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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1946)
The NYSSA VÙ Ü JM E xxxxr JOURNAL "NO. 46 H erbert H ouse cxrcx 0 0 . O f Ontario Is Killed In Crash Train Hits Truck Near Site O f New Idaho Canning Co. Plant dance attended b Y 400 PERSONS Approximately 200 couples att ended the dance given in the gym nasium Saturday night by the Ow yhee Riding club. The proceeds of the dance amounted to $378. Turkeys were awarded to Zack Walker, Nora Williams, Fred W il N Y S S S TO K E G O N . TH U RSD AY," DECEMBER 5, 1946 Czech Minister pfsKs^N c ? ty hall Miners’ Strike Tells O f POOr I ^wo d.'k. in ihe city police Is Beginning To F V n n ftm if» o f statl"n in the city haU were dam IMnch In Nyssa •LA-UIIUIIIIL O l t l l C by fire shortly after 6 o'clock Tuesday People Have evening. The fire was Love For apparently started by a cigarette Residences And Firms Russians Roeause O tossed lnto a waste basket- found Have Only Few Days KUSbiant» Otcaube y i f steinke, caretaker, Coal Supply KeSCUe from Nazis smoke surging through the heat SPORTSMEN WILL HO_D GATHERING The annual meeting of the Mal- heur Game league will be held in the Boulevard Grange hall near Cairo junction Monday night. Dec Nyssa’s Talent Emphasized In Entertainment Capacity Crowd Sees Par ent-Teacher Benefit In Theater ember 9 at 8 o'clock. Flection o f officers will be held. Under the rotation system of elect By The Cub Reviewer ---------- vents Into the main floor of the Herbert House of Ontario was liams. Arthur Boydell, Jesse Bueno, Despite the coal strike, appar ing officers, the new leaders are Vaclav Vancura, district super- and gave the alann. Pol- Nyssa's talent was emphalloallg fatally injured at noon today when and Marvin Wells. All of the Winn- ! ( intendent of the Methodist church icemen and firemen opened the ently no one in Nyssa Is suffering to come from MVssa this >ear Any emphasized at a home talent show ers have received ttilir turkeys ex- no , . . . i n Czechoslovakia, declared In on Police station door when they arr- from lack of fuel, but will be with one Interested is hinted to attend presented under the auspices of the truck he was driving was cept Mr. Wells, who Is asked to| , iyed , the Nyssa Parent-Teacher associa in the next few days if the labor the meeting. struck by a Union Pacific railroad call at the Polar Cold Storage plant i address delivered in the Methodist i ___________________ tion in the Nyssa theatre Monday trouble continues, one coal dealer troop train north of Nyssa. for his prize. | Community church of Nyssa last | night. caid Wednesday. The truck, which was carried for The riding club expressed thanks Friday night that the Czechs are X v W W I I S i I l f l l M l l t i The capacity crowd that jammed Nyssa residents are fortunate in - w up — ^ .. O lU U t lllh into the tiheutre for the benefit several blocks, was demolished and to those who cooperated in making ----------- ‘trying to fight _ back the u ladder that local dealers had five or six the benefit dance a success. affair gave assurance of financial to the liberty that they have en Mr. House was thrown from the cars en route from the mines when success and the hilarity and re joyed for so many years, but they the strike was started. Many Nyssa machine before the train was stop sponse to the many acts Indicated need long-time help in order to An entertaining program of vo residents, however, have coal for ped. C. C. Hensley o f Albany has been the appreciation with wliich they regain their economic stability” . only a week or 10 days. cal and instrumental music was Mr, House died en route to th e , . ^ _ r The speaker said if the world is decorate were received. The Nyssa grade school and the granted a contract to presented by the girls glee club Apparently to place the audience Ontario hospital in a Nyssa Fun- V r D S C T V G A m i l s to understand Czechoslovakia's de- ai\d the band of the Nyssa high Arcadia school have only enough Nyssa's Main street with trees and in a Jovial mood, the 9uwtre man ________ I sire for freedom today it must know eial home ambulance. school under the direction o f Lynn coal to last until Christmas. The bows for the Christmas season. Mr. Hensley said he will also fur agement presented two short feat student - teacher committee the hlstory of ^ Czech Lawrence last Friday night in the bins in the two buildings are not The troop train was traveling ] A nish trees for Vale. Ontario and ures, a cartoon and a comedy. large enough to hold fuel for the headed by Miss Pay Pedrick. with BIld the things that they have gymnasium. east and House was crossing the While the performers were getting Payette. I Uhe assistance of the P.T.A. room suffered at the hands o f Austria entire heating season. The high The glee club sang eight num railroad tracks toward the west. I ready, the high school band di He pointed to i mothers, will decorate the inside and Germany. bers, including several lively num school has enough coal to last i ^he fir trees will be placed In lie was employed on construction „ f the high school building for c * chaslovakia 33 th® keystone of bers of a popular nature. The girls for the remainder o f the school |tPe ^*a® P°*e holes In the sidewalks rected by Lynn Lawrence played an arch of the small countries a- strike ------------ continues and hows will be placed on lamp several peppy namlers. Rumors work in connection with the tree- Christmas. opened their program with "Red year, ---- — but - If — the --------- and "Can't Y o ’ Heali some of the coal will ............. probably be ; ,)ost-s sometime between December that some of the actors had no» turn of the new Idaho Canning The group will erect two trees round Germany and Austria. T o River _ Valley" ............................................ practiced before the time for the company factory on the former and l)Ijce streamers, tinsel and er<"°me ‘ *le freedom- l o v 1 n g j Me Ca)Iins Caroline?” . They then moved to the grade school build-i 10 and 13 curtain was borne out by their ¡ngs. j The chamber of commerce and Felton ranch. Details o f his M e in the halls, the library and C‘^ hs wo“ d 10 ^ erc°fne the i sang "The River Sings A Song performances, but anyway they other small nations. Mr. Vancura I ^ vio]in accomp(lnlmerlt plaved study hall. The city r>l Nyssa has only cn- the clty o i Ny-ssa wl11 Pay the cost, were not available today. ough coal for heating the city Members of the committee are were funny and that is what mast The glee club will meet in the J by Mr. Lawrence. The speaker then led up to the o th e r numbere were „ Wlth hall for two weeks. I f the c ity 's , Ormand Thomas Ralph Castator people expected. library for a hnt(-hour of singing After the opening entertainment, APPLICATIONS FOR i Lee ember 18, 19 and 20. Ail stud- period when John Huss and the gong m My Heart". "The U ttle fuel supply becomes depleted. City alld Howard Smith. R. O. Whitaker, master of cere china Figure., . ^ randma.. POTATO GOALS DUE I t nts intere ______ _____ Christ ___ Hussites in their love of freedom ____ ________ __ ..Car_ Manager E. K. Burton said h e 1 --------------------------- ted ____ in singing monies, stepped forward dressed In ! mas carols are invited to the song- [ reliBlon °PPosed the combination mencita -, aIvd ••Ahi sweet Mys- may use electric heaters in the NYSSA AND PARMA his best gay 90 s uniform and start A reminder that applications for fest. of Roman herearchy and the civic tery of U f e .. recorder's office, the library and I "p Q p|^ TUESDAY ed his repartee of Jokes. Even his 1947 potato goals on Individual On Friday. December 29 an hour's 1 pow'f‘rs- The English speaking' The program of the band was as daughter laughed at him. Well, farms must be submitted prior to Christmas program will be given' world owes much to. the■ Czechs, snappy and y&ried „ (hat 0, The Amalgamated Sugar com The Nyssa Bulldogs will play he was a little funny. for it was through the “ Moravian | g]pe club December 25, 1946. was issued by for the student body. pany, the city's largest industrial their first home basketball game Reed Ray's ever-popular accord- movement that John Wesley was Glen L. Hutchinson, chairman of ______ ~___ Diversions from the band music concern, announced last week that of the season Tuesday when they lan numbers drew a round of given a new sense o f religious free Uie A A A committee, today. Plant- It had sufficient coal to last three were a piano solo, "Deep Purple”, meet the Parma five in the gym applause. He played "Yours" and *4 A CHURCH IS dom, which contributed to the ings of three or more acres must played by Adrienne Peterson, and or four weeks. Since that time no nasium. "Sharpshooter”. Ray was followed western trek of Protestantism, Rev. cCED BY FIRE be applied for at the Malheur additional coal has been secured. a novelty number, “ The Three The Bulldogs will play Jordan by two other entertaining perform Vancura said. county AAA office and be approved The Union Pacific Railroad com Trees", with the band furnishing Valley next Thursday night on the ers, Miss June Savage, who sang interior of the Nazarene In the last world war Germany if the producer wishes to receive * - the sound effects and Evaleen pany announced this week that Nyssa floor. Both contests will be "The Whole World Is Singing My support price for potatoes grown fh tir'h at Parma was considerably had to overcome this spirit of lib' Towne reading. transportation on Its lines will be pre-season games. Song" nnd "Always” , and Don B. in 1947, Mr. Hutchinson said. It damaged by fire last Sunday m o rn -! city and freedom of the Czech Tlie remainder of the program, curtailed because of the coal strike. Nyssa's opening conference game Moss, who played two trumpet will also be possible for potato Tlle fire was apparently caused J people. Hence they marched in and attended by a fair-sized crowd, was Nyssa, along with other cities and growers to apply at community tv an overheated furnace. , with superior force overpowered the given as follows: "Hardin" (M arch), towns on the line, will be effected. will be played at Adrian December solos, "T o Each Ak>ng" and "Lleb- 17. esthaum", accompanied by Mrs. committee election meetings to oe The blaze started about 10 o'clock,1 people and country nnd ravaged White New regulations pertaining to the Christinas”. "T h e Only D. O. Bybee. held in each community in Hie" just before Sunday school time, j everything of value in it. the speak- Tune the Band Could Play Was size and weight of packages that Vem FYirson and (poor) com I and ’on.'s of moke w.-e i<Uow- er said, adding that anyone who TRANSFORMER AT county Friday, December 13. may be mailed In the U n it'd S ta l Auld Lang Syne” , "Schubert's Sere pany appeared In a colored boy's | ing from the windows when the resisted iir anyway or was suspected nade". "G ay '90 Revue", "Klngle es 'h ave been announced by the THEATER BURNS OUT act. which Included the revelation fire was discovered. The dam age! came under the cruelties of the Bell Live" and “ Raleigh" (M arch). postal department. The new regula CARRIERS REQUEST I was of some corny Jokes. Besides F>ar- caused by smoke and water. J gestapo. It was under this Germany tions will become effective Friday Because of a disabled transform- son, the bad boys were Arden New HELP OF PATRONS j Church services will be held policy that all religious people were of this week. Persons planning on er, the show at the Nyssa theater som, Ftftmley Shuster. Ralph Cast ---------- temporarily by the Rev. J. F. P e n n , subjected to the well known cruel- AUXILIARY ASKS FOR mailing Christmas packages or had to be discontinued Saturday ator and Stan Keefer. Rural carriers of Nyssa request in the Community church. ] ties of the conquerers. This situa- GIFTS FOR YANKS other articles should consult postal night. A fter playing a saxaphone solo, the cooperation of their patrons t o -----------------------I tion continued until the Russian officials. | Someone threw a steel speedom- " I cant Give You Anything But aid them in handling Christmtis Shop In Boise— ! i forces forces came came into into Czechoslovakia Mrs. Harry Collins, committee \ Beginning tomorrow, no parcels eter cable onto the bare service mail. Mrs. Vibert Kessler and Mrs. and liberated the country from chairman, reported at a meeting will be accepted for overseas ex- wires at the rear of the theater, Love Baby", Charles Steffens pre sented a unique number faatuilng “Stamp supplies should be pur Virginia Bybee were in Boise Tues- nazi control. The Czechs were wild of the American Legion auxiliaty cept to U. 8. armed forces. For causing a short and burning out an impersonation of Benny Good chased in advance so that patrons day ou a shopping tour. j with joy when the Russian and In the dining room of Brownie's domestic sh\pments no parcels the transformer. can have their letters and Christ j American troops crossed their bold-1 cafe Monday evening that $10 weighing more than five pounds The power lines were out of man. With a phonograph w o r d mas cards stamped ijefoie placing Here From I tab ers. I worth of gifts had been donated or measuring more than 18 inches service for two and one-half hours, ing furnishing the rhythm back in boxes for collection", postal Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barton and I The speaker said that there are by members to the veterans “g ift" i long or 60 Inches In length and but the interruption did not aff- ground, Mr. Steffens played “ Moon- officials said. "Patrons are also D. S. Johnston arrived from Ogden, no Russian soldiers in Czechos-. shop in Portland. j gLrth combined will be accepted. | ect any business house in the block glow" on his clarinet. During his requested to meet the carrier Utah last Friday to spend a week lovakia. He stated that a free elec- Some of the gifts were purchased i Exceptions are seeds, plants, nur-I except the theater because of tne saxaphone number ha wus accom panied on the pluno by Mrs. John promptly to claim parcels, espec visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. G. W h it tion has been held and represented in stores, while others were ljbme- sery stock and perishables. time o f night. The second show Schenk. ially when they receive a notice aker and family. Mr. Johnston is the will of the majority of the made articles, such as stuffed an- was only partly completed when the Claude Willson's dancing dolls on C. O. D. or insured mail” . Mrs. Whitaker's father and Mrs. peoplc because that there Is natu- imals for children, Missionaries Visit— lights went out. were in rare form as usual and Mr. Bat ton her sister. rally a love for the Russian people j The public in general as well as Miss Frances Foster and Miss Willson was in his usual form Open Saturday Afternoons— because of their part In liberating Legion members and their families Grace Hall have been visiting the Opens Watch Shop— (long). Mr. Willson's manipula The Nyssa post office will be In Einmett— the country from the nazis. The are asked to give to Eddie Cantor’s past week in the W. W. Foster Kenneth Thompson of Nyssa has kept open until 6 p. m. on Satur Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner people are slowly establishing civil program “ for the Yanks who gave". home. The two young women work opened a watch repair shop In the tions kept the dolls dancing and the audience laughing. day. December 14 and Saturday, spent Wednesday in Emmett on control and opening schools and Auxiliary officers said “ A little as home missionaries under the building occupied by Ronald's Shoe It was self-evident that Olean December 21. The office is normally business. churches. from you will mean a lot to them. sponsorship of the Christian Busi Shop and the Nyssa Sanitation Wells and Everett Heldt appeared closed at 1 p. m. on Saturdays. They need a bit o f Christmas, too. ness and Professional Women of service. n a hula dance as a last resort. Returns from Trip— Here from llermiston— You will find bottles for cash In America and have as their territory They were good all right (good Cubs W ill Meet— Mr. and Mrs. Don Sherwood and Harold Burgess returned Wednes all business houses". the section of eastern Oregon be Visits Friends— and bad), but they fell far short A Cub pack meeting will be held son from Her.niston, Oregon are day, November 27, from Grand The gifts are sent to the gift tween Pilot Rock and Dayvllle. Charles Oassett of Boise, former of the rolling performance of Lloyd in the city hall at 8 p. m. Friday. visiting in the H. R. Sherwood Junction, Colorado, where he spent j shop In Portland, where disabled This week they are working In O cvem or of Idaho, spent Sunday home. a month on business. Frank Dessert I veterans may select gifts for their the Owyhee community and are evening at the home of Mr. and Lewi* and Dr. Sarazin, who pre- sentel Nyssa's last hula dance. W ill Give Dance— of Grand Junction accompanied families. guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. A1 Thompson. WclLs and Heldt announced at the The Nysas Boat club will give Here from Burns— him home and spent several days After the business meeting the Gregg. Lions luncheon Monday noon that a dance in the Nyssa gymnasium Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Patch and visiting In Nyssa. Legion and auxiliary members en Purchase Business— they could not get anyone to do Saturday night. December 14 for sons of Burns spent Friday vlsit- joyed a lunah of coffee and rough- Visit at Caldwell— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wade of the hula becauss the best potential the benefit of boat landing im - ; ing friends in Nyssa and Adrian. Returns Home— / nuts. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilson and Wilder. Idaho have purchased he were married. provements. I ______________ ____ Mrs. C. C. Cotton returned home Mrs Mary Glavcs of Ontario was Richard and Phillip were Sunday Riverside cabins and grocery store performers (fat) (W e know what y o « mean). So ----------------------- Red Cross Worker Visits— last Wednesday from a month's vis- j a guest, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. from M r and Mrs. Finery Rathbun the alternative was the two men Nursing Home Notes I Miss Catherine Crandall returned it with relatives in southern Idaho The next meeting will be held M Stafford of Caldwell Mr and Mrs. Wade formerly oper in question and their posstbilltlos Mr. and Mm. Kenneth Warboys to Corona. California Tuesday and California. in Brownie’s cafe December 16. | _______________ ated a store at Wilder. Mr. and were very questionable. However, of Nyssa are parents of a 6 pound, morning after spendihg a ten-day ------------------------Mrs. Hugh Tobler, first vice pres On Trip— Mrs. Rathbun and children have their motives were above question. 12 ounce boy born November 29 vacation at the home of her par-1 Go to California—----------------------- ident will preside. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Finger and moved to Apple valley, where they Then, as Mr Whitaker said, the in the Nyssa Nursing home. ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crandall. I Mr. and Mrs. John Lane drove Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hankins left will engage In farming. entertainment progressed from the Born to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Miss Crandall, a former teacher to Long Beach. California last Visit Relatives— Friday for a two-months trip to ridiculous to the sublime, with Cates, Jr., of Parma December 4 in the Nyssa schools, is a Red week to spend Thanksgiving with I Holiday visitors in the Lloyd visit friends and relatives In Neb' Students Return— Adrienne Peterson playing a piano was a girl, weighing 7 pounds. 1 Cras worker in the naval hospital their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. | Lewis home were Mrs. Robert Hoi- raska. Kansas and Missouri. They Students returning the first of solo, '’Alice'. ounce. at Corona. | and Mrs. Max La Grand, and In- man and her three daughters of will also visit Mr. Finger’s par the week to resume school work However, the magers 0f corn tant daughter. Pocatello, Idaho, who spent five ents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. F in were. Ann Brady. Beverly Ure, came back again, but their repar Visit in Portland— ----------- Visit Here— days here. Additional guests for ger in New London, Wisconsin. Reed Cottle. Clyde Smith, Oeorge tee soon ran short and four color Lt. Col. and Mrs. John Beckham K ill Six Geese— Mr. and Mrs. Clark Amos and Thanksgiving dinner were Mr. and Billings and Clay Morgan to the ed gentlemen stumbled o ff the fam ily of Emmett were Sunday left Wednesday morning for Port Howard and Paul Flanary and Mrs. Carl Holman and children *f Relurn Home— university at Eugene and Merry stage. visitors at the home of Mr. and land and California. Col. Beck Jimmie Nicholson went to Jordan Baker. Mr and Mrs. James Chard re Norcott, Ira Ure, Jr., Ellen Judd Spencer Beus and Bob Church ham. who recently returned from Valley last week-end on a hunting Mrs. Harley Moore and family. turned 8unday from a three-weeks and Lucille 8allee to Corvallis. presented some beautiful harmony overseas, is awaiting further orders. trip and returned with six geese Students Home— trip to Berkeley. California, where in two cornet dents, playing T o Hold Bazaar— Students from Eastern Oregon they visited Mrs. Georgia Rose. Attends Ford Meeting— “ Clrtbtribin" and “ Songs My Moth Here from Springfield— College of Flduoation at La Grande St. Paul'd guild will hold its an Soldier Coming Home— J. L. Herrlman, operator o f the er Taught Me". Sgt. Dareld Steinke has written Miss Pat Thompson of Spring- who spent their Thanksgiving vac Visiting In California— nual bazaar and cooked food sale Herriman Motor company. Jias re Miss Thelma Florea closed the In Eder's store beginning at 10 to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed field. Oregon, a student at the ation at home were Dorothy C of Mrs A. L. Atkeson of Nyssa is turned home from Salt Lake City, entertainment on a musical note, Steinke. stating that he sailed for University of Orgon, was a house fman. Grace Foster. HUako Kldo, visiting friends and o'clock Saturday. December 7. relatives in where he attended a district meet singing “There's A Long, Long home from Korea November 22. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Olea Bill and John Gemhardt. Los Angles. ing of Ford dealers. The regional T rail" and There's A Happy Land He also sent his mother a package ings last week-end. Grace Foster had as her house Undergoes Operation— manager from Richmond, Califor Somewhere” . She was accompanied guest her roommate, June Strud- Visits From Boise— Miss Helen Anderson, nurse at of silk. Sgt. Steinke expects to be nia, who conducted the meeting, by Mias ClauSTne Tomlinson. geon of Portland. the L.D.S. hospital at Idaho Palls discharged from the army at Fort To Locate Here— Mr. and Mrs. Moss Salmon of gave an outline o f plana for 1947. W. D. M cKinley arrived In Nys underwent an appendix operation Lewis. Boise spent from Wednesday until Mr. Herriman went to Utah with sa Sunday evening from Denver On Vacation— — Saturday visiting at the home of dealers from Ontario. Parma and THANKS EXPRESSED last week. and will open an accounting office 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Oray and son, Mr and Mrs. Aden Wilson. Vbit Here— Caldwell. Seven states are Included FOR SHOW HELPERS left Wednesday for a Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Kellermnnf1 in the Fry building today. His Keith, In Hospital— in the district. Mrs. Ed Frost, president o f the Kenneth Tucker, employed by and two sons of Portland were family will move to Nyssa as soon month's vacation In San Francisco To Give Comedy— Nyssa Parent-Teacher association, The junior class of the Adrian T o Teach School— the reclamation bureau here. Is In guests from Thursday until Sun- as living quarters become available, and Los Angeles. today expressed thanks to those -------------------------- | ------------------------ high school will give a three-act Mrs. Duane Anderson has been who helped in making the benefit the Holy Rosary hospital. He re day last week In the home of Dr | and Mrs. L. A. Moulding. Another Visit Parents— Thanksgiving Guests— comedy play, "Hllartty House*, elected to teach in one of the first home talent show given 1« the ceived blood transfusions. guest was Miss Barbara Ritchie. I Miss Barbara Larson, Instructor Guests for the Thanksgiving w eek' December 19 at the Adrian high (grad e rooms of the Nyssa grade theatre Monday night a success. who is a freshman at Oregon State I of chemistry at Oregon State o o l- end at the Herschel Thompson: school. I school during the remainder of Here From University— Mrs. Front said "O n behalf of j lege at Corvallis and Raymond home were Mr. and Mrs. Buck | ------------------------ i the school year She will replace myself and the members o f the Ray Bybee flew home from the college. __________________ Larson spent Thanksgiving at the Clemens of Bums, and Mrs. Verna Guild Will Meet— | Mrs Erret Hummel, who resigned PTA, I wish to thank Mrs. A. C. University o f Utah at Salt Lake home of their parents. Mr. and Beutler and daughter o f Twin Falls, j St Paul’s guild of the Episcopal because of the illness of her amall j Newsom and her committee, the City to be with his folks on Thanks Returns tram Visit— Loo M int ’ ornery has returned Mrs R O. Uuson. Dick Tensen, M r and Mrs. A1 Thompson were J church will meet Wednesday De- ’ aon Mrs Hummel intended to membrrs o f the cast and Olaan giving day. He returned Sunday. Jack Atkesen was a dinner guest from Creighton. Nebraska, where another O. S C. student, also spent also present for the Thanksgiving cember 11 at 8 p m. at the home | teach only until the end of thej Well*, who had charge of tha pro he spent two months. ! the holidays at home here. I dinner. I of Mrs. Hilda Tensen semester gram” o f Ray Bybee Sunday Main Street To Be Decorated Give Program Higii School To j