Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, PAGE t w o and Mrs. Jake Oroot of Arcadia and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Mrs. John Broad shopped in Boi se Friday. Le Roy Toombs of Boise spent KI.ASS V. POWELL - - - - - - - Editor and Publisher Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Tensen. Thanksgiving dinner guests at ADVERTISING KATk-S the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake SUBSCRIPTION KATES Van Twlsk were Mr and Mrs. C. Open rate, per Inch...... One Year ................ »3.00 Kat and Rikus Van Twlsk of Valley National, per inch - Six Months H JI View. Classifieds, per word ----- Jlc Single Cople»...................— ... Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail Minimum 30c (Strictly in Advance) was a Thanksgiving guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Ord. Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen en Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission tertained at Thanksgiving dinner through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under for Mr. and Mrs. John Broad and the art o! March 3, 1879. t luncheon for Mr and Mrs. Klaas Tensen and Lucille and Dianna and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen ____ | Mr and Mrs. C. Kat of Valley were besides the immediate fami Clayton Jensen of Nyssa called View entertained Tuesday evening ly Mr. Jensen's father, Mr. and at the C. M. Tensen home Sun- at two taDies of pinochle for Mr Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Neil and Carolyn and Mrs. T. H. Beranek. Callers at the George Smit home at Apple Valley Tuesday were Mr. E.W. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Gerrlt Stam on Thanksgiving were Auto Repairing Mr. and Mrs. L. Davidson of Par VETERINARIAN Reboring, Valve Grind ma. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrlt Groot of Apple Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Joe ing, Lathe work. Parts Stam and Mr and Mrs. Jake Relk Box D Phone 135J of Oregon Trail. Several friends and relatives and accessories gathered at the home of Mr. and Nyssa. Oregon Mrs. Pete Tensen Sunday afternoon Phone 56w to play cards. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Edward C. Larson on Thanks giving day were Mrs. Florence Lar- sson and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bues and Paul and Nanette of Roswell, Idaho. fhe Gate City Journal -J -Do COLUMBIA AVENUE t „ „ PRUYN Dr.J.H. Berger ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY Weekly market report for lues., Dec. 3, 1946 Total Amount: Oattle 930, hogs 376, sheep 103. Fat steers »17.50 to $20 Medium steers »15 to *17.50. Bulls *12.51) to $14. Oood cows *11.50 to »13.50. Heifers *16 to *18. Veal calves $15 to $17. Sheep: Lambs $17 to $18. Hogs: Top hogs $24.50. Feeder pigs *22.50 to *25. Sows *21.50-*23 With all markets receiving too many catt! and Packers finding it hard to sell dressed meats at prevailing prices, we look for cattle to continue to work lower with choice cattle in demand and common cattle lower. Our country is in a period of change, uncer tainty and adjustment including livestock mar kets. However you may consign your cattle, hogs, sheep and horses to Ontario Livestock Com mission Co. where you are assured o£ having plenty of buyers and orders and you will re ceive full market price for your livestock whether one or several car loads. For market information or to arrange for truck transportation reverse a call to 264, On tario. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. “W here Buyers and Sellers Meet” Cols. Ellis W hite and Clayt Tschirgi (Schirge), Auctioneers ONTARIO— 413-M FRUITLAND— 522 Upper Sunset Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker are I parents of a boy born November 24. Mrs. Parker and son are In Nyssa. I Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barrett en- ; tertained Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pat- : terson and family at Thanksgiving ' dinner. Mrs. Wayne Barrett and daughter I returned home Saturday from Seat- 1 tie. They were accompanied home I by Mrs Barretts mother, who spent | Thanksgiving with them. 8. B. Hoffman, accompanied by Harry Maze of Callaway, Nebraska | called on former Nebraska resi- I dens of this vicinity Sunday morn- ! ing. Billy Porter of Nyssa spent sev- | oral days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee, tills week. , Mrs. Delone Durfee spent a few days at the Charles Durfee home. The Wahine club will hold Its bazaar In Mrs. Graham's real es tate office December 14. Arrange ments have been made to have many toys, pillowcases and other gifts on display. Arcadia College students who spent the holidays at home from Arcadia were Gerald Zlttercob and Van Ure of O. S. C. and Beverly Ure Now Is The Best Time! Does Your Tractor, Truck, Car Or Farm Machinery Need Repairing Or Overhauling NYSSA, OREGON Church Notes _________ HE M ETH O D IST COM M U N IT* CHURCH Rev H J. Gernhardt, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45. Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Youth fellowship at the parson age, 7 p. m. intermediate fellowship, 7 p. m. No evening service for duration of fuel shortage. Bible study and prayer, Wed nesday, 8 p. m. at the parsonage. THE CHURCH OF THE NAZ.ARENE E. J. Wilson. Pastor 10 a. m., Sunday school. Part of this time will be given Rev. and Mrs. Harold Hampton, our miss ionaries from British Honduras. Rev. Hampton will preach at 11 a. m. 7:15, p. m., the groups of children and young people will have their services. 8 p. m. , congregation and spec ial singing and evangelistic mess age. 8 p. m., Wednesday services. 12 o ’clock Fridays, prayer and fasting service. T R IN IT Y LUTIIEP.AN ( 111 K i ll OF f X k m a "T he Church of the Lutheran Hour" Harold A. Heckmann, pastor Divine" worship Sunday morning at 10 and Sunday school and adult Bible hour at 11. Saturday, December 7, at 3:30 p. m. the children of the Sunday school will gather at the church in Parma for the first Christmas program rehearsal. All children are requested to be present on time. FIRST M ISSIO N A R Y BAPTIST CHURCH THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5,_194£_ I dent, Merle Griffitt; secretary, Dewey of Nyssa. , :ng from a goitre operation per- Roxie Ritchie; treasurer, Alva formed in the Samaritan hospital Cleaver; program chairman, Helen Recovering From Operation— Hoffman, news reporter, Arms Mrs. Horace Crisp Is recuperat- 111 Nampa. Goodell. Refreshments of sandwiches, pie and coffee were served. The next meeting will be a Christmas party to be held at the George Cleaver home December 12. Mrs. Leland Hoffman has spent the past week at the Silas Hoffman home. Mrs. Ethel Goodell and family of Vale and Mr. and Mrs. Chester GoodeU of Payette were Sunday dinner guests at the Leslie Toplill The Finest In Watch Repairing home. 10 DAY SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Chester GoodeU called at the Alva GoodeU home Swiss Watches My Specialty Sunday afternoon. Ray Griffitt and Howard Day were elk hunting last week. They also visited at the C. C. Wyckoi. home near Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Next Door To Ronald’s Shoe Shop daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and children were Thanks giving dinner guests at the Claude Day home. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver entertained at Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and child ren, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Del bert Cleaver and Mrs. Bernice Bow Located 14 miles southwest of Nyssa, Oregon 1 en. mile north and west of Ole’s comer, on Eastman Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and place on Cow Hollow road. Alva, Jr., at Thanksgiving dinner at the Henry Estrick home near Meridian. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hoffman en tertained Thanksgiving Mrs. Hot- fman's mother of Nebraska, Mrs. Maize, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest SALE STARTS AT 12:30 P. M. Maize. A crowd of 50 neighbors and friends gathered at the George Cleaver home Friday evening and 1 Black horse, 7 years, weight 1600. charivaried Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver. Treats were served to the 1 grey mare, 7 years, weight 1600. crowd. M. J. Duncan, pastor New Watch Shop Open KENNY’S WATCH SHOP Farm Sale Thursday, Dec. HORSES Sails CATTLE For Japan— Sunday school, 10 am. Pfc. John R. Dewey sailed Octo Morning worship, 11 a.m. ber 23 for Yokahoma. Japan. He Preaching, 7:30 p.m. is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thurs day, We wish to extend a hearty wel come to all to attend the services. of the University of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warner visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hull near Vale Sunday. Marvin Bowers of Kingman Kol- ony spent the week-end with Don ald Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and family attended the southwest Idaho Bible conference in Cald well last Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Zittercob and Mrs. Anna Dali were business visitors In Nampa and Boise last Tuesday. Theo Matherly and Bert John- I son went goose hunting near Burns over the week-end. R. O. Chandler of Caldwell a n d ' Mr. and Mrs. Eggert Oft and son j of Nyssa visited in the George Mo eller home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and family returned the first of the week from Portland, where they spent the holiday. Arthur Sabin and family have j moved to Gresham, Oregon. Buena Vista Mrs. Howard Day entertained at a birthday party for her daughter, Sandra, on her eighth birthday Wednesday evening with 15 little gaests attending. Mrs. Ray Griffitt entertained the Out-Our-Way club at her home Tuesday afternoon with eight members attending. Election of o f ficers was held. Those elected were: President, Hazel Day; vice presi- uim ' r i ? - U** CARA NOME for HER . STAG for HIM n y s s /T p h a r m a c y BECAUSE OF COAL STRIKE "and by direction o f office o f defense transpor If so, take advantage of the winter season and let us put your equipment in top shape for the coining year. We have the best, most modern tools money can buy and all tation (order No. 68) passenger train service is curtailed on Union Pacific main and branch lines. Only by so doing can a limited coal supply our work is guaranteed. be conserved to provide essential passenger With our modern paint equipment we can afford to make and freight transportation. Please consult local agent for latest inform you a special deal on any paint job. ation regarding schedule changes and service Come in and let us make your repair problems our problems. OWYHEE TRUCK & IMP. CO. now available. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Guernsey, Elizabeth, 5 years, springer. Black, Midnight, 7 years, springer. Black, Sox, 4 years, springer. Guernsey, Spot, 2 years, milking now. Guernsey, Pot, 2 years, milking now. Guernsey, May, 2 years, just fresh. 1 white-face yearling. Cattle are Bang’s and abortion tested. heifer calf. FARM MACHINERY 1 1 1 1 1 1 10-20 McCormick Deering tractor on steel. 10-foot McCormick Deering hay rake. Big 6 McCormick Deering mower. Valley Mound corrugator. 5-foot tandem disc. . walking plow, 1 two-horse fresno, 2-section har- 1 rubber-tired wagon and rack, Team hitch. , 1 stock trailer, 1 land float, 10 by 18, 7 by 14. . 1 D^Laval cream separator, size 16, milk cans. 1 weed burner with spray attachment. and tractor „ . .. 3 hay slips, „ 8 10-gallon HOUSEHOLD GOODS Some nice light fixtures. 1 6-foot General Electric refrigerator, A -l. 1 automatic electric washing machine, A -l. 2 15 gallon electric water tanks, A -l. 2 two-hole electric hot plates, good. 1 set teachers and pupils encyclopaedia. 1 drop-head sewing machine, Singer. 1 youth’s bed. 1 infant’s screened-in crib. 2 dressers, kitchen cabi net, kitchen cupboard, wash stand, 2 rack shelves. 1 top half glassed-in cupboard, 1 kitchen table with bins, 3 iron bedsteads with springs, 1 mattress, 1 feather bed, 1 steel leaf cot. 8 kitchen chairs, 2 round dining room tables with extra leaves, 2 drop-leaf kitchen tables, 3 rocking chairs. 2 three-hole burner kerosene stoves. Both in good condition. 1 oven. 1 electric juicer, 1 electric heat ray lamp. 2 electric heaters, 2 kitchen ranges. 1 six-foot bath tub, good condition. 1 galvanized bath tub, 2 No. 2 wash tubs. 1 good ironing board. Lots of home canned fruit. Jams, jellies and juic es canned with sugar. About 20 picture frames, 1 26 by 31 mirror. Several pieces o f fine tapestry. Several bed spreads, some hand embroideried. Several pairs o f hand embroideried pillow cases. 100 Austra-White pullets. 36 guineas. I electric 500-chick brooder, 1 electric 200-chick brooder, feed and watering troughs. About 1000 pounds o f wheat. MISCELLANEOUS Several feed barrels, 3 good gas barrels, 150 feet garden hose, 1 heavy log chain. Forks, shovels, rakes, hoes and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH J. C. & J. M. Lee, Lunch served on grounds by Wahine club. OWNERS Auctioneers, Cols. Bert Anderson and Joe Church Clerk. L. H. Fritts -M