THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1946 P A C E T H H tiK Deceased. First pub. Nov. 14, 1946 FOR SALE—Three acres, close In Last pub. Dec. 12, 1946. Bernard Eastman. 29Atfc. NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE— 1943 Ford or Willys | NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN to X AN AWFUL Jeep. $850. New top, extra tire. the creditors and all persons la j LOT O F GIRLS W HO Powell Service Garage. SlOtfc. RATES: Two cents per worn for each Issue. Alter one month one terested in the estate of Anna E PREFER NOT TO MAPRV. cent per word. Minimum, cash iiMdvance, la 30c. FOR SALE— Dwelling lot, 50 by Goshert, deceased, that the under signed has been appointed admin­ 147, Insured title. Bernard East- istrator of the estate of Anna L. nan. 193, tc. Goshert, deceased and has q u ah -; mediate passesslon. Call 533 North FOR SALE—Hay derrick. $50.30 fied as such. All persons having For Sale 5th, Owen Gann. 14N7xp See Frank T. Morgan. 13Jtfc claims against said estate are re­ quired to present same with the FOR SALE— 80 acres 3 1/2 miles FOR SALE— Extra nice potatoes. TOR SALE—Automobile Insurance. proper vouchers duly verified with- west of Nyssa. Gerrit stani, route $2.25 per sack delivered. Less in 10- Public Liability. Property Damage .n six mouths of the date of the 2. 5D2xp sack lots. Ed Jamison, phone 65-J. Fire, Theft and Collision. Placeo ilrst publication of this notice, t o ' 310tfc. n the best companies at lowest the undersigned, at nis ofnce, 12J j FOR SALE- 1945 2V4 ton Stucie- possible rates. Bernard Eastman. Main Street in the City of Nyssa, F O R S A L E— New commercla balcer army truck. Never used. 14FUC which place is hereby designated J building Just completed. Building Phone 122-J. 5D3xc. ,s the place of business in all is 50 by 70 with modem two bed­ WANTED natters connected with said estate. FOR SALE— 40 acres row crop, 28 A. L. Fletcher, Administrator acres irrigable, $3700, or 40 acres room apartment. Excellent locatioc WANTED— Older woman who with small house, shed, barn, gran­ with parking area in front and wishes home to care for house. Box ¿state of Anna E. Uoshert.Ueceased : ary, bearing home orchard, 28 acres rear. Best of construction. Musi 852, Nyssa. 5Dlxp First pub. Nov. 14, 1946 Utst pub. Dec. 12, 1946 irrigable. $5503. Five miles north­ be seen to be appreciated. Bernarc 7Ntfc WANTED— To rent row crop land west Nyssa. Two miles west of Vest Eastman. Phone 64. comer. Grover C. Lytle, route 2. FOR SALE— Round Oak range, Phone 351R4, Ontario, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING 5D4xp NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 5D2xp bakes well. Library table, rocking Chester Tsuda. _eo L. Utter, the Administrator ot chairs, large bassinet with stand, WANTED— Bookkeeper and typist. NOTICE— I will not be responsible .he estate of Roy Alfred Utter, de- nursery chair, two-burner electric Ebcperience not necessary. Call In eased. having filed herein his first for any debts other than those Our unrelenting effort is to serve young miarried couples.. .helping hot plate, four-slice toaster, elec­ person at Eastern Oregon Produce and final aoeount of his adminis- contracted by myself. Jack J. Bing­ tric iron and sandwich grill, cor­ Co. office. 21Ntfc. uation in me County Court of tne him make their homes comfortable and attractive at nominal costs. Mav we ham. 5D2xp ner kitchen cabinets. First house State of Oregon for the County oi sOl'Ve J'O U? WANTED— Live poultry wanted. FOR SALE—Stainless steel and from Dessert Seed house, west on chrome trim edgings for table tops, Alberta avenue. John Dortty. 5Dlxp Bring your chickens, ducks and I Malheur, the County Judge has geese. Nyssa Produce, phone 13W fixed Mondy, December 16th 1946, cabmets and stairways. Also linol­ November 9 drive. TATO LOANS: buyers of cream, poultry and egg, at the hour of two o'clock p.m. as NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING eum paste and waterproof cement. NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN, Both consumers and the food Oregon producers who expect to one block south underpass. 21N4xp the time and the County Court FOR SALE— New Wlllys en­ Nyssa Furniture Co. Opposite rec­ Room in the City of Vale, Oregon, That A. L. Fletcher, Administra­ take out loans on their 1946 potato trade have co-operated to help gines, New Jeeps and Wlllys lamation office. 28Ntfc WANTED To Rent— Good row crop os the place, for hearing any ob­ tor of the estate of James A. parts. All makes and models crops are warned by county AAA producers out of a difficult mar­ land, 40 acres or more. Harry jections to said account and lor FOR SALE lt4—2 ti H. P. gaso­ used cars. Watts Motor Co. Kelley, deceased has filed In U » j commUtee8 lhat they had better keting situation, Denny said. In­ Masto. Route 1. Homedale. Idaho, Uie settlement thereof. line engine, International. Leo Phone 144-J Nyssa. County Court of Melheur County. pn)mptly or lt wlll * um , iate. or five miles south of Adrian. creased consumer buying is re­ All persons interested In said Oregon, his first and final account Fife, Phone 05R-2. 28Ntfc. Only a few weeks remain In which flected In reports of greatly In­ 14N4xp estate may appear at said time FOR SALE of his administration and that producers can take advantage ol FDR BALE— New plywood, all 80 acres row crop land on Adrian WANTED— To buy anything In ind place and file objections in Monday, December 30th, 1946 at this year's potato price support creased sales from representatives sDes. W. Musgrove. Phone 3554. «riling to said account and be the hour of two o'clock P. M. of ench. Fair house, good well. h " * or eal. Also buy bangrr cows leard thereon.. Said account is foi program. Decehiber 15 Is the final retailers, who featured potatoes Vale. 28N2xp jr land only. or win Handle lor hide and oflall final settlement and upon the same said day and the County Court date for making an application and onions at attractive prices Room In the City of Vale, Oregon, 15 acres In Apple valley, 2 room Phone 31M or 011J1 FOR SALE - Dry slab wood. Im­ 22AUc for quantity lots. The Central Ore­ jelng approved and settled, said has been fixed by the court as for a potato loan. mediate delivery. E. E. Jenkins. house, cow shed, chicken house, 3 The loan volume so far is de­ estate will be closed, distribution WANTED— Wll. buy any mode miles from Nyssa. Price $3800. (he time and place for the hear­ scribed as "m oderate', but county gon potato producing area re­ Veteran's housing Apt. No. 10. 3 bedroom house, lawn, shade, Wlllys cars, highest prices paid made of the property remauung ing on said account, when and committees In commercial potato ports that carlot shipments to 28N2xp. telephone 144J. Watts' Motor com­ in the hands of the administrator where any person Interested In garage, close in. Price $5750. counties are expecting a heavy November 1 were 531 carloads, al­ FOR SALE— 1944 Ford IV» ton 3 room house, fully furnished, pany, Nyssa, Oregon, authorized and said Administrator dlcharjed said estate may appear, file object­ last-minute rush from producers most 100 cars ahead of the 433 truck, A-l condition. Frank Skeen, full basement, 3 blocks from Main dealer. Malheur and Payette coun- i of his trust. ions in writing thereto and be who are waiting until Just before cars for the same period a year Dated this 12th day of November heard thereon. Said account Is for Has. lAttc. Vi mile west Hashitanl corner.28N2 street. the deadline to take a loan and final settlement and upon being Its 90 per cent of parity price guar­ ago. Several Improved and unim­ WANTED -Dead or worthless ani­ 1946. Leo L. Utter, Administrator settled and approved, said estate FOR SALE— Britannica Junior proved acreages. Although the state campain Estate of Roy Allred Utter will be closed and said Adminis­ antee. Committeemen point out encyclopedias, 12 volume set, 1945 KEN RENSTROM. REAL ESTATE mals. .lorses. cows, calves, sheep ended on November 9, Denny polnt- that If too many loan applications and hogs. Phone collect Nyssa 102W, Deceased. edition. A good reference library SUCCESSOR TO A. L. ATKESON trator discharged. Payette 560J3, 3713 or First Pub. Nov. pour In just before closing d ate,' ed out that continued eflorls to 14, 1946 for children of all grades. Inquire Phone 47-J A. L. F’letcher, Administrator Nainpa 1000. 7Mtfc Last Pub. Dec. 12, 1946 It will be Impossible to complete at the Journal office. 28N2xc j Estate of James A. Kelley, deceased the loan papers within the re­ increase consumption or potatoes FOR SALE— 1946 J. I. Case Com­ ana onions are needed to avoid First Pub. Nov. 21. 1946 MISCELLANEOUS quired 15-day period. FDR SALE!— Three bedroom house, bine. Used to cut 200 acres. $1000. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Last Pub. Dec. 19. 1946 waste of abundant supplies of luese The state PMA committee reports 5th and King. See Oscar Pike. Stanley Keffett. Rt. 2. SlOtfc MISCELLANEOUS— Sewing mach­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That that a number of producers who loods. Potatoes are being featur­ 28N3xp. Hilda L. Tensen, Executrix of the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION FOR SALE— New grates and re­ ines wanted, treadles, portables and last will and testament of Dirk took out loans early In the season ed us an ubundant food In a nat­ Department of the Interior FOR SALE;— Electro irons. Guar­ pairs for any make of stove. Also electrics, any condition. Will pay Tensen, otherwise known as Dick already have offered to deliver po­ ion-wide campaign during Nov­ Bureau of Land Management anteed one year. Ati chi am e fin­ stove pipe, dampers, flue stops. top prices. Phone 247M. P. O. Box Tensen, deceased, has filed In the tatoes to Commodity Credit to re­ ember. The Dalles. Ore., Nov. 19, 1946 pay the loans. ish. $6.45. Nyssa Furniture Co. Nyssa Furniture Co. 240tfc 608. 469 So. First St. F. "Lete " County Court for Malheur County Eackett, Ontario. Rebuilding, elec­ 14NtfC. her first and final account of her NOTICE Is hereby given that Will­ 1946 HARVEST BIGGEST ------- U. S. ARMY OFFERS 5Dtfc. FOR SALE— New Wlllys engine. trifying, repairing. The biggest crop harvest In Uni­ WELL PAID CAREER administration, and that the Coun- iam Leon McCutcheon of Rt. 1, FOR SALE— Eating potatoes. $1 Watts Motor company. 12at. ted States history has become a MISCELLANEOUS— Strayed, two ty Judge has filed Monday the 16th | 1 ember ““ s ’, 1942, J , made a * original 1 1 home- ^ ' cwt. Bring your sack. L. J. Joseph- 14, reality with total crop production As a result of the recent es­ t.on and Son. Phone 392-J, Payette, FOR SALE— 1936 model lVi ton cows. Owner may have by Identi­ day of December 1946 at the hour stead entry, Act 6-17-02, No. running three points above the pre­ Idaho. 3!Otfc. Chevrolet truck. Good rubber. Be fying and paying for feed bill and of 2 o'clock p.m. of said day and i 031675, for Farm Unit "B" or the vious peak year of 1942, os In­ tablishment of new pay scales, sure to see this. Watts Motor Co. advertisement. Earl Chard, Route the County Court Room In the a private In the United States ar­ 1, Nyssa. 5D3xp City of Vale, Oregon, as the time S1/2S1/2 Section la. Township 22S, dicated by the November crop re­ il iy now receives an Income hi FOR SAIE— 8-room house and 9 Phone 144-J Nyssa. Oregon. Range 46E. Willamette Meridian, port of the U. S. department of lots. Phone 128M. Lloyd Founds. MISCELLANEOUS— I am doing and place lor the hearing by the has filed notice of intention to agriculture. At the same time, the excess of that enjoyed by half the 21N3XC FOR SALE— No 1 field bags. 10 Court on said account and the set­ families of the United States as unce burlap, vacuum cleaned and auto and tractor repairing at the tlement thereof, and that upon the ■make final proof, to establish report Indicates the large crop of last year, according to a survey Klaas Tensen ranch. Bill Marsh claim to the land above described, FOR SAIE— 4-room nouse, lm- 'atohed. Jermulowske brothers, out-turn asked for next year Is recently completed by sixth urmy 28N3xp. approval of said account, the es­ before Frank T. Morgan, notary on the way. tate will be in condition to be recruiting lieudquarlers, Presidio, public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the The 1946 crops reached harvest of SonFranclsco. PERSONAL— Anyone wishing per­ closed, and the property belonging 7th day of January, 1947. under almost Ideal conditions. Oc­ The cash remuneration of $75 sonal or civic announcements to said deceased will be distribu­ Claimant names as witnesses: broadcast or wishes to appear on ted to the persons entitled thereto Charlie Hawk, Clarence Mt'Kague, tober's favorable growing weather per month, which the private re­ boosted both yields and quality. ceives, Is only a small fraction of NYSSA'S radio program" SALUTE under the provisions of the last F. E. Dazey and Durward Jurg- TO NYSSA” over KSRV, "The will an testament ot »aid deceased. enson, all of Rt. 1, Homedale, Ida, Corn prospects Increased six mil­ his actual Income, the survey lion bushels. Soybeans, potatoes, shows. "Hidden pay" In the form Voice of the Snake River Valley,” All persons Interested In said es­ Grace Gavlre Lewis, tobacco, apples, pears, grapes, and of free clothing, food, lodging, den­ write or contact ALYCE WADA at tate are hereby notified to appear Acting Manager sugar beets also Improved. The tal care and other benefits bring the Nyssa high school. (Re. Sal­ at said time and place and /lie First pub. Nov. 28, 1946 only important decline was In cot­ hla weekly pay check to the equiv­ ute to Nyssa KSRV) 21N3xc in writing any objections that they Last pub. Dec. 26. 1946 ton production. Total oil crop out­ alent of about $41) a week, or a .nay have to said account and be put Is below 19*5. Com crop now total of $2083 a year. MISCELLANEOUS— All kinds Of aeard thereon. stands at 3,381,000,000 bushels. sewing done. Room 4, Wilson's ap­ Undertaken In a sincere effort Said account is for final settle­ REPORTS GIVEN As a whole, yields per acre In to determine what the army lias artments. Mrs. Marion Chard. ment and upon the same being AT PTA MEETING 1946 were the second largest on to offer from a financial standpoint 14N5xp «tiled and approved said admlnls- record, being 32 per cent above In comparison with the civilian WYCKOFF PHYSICIANS , ration will be brought to a close, The November PTA meeting was Always buying at top prices. llstribution made of the property held Thursday, November 20 In the the 1923-32 average and exceeded labor market, "hidden pay" fig­ JEWELRY STORE Deer and Elk Hides .emaining in the hands of the afternoon at the Kingman Kolony only In 1942 Weather, Improved ures were estimated conservative­ s a r a z d T c l in ic - Official Time Inspector for seed, better production methods, ly. An estimate of $30 a month Executrix and said Executrix dls- school house. Raw Fur Union Pacific and conservation farming contribu­ Dr. J. J. Sarazin harged of her trust. The business meeting was open­ ted to the grain. Winter wheat to was made for food of the same Hides, Pelts and Wool quantity and quality as the sol­ ONTARIO OREGON Nyssa, Oregon, November 12, 1946. ed by the president, Mrs. Carl Hill. Jermulowske Xros. Dr. K E. Kerby Hilda L. Tensen, Executrix Some of the committee chairmen be harvested In 1947 Is making dier receives. Tills did not take Phone 504 Weiser, Idaho Physician and Surgeons OPTOMETRISTS Estate of Dirk Tensen, other­ gave reports. Mrs. Guy Glenn re- good progress In the great plains Into consideration the rapldily ris­ prospects have seldom ing costs on the outside. MISCELLANEOUS— Storage Set wise known as Dick Tensen ported 83 children were examined especially, better The medical and dental care a DR. J. A. MCFALL Deceased. Jake a* Fix-it shop. 8Atfc in the recent dental clinic, of which A cp PERPORMANCE REPORTS L. A. Maulding. M. D. soldier receives would, lt was es­ rlrst Pub. Nov. 14, 1946 only 17 had perfect teeth. The u u jj . DR. JOHN EASLY Physician and Surgeon MISCELLANEOUS—For better ra- oast Pub. Dec. 12. 1946 timated, cost an unmarried civ­ hot lunches are being served to Now Is the time, Glen L. Hutch­ ! dio service bring vour radios to i*hone 37 all children at the Kolony school inson, chairman of the AAA com­ ilian $100 a year, a married civ­ 1 Nordale-Newsom Furniture store Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to $ house. Mrs. Lane reported lt is mittee reminds, for all farmers ilian about $250 a year. The first I Gene Seybold. radlctrlclan. 13Jtfc. too early to give any definite re­ who have completed their 1946 con­ year's Issue of army clothing was Dally—Except Sunday sults of this lunch program. MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car servation practices to call at the valued at approximately $215 and Friday, November 29 Is the eve­ county office and file their re­ conaervltlve nature, ar.d cylinder lock keys made. Gam­ DENTISTS ning set for anyone who can to ports of performance. January 15. other estlmaes were of an equally ble store. 250afc. help shellac the lunch room. Help­ 1947. Is (¡he deadline for reporting After 30 years service, the survey IIORSE CARS BUTCHERING ers may contact Mrs. L. Kreager performance under the 194« agri­ notes, a first sergeant retires on J. R. CUNDALL Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Remember when Custom butchering every Mon­ for details. cultural conservation program. But $185 63 a month A civilian would horse-drawn street Dentist day and Friday. Beef, sheep and A committee consisting of Leslie the committee reminds that the have to pay $1200 a year for 30 cars were popular pork. Sanitary butchering guaran­ Phone 56-J Stoker. Mrs. M. L. Judd and Mr. L. sooner the reports are filed, the yeans for a similar retirement In­ FLOOR SANDING transportation in teed Phone 05R1. All stock mus1 Sarazin Clinic Dlerking was appointed to work sooner payments can be made. come. some of our large come In Thursday or Sunday after­ with Mr. Stanley Huffman In SCHOOL LUNCH 8ET-UP8 GET NYSSA OREOON Not taken Into consideration was cities? Cable cars New or old floors sand­ noon between 12 o'clock and 8. No promoting and organizing the Ad­ the loss of pay frequently B uffered were the first to POTATOES, ONIONS— •tick accepted on butchering day rian high school library Into a ed perfectly. Large come to the rescue School lunch programs are help­ through loes of employment in One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta F. F. BODMER community library. of those poor hors­ ing to consume some of Oregon's the fluctuating civilian market. avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc commercial machine The program consisted of Choral abundance of potatoes and onions es. Then, In the 18- Dentist readings by the fifth and sixth The state PMA office la distributing and experienced oper­ 90's, electricity-trol­ NU-ACRES L egal A d v e rtisin g Ph. 187W grades, songs by the first and sec­ 10 carloads of Oregon potatoes and ley cars-took over ators. Telephone Boise ond grades, a choral reading by 5 carloads of Oregon onions to NOTICE TO CREDITORS the burden. People The Do-More 4-H club held Its Wilson Bldg. the fourth grade, and a compre­ school lunch programs, state In­ regular 6189R. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN to were afraid they meeting with Horace hensive reading lesson by the third stitutions and county welfare Woods They plan to hold a Christ­ the reed 1 tors and all persons In­ might be electrocut­ HAY BUYER FLOOR LAYING AND terested In the estate of William grade under the direction of Miss ed. Remember? groups. The commodities were ac­ mas party In connection with the Mary Weir, teacher of third and quired by the government In con­ Orange party December 19. Phyl­ 6 Clelland. deceased, that the un- SANDING NYSSA fourth grades. I derslgned has been appointed ad­ Reflnlsbed. Filled. Varnished nection with price support pro­ lis and Evelyn Evaas gave a dem­ FUNER a L HOME Two articles. “What Influences gram operations In Klamath. Bak­ onstration on the correct way to W. F. JAHN ministrator of the estate of Will­ By Experienced Men Minds of Youth", by Mrs. F*rancls er and Malheur counties. iam 8. Clelland. deceased, and has set a table. Dealer in hay and grain Write N. J. Barnett Deffer, and "Anchors at Home", qualified as such. All persons hav­ Mr and Mrs Robert Palmer and Idaho by Mrs. Charles Newblll, were re­ Third at Good Ave. 71 ____ L — Marsing, ing claims against said estate are Chucky spent Thanksgiving week — -i-— LiLJ— -- viewed from the Parent Teacher POTATO MARKETING at Nampa with Mr and Mrs. C. required to present the same with Sales Service Supplies magazine. proper vouchers duly verified with­ PROGRAM SUCCESS A. Ommen. Mr and Mrs. John JEWELRY STORES Mrs Carl Hill announced the in six months of the date of the Palmer spent Thanksgiving day December meeting to be combined first publication of this notice, to The state-wide potato and onion' with them and also visited Mrs WORLD FAMOUS with the grade school Christmas campaign to help Oregon p ro -! Palmer's sister and family, Mr and PAULUS the underslgnol at his office 122 ELECTROLUX program and treats. Street In the City of Nyssa, ducers market oversize crop* ol | Mrs. Granger Longatroth. JEWELRY STORE Cleaner & Air Purifier Main Oregon, which place Is hereby des­ these commodities has been an The Farmerettes met at Susan Union Pacific Time Inspector ignated as the place of business in "outstanding success," according to Barney's home An absentee show- E. R. Anderson JEWELRY — DIAMONDS all matters connected with said a report from John L. Denny of er was given for Ruth Palmer WATCHES Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, estate. the state PMA office, secretary of Mr and Mrs Fry went to Cald- Main Street a. Second Weiser, Idaho A. L Fletcher, Administrator the special food trades committee well Monday to get blocks and Estate of William & Clelland, CLOS IN a DATE NEAR FOR PO- which directed the October 18- lumber for the Orange building. Weiser, Idaho Phone S04. Classified 5Stlc BETTY SUE*?NEWSOM FURNITURE CO Advertising Professional And Business Direeiory AAA NEWS