Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1946)
PAGE EIGHT TH E N YS S A G ATE C IT Y JO U RN AL, Social Notes Story” . The c lub wiU not hold The club wiu not noia CLUB T O O IV E DANCE Teh Nyssa Civic club decided at a meeting held Wednesday after noon to hold a holiday dance in the gymnasium Saturday, Decem ber 28. The club will secure a good orchestra for the occasion. Mrs. J. L. Church was appointed by Mrs. W. E. Schlreman. presi dent to handle decorations, Mrs. Gordon Schmelzer, advertising, and Mrs. Olea Billings, the ticket sale. Mrs. Ed Frost and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis were tea hostesses. The theme of the program given under the direction of Mrs. Olea Billings, was ‘T h e Nativity In Song and were served at the Keveren a meet- The boys had two birthday meec ^ ^ and one ^ NYSSA, OREGON TH U R SD AY, DECEMBER made by Burton, called Night O ’ FOR SALE— V. A. C. Case trac Rest, 120. Tw o miles north, 1 mile tor. 2 years old, with beet and corn _________________________________ cultivator bars and new hang-on ton. FOR S A L E - New Hamp. pullets, west on Columbia avenue, large plows. Wolfe Brothers. 14 miles l#D2xp. —5— March hatched, now laying, gray house. Mrs. P. Tensen.ldDlxc. southwest of Nyssa. GUESTS A T D INNER 11.75. Three miles south, Vi East ] Several friends were entertained of Adrian bridge at Big Bend at Sunday dinner at the C. C. schoolhouse. Call any day but Sat-1 Cotton home. Guests were Mr. and j urday. Joe King. 19D2xp.. Mrs Prank Cummins. Mrs. Lulu j * U n i.t»in T n w ! i home, and Mrs. W alter Fox, low, W yatt cakes, Smith and Mrs. H. H. Kingrey; and sand. traveling, Mrs. Pox and Mr. C lng In January. wkhegi ice cream and punch. Each OFFICERS MEET i received as a favor a red or Stake omcers of the LD3 Sun- grcen cornucopia filled with candy. day school met last Thursday eve- . . . ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' EASTERN S T A R IN S TA LLS Wilford Peterson. The evening was j The Golden Rule Chapter. Order .jpent socially. Refreshments were i 0f the Eastern Star, held installa- 19, 1946 1 0(1 o t.ate to t Classify - Benson Glass Shop served by the hostess. j tion of officers Monday evening. ^ Shorthorn cows. 1 Universal milk- I ■ New officers installed are: Olive Mae Beaumont and C liff Beau _ ,n ing machine, 20 tons of hay. F. BOYS HONORED I Rogers, worthy matron; Luay Tra- n » nt all of Kingman Kolony. E. Defier. Adrian, Oregon. 19D2xp Robert Keveren and Dan Love- ■ bert. worthy patron; Jacob Slm- - i - , ____________________________________________ ENG AG EM ENT ANNOUNCED SALE- - Cabinet model radio. Joy were honored at a double birth- j mons associate patron; Bernice The engagement of Miss Virginia __________ E x c e l l e n t condition. Brower's day party last Saturday afternoon, > pbicher, conductress; Helen Wilson, December 14. given for them by ( associate conductress; Hazel Frost, Troutner to Clarence Shoof of p iunibing Shop. 19Dlxc. their mothers, Mrs. Kinsey K e v - 1 treasurer; Mae Schireman, secre- j Spokane has been a n n o u n c e d . ------------------------------------------- eren and Mrs. Howard Love Joy. tary; Jean Fletcher, Ada» B etty' Miss Troutner is the daughter FO R SALE— Load of 1x4, 1x8, 1x8 Twenty boys Invited to the par- Rinehart, Ruth; Pauline Church, Mrs. Olive Robinson o f Nyssa. lumber. Sealed bids accepted and ty spent most of the afternoon Esther; Poe Trabert, Martha; j She is a grauate of Nyssa high opened Saturday, December 28, 2 playing basketball. Refreshments Josephine Rigriey, Electa; Hilda . * ^ o o l and at present is employed p. m. at Shell Service, box 814, Nyssa. 19D2xp i Tensen, organist; Katherine Sim- *n Nyssa bank, Mr. Shoof was recently discharg mens, chaplain; Mary Thomas, FO R SALE— Dry slab wood. Phone marshal; Mildred Renstrom, war ed from the U. S. army. 192-M Nyssa. 19D3xp. — 9— ____________________________ den, and Jesse Rigney, sentinel. H O NORS HUSBAND f o r SALE— Pillow type mattress, Dorothy Burbridge was install Mrs W ilford Peterson honored _________________________________ ____ ing matron; Vemena Beam in stalling chaplain, Hilda Tensen, in her husband Tuesday evening at I stalling organist;, and Victoria a surprise birthday party. The five j couples attending presented Mr. j Schweizer, installing marshall. Peterson with lovely gifts. Games i ~ S_ were played and refreshments were | ! D INN E R SERVED i Mrs. Tom Burningham invited served. Cold Weather Ahead O f Ontario, Oregon W ill be moved into its New Home Monday, December 23 Four blocks east of underpass on Highway 30 Shatterproof auto glass, window glass plate glass and windows Plenty of Type N A N T IF R E E Z E AT HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY the members of her bridge club to Oarl's Doll House for a chicken dinner last Wednesday evening. In | addition to club members Mrs. Tom Eldridge and Mrs. A. L. Flet- ! cher were guests. Mrs. Joe Maug- hn won high prize at bridge, Mrs. Eldridge, second high, and Mrs. Sid Burbidge, the traveling prize. UNKLE <9^6 \ H A N K SEZ M O N EY DOET i NY MEAN EVEJ3Y-TVIING T O FO LKS e >ur I T S M IG H T Y C O N V E N IE N T T O HAVE- á •’ y-. -vr - a ' V ? 7 M Folks s- NYSSA Phone IOÖ PROGRAM THEATRE The Management and Staff Extend Cordial Blîolibay (Smitnqs Special Holiday Show A ll Cartoon And Comedy Show Tuesday, Dec. 24 A t 2:30 P. M. Don’t miss this big round-up o f fun. . . . all tor your holiday enjoyment. 6 Cartoons and 3 Comedies NEW CLUB FORMED Mr. and Mrs. Warren Farmer were hosts to a newly organized married couple's bridge club Tues day evening. High score prize was won by Mr. | Former and second high by Mrs. | Forrest Bomer. - ☆ 5 - F AR E W E LL P A R T Y G IVEN A farewell party was given for Darlene Sayles, Nyssa high school I student, by the Youth fellowship ' of the Methodist church In the parsonage Wednesday night of last | week. t The party was attended by 15 guests, who presented Miss Sayles ■ with a nice gift. The group spent the evening playing games. Re- ! freshments were served, j Miss Sayles and her brother, Billy, will go to Portland to make their home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sayles, who recently moved to Portland. —S— GR O U P E N TE R TAIN E D Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton in vited live couples to their home last Wednesday evening. High priz es were won by H. H. Kingrey I Save The spectacular climax to the daring exploits of the world’s most famous outlaw, returns to the screen in all its thrill-thundering excite ment. Cartoon and Sports Mat.. Sai., 2:s0 Aom. 25c-5e Inc. Tax Adm. Evening., 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, DECEMBER 22-23 Eddie Albert, Faye Marlowe in “RENDEZVOUS WITH ANNIE” IT ’S A SECRET! And only the wise old stork knows the hilarious answer-becaEise if you had a rendezvous like Annie did-you wouldn’t want the whole town howling aboEit it either! Diving Aces and Screen Snapshots The Bowery Boys are back again! This time as bank robbers in “BOWERY BOMBSHELL” Bob Steele in “SIX GUN MAN” T R A I» EASTBOUND 8:17 am *1:20 pm 3:07 pm ••6:05 pm 10:50 pm •Twin Falls local ••Boise local WESTBOUND 5:00 am 10:05 azn *2:25 pm •8:05 pm 11:55 pm •Welser local DEPOT— T O W N E S GARAGE Phone 196W Including T ax Plan Now To Be There! I t ’s A ll Free! Sponsored by Nyssa theatre, Eagles lodge and all other civic organizations ¡íú r m X / Gtyto caw Betfri Juice-King for all Nyssa High School types o f citrus fruits. Vs. New Plymouth High School \ Friday Night, Dec. 2 0 Sturdy metal step- 7:30 p.m. Nyssa Gymnasium Admission 50c and 35c OWYMEE DRUG CO. stools, combination ladder and stool. W IL L H E L P VOU AVOID WINTER’S CHILL AND ACHE - W ISE F O L K 0 E A L H E R E I'TOK COODNESS SAKE " j ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY Weekly Market Report For Tuesday 17, 1946 Metal smoke stands Total amount: Cattle 1171. hogs 242, sheep 86 Fat steers $19 to $20. Medium steers $17 to »19 Bulls $13 to S14. Good cows $12 to $14. Heifers $16 to $18. Veal calves $15 to $18. Stock calves $14 to $16. 8heep: Lambs $14 to $18. Hogs: Top $23.80 Feeder pigs $18 to $22. Sows $19 to $20. make suitable Christ mas gifts for the men who smoke. THERE WILL BE NO SALE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24. “BREAKFAST IN HOLLYWOOD” «or 9 c. will be here with treats for all the kiddies. (Grade School A ge) in 1946 PLEASE NO TE— Shows will start at 5:30, 7:30 and 9:30,_________________________________ Evening«, Santa Claus will be shown COMPLETE 800Y t PAINT SHOP WBECKEB SERVICE GLASS DEPT.'» <5S n OM /f £ * » Tom Breneman, Bonita Granville and many of your favorite radio stars in 4 dm O.K. Rubber Welders ‘Song of The Siereas’ Basketball Game 1U WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25 CHRISTMAS DAY Claude Rains, Vivien Leigh, Stewart Granger and Flora Robson in one o f the greatest spec tacles o f all time. It has massed action battle and mob scenes, marine vistas. So beautiful you will dream about it. latest News NO TE— Shows will start at 7:00 and 9:20. A good car is as im portant as money these days — that’s why the N YSSA A U T O BODY SHOP is ever ready to service your car with the finest body, fender and paint jobs in town. In the spirit o f the season-MER- ! RY, M E R R Y CH RIST M AS to you, one and all. The snowman will fade as the weather warms, and too soon we forget the joys of Christmas and its mellowing effect upon our lives. It is our hope that •his Christmas of 1946 will bring you many a blessing in the weeks and months ahead. ___ A special cowboy show, Jimmy Wakely in To Attend Local Evening price. 40c-9c, Inc. Tax. THURSDAY & FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 27 A mighty production in gorgeous technicolor “CAESAR AND CLEOPATRA” C O 2:30 P. M. Last Chance Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., 30c-9r, Inc. la i Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 BARGAIN NIGHT DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM H * » v « U Monday, December 23 a*d _______ Admission, 9-30c, Including Tax FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20-21 Henry Fonda, Gene Tierney, Jackie Cooper in “RETURN OF FRANK JAMES” V « i V « N » A t Kiddies Christmas Party NYSSA THEATER M ERRY CH RISTM AS AND - H A P P Y NEW Y E A R «KL Í94 262 MAIN AIN-RALPH CASTATfR STATER Best Wishes For Xmas & The New Year I W e have enjoyed serving you through 1946 and hope to serve you again in 1947. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. “Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” Cols. Ellis White and Clayt Tschirgi (Schirge), Auctioneers O N T A R IO — 413-M F R U IT L A N D — 522 Coffee and cock tail tables, with glass top. Nyssa Furniture Co.