Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Mr. Zobell reported that 160 loaders were used in the Nyssa district this year. Seventy-five per (Oontinued from Page 1> cent of the beets were loaded by of the industry has been developed machines in 1346 and 25 toppers around Nyssa than anywhere In were used in the district, meaning the territory, growers said. a saving on hand labor and a fas- BEET PRODUCERS DISCUSS W A G E S Farm Sale I will hold a Complete Dispersal Sale o Monday, Jan. 6 at my farm one mile north and three miles west of Nyssa on Columbia avenue. Complete details of the sale will be published in the January 2 issue of the Gate City Journal. James O lin ter harvest. Arvil Child was re-elected direc tor of the association for this dis trict. and Charles Taylor, W. J. Beus and H. D. Christensen were elected advisors. Approximately the same pro gram was followed at the Oregon Trail and Kingman Kolonj? district meetings held Monday afternoon and evening. Amasa M. Hammon, Oregon Trail director, presied at the meet ing held there. Among growers present were William Hogg of Cald well, director from the Mars mg district; J. G. Lane of Kingman Kolony and Arvil Child of Nyssa. Mr. Larson and Joseph MaugUan represented the sugar company. Speakers pointed out that a con siderable quantity of local beets were shipped to Twin Falls, Rup ert and Burley factories for pro cessing to relieve the Nyssa-Nampa plants. Mr. Hammon wes re-elected as a director from Oregon Trail. His advisors are Richard Maw, Vera Garner and W. A. Bybee. At the Kingman meeting Mr. Lane was re-elected director and Lee Stoker, G. H. Salter and Dale Ashcraft were elected advisors. William Carson announced that the annual meeting of the Nat ional Beet Growers federation will be held in Denver Saturday, Ja n uary 4. Representatives of the Ny ssa-Nampa growers will attend the meeting. The growers will also be represented at a fair price and wage hearing to be held in Salt Lake City January 8. officer. Her staff included Harriet the winner, by William G. Ross, Wayne Green drove to Tacoma last Sears, marshal; Edith Magnuson, Pomona Grange master. week-end to spend Christmas with regalia bearer: Florence Pettet, em- | At the leciurers nour Dr. W. J. Mr. and Mrs. Kingrey s two dau blem bearer; Anna Ketcham, ohap- Weese of Ontario explained a group ghters and families. lain; Mabel Richmond, musician. medical service plan. | The 207 Grangers present rep County Deputy Charles A. Ketch resented all 11 subordinate grang am announced that the Pomona Go To Idaho Falls— Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lovejoy es in the county; Vale, Oregon Grange will meet Saturday, Feb Trail, Oregon Slope, El Dorado, ruary 22, at Oregon Slope Orange and family left Saturday to spend Kingman. Willow Creek, Brogan. hall, and urged all members to at the Christmas vacation with Mrs. Lovejoy's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chalk Butte, Big Bend and Boule tend. vard; also Malheur County Pom Refreshments were served toy the ona Grange and Willow Creek and hon.e economics ladies of Boule Harper-Westfall Juvenile Granges. vard Grange. The "traveling gavel” of the past year's contest was presented to Visit In Washington— Master Bean oi El Dorado Grange, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kingrey and House Need Painting? 1947 to Father Time, and—it’s New Year’s, with its gayety, its friendliness, and its new hope. . . . Which reminds us! You have been very liberal with your patronage in 1946, and we are very grateful indeed. May the New Year be for you an excep tionally happy one. CURRY PRODUCE No Travel No Traffic Personal Shopping Service Regardless of Your Needs Proofing? D. L. Stoddard, at Iaho Falls. Visit in Seattle— Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nordale left this week for Seattle to visit Mrs. Nordale's daughter, Mrs. Louise Sterling, and family over the Christmas holidays. Before return ing home they will visit Mr. Nor dale's daughter, Mrs.’ E. M. Luther, and family of Los Angeles. HAPPY New Year Shop By Mail In Portland Service 10 Percent Call Min. $1 Packages Sent C. O. D. Nyssa Packing Co. SALLY’S A. B. Crews SHOPPING SERVICE 1562 S. E. Elliott 61-J5 New iPlymoutl PORTLAND 14, OREGON lb A ll Our O ri end A OUR PLEDGE TO YOB {Continued from Page 1) “Stej, aside,” says the Cherub No Trouble Basement Need Water- PROGRAMS GIVEN FOR CHRISTMAS Sing” and "It Came Upon the Mid night Clear”. Series of songs toy the first grade, conducted toy Mrs. Henneman and Mrs. Bumgarner, "Where is the Christmas House”, “C h r i s t m a s Bells”, “Christmas Trees” and “Star Song”, Christmas songs and pantomime by third grade, directed by Mrs. Pennick, “Hanging Up the Stock ing" and “Merry Christmas”. •‘The Christmas Stocking" and "The Top Song", second grade, di rected by Mrs. Rice and Miss Noth- eis. Songs by the third grade, “Have You Heard Santa Claus is Com ing to Town?”, directed by Miss Boydell. Prophets of old, fifth grade, dir ected by Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Bal- lantyne. The Taxpayers, sixth grade, dir ected by Mrs. Rigney and Mrs. Renstrom. The Shepherds Hear the Tidings, fourth grade, directed by Mrs. Chadw'ck and Miss Gehnert. Angels, “Song in the Air”, fifth grade girls. “Star of the East”, fifth grade, directed by Mr. Lawrence. "Silent Night” and "Oh Worship the King”, sixth grade chorus, dir ected by Mrs. Rigney and Mrs. Renstrom. The Wisemen’s Gifts, sixth grade boys. Selections, Junior high chorus directed by Mr. Lawrence. The program committee consist ed of Mr. Lawrence, Mrs. Rigney, Miss Cole, Mrs. Henneman and Miss Gehnert. Other committees were decorations. Miss Cole, Mrs PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1946 1947 t i a r a TTÄ K , T 3 HIT. " ^ OD I • FOR 1947 WE PLEDGE THE SAME FINE SERVICE AND VALUES WE HAVE ALWAYS GIVEN YOU IN THE PAST - happy LUCK TO ★ Old clays ^ C)/cl times YOU! — THE VERY BEST THAT CAN BE HAD. ★ O td friends HAPPY NEW YEAR Tor au ld la n g sy n e w e bring yo u thi‘ ch e e ry N ew Y ear m e ssa g e . TO ALL! Nyssa Elevator Powell Service Station HENRY BORGMAN Grand 1 O pening Shaw. ig a c li o f N EW YEAR George’s Sweet Shop Installation Is ina Ross, state Pomona. 1 G IF T S CAFE Nyssa’s Newest Business House Y o u 'D n e e d a p air of strong came Monday, December 30 to ca rry our lo a d of N ew Y ear wish«., for you. E very co n ceiv ab le w ish for your w ell-being a n d h a p p in e ss is in clu d ed in th e a sso rtm e n t w ith g ra te ful acknow led g m en ts for your kind G IF T S n ess to us du rin g 1946. Compliments galore are when your clothes speak for you Try It today. Gamble Store Q liO JC iK A ___ N.SECOND ST. • PWONE 70 CAFE We have an outstanding line of gifts for We will serve breakfast, lunch and din occasions, including many hard-to-get it ner every day. Meals prepared by an ex ems, small appliances, toys, cosmetics, jew perienced chef. Fountain service conduct elry, candy and leather goods. ed in connection with cafe. George & Jean Stettler j