THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1946 Adrian Mr. and Mrs. George Mackey and children of Wellington, Nev ada visited several days the past week with relatives. They were on their way to Coeur d' Alene to make their home. A son, Richard Lee, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Helton at the St. Alphonsus hospital in Boise Dec- Dr.J.H. Berger VETERINARIAN Box D Phone 135J Nyssa. Oregon E.W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56w ember 15. Mrs. Hilton is the former Studies will be resumed January 5. After a potluck lunch at 2:30 p.m., past two weeks in California, Where Louise Mackey of Adrian. Colleen Steelman visited several the mystery sisters were revealed he will receive his discharge be Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Mackey at | days with her brother Clyde Steel and gifts were given which were fore returning home this week. tended the Dora Davis wedding in found heaped under a beautifully Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parsons of man. and family. Caldwell Monday evening. decorated Christinas tree. Officers Wichita. Kansas arrive the first of Several ladies from Adrian at Gerry Mackey is building a new for the coming year were elected the week at the home of her par tended the Christmas party of the barn and r e m o d e l h i s home. as follows: President, LaVona Mc Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Richy ate married ladies class of the united Donald: president. Helen Wal ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Reeder. Presbyterian church Tuesday eve ters, and vice secretary Christmas dinner Sunday with their ning, and treasurer, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams and December 17 in the Big Bend daughter. Mrs. Sweet, and family Elizabeth Peutz. Mrs. Debard of family, who have been living on community at the home of Mrs. at the Richy home. Mr. and Mrs. Bay City was a guest Next meet the Robert Ditty place the past Leroy Bennett. Seventeen ladies Richy left early Monday morning will be held on the regular date year, moved Saturday to a dairy took white elephant gifts to be ing for Seattle to spend the holidays ahcsen Fox. near Wilder, Idaho. by each one. Games were with Mrs. Dorothy with their son and daughter and program was given Mr. and Mrs Cook Mitchell were played. Refreshment of date roll by A the Christmas families. of the Owyhee s hod treated to a charivari and shower whipped cream and coffee Friday pupils The Brownie and Girl Scouts with afternoon, after which a at the community hall Saturday were served. Christmas party was held in the Two hundred people attended the party for the children was given evening by a number of their high school building Saturday af Christmas cantata, “The Christihas by the teachers and mothers of ternoon. December 31. Games were Bells“, featuring the choirs of the the community, many of whom played and then gifts were ex Free Methodist church and Com were present. Ice cream and cook changed. Refreshments of choco munity United Presbyterian church, ies were served. late pudding, cookies and punch in the Adrian high school auditor- * Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Ditty have were served to about 40. as house guests their son id wife. Betty Moore is spending the turn. and Mrs. Jesse A. Ditty. Jr„ of The program aws given as fol Christmas vacation with her par lows: Prelude, played by Betty Mr. Anaconda, Montana. ents, Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeBord and Jean Toomb; “Silent Night”, and and Henry. grandchildren, Eleanor and | "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”, two Arlene Peterson has arrived home audience Dean Walker of Bay City, Oregon, with Rev. E. M. Richy were and will spend the holidays with leading; Evening for two days of their prayer given by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Rev Richy; “O, Come All Ye Faith sister, guests Mrs. Martha Klingback, and Peterson and Mervin and Donna ful”. group singing. The offertory family. Maria. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson | between the two Mr. children, Adrian schools held their Christ will be divided Betty and Larry, took | The Cantata was then and mas programs Friday and were churches. Mrs. Bertha Culbertson, who had j EW presented and benediction given by dismissed for a two-weeks vacation. Rev. H. E. Moore. been o visitor here for three j C \ \ ^ y N, YEAR to her home at Martinaz, * Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dille and months, California. They left in their car i Jean were week-end guests of Mr. BILL LANE Sunday morning, planning to spend and Mrs. Galen Raney in Hunt the week visiting relatives in Calif ington. Auctioneer Mrs. C. Glenn Brown was a busi ornia. Here we are again Klingback, Kenneth Price, .'hone 116J_____ Nyssa ness caller in Boise Wednesday. and Fred Charles Chapin attended the w ith the sun about young people’ s party held at the «, . OWYHEE home of Mr. and Mrs. William! to rise upon a Gregg in Sunset valley Wednesday. I The annual Owyhee Community •• Mildred Hite is here for J brand-new > * year. club patry was held at the home the Mrs. holidays from her school at | of Mrs. Jessie Skinner with Mrs. La Grande. She is staying at the | M ay 1947 be filled Reta Skinner as assistant hostess. home of her son and wife, Mr. and; Mrs. Donald Hite. with m any happy Rev. Kriner held preaenmg ser vices Sunday morning and evening. days fo r you and The Kriner family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Corfield for din your loved ones. ner. The following folks were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Ditty Sat urday evening: Mrs. A. L. Atkeson and daughters, Bonnie Lou and Elizabeth Mae; Mr. and Mrs. J, Groot, Harold Osborn and Mr, and Mrs. Jesse A. Ditty, Jr. On the fol lowing evening this group were ck e iv Q fea/l guests at dinner 01 Mr. and Mrs. A. Ditty, Jr., at the new Al S J i o t l Jesse bertson cafe in Nampa, where Miss Alice Atkeson joined the group. ~ 1 ! J 4 7 friends. Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Brim and family left Friday morning for Hillsboro to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hutchinson. George Wilson, employee of the Amalgamated Sugar company at Nyssa, spent Sunday night and Monday with Mrs. Wilson and their family. Mr. and Mrs. Walker and fatal ly and fain Walker are living In the E. E. Cloninger residence and will farm the Cloninger place this . HAPPY NEW YEAR BEST W ISH ES T O ALL ★ In scrying Happy New Year we have the satisfac tion of knowing that during the past year we have, in some small degree at least, contributed to the well being of most of the citizens of this community. We hope to en joy your continued friend ship in 1947. • SEASON'S GREETINGS 1947 OF THE S EASON • O o Brownie’s Cafe Howdy, Folks! W E RE FESTIVITIES AT Y O U R H O M E Better friend* JUST we eould nut want ENOUGH TO C A L L A N D W IS H Y O U THE FINEST K IN D OF A Wilson Hi-way Market Sunset Valley IN T ER R U PT IN G THE LONG - .PAGE HIVE year. Gladys Moses of Cwyhee spent Sunday with Tressa Ditty. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wyatt, wno have farmed the Henry Terra place the past year, will move soon to their place in Big Bend. Mr. Gewey and son, Joe. of Ad rian poured cement last week lor the basement house on the Charles Ditty place. Mrs. Charley Wilson of Roswell, Idaho was a visitor In the home of her son, Harley Wilson, Thurs day. . . . better friends NEW we could not YE A R A N D TO T H A N K A LL possibly have. O F Y O U F O R PAST FAVO RS. Sincere good wishes Il for a happy and prosperous 1947, Gordon’s Drive-In Towne’s Garage Marta Lorcnscn was hostess to 16 members of the Worthwhile club Wednesday afternoon. One vls- I itor, Mrs. Don Parker of Cow Hol- I low, was present. Mystery pals for the past year ! were revealed in the exchange of gifts, which had been placed a- round the Christmas tree. Treats were given to the child ren of pre-sohool age. The next meeting will be held in January when Miriam Black of Ontario will meet with the group. Naomi Hawk of Adrian was an ; overnight guest of Jacquelyn Wil son Tuesday. Government truckers were haul ing gravel Monday to insure great- > er safety to the canal in 1947. I Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorcn- sen plan to spend the noildays in ; Seattle visiting their daughter, Mrs. Willard Whittman and fami ly. Chester Counsil has spent the „ e *OoC> / c yoftp »-oo M dlb& eniM yQ ^ h a p /V \ \ new year v V « .!,/ y i M P J ix c . Low-cost electric brooding of pigs, lambs and poultry cuts mortality and makes for healthier animals and poults. Electric brooding can cut normal losses in half for pigs and lambs— and A N ARG O SY OF HOPE This is the year that "your ship • As 1947 that means more pounds of meat for market. Electric poultry moves in we want to say "hello" to everybody in this section and to wish them a very H appy brooding, too, means more chicks raised with less work and worry. Increased production and electric brooding go hand in hand. • This is the time of year to buy or build your electric brooder comes in"— 1947— a glorious New Year. A t the same time we want year of fruition! That is our to express our deep appreciation for you. Increase next year's production by inexpensive electric of your friendship. brooding. New Year's wish for you! Herriman Motor Co. Hollingsworth Hardware And Implement Co. — or make sure the one you already have is ready to go to work » * mi I D A H O V P O WE R ¿T r c t iu u Z u Dors So MUCH-Costs So LITTLE ’