Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Oregon Trail THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1946 PAGE FIVk guests of Mrs. Robert Ditty In ing home with an infant son. | Durfee last week at the Britting- Twenty Admitted To Church— Herinton Patterson; Mr. and Mrs Stettler and two children. Nyssa. j a Thanksgiving dinner was given ham Nursing home. Mrs. Duriee Twenty new members were ad- James Wight and six children; 111 At ,,omc— Mr and kirs. Connie Klaanei, at the irvin j Callahan home last will be home Sunday The Merry Matrons club met at nutted to the L.D.S. church here Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Haroldson; Mr. Mrs p A u ewey ltaJ who have been living on the Bd Thursday for all relatives. Guests President Luther Fife of Nyssa the, home of Dona Mitchell Nov Mortensen place the past year . were j06eph and faml_ Sunday, wan the audience approv- and Mrs. Arthur Willis and two quite ill at her home west of Nyss! ember 27. The afternoon was spent left last week for Idaho Falls. iy Everett Callahan and wife ol visited the Owyhee Sunday school illg thflr membership. They were children; and Mr. and Mre. George for the last two weeks. embroidering and visiting. Six v>an FS **omer Brewer ol Ontario. William Harvey Callahan Sunday. His talk was on the ’¿'* •** * - * • > ./• V 'f 'V ti?. 4 members and one guest, Ola Chard, Owyhee are moving onto the Mor- and fanuiy, Joseph Harold Calla- j sufferings of the people in Europe , _ . . han and family, Charles Durfee and the Blessing of Living in the answered roll call with "Something “ Rev. and Mnt Alfred Brim and and famUy, and Ray Porter and I am Thankful For This Year*. ami y re urn<“d Friday evening family 0f Nyssa. Places were laid ^ ^ Plans were made for the Cnnstmas from Portland, where they spent ior ¿8 party, which will be held Decem Thanksgiving with relatives. | and Mrs ^ Parker are Babies Christened— ber 18 at the home of Alta Fry. Two babies were christened Sun . “ L “ d ^ed Pomeroy re- j the u o{ a ^ ^ last week The club purchased a IS tubercu turned the first of the week from at the N Nursing home Mrs day at the L.DS. sacrament meet- I losis Christmas seal bond. Refresh Twin Falls, where they visited rel ments were served by the hostess. atives over the Thanksgiving hoi Parker and baby will return home ing. They were the daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Don Rundquist. with j this week. Cecil Benson left Sunday lor idays. . „ _ . The young people of this vicinity her grandfather, Amasa Hamilton, California to visit his father, Wal Jacqueline Wilson was a Sunday gave an entertainment at the Cow officiating, and the son of Mr. and j ter Benson, at Modesto, California. dinner guest in the Hawk home Hollow community last Friday eve Mrs. Blair Hendricks, with Bishop | The following were Thanksgiv near Homedale. ............. ning. Dancing, and games were Child ofticiating. ing dinner guests at the Frank Clarence Niccum was a Monday played. A nice supper was served Fry home: Mr. and Mrs. Bari Dean. visitor of Rev. and Mrs. Alfred to about 30. Mrs. Rooks tool furn Here From Council— Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Klein and Carl Brim. Mrs. Jane Shaw of Council is ished the music. of Payette, Mrs. Lucille Johnston, Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Officers elected for the coming visiting her son. Ben Shaw, and Dwight Johnston, Dean Johnston, Charles Ditty were John and Wal and Oherrle Johnston of Ontario, ter Reeves and Mr. and Mrs. Rob year are Donnie Berg am, president; family for several weeks. Mrs. J. B. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. ert Ditty and family of Nyssa. Donnie Shears, vice president; Mar ian Price, secretary and Dave High Returns Home— Dean Smith and Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newgen and Mr. and Mrs. George Bear re Carrlol Tucker and family o f Ny- son of Madras were visitors in the land. sergeant at arms and Fay V .. '.Z and Loya Callahan, home econom turned Wednesday from Spokane, ..V 0 A ft «5*. ssa. Ora Newgen home Sunday. Washington and Priest River, Ida ics and game directors. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hart of Cald Shirley Price, who is attending I® A daughter weighing 7'4 pounds ho, where they spent the Thanks well were Thanksgiving guests of Eastern Oregon college at La- giving holidays. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Delos their son. Klaas Hart, and family. Grande, spent Thanksgiving with We know you will like this neat Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adams en her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ira - t front-end power shovel, one of tertained at Thanksgiving dinner Price. She returned to LaGrande most practical machines we’ve for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Five- Sunday. in years. coat and family of Owyhee, Mr. Henry Hintz and sons, Halmut $ ■yi and Mrs. Charles Davis and dau and Rudy, weie business visitors ÿjt* ghters, Mrs. lone Zesiger and Cher in Horseshoe Bend Friday and Sat Quickly attached or removed, yl of Nampa, Cecil Benson and urday. operation is simple, its price is low. George Adams. Mrs. John Grotveltt and Mrs. Just received carload o f shorts, which $ Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers were Andrew Tltland were Nyssa shop hosts at dinner Thanksgiving for pers Monday. & Take a few minutes extra on Mrs. A. M. Goodson anl daughters next trip to town to view the Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rataezyk and retail at of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry saving OLSONLOADER. Holmes and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Rataezyk and family spent from Rolland Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wednesday until Monday visiting Holmes, Bonnie Kres6ly and Frank relatives in Yakima. They also att F*'_ T lu O li oa lo ad«/ may be Holmes. ended the wedding of Frank Ratae ^\\\} George W. Adams has gone to zyk Saturday. or Wallula, Washington to visit his '¡tji Marlene Bergam was ill this daughter. Mrs. George Bacolis. week. Mrs. A. M. Goodson and daugh Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parsons ters spent several days visiting at left '»y train this week for their the F. G. Holmes home last week. home in Wichita, Kansas. Mrs. Parsons is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Reeder of Reeder's I Fi COMPANY grocery. <rce ilicTM OLSON LOADER Feeders I the seen its your labor- $2.75 Per Hundred Sunset Valley Mrs. Fred Province suffered a leg fracture when she slipped and fell recently. Mrs. Henry Hints, Mrs. Charles Mrs. William H. Callahan came, Ditty, Tressa Ditty and Mary Query were Tuesday afternoon home last Friday from the Nurs-1 Cow Hollow $2.70 Per Hundred By The Ton Nyssa Elevator S do t ★ Power when you need it! ★ Speed when you want it! ★ Lifts high enough to load into trucks! ^ Lull-floating cylinder assures balanced load! ★ Low overhead clearance! ★ Factory guaranteed! B. & M. Equipment Caldwell, Idaho 4 MORE DAYS Credit Grantors Of Nyssa - Langton Corner - Adrian Have Incorporated As Retail Credit Association Of Nyssa, Inc. THIS IS A MERCHANT OWNED CREDIT REPORTING OFFICE FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPILING CREDIT EXPERIENCES ON USERS OF CREDIT IN THE )W E R SNAKE RIVER VALLEY AND IT IS AFFILIATED WITH MERCHANTOWNED CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS IN ONTARO, VALE, ORE.; PAYETTE, IDA. LOWER ADRIAN OIL COMPANY BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER COMPANY ppAfK FN S BROWER S PLUMBING SHOP BROWN’S MERCANTILE DORITY WELDING SERVICE EASTSIDE GROCERY EDER HARDWARE COMPANY FIRESTONE STORE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND FREEMAN’S MACHINE SHOP # GOLDEN RULE GORDON’S DRIVE-IN HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY HOLLINGSWORTH HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. MORRISON ELECTRIC COMPANY NEWSOM FURNITURE COMPANY Now there is a Credit Reporting O ffice in this community that keeps a rec ord o f the manner in which you pay your bills. Its files are open to every credit grantor. NYSSA AUTO BODY SHOP NYSSA FURNITURE COMPANY NYSSA IMPLEMENT COMPANY NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY PAULUS JEWELRY POUNDS’ GROCERY E. W . PRUYN AUTO REPAIR DR. J. J. SARAZIN SIGNAL SERVICE STATION SKINNER’S SERVICE STATION STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY THOMPSON OIL COMPANY AL THOMPSON AND SON WAGGONER MOTOR COMPANY WESTERN CORRUGATOR COMPANY WILSON BROTHERS Each member furnishes the Repoi ing Bureau a list o f slow and unsatis factory accounts. If your past due a?» ount is reported to them, it may affect your credit record. Guard Your Credit By Paying All Bills By The lOth O f The Month I I y