TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RNAL, NYSSA, OREGON • m » ; r SIX TH U R S D A Y, NOVEMBER 21, 1940 and Robert Goodell, cousins of the He is now employed by the state last Wednesday afternoon at the the cution cells, all cells, tubing, anything bride. 'highway department in Nyssa home of Mn, W yatt Smith Guests valves and other P » r t s o f the ap- Cumrn'“ ^ ™ A wedding reception was held In m m m pink net with matching halo. The DONNA GOODELL AND DELBERT CLEAVER M ARRIED bride's mother. Mrs. A. P. Goodell, Donna Belle Goodell and Delberl wore an afternoon dress of aqua D. Cleaver, both of Nysaa, were and a cor .age of pink and white. united In marriage by the Rev. The groom's mother wore peacock H. J. Gernliardt In the Methodist blue. The groom's man was LaVerne Community church Sunday, No­ vember 17. The ring ceremonÿ of Cleaver, brother of Delbert, who the Methodist church was read by Is a son of Mr and Mrs George Cleaver. the pastor. The bride was given In marriage The bride wore a white crepe and tulle wedding gown, with a by her father. A. P. Goodell. Miss June Savage sang "Always'' poplun finger-tip veil. Her flowers were pink and white carnations, and “ I Love You Truly ’, accom­ which were also used In the cor­ panied by Mrs. O. E. Cheldelln, played the wedding sages of the other members of the who also bridal party. The maid of honor \ march. The ushers were Leonard Goodell was Miss Bernice Bowen, wile wore FOR YOUR Thanksgiving Dinner COME IN AND LET US HELP YOU We have hams, half or whole; bacon, lard and shortening. Turkeys, chickens and home-made tamalie. for your needs. Wilson Hi-way Market The young couple are making of the club were Mrs. C liff fo x l’ar|'U!* * * «vnthetlc ' do* 1la. and Mr. and Joe Sutherland. Mrs. Artie Robert- of Adams, Oregon, who was guest in connection with its Twin Falls Mrs. John Van Zelf and family son and Mrs. Glea Billings. speaker at the A. N. K. Garden plant, completion of which was _*rW * anticipated for part of this year’s of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph club meeting later In the day. - 6 - beet run." Combs of New Plymouth, Idaho, Other guests at luncheon were GUESTS A T DINNER Miss Marcel Batton, Miss Irene N.SECOND'S^ • PHONE’70 Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brown and Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mrs. Maurice ( or* l.ate to Classify Rotli and Donald Roth of Cald­ son o f Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Judd, and Mrs. Carl Hill. well. The bride and groom received Brown of Richmond, Utah, Mrs. FOR SALE — 1938 four-door Bulck, many useful gifts. HOSTESS T O CLUB Kay Bennett and children, Anettc excellent condition, good tires. Or Mrs. Weeks, prior to her mar­ and Wesley, of Idaho Falls, and Mrs. Hersohel Thompson was trade for good pick-up. J. C. Krul, riage, was employed by the Fishing Mr. and Mrs. Waynard Talbot hostess to her bridge club last box 509, city. 21Nlxp. Tackle .company in Caldwell. Mr. were dinner guests Sunday at the Wednesday evening. Prizes were Weeks joined the army air corps in home of Mr. and Mrs. Burnall won by Mrs. Tom Burning ham, 1942 and served In the South Pac­ Brown. high, Mrs L. A. Maulding, second, FOR SALE— 8-roam house and 9 ific for two and one-half years. and Mrs. Harry Miner, traveling lots. Phone 128M. Lloyd Pounds. 21N3xc | Mrs. Tom Eldrldge was a guest. H O USE-W ARM ING HELD Several friends gathered at the - - FOR SALE— Woodstock typewrit­ B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y newly-completed resident of Mr. Dr. G. W. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Newbern Olenn en- er. Like nfcw. $65. Inquire Journal j and Mrs. Hugh Tobler on north office. 21Ntfc. Fourth street Saturday evening for tertained at a birthday party in O PTO M ETRIST honor of their son. Roger, on his a house-warming party. LO ST—Black and white English Those present were Mr. and Mrs. 15h birthday, November 15. setter. Has St. Vitis dance. Goes Eyes Examined The nicely decorated birthday by name Ted. Anyone knowing Lloyd Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, cake was made by Roger's aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Heiner, Calvin Mrs. Le Roy Schirm. Games were Phone 720 Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Tom played and refreshments served WE BUY AND SELL Holman. The guests pYesented Mr. at 10 o'clock. 718 Arthur St. The Invited guests were Denny and Mrs. Tobler with a gift. USED CARS and Earl Barton. Billy Deanous, Mr. - 8 - Caldwell, Idaho and Mrs. Leslie Burbanks and FOR SALE PIN O C H LE CLUB MEETS The D. W. T. Pinochle club met Montle and Ruthle, Mr. and Mrs. 1936 Vo ton Chevrolet Le Roy Schirm and son, Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Newbern Glenn and ruck with beet-bed. sons Ronnie, Jerry and Roger. Rog­ 1942 2Vo ton GMC er received some nice birthday gifts. army truck with stake- Thanksgiving J KEEP-U-NEAT /T if i. 4 8 Head Pin Tournament Friday Saturday Sunday November 22-23-24 rmas - Entry Fee— 50c THERE HAS BEEN NO INCREASE IN THE THREE PRIZES Open Sundays at 2:30 Nyssa Bowling1 Center NYSSA PRO GRAM THEATRE Phone 108 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22-23 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Signe Hasso, John Sheppard in "STRANGE TRIANGLE” I a > o Gorcey, Huntz Hall and the rest of the Bowery Boys in “IN FAST COMPANY” Evening prices 40c-9c, Inc. Tax. _____ _____ ________ SUNDAY & MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24-25 Janies Craig, Jackie (Butch) Jenkins in “BOYS RANCH” A heart warming story o f a big little tough guy ! Color Cartoon and Passing Parade M sL, Sal.. 2; >0 Ad i». 15«-5c Inc. T ax Adm. Evening*. 4 Or-9c, Including Tax TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 BARGAIN NIGHT Lee Bowman, Marguerite Chapman in “THE WALLS CAME TUMBLING DO W N” 2-reel Comedy and Color Cartoon 8 - AMALGAMATED IS MAKING SYRUP PRICE OF FORD CARS AND TRUCKS AS A RESULT OF THE RECENT SUSPENSION OF PRICE CONTROLS, AS IN THE PAST WE W ILL CONTINUE TO SELL FORD PRODUCTS AT THE LOWEST PRICE CONSISTENT WITH THE HIGH STANDARDS OF FORD QUALITY. HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY (Continued from page one) process in extraction and refining of beet sugar began in 1940 in an associated laboratory exploration of the Amalgamated Sugar company and the Dorr company, nationally- famous chemical concern. "Six-inch diametered test tubes were used as ion-exchange cells In which synthetic resins were laid j on the bottom o f the cution (posi­ tive) cells and the liquid con­ taining the sugar was diffused from beets by the old standard process was forced through these resins. “The resulting acid solution was then run Into the anion cells where the lon-exchange continued, leav­ ing an exceptionally high grade su­ gar in the liquid drawn from the (negative) cells. "A t this point the present pro­ cess o f evaporation, and then the crystallization and drying proced­ ures followed, resulting in a better | grade of refined sugar and a great­ er recovery, and which also elimi­ nated completely the use of the Steffen house of the old process ? for recovery o f sugars as far as possible from the syrups that had carried recoverable sugar Into what j would have otherwise have been waste materials. "Because of the heavy acid liq- | uid resulting from the action of j ADD BEAUTY AND UTILITY TO YOUR DINING ROOM WITH 3 AN APPROPRIATE DINETTE SET her THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Thanksgiving James Oliver Curwood’s “GOD’S COUNTRY” In color, starring Robert Lowery, Helen Gilbert Cartoon and other selected short subjects 4dm. Evening*. OSe- tm iu d ln * Tax EVERT FRIDAY NICHT OVER CSS , East of Post office NYSSA PHARMACY Men’s Jackets Dark Brown Whipcord Blanket Lined Zipper Front Slash Pockets $ 4.89 $ 4.19 Sizes 36 to 46 Children's Corduroy Overalls 2’s to 10’s WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 “THE WIFE OF MONTE CHRISTO" Starring John Loder, Ignore Aubert 2-reel Musical and Color Cartoon______ Watts Motor Company Men's Moleskin Pants Mat., S i n , i:3tl Adm.. 30c-V, Inc. T ai 4dm. Evening'*. M t- tr . Inrludtng T ax She challenges men with her beauty— con- tniers them with- sword! bed. 1937 % ton Terra- plane pick-up. 1937 Chrysler royal 1- door sedan. These sets come in a variety o f patterns and materials. Hard wood chairs to match, with leatherette seats, chrome sets with plastic and oak table tops, upholstered seat covers. $49.50 A n d U p Nyssa Furniture Company Across from Reclamation Office $ 2.69 Children’s Coveralls 4’s to 8’s $ 1-89 Bracken’s