Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1946)
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1946 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON *; r six --------- -— " * i was Joretta Moeller's 9th birth- elk hunting near Baker the first on a trip to sell Bibles. o f the geek. HUnier Hints helpe pour cem?nt day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hull of Vale Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warner went Mr and Mrs. Klart Stephans of ter, of Owyhee were quests of in Nyssa last week for a garage were dinner guests at the E11* j to Unity Saturday for Christmas on the Robert Ditty place. Smlthfleld, Nebraska spent Wed- M r- and Mrs Phillips^ At noon Walter enjoyed his trees. Hilmer Hints helped pour cement Warner home Sunday. nesuay in the home of Mr. and day . . __. . birthday dinner and cake which ment In Nyssa last week for a gar Mrs. Vern Butler and children The Arcadia club worked on the Mrs. Hud Robb. J wa£ especially made for the oc- age on the Robert Ditty place. were dinner guests Sunday at the ciut, qUiit a t the home of Mrs. H ie W olfe boys have purchased casion. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson were home of her mother, Margaret Qtis Bullard December 12. a new Case tractor and plow. I Edwin Bergam has built a clnd- dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Payne In Ontario. The dinner was _ . „ . Rev. George Whipple of Nysaa, erblock addition to his basement. Mrs. Hud Robb. given in honor of Wallace Butler U n lie Pryor “ “ returned irom Jackie Wilson accompanied Mary and Kenneth Vanderpool, whose Missouri and Iowa, where he vis- pastor of the Christian church, \houae‘ E. J. Hobson lost a stack of al birthdays oecured Sunday. ited for several weeks. showed religious slides at the com falfa hay and grain by fire last Query and Tressa Ditty to Wilder Sunday evening, where they att The Arcadia Sunshine club will Mr. and Mrs. Solon Miner have munity hall the first of the month. week ended revival meetings conducted ro 0ld. a .KCh^ tmaS. Party* DeCe^ t > ! r Purchased a modern trailer house. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Babcock and Miss Margery Hillls and “ Cook” by Max and Mae Johnston of 19 at the home of Mrs. Otis Bul The school program at Arcadia family were guests of his mother, Mitchell were married December lard. The members will exchange Dorrance, Kansas. Mrs. Ora Babcock of Boise, re 5 at the Baptist parsonage In On Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Newgen and Christmas gifts and their Sun will be held Friday, December 20 cently. tario. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are at 8 p.m. Mr anad Mrs. Bob Newgen and shine sisters will be revealed. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis and now honeymooning In California. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matherly son of Madras plan to leave soon family have moved from the An- Mr and Mrs Melvin Pendarvls to spend the winter In California. and Mrs. Anna Dali were shoppers Leave On Visit— ton Myho ranch, where Mr. Davis | of Wallowa are visiting her par- Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Allen left Among Nampa shoppers Mon in Caldwell Saturday. was employed during the summer, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hillls. Otis Bullard, Vern Butler, George Tuesday for a visit of three weeks day were Mary Query, Tressa Ditty Bill Beus has rented the land j Mr and Mrs Herbert Hester and Moeller and Theo Matherly went at LasVegas, Nevada. and Mrs. George Wilson. owned by Marie Black and will | family of Boise were guests Sun- Mrs. Claude Wilson entertained farm It this year. | day of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lang- at a birthday party Saturday for Several from this community at- I ley and family, her son, Earl, on his birthday. Six tended the Lee sale In Cow h o i- ' Rev Alfred Brim left last week teen guests were preserft. Games were played on the lawn. Ea^J received many gifts. Refretomenus were served. Mr. and Mrs. Hud Robb and fam Uy enjoyed a three-day visit rec ently with Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Del- mar Swanson of San Francisco. Mr Swanson Is a brother of Mrs. ☆ Robb. James Reeder, proprietor of Reed ☆ er’s grocery, has announced that his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parsons o f W ich ita, Kansas will become his part ners in the store upon their arr ival here. Plans are being made to enlarge the present store. /*\ERftv The Christmas program at the Assembly of God church will be given the evening of December 22 at 8 o'clock. It will be presented One need not be told it is by the children of the Sunday Christmastime. Th e glow ing school. The public Is Invite to at tend. faces o f friend and Mrs. Harley Wilson and sons returned home last week from stranger alike bespeak it. Haines and Roswell, respectively. Q . w II ¡low last week. I Mrs. Ray Holcomb and son. Wal- dunset Va2i«y AKE GOOD CHEER. FOR rfetmos MAY TRUE HAPPINESS IN ALL ITS FULLNESS BE YOURS THIS It gives us the same thrill as Arcadia Friends o f Wallace Butler gath ered at his home December 14 to help him celebrate his 7th birth day. The afternoon was spent in playing games. He was the recip ient o f many gifts. Mrs. Butler served cake and ice cream to 21 guests. Bob Lay has returned from Washington to visit his father and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sonqulst of -Gem avenue have returned from C alif ornia, where they visited their sons. Dinner guests at the George Moeller home Sunday were Mrs. Ctls Bullard, and Donald and Bet ty. Mrs. Anna Dali, Mrs. Theo Matherly and Joan, Margaret Bates and Annette Stradley. The occasion CHRISTMASTIME Paulus Jewelry of old to wish all our friends^ and those who are still to become our friends, W h e n somebody says to you, “ Good jobs are hard to find” - D O N ’T YOU B E L IE V E I T — if you’re a physically and mentally fit young man from 18 to 34 inclusive! In your new Regular Army, 40,000 good jobs a month are opening up . . . interesting jobs that pay well . . . that offer advancement, career opportunities and training and experience in many useful skills and trades. New higher Arm y pay . . . food, clothing, quarters, travel, at no extra cost . . . G I Bill o f Rights educational benefits for those who enlist before the official termination o f the war and serve at least 90 days . . . and the oppor tunity for early retirement with a life income . . . add up to a career you can’t afford to miss. A 3-year enlistment permits you to choose any branch o f service and overseas theater which still have openings. Go after one o f these good jobs now! You can get all the facts at your nearest U. S. Army Recruiting Station and E N L IS T N O W ! M O N TH LY R ET IR E M EN T NEW, HIGHER PAY FOR ARMY MEN Starting IN C O M E A F T E R : Base Pay 20 Years' 30 Years' Per Service Service Month In Addition to Food. Lodging, Ciotto and Midkal Can In Addition to Column Ond* at the R ig h t : 20% In crease for Service Over seas. 50% Increase, up to $50 Maximum Per Month, if Member of Flying or Glider Crews. $50 Per Month for Parachutists (Not in Flying-pay Status) While Engaged upon Para chute Duty. 5% Increase in Pay for Each 3 Years of Service. Master Sergeant or First Sergeant *165.00 *107.25 *185.63 87.75 151.88 Technical Sergeant 135.00 74.75 129.38 Staff Sergeant . . 115.00 65.00 112.50 Sergeant . • • • 100.00 101.25 58.50 90.00 Corporal . . . . 90.00 80.00 52.00 Private First Class 48.75 84.38 75.00 Private . . • • a very M erry Christmas. A Listen to Guy L o m b a rd o , “ S o u n d O f t ," " W a r r io r s o f P e a c e ," " V o ic e o f th e A r m y ," "P ro u d ly W e H a i l ," and F o o tb a ll B ro a d ca sts GOOD &SVV2 >' '/'A't ■ j - 4 'váS, •* ' ^ t f - F - - , FOR*OU U. S. A rm y on your radio. Morrison Eleclric Co. JOB F t HE CHOOSE THIS P R O F E S S I O N H O W I. YOUR REGULAR ARMY SERVES THE NATION AND MANKIND IN WAR AND PEACE ★ * FIRST SECURITY BANK BLDG. PAYETTE, IDAHO ■ ■■ * • j Wcfi/d ' ’ OM 'i ‘ ; V .; • * 1 Christmas is not nil tinsel anil tissue or colored lights and merriment. It has a deeper significance, rooted in the long gone past, which sets it high above all other h oli days o f die year. • It is o u r hope that this blessed season « will bring to your home not only the festive joys o f Y'uletide but that deep inner peace which is essentially a part o f Christmas. , - BRACKEN'S