Mercury Motors Fit all model Ford and Mercury cars and trucks HERRIMAN siOTOR COMPANY Announcing Chiropractic Offices to be opened in the P ry building on or shortly after January 1, 1947. P H Y S IO TH E R A PY — E LE C TR O TH E R A PY Formerly instructor and director o f the clin­ ic at the Western States College o f Chiroprac­ tic and Natureopathy in Portland, Oregon. T R Y C H IRO PRACTIC FOR H E A L T H DR. EDWIN W. OLDHAM D.C. Chiropractic Physician Room 32, Over Dime Store CLEARANCE 1 nn Late to Classify FO R SALE — 1940 model “ H N ” John Deere tractor, with cultivat­ or, power lift, W alter Obendorf, Jr., 7 miles southeast of Parma, Ida­ ho. 26D2xp' l i FO R SALE— Or cash rent 37 acres adjoining Overstreet beet dump. ! Good land and excellent improve­ ments; 4 acres pasture, 17 acres In hay. remainder was in grain. Phone M A N Y ITEMS REDUCED T O SELL, SOME AS MUCH AS 1-2 Regular Price Notice Commencing Jan. 1, 1947 Ben Shaw, Gem Ave., route 2l Nyssa. Call 153-J. SALE CALENDAR PUBLIC FAR M S A LE — Thursday, January 2, 1 p.m., 3 miles west, >4 mile south and '4 mile west of Thorson's Corner In Welser. House­ hold goods, cows, calves, chickens and other livestock, 10 ton alfalfa hay, several cords wood, 3 ton coal, and farm tools. Mrs. Fanny Mem- enway, owner. Cols. Welty and Lane, auctioneers. phone 01-J2 lngs 26D2xi NEW YEAR Hartley Produce Co. Peutz, Ladies Coats 1 HEALTH HAPPINESS 'PROSPERITY W hat more could we wish for you? May these three cardinal blessings make life ab u n d an tly ric h e r for you in 1947. t ■ And Dresses SKIRTS HOUSE BLOUSES SLIPPERS W O O LEN M A T E R IA L S ALSO M A N Y ITEMS FOR Boys And Girls AS W E L L AS TH E MEN. ☆ HAPPY NEW YEAH \ ou \\ ill Profit By These Reduced Prices at the that the converted basis will produce. GORDON’S DRIVE-IN Nyssa, Oregon Ronald’s Shoe Shop GOLDEN RULE STORE NYSSA OREGON