»*VVV <m/ - m r*eNYSSA GAfS V O L ljM É X m i N írtF Program Given In Observance Of Christmas BRIGHAM HARTLEY SUCCUMBS IN UTAH -*-r - r g¿v^. J JOURNAL "NYSSA, OREGON; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1946’ EAGLES WILL PLAY Beet Producers Bulldogs Beat ADRIAN FIVE HERE „ Nyssa „ „ Eagles , will play the Would Pay Same New Plymouth By The Score Of 37-23 [ Adrian town team on the N yssa, Wage As In 46 A. L Fletcher, Nyssa Attorney Killed In Automobile Accident " Sam and Roy Hartley of Nys sa have returned from Clinton, -- — t - | Utah, where they attended funer- _______ | basketball floor at 8 o'clock tonight ------------- Theater Party And Grade al services for their father, B rig Nyssa Takes Early Lead ; ! 1,1 the third same of the season District Meetings Held At the Eagles ham Hartley, who died unexpect YERGENSEN NAMED School Program Out Nyssa, Oregon Trail, B Squad Barely Wins for The Death Occurs As Automo edly at his home. Adrian squad Is composed COUNCIL OFFICER standing Kingman Kolony Victory bile And Semi-Trailer Mr. Hartley, who was 83 years of a group of ex-high school play ers. No admission will te charged Collide At Vale old, spent part of his time at Nys- Allan Smith, commander of On Two of the outstanding programs Approximately 40 sugar beet The Nyssa Bulldogs flashed a for the contest. | sa. He heft here two weeks before tario Post No. 67 of the American held In connection with the observ his death. He was a retired farm good early-season form to defeat the Aubrey Leverett Fletcher, Nyssa's The Eagles will meet the New growers, local members of the ance of Christmas In Nyssa were er. Interm ent was at Bountiful, New Plymouth basketball team on Plymouth town team on the New Nyssa-Naimpa District Sugar Beet Legion, was elected chairman ol only attorney, was Instantly killed the annual entertainment given by Utah. the Nyssa floor before a capacity Plymouth floor Friday night in Growers association, meeting In the Malheur county American Leg Tuesday afternoon about 2 o'clock a double-header program. Survivors besides the two sons crowd by a count of 37 to 23. the city hall in Nyssa last Friday ion council at its meeting in Vale when the automobile which he was the grade school last Thursday living at Nyssa include two sons, The Bulldogs took an early lead night, approved a motion rec Thursday night, December 12. He driving and a truck trailer col night and the party sponsored by Clifton of Los Angeles and Jud- and were never headed, but their , , ,,, —, the Eagles lodge and the Nyssa ommending that practically the succeeds Voss Thompson of Vale, lided on an icy stretch of highway son of Clinton; three daughters, margin was continually threatened o W C C l S l l O D 1 O theater Monday afternoon. same wage scale as was followed who was elected vice-chairman. Lillian Hartley. Mrs. Lucille Treas- during the first half. After reliev- a short distance east of Vale. Santa Claus also paid visits to . . __. „ . . . . this year be adopted at a govern- Elden Yergesun of Nyssa was el Mr. Fletcher apparently was ap many children at programs and a e . . e' * ° . lng Bellon at forward position In ment labor hearing to be held In sergeant-at-arm s and Vernon Los Angeles. 13 grandchildren and the first quarter. Kayano tied the proaching the truck and trailer parties held in the various church S alt Lake City January 8. I , . 'score at 8 to 8. The Bulldogs held Mr.* and Mrs. George Stettler, es last week-end and the first part 13 great grandchildren. Prior to the vote, the labor brief IParker of Adrlan was named ad‘ loaded with lumber, when the trail a 12-8 lead at the end of the first j f ormerly of Ogden, Utah, will open as presented at last year's labor julant. The council is composed of of this week. er swerved across the highway in quarter, and a 13 to 11 margin at Qeoige's Sweet Shop December 30 More than 800 youngsters attend the commanders, adjutants and hearing was read and discussed. to the path of the Fletcher car. half-tim e. j in the new Bybee building near ed the party held in the theater, Representatives of the growers three other members of each post. The attorney’s neck was broken rt • mw 1 During the half rest period. D o r-• ^ a t the west end of Main and processors present at the dis which was free to children of school The council plans a jaunt to Jo r age. The motion picture shown was street. trict meeting Included William dan Valley soon to re-establish the and his chest was crushed. The —— Grider, accompanied by the high ' Mr and Mrs s t e ttler will oper- Carson of Weiser, presient of the "Song of the Sierras". On the stage body was taken to Vale and was Avoset corporation, which is pre- sc^ °°l dand’ gave a baton twirling a(e a gg t shop and cafe in the association; Arvil Child, associa Legion post there. Reed Ray played two Christmas then moved to Nyssa by the Nys i liew establishment, which is locat- tion director representing the Ny numbers on his accordlan and R. paring to erect a plant at Nys- and marching demonstration. sa Funeral home. Coach Howard Lovejoy, who had ed one store west of the Don B. ssa district; J . G. Lane, director ‘ G. Whitaker sang “Santa Claus is sa, and its affiliated companies The semi-trailer truck, driven by line-up considerably t Moss Firestone Dealer store. They representing the Kingman Kolony Coming to Town”. S . P. Bybee was have announced their merger into s^ i^ h ed William D. Hufit of Eugene, O re ____ of __ ceremonies. __________ a single corporation, to be known durinS the first half, sent his or- wU1 handle gifts for all occasions, master district and R. G. Larson and Henry gon, was traveling toward Vale Santa Claus was assisted in dis-1 as Avoset company, a Deleware cor- *8mal line-up t*3* * into the fray including small appliances, cosmet- Zobell of the Amalgamated Sugar and Mr. Fletcher was returning tributlng treats of candy, peanuts poration. j at °P®hing of the third quar- j CS j leather goods, jewelry, candy company. and oranges by members of the The merger, which will become ter' The combination was m uch, and toys. They will serve break- Funeral services for Mrs. George to Nyssa from the county seat. The financial report of the assoc Tire accident in which Mr. Fletch Eagles lodge. Civic and fraternal effective January 1, will cause no more effective against the Pilgrims fast, lunch and dinner in booths iation and a report of the chemist E. Bertsch of Nyssa were held organizations contributed toward change in the ownership, person- j than the others used earlier in the and at the counter. representing the growers on the Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock er was killed was one of three that The walls are finished in flesh factory operations at Nyssa, Burley, in the Methodist churoh, with the occurred on the same section of the expense of the affair. I nel or policies, according to Presl- , game- road over a period of a few hours. The general theme of the grade dent M. K. Jordan. Business re-1 ^ tle Buddo8s began tying up the and cream colors, with a dark col Nampa and Twin Falls were read Rev. H. J. Oernhardt officiating. school program was “The Christ- lationships with any of the pres- PJiirfms in the second quater when ored fountain and back bar and Mrs. Gilbert Klinkenberg, acc Jo h n Boston of Vale died Tues Mr. Larson, district manager of mas Spirit". The effective decora- ent companies will continue un the visitors held the ball, effective- j ught oak display counters. The the Amalgamated Suger company, ompanied by Mrs. C. W. Buchner, day as a result of injuries sustain threats. On the other hand, when fountain stools and four leatherette reporting on the factory operations, sang two solos, "God Understands", ed in an automobile crash Mon tions and scenery added greatly to cltanged with Avoset company. are finished in red. The raid that the harvest of beets this and "Let Me Walk With Thee”. The day night. No one was killed in the the enjoyment of the program. The I "We are merging the three com- ly squashing most of the scoring! manger scene in Bethlehem with panies into Avoset company in or- the Bulldogs were on the offensive j fountain will seat 16 persons. Nick year approximates 910,000 tons and Nyssa Funeral -home was in charge third accident. Funeral services for Mr. Fletcher angels hovering about was depicted der to simplify the corporate and they almost always worked the Stathopolus of Nyssa has been em that the beets averaged slightly of interment In the Caldwell ceme ployed as chef. on the stage. Streamers were used [ the functional organization”, Mr. |ba11 int0 the baslcet ior a sh°L more than 18 tons per acre. The tery. Mrs. Bertsch died at her home will be held In the Methodist church in Nyssa at 2 p. m. FYlday, with in the front part of the gymnasium ; Jordan said. “The growth in our I Tlle Bul' dogs gained a 31 to 17 Mr. and Mrs. Stettler moved here test Is down slightly as compared Monday. December 16. to represent the sky and the stars, volume of business which has led to lead in 1116 iourth quarter as they from Ogden, where Mr. Stettler was to last year, but the tonnage is Catherine Rlst, daughter of Mr. Dr. H. G. McCalllster, district sup which led the wise men to Bethle-1 our current expansion program has swung into hiedl 8ear and decisive engaged in the grocery business. a little higher. and Mrs. Christian Rist, was bom erintendent of the M e t h o d i s t They are living in a residence north hem. made this step imperative at this ly trounced the visitors. Mr. Zobell, head of the com April 17, 1874 in Germany and at church, officiating. The body will Line-ups of the new store. The program was divided into time, pany's field men, discussed the the age of six weeks was brought be sent to Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, Nyssa The west half of the new build- mechanization of the sugar beet to the United States. She was mar where the Masonic lodge will con two parts; the first including gen- I "In view of this increase in busi- New Plymouth F. Sutherland, 7 eral Christmas songs and the sec- \ ness, we are also adding to our Darnell, 7 industry. The beater type of topper ried to George E. Bertsch at Cen duct graveside services. F Bellon. 8 Mr. Fletcher was born' in Nova ond devoted to the Christmas story production facilities by the con- Wilson, 2 that has been developed hi this terville, South Dakota, September C. Anderson, 6 not territory was discussed. as given in the Bible. Istroction of plants at Nyssa, Ore- Hillis, 2 26, 1893. Six children, two boys Scotia. Canada September 24, 1875, G. Herren, 6 The numbers were as follows: Ikon and rraris, Arkansas. As the Gilmore, 5 The new type of topper, which and four girls were born to the a son of Joseph and Kezla Dakin G. Holcomb, 4 Leslie Stoker of Nyssa was the is proving to be very effective, union. Mr. and Mrs. Bertsch re Fletcher. His father moved to Dov- Selections by the grade school restrictions and shortages of mater- Sasser, 4 S. Kayano 4 orchestra, directed by Lynn Law- ials and equipment are eased, we Penrod is creating interest throughout the mained in South Dakota until Dec er-F'oxcroft, Maine in 1880. Aubrey S. Iseri rence, "Hark the Herald Angels will speed the construction of mod- Crawford country, growers said. The con ember 6, 1916, when they moved Fletcher graduated from law school s. Ray (C'ontinued on page seven) ern milk processing units at these Groves, 1 trivance consists principally of a to Parma, where they remained In Maine and started practicing s. Jennings, 2 Green ------------------------------ locations”. small cylinder fastened to two until October, 1925, when they law there. He moved to Richfield, s. Idaho In 1910 and started prac were purchased from the Salt Lake bars attached to a tractor, with came to Nyssa. The general offices of the com Burns SEAL AND BOND The Nyssa B squad barely nosed Cabinet and Fixture company and chains or leather or rubber straps pany are In San Francisco and the Mrs. Bertsch, a member of the ticing law at Vale In Malheur SALES REPORTED eastern office Is in Philadelphia. out the New Plymouth B s by a the kitchen from the Stove and fastened to the cylinder. With Methodist church, Is survived be county In 192C. He moved to Nys The California milk products div score of 30 to 27 in the preliminary Restaurant Supply company of power furnished by the tractor, the sides her hufiband by three daugh sa in 1934 and engaged In law prac Up to the first of this week, ision is located at austine, Cali contest. The score at half-tim e was S alt Lake City. cylinder revolves and threshes the ters, Mrs. L. S. Root of Nyssa, tice here until the time of his $4180.84 had been contributed to 11 to 9 and at three-quarter time fornia. chains or straps against the beet, Mrs. Theodore Drewnlek of Boise death. the Christmas seal sale in Mal 19 to 15. Nyyssa took the lead for While in Idaho Mr. Fletcher tops. The machine is said to do and Mrs. Lois Paterson of Spok heur county. the first time in the third quar served as secretary of the Idaho a very clean job of topping. ane; four sisters, Mrs. J. F. Krause The last report of Mrs. Jessie PARK PLAN FOR ter, 12 to 11. More Interest In mechanization of Revela, South Dakota, Mrs. state senate for two terms. He serv M. Fraser of Ontario, county Christ DAM SUPPORTED The players were as follows: New (Continued on page seven) Bertha Passage of Watertown, ed as city attorney in Nyssa for mas seal chairman, Issued last Plymouth Hale, Cleaver, Christen South Dakota, Mrs. Amelia Ideker several years and took an active week, indicated that $2871.79 worth The Ontario Lions club is the sen, Hunter and Wilder; Nyssa— of Hartford, South Dakota and part in civic affairs. He was a Portland, December 26— Mal JAPANESE HOLD of bonds and seals had been sold. latest organization to step into the Chadwick, Anderson, Sutherland, Mrs. Reekie Launsbery of Brook past president of the Nyssa Lions heur county will have an early ANNUAL MEETING Sales In Nyssa amounted to $386. campaign to have the Owyhee dam Toombs and Wilson. ings, South Dakota; a brother, club and a director of the Nyssa part in reorganization of the Ore 30, in Vale $506.70 and in Ontario area designated as a state park. The Bulldogs will play Cald Charles J . Rlst, of Parker, South chamber of commerce. He was a $750. Other sales Included Arcadia, The Ontario club voted last week well on the Nyssa floor In a non gon national guard If present plans During the Japanese- American Dakota; three grandsons, two member of the Oregon S tate B ar $24.50; Arock, $28.70; Owyhee, $58; to authorize its president, Harry conference game Tuesday, Dec carry through. Colonel C. A. Fertig Citizens league convention held in association. Mr. Fletcher had been granddaughters and one great Lincoln, $53.50; Jordan Valley, $97. Rice, to write to Samuel H. Board- ember 31 at 2:30 p. m. The game of Astoria, commanding officer of j Boise and Weiser Oeorge Hasht- secretary of the Nyssa-Nampa Dis grandson. 50; Sheavllle, $4.50; Ridgeview, $27. man, superintendent of parks, ab will be played in the afternoon the 186th Infantry regiment, said tani's bowling team, the Big 5, won trict Beet Growers association ever .5 0 ; Rockville, $10; Big Bend, $54.50; out the proposel. because of a dance to be held in this week that he had asked auth- 1 first place at the 20th Century al- since it was organized. ority from the national guard b u -1 ley. Thirteen five-man teams were Valley View, $46.50. and Adrian, Rice is also writing to George the gymnasium that night. Mr. Fletcher, a member of R ich Kingman Kolony and N e w e l l Aiken, former publisher of the Ont In one of the more exciting gam reau to organize headquarters and entered. field lodge No. 70, A. F. and A. M. heights. $148. 50. ario Argus and present state bud es in conference play, the Bulldogs headquarters company of the reg l-j The highest score of the indlv- at Richfield, Idaho, was a past Buyers of bands, from $5 to $15, get director, because of Aiken’s will meet the Ontario Tigers on ment's second battalion, which will ldual entrants was 670 for three patron of Golden Rule chapter No. j games, and scratch singles 571. Included Fred and Dorothy Bailey interest in improvement in th e , the Nyssa floor Friday evening. be formed at Milton-Freewater. 131, Order of the Eastern Star, of Lieutenant-Colonel R. R. Carey | At the convention, December 14, and Jo e Blanton of Lincoln, Home- county's recreational facilities. Circuit Judge M. A. Biggs, hold Nyssa. January 3. of La Grande, infantry officer who; in the Washington hotel in Weiser, ing court In Vale Tuesday, set tne dale Orange of Ridgeview, Frank The Nyssa Lions dub and the Survivors are his widow, Je a n ; saw duty In the European theater ; a business meeting was followed opening date for the trial of Alvin three sons, Carleton of San Fran Morgan and Dr. Joseph Cundall Malheur Game league had already Here From School— of Nyssa, Lora E. Pillsbury of Big gone on record as favoring the Miss Velma Fox Is home from during the late war, will command by the convention dinner, with Lee Williams on a charge of first cisco, Aubrey, Jr., of Eugene, and Bend; and Modern Pioneer clu b,'p lan, which is designed, among the University of Oregon to spend the battalion. Company ‘'H”, w ith 1 Tom Nishitanl serving as toast- degree murder for February 3 and Elliott of Seattle; a daughter, Mrs. a total strength-of 157 men and ¡master. Jim Baker and his orches- granted Mrs Gladys Broadhurst Mary Dunn of Boise; 10 grand P T. A., chamber of commerce, other things, to secure improvement the holidays with relatives. officers when it reaches full stren-1 tra furnished music for a dance until January 3 to enter a plea to children; and four sisters and two Mary and Martha society, Adrian 1 of the road leading to the dam. gth, will be organized at O ntario1 held in the American Legion hall. a charge of toeing "an accessory brothers. Miss Effle Jan e F7etcher Feed store, Browne's M e r c a n t i l e --------------------------- Here from Portland— store, Eder Hardware store, M ar- Going to Corvallis— A luncheon and general assembly after the fact" in the slaying of and Charles D. Fletcher of Wes D. L. Anderson of Portland, for and Nyssa. All four of the battalion's com were held Sunday. tin's blacksmith shop, the Pastime, Ensign and Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff mer Nyssa resident arrived here W. D. Broadhurst of Caldwell, ton, Massachusetts, Mrs. May Ches- B ill’s Service and Sewell Produce returned to Nyssa from Tillamook, Tuesday to spend Christmas with panies will be in eastern Oregon, On Monday the convention head Jordan Valley rancher ley of Swampscott, Massachusetts, Oregon to spend the Christmas his family. He returned to Port with "E ” company at La Grande- quarters were moved to the Hotel company of Adrian. Williams is charged with the Mrs. Grace Walker and Mrs. Joyce holidays and left today for Corval land Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Union, “F ” company at Baker, and Boise. The farewell banquet w as1 murder of Broadhurst and Mrs. Oraham of Bradford, Massachu Orrhid Presented— lis, where Mr. Wyckoff will attend Anderson is operating the Kenton “O ” company at Hermiston-Pend- held in the Crystal ballroom and Broadhurst Is held in connection setts and Herbert E. Fletcher of leton. Olean Wells, manager of the Oregon S tate college. Mr. Wyck- theater in Portland. dancing in the MlraMar ballroom. with the slaying of her husband. Georgetown. Massachusetts. Formation of headquarters and Nyssa theater, presented Mr. and off, who served for more than four Approximately 250 guests and Both are held in the Malheur headquarters company w.U be the delegates from Utah, Oregon and county Jail. Mrs. John Wulf of Nyssa route 2 years in the navy, was discharged Visiting Parents— Nursing Home Births— with an orchid at the theater j the latter part of November. Mrs. Miss Ann Brady, student at the first step in organization of the Idaho attended the sessions. The date for Williams trial was A son, weighing 8 pounds, 4 1/2 Christa ms night in remembrance Wyckoff is a daughter of Mr. and University of Oregon, is here from battalion, and Colonel Fertlg said set by Judge Biggs upon the rec ounces, was born December 21 in of the honor that was conferred Mrs. Barney Wilson and Mr. Wy- Eugene to spend her vacation with that recruiting mmld be pushed. Visiting Relative ommendation of Charles Swan, the nursing home to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lawrence and deputy district attorney, who will Cecil Florea of Nyssa. on them two years ago when they ckoff is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . I. rapidly as soon as authority is re were designated as “good neigh C. Wyckoff of Sumpter, former Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brady ceived. Organization of the four son are spending the holidays with direct the state's prosecution of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barker bors" by Tom Breneman. master Nyssa residents. and daughter Peggy, of Emmett combat companies will follow as relatives at Preston, Idaho. the case. Swan asked for the Feb of Parma are parents of a son are also Christmas guests of M r.' soon as possible. ruary date because of other cases born December 23. The baby weigh of ceremonies of the radio skit ! ---------- Brady's parents. With the unex-J The 186th infantry regiment will Return Home— “Breakfast In Hollywood". A picture 1 M»n Has Pneumonia— he has to try. ed 6 pounds, 9 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Brower and Charles Puddy of Adrian was pected arrival of Mr. and Mrs. be, as it was during the late war of the same name was shown in Mrs. Broadhurst was arraigned Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Carlson of taken to the Nyssa Nursing home Brady's son, Roy, and wife and and for nearly 20 years before then, daughter returned last Wednesday in circuit court shortly after the Nyssa are parents of an 8 pound, the theater last night. suffering from pneumonia Tues- j daughter, Barbara, from Califor- a part of the 41st Infantry divi for a business and pleasure trip time of Williams' trial was set. 8 ounce son bom December 22. to S alt Lake City and Los Angeles. day. He was taken to the hosp ital! nia, they were reminded that yes- sion. . Go to California— Colonel Fertlg also said that They were gone two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pfeiler of in the Nyssa Funeral home am - terday was the family's first Christ- Minister I l l - To Preach Here— authority had been requested to Nyssa rural route have gone to bulance. mas together since 1939. Rev H. J . Gemhardt is ill at Rev. Stong, army chaplain at organize the regiment's third bat Veteran Returns— Oxnard. California to spend the his home with Influenza. In his Boise, will speak In the Methodist Mass Planned— M Sgt. Martin O. Greig of Nys absence, the pulpit at the Metho •hurth Sunday morning. talion headquarters and headquar- Will Give Pregrant— winter. . The St. Anne's Altar society met The Junior department of the ters unit at Forest Orove under sa. who was reported in the Gate dist churoh was filled by Dr. H. G. at the home of Mrs. Jacob Oroot Methodist Sunday school will pre- the command of Lieutenant-Coi- City Journal last week to have re McCalllster of Boise Sunday mom- Party Planned— Post Office Kept Open— The Nyssa post office was kept In Arcadia Thursday, Arrange- sent a program of Christmas stories onel Charles W. Hash of Portland, ceived the army rommendat:on rib- ', ing. A special Invitation Is Issued to _________________ open for six hours on Christmas ments were made to hold mass i n ! and songs Sunday evening, Dec- Lieutenant-Colonel Hash command- bon for meritorious service with' all college students home for va ed this same battalion during the the infantry In Korea, was d 's - 1 Plan Turkey Hhoot— day to allow patrons to pick up Nyxsa every Sunday, beginning ember 29, at 8 p.m. cation as well as all teen-agers to January 5 at 9:30 except the sec campaigns In the southwest P acif charged from the service in M ay, The Malheur Oame league will attend the motion picture and Christmas packages. ond Sunday. The time will be an Visiting Here— and has returned to Nyssa. The .sponsor a turkey shoot Sunday, dance which will be held Friday, ic. nounced later. The next meeting Kill Elk— Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stettler of ♦ ibbon was awarded for service J December 29, beginning at 12:30 December 27 in the Episcopal par Bernard Frost. Dick Stockham will be held at the home of Mrs. Ogden are visiting their son, Oeo- Visiting rendered from October, 1945 to p. m. a quarter mile west of Cairo iah hall. The party will be one of a and Harry Miner returned last William Van Zelf January 23. R e- rge. and family in Nyssa over the Lee Miller is spending the Chrtst- May, 1946 Notice of the presen junction. Lunch will be served on series of such affairs which the week-end with a cow elk killed freshments were served by the holidays. They are also visiting sons mas holidays with his son, Don- tation was received by the Journ the grounds. Shotguns and .22 rif church has offered to young people hostess. . | at Not us and Homed ale 1 aid, and family of Boise. In Baker county. al only a few days ago. In Nyssa this fall. les will be used in the shoot. Be Opened Soon Avoset Concerns rormintjr Merger “ Beers' Uarienp and Nan J Mrs Bertsch’s Funeral Is Held National Guard Will He Formed Wiliam’s Trial Date Is Fixed