THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, N YSSA, OREGON PAGE FOUR TH U R SD AY, DECEMBER 5, 194<‘ i Portland, formerly of Nyssa, spent Betty and Henry were Thanksgiv­ folks. Friday they visited and shop- onomlcs club will hold Its annual covery of rent. 1720. Norcott. ing day guests In the K. I. Peter­ ped In Boise. I bazaar in connection with the Mary PETITIONS, PROBATE COURT the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. son home. Guardianship of Charles O. Hass­ Mr. and Mrs. M L. Kurtz and and Manha cl‘k ten Sam McConnell and Mr .and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Baker and Mr and Mrs. Clyde S' en­ Joyce. Dud and Bob motored to Here from Portland— on. Adr“ “ family of Vale were Thanksgiving tertained at Thanksgiving dinner u , Grande Wednesday afternoon g lid in g Friday evening. December Guardianship of Merry Louise Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson of | Forest Moore of Nampc dinner guests in M m W W Webb for Mr and Mrs. L. W. Dierkuig and were guests In the Bill Kurtz | • and Norma Jean. home. and L. E. Prouty homes, return­ Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitney and Miss Betty Moore, daughter of ing Friday. Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Moore, is (laughter. Aharon, were callers A few ranches are changing spending her Thanksgiving vaca­ Thanksgiving afternoon In the hands as renters move on other By Leona Anderson Clyde Bleelman home. Mrs. Whit­ tion with her parents. She Is att­ places, 'ihe Lester Goulet family ney and Mr. Steelman are sister ending school In Corvallis. has moved to Enterprise. Hoyle "UKANBEKRIKS GLAMORIZE Rev and Mrs. H. E. Moore and and brother. Warwick, who rented 80 acres MENUS" Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and Irom Carl Hill last year, has leas­ Holiday menus are not complete Donna Mar .a and Mrs. Clyde Steel­ ed the two ranches formerly farm­ without cranberries In some form and Donna Lee were shoppers ed by Lester Goulet. or another and the comfortable U K f K L E H A N K SCZ man In Boise Friday The Frank Ray falmly are mak­ supply of cranberries is good news Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Brown ing plans to move to their farm to the holiday-minded cooks. FOLKS W H O AGE ALWAYS Mr, and Mrs. H M. Korman and across the Owyhee river. Cranberry Sherbert makes an In­ LAUGHIN G AT OTHER ' Kristine and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wesley Piercy has leased his teresting accompaniment to a PEOPLE'S LOOKS, SHOULD 1 Eastman of Caldwell spent Thanks­ farm to two of his sons. Carl and bounteous Thanksgiving dinner lor giving visiting friends anu relatives GET THEMSELVES A Thurman. Mr. and Mrs. Piercy it Is tart, cool, and colorful. in Bouse. plan to spend part of the winter CRANBERRY SHERBERT N E W M lRROW . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown of ,n Arizona, then later In the spring 2 cups cranberries Boise are spending the Thanks­ visit in Tennessee, Mrs. Plercy's 1— cups water T R A C K MARK R E O . U . B . P A T .O F F . giving vtcation visiting in the C. birth place. 1 cup sugar G. Brown home. The lovely modern residence be­ % tablespoon gelatin Mr and Mrs. Robert Brown spent ing built by Mr. and Mrs. Lou % cup cold water rrlday evening with friends In Wil­ Pratt Is progressing faster now 2 tablespoons lemon juice der. that the walls are up and the Combine cranberries and water In A Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomas roof on. sancepan. Cover and bring to and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dille and The young people of the com­ steaming point on HIGH heat. P A IR ! Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly and munity church enjoyed a taffy pull Turn to LOW heat aflff Continue Jean were Thanksgiving day guests and popcorn party at the M. L. cooking until skins pop. Press in pie Jack Raney home In Parma. Kurtz home Tuesday evening. Amazingly beautiful and yet through fine sieve. Add sugar and Ted. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Holly Rev. and Mrs. Moore, their dau­ gelatin, which has been softened they’re yours at an unbelievably and Mr and Mrs. Richard Holly ghter. Betty, a student at Oregon low price! Clopay Drapes are were dinner guests on Thanksgiving State college, and Henry were until dissolved. Cool and add lemon Get of juice. Pour into regrlgerator tray; I In the Frank Miller home in the made of plasticized cellulose fi­ guests in the Kurtz home Friday freeze with Cold Control at cold- at the NYSSA AUTO Big Bend community. bre and are processed to look ■vening. est setting. When firm, turn Into R. C. and Elmer Cearley of Rns The ladles of the community chilled bowl and beat with chilled and hang like costly cloth. Give well and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Sparks :hurch will serve their annual proud beaters until smooth and light. your windows new life . . . new of Parma weie callers Sunday n ¡hicken and pie supper Friday Return to tray and refreeze. (Serves the Ellen Sparks home. beauty. . . new c o lo r . . . for less light. 6 ). body Mr. anti Mrs. Elmer Sparks en­ than a dollar a w indow ! Mrs. Henry Hardman wrote from tertained at dinner Thanksgiving Portland stating that Mr. Hard­ all NEWS OF RECORD for Mr and Mrs. A. C. Henderson. man's health Is improved since glass i f Automatic Plealer makes beauti­ Ellen and IMldred Sparks, Ar hey went there. They are staying ful French Pleats. MARRIAGE LICENSES Sparks and Shirley and Dick, Al­ with their daughter, Mrs. Ada John Mack Hatfield and Joanne bert TiLson of Fmiriott and Thom­ For ifealy, and family. i f Fl ame- r esi st ant . C h e m ic a lly Nell Hanley, both of Ontario. as Atteberry of Parma. Mrs. Forrest Hardman's daughter. your treated to prevent flaming even in Taka George Okita of Ontario Mrs. E. E. Parker, Mrs. Kenneth Marsha. Is here visiting. She has direct contact with fire. Parker and Arch Parker were In been working and staying with an and Toshiko Harada of Fruitland. Raymond George Winters of Ontario oil Friday i f Re- l nfor ced Edges fo r extra aunt in California. Harper and Doris Mae Hite of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker strength. Vale were hosts at Thanksgiving dinner COMPLETE BODY £ PAINT SHOP OWYHEE Albert Leroy Morrett of Nyssa for Mr. and Mrs. Oordon Dick­ i f Full 2 % yards long with matching V WMCKCB SERVICI —^ and Alma Beatrice Maine of Par­ on and family of Vale, Mr. and tie-backs. OLASS DEPT. RENO!* Evangelistic services were start­ ma. Mrs N. E. Hatt and son, Mr. and ed at the Owyhee sOhoolliouse Sun­ John Blair Van Etten and Alice Mrs. Gordon Toomb of rryssa and day and will continue tlirough the Jeanette Fite, both of WeLser. Robert Toomb, Sr., o f Nyssa. Roy George Nimocks and Adel­ Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb week except Saturday evening, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Dick at 8 o'clock. Rev. C. C. Hovda of aide Barbara Drewelow, both of Kreigh and daughter, Mr. and Bellingham, Washington Is the Jordan Valley. Charles Oliver Howland and Ru­ Mrs. Rube Graham and son and speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald by Viola Curell, both of Cam­ Mr. and Mrs. We.,ley Piercy and entertained at dinner Sunday for bridge, Idaho. Arlene at Thanksgiving dinner. >el ! Mr and Mrs. Bob Webster and Mr and Mrs. Ray Fletcher and ia. children spent Thanksgiving with Mrs Mary Fletcher of Homedale their parents. Mr. and Mrs. George and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toyne and son. Jimnile, of LaGrande. Webster of Parma. Mr. and Mrs Byrd Walters and son of Nyssa. Mr and Mrs. James Atteberrv and dnughtcr, Judy, were vlsltois Mrs. Ellis Walters were entertained a: in Adrian Sunday. They are now at Thanksgiving dinner at the Ralph Jones home In BoLse. ho. living In Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon- aa Kenneth Elliot spent the Thanks- glvlng holidays vLslting Ms moth- mond> and Mrs. Martha Kling­ er, Mrs. Threlma Elliot, and other nnd children. Kay and Ray- FARM EQUIPMENT WHICH YOU H AVE BEEN WANTING AT relatives and friends back and son, Fred, were guests (T Malheur County Farm Mrs. Mildred II,', : i ; ,nde " » Thanksgiving of Mr. and Mrs. er FR ICES THAT WILL REPRESENT A CONSIDERABLE SAVING TO Sjxinsoring association vs. spent the holidays visiting friends George Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz were Goulet. Recovery of money. *2172.- and relatives in Adrian and surr­ dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Wil '61. ounding communities. YOU IF YOU BUY NOW— SO COME EARLY! n. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Steelman and liam Peutz Thanksgiving. Miss Esther Nein and Bill Huber Replevin. | children of Hngerman. Idaho and Mr and Mrs. Frank Steelman ol were entertained at the Joe Church Land Levelers— All Sizes Planet, Jr. Seeders Middleton were Sunday callers at home In Fruitland Thanksgiving. Divorce. Mr. and Mrs. Mearl McClure the Clyde Steelman home. t' j | Bolens Huski Garden Tractors Seaman Tillers entertained at dinner Sunday for man. Divorce. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson NEWELL HEIGHTS Ben Hur Trailers Higgins Camp Trailers and children, Betty and Larry et. al. To quiet title. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Slippy and Clara Tague vs. Carrol Ellen Judd, who Is a freshman children. Carol. Sharon, Darrell Grain Blowers Fertilizer Side Dressers ue. Divorce. at Oregon State college, spent the and Marlene, and Mrs. Bertha Earl Fraser vs. Daisy Thanksgiving holiday with home Culbertson. Cultipackers Boat Trailers Divorce. Mrs. Russell Patton. Jr., Is in Milking Machines Wood Saws DONT READ THIS AD the hospital in Ontario. Mrs. Mary Hatt Is teaching the IF Milk Coolers Stock Feed Troughs upper grades In Owyhee ternijjorar- YOU HAVE A Ily. Mr Yarnell resigned because Welders Hog Feeders GOOD PAYING JOB— of til health. YOUR JOB IS FOB LIFE— Mrs. Martha Klingback and Fred USED CARS Hammer Mills Scrapers— All Sizes (No seasonal or other layoffs) were business visitors in Payette YOU GET 30 DAYS FOR SALE and Ontario Friday. Hay Stackers Dirt Moving Scrapers VACATION WITH PAY BACH YEAR— Horse Buck Rakes Portable Sprayers YOU ARE GUARANTEED truck with beet-bed. AN AMPLE OLD AGE Olson high Lift Rakes Cushman Motors 1942 2V2 ton CMC Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst and RETIREMENT INCOME family were Thanksgiving day din­ AFTER 2« OR 30 YEARS! army truck with stake- Galloway Buck Rakes Wisconsin Air Cooled Engines ner guests in the C. W. Wilson home in Nyssa. bed. BUT Horse-Drawn Mowers Beet Cultivators Elsie Fernandez of Payette spent 1937 % ton Terra If you are not now getting, or see the week-end with her parents. Gunco Manure Loaders, 14 ft. lift Bean Cultivators the hope of getting, a minimum ot Mr and Mrs. Frederick, last week. plane pick-up. these four important employment Mrs. Guy Moore and daughter, 1937 Chrysler royal Valley Mound Corrugators Potato Cultivators tdvantages, here's food for thought Esther McCormick, and grand- —then use your own judgment ab daughter. Lorraine, were In Boise 1- door sedan. Weeders Corn Cultivators out immediate action. on business last Monday. men by the thousands all over Mrs. Nellie Newbill was a visitor Spring Tooth Harrows Beet Two-Row Lifters America are enlisting in the In the Frank Cummins home last [ New Regular Army. Sunday. Iron Age Potato Planters Milk Carts Mr and Mrs. Willard Hall and | BECAUSE family spent Thanksgiving day m I Olson Hydraulic Manure Loaders Baled Hay Loaders the T B. Hall home in Apple valley I 1 As a private—mind you Just a Delora Hurst returned to Lin- private—your starting salary is $75 Offset Disc Harrows. Chopped Hay Elevators fteld college Sunday after spending j per month plus "hidden pay", East of Post office Thanksgiving vacation at home. I bringing your pay up to the equiv­ Fruehauf Stock Trailers The Kingman Grange Home Ec- alent of about EJf'f'O a year You I f also get regular automatic pay In­ creases. 2. As a career you have no worry about scarcity of Jobs or seasonal layoffs. 3 Normally you receive an annual leave of 30 days, with lull pay and allowances. % 4 Your retirement income after 30 years service may be as high as | $1115 63 per month for life l These are Just four of the many “ W ill the insurance on my property cover to­ reasons why an enlistment In the United States army Is making day’s increased values and replacement costa? sense to thousands of thinking men | today Why not discover all the new advantages to an army enlist­ INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE ment. Just see the Army Recruit­ ing Officer nearest you he's lo­ YOUR MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE FARM STORE Adrian Kitchen Chats C lopay DRAPES fes ONLY 98 * all kinds service BODY SHOP. We are of the variety of uperior work we d o.. and fender repairs.. kinds of paint jobs... work... upholstery .. .and wrecker service. expert attention t( car, come to us. Body Shop. Bracken's A Bright Christmas W E H ÂVE !T Kingman Kolony Watts Motor Company The soft, warm glow of a beautiful lamp will add new charm to your home. Ask Yourself This One Question $4.95 And Up NYSSA FURNITURE B 6 -M Eq uipment C o ., Inc. cated at Across From Reclamation Office Credit ( -an Be Arranged FIRST SECURITY BANK BLDG. PAYETTE. IDAHO Frank T. Morgan C ALD W ELL PHONE 167 IDAHO