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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1946)
4L . - - — rAeNYSSA GA JOURNAL TsT0 . 48' xxxxr ~NYSSX~ÖREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1946 Christmas W i l l J e r s e y c a t t l e c l u b p UDi l s t o Have c o ld est w ea th er N v s s a t n P la v D L i J WILL HOLD MEETING \ . , P ! , ,7 OF WINTER STRIKES 1 / * . Be Celebrated _ The annual n ,—- f h i Week’s Vacation T h , — - New Plymouth in meeting of the Mai-1 # | The temperature dropped to 141 * PubllClV Here will heur be county Jersey Cattle dull Over Christmas degrees above zero in Nyssa Wed- Conference Tilt held Friday, December 20 nesday morning, giving this com' vulüme C l if f o r d c . c o x QUITS AS TESTER Value of F. F. A. In Developing Farmers Cited Clifford C. Cox of Nyssa has resigned as cow tester for the ' i \I 7 lll K o V to lH V rirto ti rW a m V “ “ 1 • - Malheur County Dairy Herd Im- 1 munity its coldest weather of the Bulldogs Defeat Adrian provement association to accept a Annual Banquet Of Nys Programs Of Churches, TnUe 1 ^TTi Mid-year Vacation First “ inter. Others Will Be Held a. m. For High Schoolers The temperature was only two! And Jordan Valley On position as field man for the Far sa Chapter attended By mers' Co-operative creamery of A potluck dinner will be served degrees warmer Tuesday, dropping This Week-end In Four Years Home Floor 60 Boys, Fathers Payette in Malheur county. His at noon, with the business session to 16 degrees. The maximum Tues ______L ,„ ... . . _. . . , . I resignation will become effective Nyssa churches, the Eagles lodge being resumed after noon. Offi The Nyssa high school and the day was 33 degrees and the warm With victories registered against, the flrst of the year The value of Future Farmers of and Nyssa tneatre management, cers for the coming year will be Nyssa grade school will be dis- est Monday 36 degrees. Adrian and Jordan Valley, the Definite arrangements for the America experience to youths plan assisted ------------------ by civic and ----------------- fraternal or- elected. The present officers are missed Friday for a week's va- --------- Nyssa high school Bulldogs hope appointment of a successor to Mr. ning to enter the agricultural field ganizations, and the Nyssa grade j Gene Ballj president: Tren Jones" j cation. The schools will be re to keep their basketball slate clean Cox have not been completed. was emphasized by Ray Peterson school will hold public observances vice president, and Mrs. Charley convened December 30. Grider, secretary-treasurer. The when tney meet the strong New Mr. Cox was cow tester in Mal of Nyssa at the annual banquet of of Christmas during the next few The holiday period will be the heur county before entering tne the Nyssa F. F. A. ln the high group will Plymouth five on the Nyssa floor days. . ., outline , , .. plans for the . first Christmas vacation for high service early in the war and re school building last Friday night. Friday night of this week. The Eagles and other interested school youngsters of Nyssa in four sumed his duties with the testing Mr. Peterson, local manager of The preliminary encounter, start association this year. groups will hold a kiddles party in dairy show and classification work. years. The Ohristmas vacation has Charline Martin of Ontario and Avoset, Inc., told the 60 Future ing a t 7:30, will be followed by tne the theatre Monday, December 23 been dispensed with because of Esther Jensen of Ontario were Farmers and their fathers and at 2:30 p. m. A picture suitable the harvest vacation, during which badly cut and bruised when the ¡main game about 8:30 or 8:45. guests that “With the war over for children will be shown. Santa the students assisted with har- lutomobile in which they were1 visitors are apparently good « „ I w w w , ( 7 ) 1 * 1 1 1 ] * we are going to have to attend Claus will appear to distribute r , ir j vesting of crops in the fall. The riding was involved in an accident “ 1 ™ «ated WeLser Tuesday r i d U t d S » ^ U T p U S more to details" on the farms treats. LiOSeS t O V a l e , work was done by adult workers two miles east of Parma Monday D e n i e d W 0111 a i l The speaker, formerly in F, F. A. ( 23 to 21 21 m so that the Bulldogs will 1 The annual program of the Nyssa this fall so that the students re night. work, was secretary of the Idaho have ta start clicking if fihey ex- J ------- grade school will be presented to- The Nyssa Eagles basketball team mained in school. . Miss Martin was taken to the Mrs. Gladys Broadhurst of Cald- Future Farmers of America. While night at 8 o'clock in the gymnas- was defeated by the Vale town Some of the Nyssa teachers will Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario pect to come thsough without a well, charged with being “an acc- engaged in the program he won a ium. The Arcadia grade school, a team by two points in an over go tc their homes or other places and Miss Jensen was taken to the defeat. part pari of oi the me Nyssa nyssa school scnooi system, I i time tune period last Wednesday, De- ] , out of or town for tor their tneir vacation. home of her sister Mrs Rav Lin-I The Bulldogs looked slow in de- essory J after the fact" in ■■ connection scholarship to the University of will hold its program Friday night, cember 11 on the Vale court. The A decision to close the schools ville in Nvssa Mi ’ Je *n ¡b atin g «Jordan Valley 41 to 10 last with the slaying of her husband. Idaho. rrvvw. XT«_______ ________ v, ___ . . . . . I __ _______ ____ a... a v. _ p h . n io r H f Hgsfrar« « « r o ll W TY R r n a H H u r v * w a a l t f e u r a n n h o r Mr. Peterson said "A great deal night before a a small W. D. Broadhurst, wealthy rancher, The Nazarene church . will pre- final . score was . Vale 40, . Nyssa 38.' for one _ week was reached by the ter of Mr * and M ^ U C p I t s e _ n , Q . a U g n - . r j Thursday ®r“ e n 'crowd. Coach Howard Lovejoy used was taken to the Malheur county of good comes from the F. F. A. sent its Christmas program Sunday The lead see-sawed throughout school board at a meeting held . m !.» , _,„„ i ......S' the mnrp .primMv ir .P1XL a ' 10 men ln the game, alternating Jail in Vale Wednesday following We feel that the approach is prac evening at 8 o’clock. The program the game, with both teams showing last Thursday night. ni turps a p r . t t ! , ' i ' ., t them throughout the contest, denial of a habeas corpus petition tical. The boys work out their pro will be opened with the primary plenty of spirit. At the end of the Wpin |n °| , Ue, ee" 3 en | Church was high point man with in District Judge Thomas E. Buck- jects in a logical way. children singing a group of songs. first quarter Nyssa led the Vale "We should consider farming tYnTo7 £ r tajmies eX’ ! 1° Point,, followed by Herren with net’s court in Canyon county. Id- The Young People's society will quintet by the small margin of 9- more as a business. The capital in present “The Great Deliverer”, a 7. Again in the second quaarter the i The accident occurred when an ’• .. . . .. ... i „ . .. . I I / v « . . „ . __ ... _ . . . _ In the junior varsity game witn Mrs. Broadhurst was thus placed vested in some 80-acre properties play featuring the Christmas story lead changed hands several times, S U C C U m b S H e r e n“ banH P M y a( PaT Jordan valley. Nyssa won by a in the Jail where her ex-ohauffeur, runs between $30,000 and $40,000. and a considerable amount of sing with the first half ending in a 14 ---------- “ riVHn o by • « « of ,6 to 6.- I Alvin Williams, is awaiting trial A lot of businesses ln town do not ing. A Christmas message will be to 14 tie. ... . . . . . ... Mrs. George E. Bertsch of Nyssa Uee Hood of Vale sideswiped. Re -1 T- Adrian Antelones held a on a charne of murdemir Dr have that much Investment. An in delivered by the pastor, Rev. E. J. TOe third quarter started with dled at her home Monday, Decern- Port, indiated that the Parm a1 , ^ t hLf-Ume 7ver the NvasT Broadhurst vestment of that much should re Wilson, at 11 o’clock. The regular both fighting t«T for th the . ipprf lead, Oh teams fiohti™, trouble following1 residents were not injured. Hood I f , 1 ! the Nyssa Broadhurst. ^ ^ u ,___ Bulldogs in their conference game | The woman s attorneys, Cleve turn ln Interest alone between Sunday school services will be which Vale gained by the end of Der to oi neart trouoie ionowing and another Vale youth whose an illness extending over a period Tuesday night on the Nyssa floor, Groome and P. J. Gallagher, ar- $1500 and $2000. opened at 10 a. m. the period, with a score of 23 to name was not learned were only “Organization of the farm itself but fell behind in the last two gued that the Oregon indictment St. Paul’s Episcopal church will 20. In the last quarter Nyssa nett- of two years. slightly cut and bruised. The ’youths Funeral services will be held this should be studied to get the full hold its Christmas services Sun ed 14 point, to Vale’s 11 to bring , fternoon at 2 Q.clock in the Meth_ automobile was badly damaged. quarters to lose by a count of was not sufficient to warrant hqld- 32 to 25, The half-time score was ing Mrs. Broadhurst. After a three- utilization out of the equipment. day at 4 p. m. On Tuesday evening the game to a deadlock, 34-34, at The machine was reported to have j hour argument. Judge Buckner Sometimes we try too many crops. the church will hold Its annual the final whistle. The teams chose odist church, with Rev. H. J. Gem- overturned twice and to have come 12 to 9. The Bulldogs returned at the directed Sheriff A. A. Moline of Too many crops require too much program and treats. The program to play a five-minute overtime hardt officiating. The Nyssa Fun to rest in a borrow-pit. half to tie the count and then Canyon county to turn Mrs. Broad- equipment”. will be as follows: Adesta Fldelis, period. Each quintet made two eral home will be ln charge of in Mr. Peterson predicted that dairy went ahead to hold a margin the hurst to Malheur County Sheriff congregation; recitation, "The baskets in the first few minutes terment in the Caldwell cemetery. w-.. ~ remainder of th ^ contest. The C. W. Glenn, who took the defen- herds ln Malheur county ln the Night of His Birth", Alzesta Sim of the overtime to bring the score Mrs. Gilbert Klinkenberg will sing future will run between 50 and 200 Antelopes made a spurt in the dant to Vale, mons; piano solo, Kristin Rinehart; to 38 to 38. Then in the final min at the services. cows. He stated that no better last quarter and came within four The Inkeeper’s Children, beginners ute of the overtime period Vale Catherine Rist, daughter of Mr. hay, feed or pasture can be found points of their opponents. and primary; violin solo, Away in netted two more points to win the and Mrs. Christian Rist, was born than ln Malheur county. The scoring was fairly even be- the Manager, Jerry Browne; reci game Dale Willson. Nyssa center, April 17, 1874 In Germany and at j Pointing out that to keep income the age of six weeks was brought [ Nyssa men, ____ Kayano, . . placed three ________ . __ , tween the players of both teams. tation, The Visit of the Wise Men led the scorers with 12 points. up and expenses down, farmers to America. She was ^united in Bellon and Iserl, on the all-star Adrian has a good-sized team, —part 1, John Simainer, and part Nyssa * Lineups Vale marriage to George E. Bertsch at must give attention to certain a , Gerald Simainer; solo, Angels B. Wilson 4 F. 8, B. Musgrave Centerville, South Dakota. Septern- football team of the Snake river considerably taller than the Bull- things, Mr. Peterson said "Farm We Have Heard on High, Roger C. Wilson F. A. Musgrave ^ 16 lg93 six chljdren four boys valley conference at a meeting of dogs. The players were as follows: ! ci io 1\he Math® ur 5°“ntL .la0Urt luir. 13 ers ore a little too slow ln keep- Simmons, and Santa's Work Shop, D. Willson 12 C. /i an onHan loot kVirlati B. Presley I and two girls, were born to the coaches held in Nyssa last Wed- (C’ontiniMMl on Page 4) « « R t; So conjunction Adrian—starters, Hatch, Stam. Me- sued an order last Friday per- church school, and Santa’s entry. O. Bellon 7 O. 6, B. Dickey union. Mr. and Mrs. Bertsch re nesday muting Sam Llona, administrator The Methodist church will pre T. Holman 8 G. 9, W. Camman mained in South Dakota until De | substitutes; Elliot, Stoker, Trussell, of the estate of Willis D. Broad HENRY C. BOYER sent its Christmas program Sun- L. Lewis 2 S. 1, Berry cember 6, 1916, when they moved to masters association. The complete lineup of the con- Woods, Wilson, Umamato and hurst, murdered Jordan Valley day evening >t 8 o’clock T te pro- B. ‘T ftndricks S. 9, N. Williams Parma, where they resided until OF ONTARIO DIES I ference is as follow»: Ends— Pat- ! Middlestead; Nyssa—starters. Bell- rancher, to accept the bid of John gram j t i l k be -pzned with tne pri L. Wilson 2 S. S. Williams October, 1925, when they came to ON VISIT IN SALEM rick, Vale; Reed, Emmett; Doman, on, Church, Herren. Holcomb and Stringer of Nyssa of 406 head of mary group presenting speeches L. Bailey » S. 2, G. Camman Nyssa. Eroadhurst’s hereford cattle. Ontario: Connor, Ontario: tackle—¡Sutherland; substitutes, I s e r l , and lullabies. The Junior, inter S. 5. Gardner The estate of the late Mr. Broad H. C. Boyer, 70, for a full half Mrs. Bertsch, a member of the mediate and senior groups will offer S. Welch Methodist church, is survived by Rose. Vale; Bailey, Ontario; Par- i Green, Ray, Kayano and Anderson, hurst was thus enriched by $36, century a leading figure ln On ker. Ontario: Hill, Welser; guard— I The Nyssa B squad defeated the the pageant “Come To the Man S. Johnson her husband; three daughters, Mrs. 045. Stringer's bid, the highest of tario’s business life, passed away ger”. Concluding the program, the The next encounter of the Nyssa L. S. Root of Nyssa, Mrs. Theodore Lawrence, Vale; Kayano, Nyssa; Adrian B’s by a count of 44 to eight submitted averaged $88.78 a last Thursday at 10:30 a.m. ln a congreation will offer gifts of team will be at Adrian Monday, Rase, Payette; Goodwin, Ontario; ! 16- head, reported to be the highest hospital at Salem, where he had -------------------------- clothing, supplies and money for December 23 at 8 p. m. The first Drewnick of Boise and Mrs. Lois center— Bellon, Nyssa; Davis, On-j ever paid in Malheur county for recently gone with Mrs. Boyer to Patterson of Spokane; three sis tario; backfield— Stephens, Vale; food and medicines for the un home game will be played at the range cattle of comparable quali visit a brother, Orln Boyer, and fortunate people of the war-torn Nyssa gymnasium Thursday even ters, Mrs. J. F. Krause of Revela, Chadwick, Welser; ^ Maxwell, Wei- ty. Mr. Stringer also agreed to buy family. He had been in poor health South Dakota, Mrs. Bertha Pas ser; Glaves, Ontario; Heneley, On areas. The intermediate group held ing, December 26 with either the a small, undertermlned number of for a number of months. sage of Watertown, South Dakota tario; Swisher, Payette; Harris, a Christmas party ln the church Parma or Adrian town team. similar cattle still on the range. Henry Clifton Boyer was born and ^ Mrs. Amelia Lonsbery of Emmptt an(j i.seri. Nyssa last night. Sponsoring the groups Prior to the announcement by June 10, 1878 In Kansas, son of Brookings, South Dakota; a brotn- were Mrs. A1 Kuehn, Mrs. Blanche Named for honorable mention WATER MAIN WORK er, Charles J. Rist of Parker, were end— Cox, Vale; tackle— O. E. Cheldelin was re-elected Llona that the cattle would be Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Boyer. The Dolan and Mrs. Hugh Tobler. South Dakota; three grandsons and Lowe, Nyssa; Jordan, Vale; guard— chairman of the Nyssa community sold, appraisers had fixed the value family moved to Camas, Wash, The evening services of the IS ABOUT FINISHED committee of the Malheur County ln 1803 and to Ontario ln 1895, The water main project that the Hunter, Ontario: center— Wise Soil Conservation association at a of the animals at $75 a head. Christian church at 7:45 will In Mrs. Broadhurst, named sole heir launching at that time the pioneer clude a reading "The Other Wise Nottingham Construction company RIDING CLUB OF I Ontario; backfield— Jackson, Ad- meeting held in the Nyssa high ln her late husband's will Is under mercantile firm which throughout Man”, by Mrs. George Whipple, of Boise is conducting ln Nyssa NYSSA GAINS AWARD rian; Noman, Fruitland; Barnes, school building Monday night. indictment, with Alvin Lee Will most of its existence was known as accompanied by colored slides de is expected to be completed by _______ j Vale, and Richards, Ontario. Arthur Rouse was elected vice iams, Parma, for the first degree Boyer Bros. Saturday of this week. picting the story. The annual A trophy won by the Owyhee Also settled at the coached meet- chairman; Henry Hartley, member, murder of the Jordan Valley As senior brother, H. C. Boyer Practically all of the main pipe Rlding club of Nyssa at the Mai- >"8 was the conference schedule Christmas program for children and Glen Suiter and B. F. Rook- rancher. was head of the firm for a long will be held Monday evening, De along the south side of the street heur county fair in September f°r ncxl year’s grid games. Sept- stool, alternates. Other property of the dead man period of years. It engaged ln cember 23 at 7:30. Treats will be had been laid today and laying was presented to Lloyd T. Mar ember 5 was set as the Jamboree The group discussed the 1947 in Oregon brings the value of his both retail and wholesale business of the service pipe was progressing shall, president of the club, by date. distributed to the children. ,_ . . . program. o m ic in urn siate estate ln this state vu to »iT/iujuuiaw- approxlmate- for many years. The retail busi A cantata featuring the choirs rapidly. Lonnie Ward, president of the ly «5.000. according to P. J. Gal ness was terminated early ln 1945 A delegation from Baker, includ Sage and Sadie club last week. ° ws: September 12. Emmett at Ny- wag of the Free Methodist church and at a meeting held lagher, chief defense counsel for and only the wholesale business the Community United Presbyter ing City Commissioner W. P. Smith The award was added to the ssa; September 19, Nyssa a t _P*y-. ln Ontario Tuesday by delegates continued. ian church of Adrian will be pre and Fire Chief Otto Karg, Inspected honors already won by the Nyssa ette; September 26, Nyssa at Vale; representing the community com Mrs. Broadhurst. Mr. Boyer was married to Miss sented in the Adrian high school the work Tuesday. Members of the club, which won the drill team October 3, Ontario at Nyssa; Oct mittees. Opal West of Baker. Oregon. They CHAMBER OFFICERS delegation were interested in the gymnasium Sunday night at 8 trophy at the Emmett Cherry fes ober 10, Nyssa at Adrian; October The county officers are Olen had no children. o’clock. The Presbyterian Bible type of pipe used ln the Nyssa tival and at the Western Idaho 17, Nyssa, bye; October 24, Nyssa Hutchinson, Ontario, chairman; TO BE NOMINATED Mr. Boyar served a number of school will hold a Christmas pro- project. at Fruitland. and October 31, Wei- R. H. Woods, Welser, vice chair State fair in Boise. terms on the Ontario city council, gram at 7: 30 p. m. Monday in the j A committee was appointed at ser at Nyssa. man; Frank Sherwood, Nyssa, mem gymnasium. New Plymouth withdrew from the ber; Carrol Locey of Ironside, first the Wednesday luncheon of the and for several years as president " ■ » ,« ^ 0 . wmo™, o, MOTHER AND SON Snake River Valley conference at alternate, and S. K. Skinner, Jor Nyssa chamber of commerce by of the Ontario Commercial club. Funeral services were held in the the Waggoner Motor company are TAKEN BY DEATH Visiting at Wilson Home— the Wednesday meeting and will dan Valley, second alternate. the president, Herschel Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight O. Wyc- on a trip to the east Mrs. Wag- to nominate candidates for the Peterson Funeral home ln Ontario affiliate with the Idaho "B” league at 2 p. m. Monday, with the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Elzie Herring re at once. koff and son arrived Monday to goner went as far as Kearney, officers for 1947. MR., MRS. JOHN WULF chamber’s spend part of the Christmas holi Nebraska where she will visit rel turned home Sunday from Wash Members of the committee are C. D. Honeyford officiating. Inter days with Mrs. Wyckoff’s parents, atives. Mr. Waggoner continued on ington, where they attended fun Babirs Arrive— WILL BE HONORED Fred Bracken. Kenneth Renatrom ment was ln the Ontario cemetery. Mr and Mrs. Barney Wilson. Mr. to Milwaukee and Detroit to attend eral services for Mrs. Herring’s Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Cooper and Dr. F. F Bodmer, who will Mr. and Mrs. John Wulf, route report at the first meeting in CERTIFICATES FOR and Mrs Houston Wilson came business. They are expected to re brother and mother. of Nyssa are parents of an 8-pound The brother, Clyde Court, who | girl December 8 in the Nyssa 2, Nyssa, will be special guests of January. As Christmas and New VETERANS DROPPED Wednesday and will also spend turn home about the first of the was attending college at Farragut Nursin(f home. the Nyssa theater Christmas even Year's will fall on the regular the holidays at the Barney Wil year. ----------------------- | Idaho, was fatally injured in an | Born t0 Mr. and Mrs. Lester ing, December 25 and will receive meeting day of the chamber, the son home. Effective December 9, the order Attend Concert— automobile accident in Spokane cleaver of Nyssa, December 13, a an orchid from the management. group voted to discontinue meet providing for veterans preferential Mrs. J. L. CSiurch, Mrs. Bern- The mother. Mrs. Orma Court of giri weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Visit At Chard H om e- The picture to be shown that ing until January 8. certificates for the purchase of new _______________ night will feature Tom Brennan, Visitors at the Ewen Chard home ard Eastman. Mrs. Grant Lewis, Clarks ton. Washington, was notl- farm equipment has been cancelled, who is master of ceremonies of On Vaeallon— at Oregon Trail Sunday were Mr. Mrs. Glea Billings and Mrs. A1 fled of her son's accident and the visiting Mother— with the result that the county and Mrs. W. T. Norvall, Mr. and Kuehn drove to Boise last Thurs- shock caused her to pass away 1 Ba] Buchert of Orofino, Idaho the radio show, "Breakfast in Hol- Mr. and Mrs. B W Vlnsonhaler committee can no longer Issue new Mrs. Bert Heikea and Mr. and Mrs. day evening to attend a concert Sunday. December 8. The boy, who! arrived Monday night to »pend lywood ”. On the radio program he left Wednesday for LoaAngeles to certificates. Oroft of Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Jam which featured Angel Reyes, viol- was 21 years old, died December the holidays with his mother, Mrs. awards an orchid to the couple spend the Ohristmas holidays. However, the committee can re es Chard of Lucas, Kansas and inlst Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lawrence 12. considered the "best neighbor”. Naomi Buchert. new certificates up to February 8, Mr. and Mrs. Elver Neilsen and of Nyssa also attended the con- [ Clyde Court, who was discharged Last year Mr. and Mrs. Wulf were F.leeted to Society- but no certificates can be extended from the service last spring, spent Visits Daughter— sons, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Chard and cert. given one of the awards Miss Barbara Browne, daughter beyond that date. ----------------------- the summer in Nyssa. Mr. and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt J. W. McDowell of Twin Falls of Mr. and Mrs J W Browne, who Return To Utah— Mrs. Delbert Herring of Nyssa spent the week-end visiting a t the Going To t ’tah— Smith and sons of Nyssa. u attending the University of Ore- From Nampa— Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leavitt also attended his funeral. home of his daughter, Mrs. Bern Mr ai.d Mrs Tom Burnlngham gon Medical school, has been elec- Mr and Mrs. Otto Wolfe of Nam have returned to their home ln | ----------------------- Go to Portland— will leave Saturday to spend the ted to the honorary society. Alpha pa, formerly of Nyssa. visited here ard Frost. Mrs. Errett Hummel and son. Lewiston. Utah after spending Go to California— Christmas holidays in Utah. Tau Delta. Miss Browne is taking Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Borgman Parents of Son— Daughter Arrives— Errett. Jr., left for Portland Tues three months at the home of their nurse's training. left Today for Long Beach. Cali- Mr and Mrs. J. L. Huseby are A daughter was born Friday. De day evening. While there, the boy daughter. Mrs. Kenneth Cottle. Return* Ho --------------- fomta to spend Christmas with the parents of a son bom Decern - cember 13 in the Brlttingham Nur- On Vacation— will undergo a medical examina Mrs. Horace Crisp, who under relatives. They will be accompanied ber 12 ln the Holy Rosary hospital sing home ln Ontario to Mr. and tion at Doembecker hospital. They W * Give Basaar— Mr and Mrs John Murphy left went a major operation at the The Rebekah lodge will hold a as tar as Klamath Falls by their at Ontario. The baby, weighing 8 Mrs Murle Marcum of Nyssa. The Saturday for Rawlins, Wyoming to Samaritan hospital at Nampa sev plan to spend the holidays with Mrs. Hummels parents ln Port basaar in the Graham real estate grandson. Henry Tonnlng. who will pounds. 10 ounces, has been named i girl, named Joan Lucille, weighed spend a month's vacation with rel eral weeks ago, returned to her office Saturday, December 21. (spend Christmas with his mother. John, Jr. 16 pounds, 10 ounces. atives land before returning to Nyssa. home Sunday. Two Girls Are Hurt in Crash Eagles Quintet Mrs.G.E. Bertsch INyssa Places 3 On All-Star 11 Murdered Man's Cattle Bought Soil Committee Elects Officers