Classified THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1946 PAGE THREE 19Dtlc. salved, By the Common Council ol new. C. M. Tensen. — the City QÍ Nyssa, Oregon, as “ACE" NEWSOM î FOR SALE- 1/2 H. P. electric grinder with sickle grinding alt- ^i*0**- achments. Inquire at Journal oif- Section 1. That the City of Nyssa, lce lSDtfc. Oregon by and through its Common ^ S h e s u r e , g a v e \ ’______________ ______ | council hereby determine and de- A d v e r tis in g FOR SALE— Sand and gravel. I dares the intention of such City V O U A D IR T S 1 L O O K Help yourself, $1 a load. Half way j and Council to commence and in- RATES: Two cents per worn for each issue. Alter one month between Nyssa and Ontario, 1 1/2 ltiate a proceeding for the vacation eat per word. Minimum, cash In advance, la 30c. miles east on King Ave. N. H. of the following described portion 19DUC. of Green Avenue in the City of Moses. Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon: FOR SALE— Philco radio, good that portion of Green Avenue Nyssa Furniture Co. Opposite rec­ condition. '299 4th street. 19D3xp. in All Green Addition to City of Nyssa For Sale lamation office. 28NUC FOR SALE—Three acres, close in lying between the Westerly line of the Oregon Short Line rail­ FOR SALE— Olson manure load­ FOR SALE 114—214 H. P. gasû- Bernard Eastman. 29Atfc. road Right of Way and a line 80 ers, horse-drawn Moline beet cul­ laie engine. International. Leo feet West of and parallel to said tivators, Atlas land levelers. Con­ For TRADE Westerly line, 28Ntfc. tact Lester urbank, representative File, Phone 05R-2. TO TRADE— Set of heavy duty in the manner provided by Chap­ B and M Equipment Co., Inc., harness, almost new, trade lor ter 259, Oregon Laws 1931. Caldwell, Idaho. 26D2xc. FOR SALE— Eating potatoes. $1 gentle cow ready to freshen. In­ Section 2. That Notice of Resolu­ Forget all the “dirty looks” and sad events of last year. It is our sincere ewt. Bring your sack. L J. Joeeph- 19Dtfc tion and Proceedings for Vacation hope that happiness and success for the whole year will be your gift from FOR SALE OR TRADE— 1939 son and Son. Phone 392-J, Payette, quire at Journal office. m ton Ford truck. 1946 Dodge Idaho. of that portion of Green Avenue the newcomer, 1947.' HAPPY NEW YEAR from the NEWSOM FURNI­ SlOtfc WANTED pick-up. Zack Walker, phone 28-R. in Green Addition, shall be given 2«DtIc. FOR SALE— 4-room nouse, im­ WANTED To hire large caterpillar by publication oi notice once each TURE CO. week for four consecutive and FOR SALE— Cedar shingles. Zack mediate passesslon. Call 533 North with driver. See Frank T. Morgan. successive weeks, and for five pub- 12Dtfc. 5th, Owen Gann. 19D2xp. Walker, phone 28-R. 26Dtfc. liations, in the Nyssa Gate City Owy­ Journal, a weekly newspaper print­ FOR SALE— New four-room house FOR SALE— Extra nice potatoes, WANTED— Beauty operator. 12Dlfc. ed and published at Nyssa. Ore­ with bath. Good location, 50 by 120 $2.25 per sack delivered. Less in 10- hee Beauty Shop. gon, and by posting of a copy of lot. Partly furnished, including el- sack lots. Ed Jamison, phone 65-J WANTED— To rent row crop land the notice at each end of suen eceric refrigerator. Bernard East­ SlOtfc. Phone 351R4, Ontario, Oregon. portion of Green Avenue proposed man. 12Dtfc. 5D4xp to be vacated, within five days FO R SA LE— New commercla Chester Tsuda. ifter the first publication such building Just completed. Building WANTED— To buy anything in FOR SALE— Draft regulators is 50 by 70 with modem two bed­ b*of or -,eal. Also buy banger cow.- notice, and that the time of fixed for oil stoves. $2.25. Nyssa Furni­ room apartment. Excellent location or will handle for hide and offall for the hearing upon such matter Mrs. Lynn Hurst, Mrs. Art Cart­ ENGINEERING AID Probably half of these are occu­ ture Oo. 12Dtfc. i with parking area in front and Phone 31M or 011J1 pied by members of the farm hereby is -fixed for the 14th day wright, Mrs. Cecil Smith, Mrs. POSITIONS OPEN 22Atfc families so only about 300 are av­ rear. Best of construction. Must of January, 1947, at the hour o f: William Toomb, Mrs. A1 McGinnis FOR SALE—Choice 235 acre far.r. oe seen to be appreciated. Bernarc WANTED— Will buy any mode 3:00 o’clock P. M. at the Council Mrs. Walter Pinkston, Mrs. Lillie The federal civil service ann­ ailable for transient workers' fam­ on bench, for sale reasonable. Eastman. Phone 64. 7Ntfc Wlllys cars, hl»hest prices paid Room in the City Hall in Nyssa, Bach, Mrs. Oscar Schafer. Mrs. D. ounces an examination for app­ ilies. A survey of transient workers Southwest of Nyssa, 160 acres row telephone 144J. Watts Motor com­ at which time interested to engineering aid pos­ Indicated that well over 90 per crop land. See Frank T. Morgan FOR SALE— 1946 J. I. Case Com­ pany, Nyssa, Oregon, authorized Oregon, Ashcraft and the hostess, Mae ointments persons may appear and file ob­ itions in the bureau of reclamation cent have families which must be 5Dtfc bine. Used to cut 200 acres. $1000. dealer, Malheur and Payette coun­ jections or remonstrances in writ­ Beaumont, and honored guest, Mrs. in this district. SlOtfc ties. lAltC. ing. Elmore. Mrs. Elmore was Dorothy Persons who desire permanent housed, Mr. Beak said. FOR SALE— Prime turkeys, mail Stanley Reffett. Rt. 2. Adopted this 10th day of Dec, FOR SALE orders to Fred Kratzberg, Rt. 1, or WANTED—Dead or worthless ani­ Jean Deflenbaugh before her positions will have an opportunity Here from Nampa— to file for a civil service exam­ Paul and Jean Lopez visited at call at farm, 314 miles southwest Several good 80S priced from mals, horses, cows, calves, sheet 1947. R. G. Whitaker marriage. ination leading to probatlonal app­ the A. B. Rameriz home In Nys- and hogs Phone collect Nyssa 10214 of Nyssa. Drawn, ready for ovtn $12.000 to $20.000. Mrs. Marvin Elmore Is staying ointment of Council with permanent classi­ 75 cents extra. 12D3xp. Fifteen acres in Apple valley, 2- Payette 560J3. Frultland 3713 o: Attest E. K. Chairman Burton at the home oi her parents, Mr. and fied civil service status In engin­ sa December 21. room house, cow shed, chicken Nampa 1000. 7Mtfc FOR SALE— New Hamp. pullets, house, 3 miles from Nyssa. $3800. Recorder Mrs. W. W. Deffenbaugh while eering aid positions In regon 1 of late March hatched, now laying, 20 acres Langton’s corner— 15 Seal MISCELLANEOUS of reclamation. NEW HOPE Mr. Elmore is employed in Astoria, the The bureau $1.75. Three miles south, 14 Blast irrigable. entrance salaries for these MISCELLANEOUS— Free manure Oregon. of Adrian bridge at Big Bend 2-room house, price $3,000. CITATION positions range from $1822 to schoolhouse. Call any day but Sat­ Three-room house, fully fur­ for fertilizer, haul it yourself. 7 lu The County Court of the State Mrs. Cliff Wright and Mrs. Dale $2394 year. blocks north on First, 1 east, 1 Ashcraft shopped in Nyssa and The a appointees of Oregon urday. Joe King. 19D2xp. nished, close In. will perform sub­ 19D3xp. For The County of Malheur Notus Monday Also have unimproved acreages. south Leo Chard. professional engineering work in FOR SALE— 6 Holstein cows, 2 KEN Wilbur Jackson was a Sunday IN THE MATTER OF THE RENSTROM, REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS— Sewing mach­ ESTATE OF MALLIE J. GREELEY dinner guest in the Lynn Hurst a specific branch of engineering, Shorthorn cows, 1 Universal milk­ Phone 47J such as agricultural, civil, compu­ ines wanted, treadles, portables ana ing machine, 20 tons of hay. F. home. DECEASED construction, electrical, hy- any condition. Will pay TO all persons E. Defier, Adrian, Oregon. 19D2xp FOR SALE— New grates and re­ electrics, interested In the Mrs. Lillie Bach and granddaugh­ tations, drolic and general. top prices. Phone 247M, P. O. Box for any make of stove. Also j 608, 469 So. First St. F. "Lete” estate of Mallie J. Greeley, de­ ter, FYilth Griffith, left Saturday Further Information FOR SALE— Load of 1x4, 1x6, 1x8 pairs on this ex­ stove pipe, dampers, flue stops, ceased, Including the heirs and morning for Boise, where they will Sackett, Ontario. Rebuilding, elec­ next of kin: lumber. Sealed bids accepted and Nyssa FYirnlture Co. amination and the necessary app­ 240tlc visit a short time. They will then trifying, repairing. 5Dtfc. opened Saturday, December 28, 2 lication form for applying may be L. Miller, the duly quali­ go to Ogden, Utah where Mrs. obtained p. m. at Shell Service, box 814, FOR SALE—new Wlllys engine.) MISCELLANEOUS— Storage. See fied Everett from the secretary, reg­ and acting Administrator of Bach will spend the winter with Nyssa. 19D2xp Watts Motor company. ional board of U. S. civil service ltoi Jake at Flx-lt shop. the estate of Mallie J. Greeley 8Atfc her daughter. After a visit there examiners, bureau of reclamation, deceased, having filed herein his Miss Griffith will proceed to her FOR SALE— Dry slab wood. Phone FOR SALE— 1936 model 114 ton! MISCFH j LANEOUS—For better ra­ Bldg., Boise, Idaho. Ap­ verified petition for an order home In Wakeeny, Kansas. The fairgrounds 192-M Nyssa. 19D3xp. Chevrolet trucx. Good rubber. Be { dio service bring vour radios t«' duly On this happy occasion, plications must be received In the this Court authorizing and di­ two ladies have been visiting in same to see this. Watts Motor Co. Nordale-Newsom F*urniture store of office not later than January FOR SALE— V. A. C. Case trac­ sure recting him as such Administrator when friendship m eans the J. G. Lane home the past 14. Oene Seybold. radiotrician. 13Jtfc to sell the real estate belonging few weeks. tor, 2 years old, with beet and corn Phone 144-J Nyssa, Oregon. more than at any other cultivator bars and new hang-on FOR SAT,E— Automobile Insurance. MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car to said deceased, for the purpose Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Case re­ plows. Wolfe Brothers, 14 miles Fhiblic Liability, Property Damage. ,nd cylinder lock keys made. Clam­ of securing funds necessary for turned from a 10 days visit Sat­ TRANSIENT HOUSING time, we look back qraie- payment of the debts and fun­ southwest of Nyssa. 19D2xp. Fire, Theft and Collision. Placed ile store. with relatives In Ellensburg WILL BE PROBLEM 250afc. the In the best comp nines at lowest eral expenses of said deceased: urday and Seattle, Washington. 1 Lilly upon 1946 and look FOR SALE—Stainless steel and possible rates. Bernard Eastman. It was ordered by said Court that The Thiel and Ratigan families Housing for the families of tran­ For Rent chrome trim edgings for table tops, 14Ftfc. a citation issue directing all per­ the bazaar and supper in sient workers Is the most urgent forward hopeiully to 1947. cabinets and stairways. Also linol­ FOR RENT— 100 acre dairy farm sons Interested in said estate, in- attended Parma Saturday evening sponsored problem of Malheur county agri­ Thanking you one and FOR SALE— Heatrola, practically eum paste and waterproof cement. and 20 cows. Possession middle of | eluding the heirs and next of kin by the Catholic ladies. Mrs. Thiel culture for the next few years. February. See Dean Fife, one mile I to appear, and you are hereby re­ and Mrs. Ratigan aassisted In Inasmuch as men with families all— north of Thompson Oil on Third quired to appear before the County serving of the dinner. will have to be relied upon, rattier Judge of Malheur County, State of street. 19D3xp Mrs. Art Sparks and son, Guy, than single men from Mexico and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Oregon, within ten days from the In Buhl, Idaho from Wed­ elsewhere in the reasonably near BUTCHERING of the service of this Citation visited nesday until Saturday with rela­ future, according to J. R. Beck, Custom butchering every Mon­ date upon you. if served within Malheur day and Friday. Beer, sheep and County, and within 20 days if tives and friends. They made the emergency farm laibor executive, One mile west of Nyasa on Alberta served in any other County of this trip with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stock- for Oregon, who met with the avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc Melheur county farm labor com­ If personally served, or with­ ham. pork. Sanitary butcnerlng guaran­ State, Mrs. Dale Ashcraft and Mrs. mittee In Ontario last Thursday. in 28 days from the date of the teed Phone 05R1. All stock must first publication of this citation Cliff Wright shopped In Caldwell Urgency of the problem Is Ill­ come in Thursday or Sunday arter- and ustrated by the fact that there cause if any you have, Saturday. doon between 12 o’clock and 6. No why a show Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wright and are not more than 600 residential license should not be granted stick accepted on butchering day for the sale of the real estate de­ son, Jerry, visited friends and rel­ buildings H. C. Dwight, on farms In the county. atives in Weiser Sunday. In excess of the number of farms Local Manager scribed in said petition. PHYSICIANS Legal Advertising WYCKOFF Witness my hand and the seal Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummins NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION of the County Court of Malheur and Mrs. Lula Cumgilns, Mrs. STORE SARAZIN CLINIC JEWELRY County this 3rd day of December. Nellie Newbill and Mr. and Mrs. C. Department of the Interior Official Time Inspector for C. Cotton were Sunday guests in Dr. J. J. Sarazin Bureau of Land Management 1946. ___ Union Pacific H. S. SACKETT, Clerk The Dalles, Ore., Nov. 19, 1946 the Beaumont home. Dr. K E. Kerby ONTARIO OREGON By Glenn E. Pierce, Deputy tw: YEARS G R L triN O S Esther McCormick and daughter, NOTICE is hereby given that Will­ Physician and Surgeons A. L. Fletcher iam Leon McCutcheon of Rt. 1, Lorraine, attended a birthday par­ OPTOMETRISTS Homedale, Idaho, who on Dec­ Attorney for said Administrator ty Sunday at the Sneed home In L. A. Mauldins. M. D. ember 14, 1942, made original home­ First pub. Dec. 12, 1946. Letha, Idaho In honor of Jimmy Physician and Surgeon DR. J. A. MCFALL stead entry. Act 6-17-02, No. Last pub. Jan. 9. 1947 Sneed. Phone 37 031875, for F'anm Unit “B” or the The Home Economics club met DR. JOHN EASLY Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Sl/281/2 Section lo, Township 22S, NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING at the home of Pearl Cummins Dally—Except Sunday Range 46E. Willamette Meridian, NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that last Tuesday. The club netted has filed notice of intention to A. L Fletcher, Administrator of $89.25 from the bazaar held last imake final proof, to establish the estate of Marquis H. Lock- Friday night. DENTISTS claim to the land above described, wood. Deceased, has filed in the Kingman Orange met Monday before Frank T. Morgan, notary County Court of Malheur County, night. After the business session J. R. CUNDALL public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the Oregon, his first and final account Lecturer Frances Hurst presented Dentist 7th day of January, 1947. af his administration and that short program, consisting of two Phone 56-J Claimant names as witnesses: Monday. January 13, 1947 at the a readings Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Charlie entitled "Suggestions for Sarazin Clinic Hawk. Clarence MdKague, hour of two o’clock p.m. and the and “No Mon’s Land In a NYSSA OREGON F. E. Dazey and Durward Jurg- County Court Room In the City Men" Woman’s Department Store,” a enson, all of Rt. 1, Homedale. Ida, of Vale. Oregon, have been fixed quiz, FLOOR SANDING to the entire group pre­ F. F. BODMER Grace Gavlre Lewis. by the court as the time and place sent, given on little facts and Dentist Manager for the hearing on said account, a potato peeling known Mrs Guy New or old floors sand­ First pub. Nov. 28, Acting 1946 when and where any person Inter­ Olenn and Mrs. contest. Ph. 187W Howard Last pub. Dec. 26, 1946 ed perfectly. Large ested In said estate may appear, served refreshments of chili Hatch and Wilson Bldg. file objections in writing thereto coffee. commercial machine RESOLUTION 135 be heard thereon. Said account Mrs. L. Kreager, Mr. and Mrs. TANK CLEANING and experienced oper­ A Resolution Declaring Intention and is for final settlement and upon Stam, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe ! Commencing Proceedings being settled and approved, said Lult Brumbach attended the Installa­ Cess pools and septic ators. Telephone Boise to for and Vacation of a Portion of estate will be closed and said Ad­ tion of subordinate Orange officers G o o d health, g o o d luck, to you, 6189R. tanks cleaned. Green Avenue. ministrator discharged. at the Boulevard Orange hall WHEREAS. The following de­ Pup. Dec. 12, 1946 Phone 256 or write box FLOOR LAYING AND scribed portion of Green Avenue First our Triend$, e v e ry d a y in th e Thursday night. Mrs. Ross, state Last pub. Jan. 9, 1947 Pomona officer, was the Installing 221, Caldwell, Idaho in the City of Nyssa, Malheur A. L. FlEuaier, Administrator officer. Two-hundred and four SANDING com ing y ear. A n d — thanks a County, State of Oregon, at this Ffetate of Marquis H. Lockwood, Grangers attended. Mr. and Mrs. Refinished, Filled. Varnished HAY BUYER time is not used or needed for Deceased. million! Stam, Mr. Brumbach and Mr. By Experienced Men purposes of public travel or con­ Hurst were officers from the King- veniences, and the area thereof is W. F. JAHN Write N. J. Barnett valuable for puposes of the ad­ man Orange who were Installed Dealer in hay and grain the coming year. Marsing, Idaho jacent owners, and it is deemed A bridal shower was given In for Mrs. Case, Mrs. J. G. Lane Third at Good Ave. Sales Service Supplies in the interests of the City of honor of Mrs. Marvin Elmore at the and Mrs Arthur Hurst attended the Mary Nyssa that such portion of Green home of Mae Beaumont Wednesday and Martha society meeting In JEWELRY STORES Avenue be closed, to-wit: heights at the home of Mrs All that portion of Green Avenue afternoon. Quiz games were play­ Newell WORLD FAMOUS ed. after which the bride opened Carl Hill Thursday. Mrs. M. L. in Oreen Addition to the City of PAULUS ELECTROLUX was assistant hostess. Nyssa. lying between the Westerly the gifts. Refreshments of ginger­ Judd JEWELRY STORE Among those attending John bread, whipped cream and coffee Cleaner & Air Purifier line of the Oregon Short Line Union Pacific Time Inspector Deere program In Nyssa FYlday were served. Those attending the Railroad Right of Way and a line E. R. Anderson JEWELRY — DIAMONDS were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst, shower were Mrs. Frank Cummins, 80 feet West of and parellel to WATCHES Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, said Westerly line, Lula Cummins, Mrs. W. W. Deffen- O. H. Salter and son, Lee, Bob Main Street a. Second Weiser, Idaho baugh and daughter, Ida Mae; Haney, Mrs. Frank Cummins and and NOW. THEREFORE, BE it Re- Mrs. Cliff Wright, Mrs. Oliver Friel, Mrs. Lula Cummins. BETTY SUE Professional And Business Directory Nampa Creamery STRIKE UP THE BANO! M a i l 1947 Kingman Kolony ☆ Eder Hardware Company