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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1946)
The NYSSA VOLUME XXXXI ------ÑO- 47' JOURNAL NŸSSA,'~ÔÏÏEGÔN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER¡ 12, _194ü BETTER NYSSA HIGH JOHN J. BRANEK GETS CHAMBER Fogged Windows ADRIAN Nyssa Eagles SENTENCE, PAROLE Beet Producers PUPILS ATTENDENCE Collection On ELECTS OFFICERS Defeat Parma John Joseph Branek of Adrian Annual Meeting SHOWN BY FIGURES Losses May Be Are Blamed For Officers of the Adrian chamber of average attendance in the Asked Of Bureau The Nyssa Eagles defeated Par- ' Pleaded guilty ta circuit court in commerce were elected at a meet- Slated For Dec. high The school House’s Death I tag I Vale last w eek to charges of this year is above that held Thursday evenfhg, Decem ma in a basketball game on the ■ atteiïlpttag to shoot his wife during ber 5. Parma floor Tuesday night by a ¡ an altercation. He was sentenced Nyssa Meeting Will Be The new officers are Howard score of 62 to 33. to nine months !:• the county jail Held December 20 Nyssa took a lead in the first I and paroIecI t0 the shenf{ Hatch, president; Vernon Barker, In City Hall vice president, and R. E. DiUe, minutes of play and led the home j Branek u ^ s lodged in jail No team throughout the contest. T h e jveniber „ on a complaint nled by The annual district meetings of A coroner’s jury decided at an in secretary-treasurer. They will take score at half-time was 35 to 16. 1 charge of the organization in Janu ! his wife, who has divorce action the Nyssa-Nampa District Beet quest held in Ontario Monday that The game marked the first en- „¿¡„g agalnst him ln court ary. __________ ____ Growers association will be held the death of Herbert O. House, After a few topics were discus counter for the Eagles this sea- 1 during the latter part of December, 22, of Ontario, who was killed In sed, the meeting was adjourned to son. The Eagles will play a double- beginning with December 17. a train-truck crash a mile north Cafe Riddle, where refreshments header at Vale Friday of this week of Nyssa last Thursday, was were served. The meetings will be held for with the Vale town team. accidental with no criminal neg the purpose of discussing prob The first home game will be ligence involved. played Wednesday, December 18 lems of the growers, planning lor After an investigation of the Governor Arnold Williams of Id the coming year and election of with Parma. fatal accident. Coroner R. A. Tacke aho has signed papera providing Tuesday's Lineups said that because House had his Parma for the extradition of Mrs. Gladys local officers. All farmers Interested Nyssa cab windows closed so that they B. Wilson, 6 P 2, G. Wagner Broadhurst of Caldwell to Mal- in beet growing are asked to attend. became fogged he could not see The meetings have been schedul Discussion at the monthly meet C. Wilson, 4 F R. Obendorf heur county to face charges grow- the approaching train and drove ing of the city council Tuesday L. Wilson, 7 C 18, D. Sayre ■ tag out of the death of her hus- ed as follows: his machine onto the track in night indicated that considerable O. Bellon, 11 O Hammock band, Dr. W. D. Broadhurst, snb- December 17, 2 p. m., community front of the locomotive. street improvement work will be T. Holman, 19 G 3, Smyser ] ject to the outcome of a habeas House was driving a truck load done in Nyssa during 1947. R. Wagner corpus proceedings in district court. hall, Parma; December 17, 7:30 B. Hendricks, 8 S ed with gravel for Schimmer and Plans have not been completed, D. Willson, 7 S Hopper | After signing the extradition p. m„ Wilder high school building, Stone, contractors engaged in build but probably several miles of street O. Obendorf J papers, the governor issued an or- Wilder; December 18, 2 p. m., H. Wilson S ing the Idaho Canning companay will be surfaced in 1947. The state 2, Pritchard der directing Sheriff A. A. Moline community hall, Vale; Decemoer H. Tobler S plant at Nyssa. He drove onto will resurface Mata street early in ___ I of Canyon county, Idaho not to 18, 7:30 p. m., Jamieson; Decem the tracks at a grade crossing one the year. release Mrs. Broadhurst to Oregon ber 19, 2 p. m. Grange hall, Nampa, mile north of Nyssa and, accord The council passed a resolution authorities until her attorneys had Idaho; December 19, 7:30 p. m. ing to Vern Kelly, an eys-witness, to start proceedings to vacate the been given an opportunity to file community hall, Marsing; Decem apparently shifted gears while on east 80 feet of Green avenue adjac a request for a habeas corpus ber 20, 7:30 p. in. city hall, Nyssa; the tracks. The locomotive of the ent to the railroad right-of-way. December 23, 2 p. m„ Oregon Trail directive. train, the second section of Union j The council also passed an or Mrs. Broadhurst, held in the school building near Nyssa; De- Pacific's eastbound No. 16, loaded dinance vacating an alley in block The first banquet of the Nyssa Canyon county jail, is charged with sember 23, 7:30 p. m., Kingman with troops, traveling at about 45 16, Teutsch's addition, on which Future Farmers of America since being an “accessory after the fact” Kolony school building; December miles an hour, struck the truck the Chadwick property is located. the start of world war II will be in the murder case. Alvin Will 30, 2 p. m„ courthouse Welser; squarely at the cab. The train held in the high school building iams of Parma, held in the Mal December 30, 7:30 p. m., Oregon whistled for the crossing witnesses Friday night, December 13. heur county jail, is charged with Slope community hall, Oregon Approximately 60 boys and their Broddhurat’s murder. said. Slope; December 31, 2 p. m., court The cab was not equipped with a fathers are expected to attend. Mrs. Broadhurst’s lawyers, P. J. house. Payette, and December 31, Chairmen for the planning com Gallagher of Ontario and Cleve 7:30 p. m. Hanna school, Emmett. heater and there was no provis ion for defrosting the windows. City officials today called atten mittees have been appointed as fol Groome of Caldwell, contended at Tacke said. This led to the con tion to the state-wide campaign lows: food committee, Lynn Sw'en- the extradition hearing that the clusion that fog on the w‘ *ows to reduce traffic accidents during sen; invitations, Donald Bergam; charge of “accessory after the fact” of the cab prevented him from the Christmas holiday period by entertainment, Don Herren. The dinner will be prepared and does not constitute a criminal seeing the approaching train. issuing a proclmation calling on charge. District Atorney E. Otis When the locomotive struck local citizens to drive and walk served by the home economics de Smith of Malheur county said that partment under the direction of the truck, the engine of the ve carefully and to observe traffic Mrs. Broadhurst “aided" Williams, Mrs. Steffens. I ROM THE BULLDOG hicle was thrown clear. House's regulations at all times. her former chauffeur. The junior class play, "Spider body was thrown out after the Following is the proclamation Island", shocked Its way to a sur truck had been carried 340 feet issued by city officials. prise conclusion Friday evening. by the train, and the body of the “WHEREAS; The Christmas holi December 6 at the Nyssa gymnas truck was carried a total of 760 day season is a period of general ium. "Murdered men, axes, spiders, yards Irom the point at which it rejoicing and happiness, and, was struck. I The junior class of the Adrian slightly insane women and gold “WHEREAS, during the past six The injury which caused House’s years, holiday traffic accidents The Nyssa Bulldogs defeated I high school will present its class high-lighter this three-act thriller. The setting, a deserted light death was a skull fracture. have claimed the tragic toll of 63 the Parma high school basketball i play, “Hilarity House”, Thursday, The funeral was held at 2 lives in this state, and, team by a score of 44 to 20 on tne December 19, ai. 8 p. m. in the house off the coast of Maine, was pictured perfectly on tjie stage. p. m. Tuesday in the Christian “WHEREAS, a study of these Nyssa floor Tuesday night before Adrian high school auditorium. church. The Rev. E. J. Helseth, a accidents recently made by th3 a capacity crowd. The play, a comedy, will feature Characterization of parts, makeup, sound effects and costuming receiv former army chaplln, officiated. secretary of state's office indicates Parma started with a 4 to 1 Donnie Hatch as the wild western The American Legion was in nearly all of them were preventable, margin, but the lead was soon hero, Selma Siam as the gloomy ed close attention and were a cred charge of the service. House was "NOW THEREFORE, I, R. G. overcome with Nyssa forging ahead maid, Eddie Sharp as a 12-year- it to the management and direc dlscharaged in January, 1946, from Whitaker, chairman ¿ST the Com to hold a 11 to 8 lead at the end old girl and Kieth Stoker as the tion of the play. The play began its chill raising the army, in which he had served mon council do hereby call upon of the first quarter. The half-time red-haired vamp. Others in the in the air forces since 1943. the citizens of this city to Join score was 19 to 12 and the three- cast include Eloise Crocker, Henry path with the bit looney Abble Moore, Emery Cameron, Delores Mayo, played by Florence Niccum, He is survived by his father, with local and state governmental quarter score 28 to 16. knitting a scarf for her supposedly John B. House, Ontario; a brother, agencies in an all-out effort to Nyssa players and their scores Blanche, Joyce Stoker and Joan murdered brother, Daniel. Florence William House, Ontario; and his prevent traffic accidents during the were Bellonl, hurch 9, Herren 5, Webb. played this part to the finest deg- mother, Mrs. Augusta Crawford, holiday season this year." Holcomb 10, Sutherland 6, Iseri iee, and her makeup was excellent. Meeker, Colorado. House was born Chairman Whitaker said officials 2, Green 4 Ray 3 and Kayano 4. Dullie. played by Evaleen Town*, in Meeker, March 28, 1924. of Oregon were Joining other states Parma's lineup was Norris 5, started the mystifying plot by in the west in conducting the traff Norland 3, Payne 3, Sayne, 2. bringing in some firewood, but ic safety campaign this year under Campbell, Dean 2, Payant 1, Mc leaving the axe, which had been the slogan, “Don’t Let Death Take Cormick 2, Abbott2 and Takatory. used to ’ kill" Daniel, outside. Eva Your Holiday”. Nyssa won the B league game William G. Ross, who has been leen was good in the part of Dul by a count of 20 to 16. Nyssa master of Boulevard Grange lor lie, and sne nearly brought down Return from Visit— players were Chadwick 6, Garren, several terms, was elected master Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grelg and Christensen 1, Sutherland 2, And of the Malheur County Pomona the house when she petted Star Star route service will be establish family spent several days in Hoq- Mayo's fur coat and said, "Nice ed between Nyssa and Adrian De ulam. Washington, visiting Mr. and erson 9, Hale, Wilder 2, Cleaver Grange at a meeting November 23 kitty”. and Low. Parma’s high point man in the Boulevard Grange hall. cember 16, Postmaster Lloyd Lewis Mrs. D. D. Chase and family. Mrs. The literal bringing down of the waas Huffer with 7 points. Other officers elected are; of Nyssa reported this week. house was done by Salem Mayo, Greig and Mrs. Chase are sisters. Nyssa will play Jordah Valley Blaine Girvin of Vale, overseer; portrayed by Louise Lewis. This The mail will leave Adrian at En route home Mr. and Mrs. Greig 8:45 a. m. and lrtive Nyssa for stayed several days in Portland here tonight. The Bulldogs will Miriam Black of Boulevard, lec was done when she shot her “dead" open their conference schedule turer; Elisor Bush of Brogan, brother, who was supposedly mur Adrian at 10:30 a. m. The service visiting relatives. with Adrian on the Adrian floor steward: Leonard Goodell of Bou dered with a axe 40 years before, will consist of one round trip Tuesday night and will play New levard, assistant steward; Mrs but who was all the time living in daily, six days a week except Parents of Girl— Plymouth here for their first home Cleaver, chaplain; Mr. Adams of holidays. The mail carrier will be Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Rice of Kel conference game Friday of next Oregon Trail, treasuer; Ruth An the lighthouse tower. Louise s makeup Was perfect and her ac Elbert Hatch of Adrian. so, Washington are the parents of trim of Brogan, secretary; Frank tions and staccatlc voice made her Under the present system, Nyssa a 6 pound, 12 ounce girl. Mrs. Rice week. Sherwood of Oregon Trail, gate part live. rural carrier No. 1 takes the mall is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. keeper; Miss Niccum, Pomona; The heroine, Star Mayo, was to Adrian and brings the Adrian Claude Willson of Nyssa. Mrs. Ross Harvey of Oregon Slope. played by Mary Lou Schenk. Mary’s mall to Nyssa in the course of his Ceres; Donna Jackson of Vale, own sweet disposition and natural rounds. The Adrian mail has be Visit in Twin Falls— Flora; Mrs. Girvin of Vale, lady ness seemed to rub off on her come far too heavy for the rural Mrs. John C. Wulf left Tuesday assistant steward; Arthur Antrim part and added to both Star Mayo carrier to handle it along with for a visit of three days with rela of Brogan. Alva Goodell of Oregon and the play. his regular route 1 mail. Snake river valley schoolmasters, tives in Twin Falls, Idaho. Trail and M. Sonner of Oregon Although Ruth Toambs, as tne meeting ln Nyssa, decided to em Slope, executive committee. villalness, was both made up well Guests at Frultland— ploy a commissioner system of Form Accounting Co.— These officers will be Installed and used excellent body actions, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sager and Three Nyssa men, Everett Heldt, handling basketball refereeing pat December 12 in the Boulevard her voice did not carry well at all. children were Thanksgiving day- Tom Seppish and Ron Whitaker, terned after the Pacific coast Grange hall In connection with the She had, however, several horrif guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sag have organized the Accounting college conference plan. joint Installation of the officers of ied females of all ages riveted to er of Fruitland. The commissioner is to handle Service company of Nyssa. They Malheur county subordinate grang their seats when she wrs crushed will open offices ln the east side all refereeing problems and in es, with Pauline Ross, state Pomona by the crumbled tower and only From Boise— of the Doll House building Dec case of any disputes concerning installing officer. her hand remained visible. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Carr of basketball he will be called for ember 16. The next Pomona Grange meet The actress, who “stole the show" Boise visited in the Cecil Smith advice. For this season Fred Rob ing will be held In the Oregon was Marjorie Bishop. Her charac home in Newell Heights Sunday af inson of Welser has been hired for Trail Grange hall Saturday, Feb terization of Patsy. S tar Mayo's Go To Boise— ternoon. Mr. Carr is a Boise pho Mrs Leslie Burbank. Mrs. LeRoy the position. ruary 22. friend, was one of the finest high tographer. Robinson will employ for every The luncheon and banquet for school character portrayals ever Srhlrm and Mr and Mrs. Newbum Glenn spent Monday in Boise shop game officials who are licensed the meeting last Saturday were witnessed. Visits In Nyssa— Oregon or Idaho and will be re served by the Home Economics Not to be forgotten Is Robert J. C. Greer of Portland, and his ping and visiting their cousin, sponsible for the quality of the club of the Boulevard Grange. Florea, for, without his silent part son. Jerald, former Nyssa residents, Major Bagley. an employe In a refereeing. of Daniel, the play would have been visited ln Nyssa from Saturday department store. If the plan is satisfactory, the Meeting Planned— lost. Robert's wasn't a very big until Tuesday. The Women's Society of Christ part, but the fear of Dan'lls pres commissioner system will be ex Students To Have Party— A Christmas program will be tended to all sports on a perm ian Service of the Methodist ence was continually with the aud Return from Visit— Church will hold Its Christmas ience. Mrs. Howard E. Smith and son, j presented for the Nyssa high anent basis. meeting at the home of Mrs. Bert Taking into consideration the Bertram, returned home Friday school student body at an assem- j Llenkaemper Thursday afternoon, plot effect, acting, setting, make from Spokane, where they visited bly to be held Friday. December Riding Club Meets— 20 at 2:45 p. m. The program w ill' The Owyhee Riding club met December 19, at 2 o’clock. Mrs. Car- up. sound effects and direction, for three weeks. include a Christmas medley by i Friday evening of last week at the ! los Buchner will be ln charge of “Spider Island" was adventures», the glee clubs, vocal solo, “White home of Mrs. Vic Marshall with i the devotion and program. ghastly and funny—• combination VMts In California— A shower of gifts for the church i which made It one of the beat J. C. Krul. local contractor, left Christmas”, by June Savage and Mrs Oce Schweizer and Mrs. Peggy Watt as assistant hostesses. | kitchen instead of the usual ex j three-act plays ever presented by Tuesday for an extended visit with a talk by Bishop Arvil ChHd on his two daughters, Mrs. Ohet Tlbba •The Meaning of Christmas” Lynn The 25 members present agreed change of personal gifts will be Nvssa high school Miss Pedrick, and Mrs O. Fults o f Huntington Lawrence will lead the group ln to hold election of officers Ja n ( held. Dish towels are particularly Mr. Steffens, and the junior class l needed. uary 31. singing Christmas carols. are to be congratulated. Park. California. Verdict Is Returned By Coroner’s Jury In Ontario Extradition Of Woman Delayed Improvement In Streets Likely F.F.A. Banquet Set For Dec. 13 TRAFFIC SAFETY CAMPAIGN BEGUN Juniors Present Spider Island ADRIAN JUNIORS Nyssa Defeats TO PRESENT PLAY Parma 44 to 20 Ross Is Named Pomona Master Star Route To Be Established Hoop “Czar” In Valley Chosen of previous years. Principal Erret Owners Of Property Un Hummel announced. der Break Will Hold During the last two months the Meeting attendance has been 92 per cent of all students enrolled. Last year The board of directors of the it was 86 per cent and the year Owyhee Water Users association before It was 83 per cent. voted at their recent meeting in Officials can give no definite Nyssa to contact attorneys in re reason for the improved attendance gard to starting action to collect compensation for loss suffered ln the 1946 Owyhee ditch break. A committee of the water users met with R. J. Newell, regional dir ector of the bureau of reclamation, December 10 to discuss ways and The annual Christmas program means of strengthening and Im of the Nyssa and Arcadia grade proving the canal. schools will be held next week. A special moss meeting for those The Nyssa program will be pres owning land under the break will ented In the gymnasium Thurs be held Monday, December 16 in the day night, December 19 at 8 o'clock. Boulevard Grange hall. All farmers It will be given as follows; under the break shouTd be at the Christmas Stockings and The meeting prepared to fill out an ac Tap Song, second grade. curate report on production of 1945 Song. Have You Heard, Santa and 1946 crops, showing the rata Claus Is Coming to Town, Hang of loss caused by the 1946 break. ing Up the Stockings and Merry Other problems will be discussed, Christmas, third grade. according to J. C. Sproul, secretary House of Christmas, Christmas of the association. Bells, Christmas Tree and Star Song, first grade. Instrumental series. Hark the Herald Angels Sing and It Came Upon a Midnight Clear, grade school orchestra, directed by Lynn Law rence. Mearl Marcum of Nyssa was The Christmas Story In Pag eantry and Song, Prophets of Old, elected president and Bernard Front of Nyssa was elected secretary of fifth grade. The Taxpayers and Mary and the Malheur Game league a t the annual meeting held in the Boule Joseph, sixth grade. The first Noel and White Shep vard Orange hall Monday night. Three directors were elected from herds Watched, fourth grade. The Christmas Angels, Song in each of the three larger towns in the county. The Nyssa directors the Air, fifth grade. The Manger, Silent Night, sixth are Marcum, Frost and Charles Newbill. grade. The sportsmen approved several Star of the East, fifth grade. The Three Kings, sixth grade recommendations to be made to the game commission at its meeting boys. be held m Portland Januaary Christmas Giving. songs, O Holy Night, Christmas 11 relative to fishing regulations. The league recommended closing Offertory, Treasures Bring and all of the small streams tributary Come All Ye Faithful. Members of the program com to the Owyhee river below the mittee are Lynn Lawrence, chair dam; opening of the trout season man; Mrs. Rlgney, Miss Gehnert, February 1 ln the Owyhee reservlor, Miss Cole and Mrs. Henneman. and closing of the Owyhee river The decorations comlmttee con t o ' all fishing above the Owyhee sists of Miss Cole and Mrs. Rlgney. ditch outlet except during the The program of the Arcadia trout season. The league will send a repre school will be presented In the schoolhouse Friday evening. Dec sentative to Portland to attend ember 20 at 8 o'clock. The pro Ihe commission meeting ln Jan- gram will be published next week. Jannary with a view of asking that more fish be liberated ln Mal heur county. Grade School Plan Program M. Marcum Will Head Sportsmen Temporary Limit On Mail Halted The post office department has announced the removal, effective December 9, of all temporary re strictions placed on malls due to the recent coal strike. Christmas mailings are rapidly approaching the peak volume and appear to be the biggest Christ mas mailing ln post office history. Due to the extra heavy malls this year patrons are cautioned that mailings must be made earlier than normal times as transportation fac ilities are already taxed to the lim it, Postmaster, Lloyd Lewis said. Care should be taken In wrap ping and packing parcels, espec ially those containing fragile arti cles. Parcels that are sealed must have proper parcel post address labels which may be obtained from the local merchants. Christmas cards for local deliv ery may be mailed for 1 cent each and for rural route or out-of-town 1 *4 cents, if unsealed and contain no written message. However, those cards will be handled as first class matter If 3 cents postage is paid. They will be forwarded if adressee has moved to another address and undelivered cards will be returned to sender. Tupelo Staff Visits— The Tupelo staff of the Nyssa high school, accompanied by the advisor. Miss Ntaart, went to Boise Wednesday as guests of tne Syms-York Printing company. Miss Ntaart and the four students, Mild red Loe, Adrienne Peterson. Doris Beers and Jerry Bellon, Inspected the printing plant and planned the dummy for the school annual. Parents Of Twins— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Osborne of Nyssa are parents of twins, a boy and a girl, born December 3 at The Dalles. Visit Here— Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Roberts, Jr. and son of Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett of Sunset valley and the Misuses Helen Johnson and Mabel Roberts, teachers in On tario. were Sunday visitors ln the A. R. Roberts home. Bazaar Planned— Plans have been completed for a bazaar to be held December 14 ln Mrs. Oroham's real estate office, beginning at 10:30, by the Wahlne club. Articles consisting of pillow cases, tea towels, quilts, aprons, toys and many other items suitable for Christmas will be sold. PTA To Have Party— A Christmas party will be hold at the regular meeting of the Nyssa Parent-Teacher association in the high school building Wed The Malheur County Tubercul nesday night, December 18. Carol osis association is one of 2.900 vol singing will be led By Lynn untary organizations affiliated with 1 the National Tuberculosis associa Lawrence. The members will pro tion which are participating in tne 1 vide gifs, which will be distributed 40th annual Christmas seal sale by Santa Clay» from a Christmas from November 25 to December tree. Refreshments will be served. 25. From coast to coast, from the Return from N. Y.— Mrs Herbert Fisher and her Canadian to Mexican borders, and In the United States territories, mother Mrs. Emma Qulnby, re the seal tale Is being held to raise turned home Saturday night after funds to support the tuberculosis having spent a two-week's visit control programs of these associa In New York City with MLss Ber tions. to support activities which nice Brooks. Mrs. Fisher's cousin. are directed on the local state and While In New York, they were able national levels to conquering tuber to shop in some of the larest stores, culosis. one of men's oldest and and to see several of the latest shows and plays. most deadly enemies. ALL URGED TO BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS