, * y '“r r r r r r r r ^ r r g g . V ^ . ;* â B ïs * x The NYSSA V u i : u T l E \ X X X I ------- Ñ a 44' Football Boys Given Banquet By Lions Club 50,000 PHEASANTS ESTIMATED KILLED IN MALHEUR COUNTY ^euv:- JOURNAL N Y S S A ~ OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER'21, 194(> Christmas Seal Sale Scheduled HOME TALENT SHOW WILL BE PRESENTED PROCESS OF MANUFACTURING SUGAR j By NYsSA’S p j A AMALGAMATED IS DEVELOPING NEW Sugar Industry Theme Of C Of C Dinner Meeting The ion-exchange or organolite chemical and mecnanical engineers _____ An estimated kill of 50.000 pheas The 40th annual Christmas seal process of making sugar front su- and others connected with the pro- i A home talent show for the ants was made by hunters in sale will open Monday, November gar beets, which has been devel- cess as to all results that may fol- 1 benefit of the Nyssa Parent-Teach- oped at a model plant of the Amal- low Its discovery. I er association will be held in the Chambers Pay Tribute To Musical Numbers, Talks Malheur county during the open 25 and will continue until Decem gamated Sugar company in Burley, "R H. Cottrell, vice president season that extended from October ber 25. Mrs. Jessie M. Fraser of Idaho was explained by William of the Amalgamated Sugar com- Nyssa theater the night o Industry For Contri c Given On Annual 19 to November 3, with a bag Ontario, county seal chairman, an McCrea of Ogden, representative pany, who Iras been in direct charge ember 2 at 8 o'clock. bution To Area Program cf the sugar company, at a meet- of the experimental work in labor The entertainment will be pres limit of four cocks a day and a nounced. ing of the Associated Chambers atory and pilot plant, has listed The outstanding contribution Music, humor and laudatory re possession limit of eight allowed, Among the community chair cf Commerce of Southwestern Ida- the following results which might ented in vaudeville style, with Nv- marks about football players were the state game commission ann men who will assist Mrs. Fraser ho and Eastern Oregon in the confidently be expected from regu- ssa residents providing THtisical made by tile Amalgamated Sugar numbers, skits and other types of company to the development of the featured on the program given ounced. An unprecedented number are Mrs. Dick Tensen, Nyssa; Mrs. Nyssa high school building Mon lar plant production : Nyssa-Nampa area was emphasized Mr. McCrea explained the pro acts. last Friday night at the annual of transient hunters took advan F. G. Holmes. Oregon Trail; Mrs. day night. at a dinner meeting of the Associat Otis Bullard, Arcadia; Mrs. Earl Mrs. Arden Newsom, chairman cess as follows: “The ion-exchange or organolite banquet sponsored by the Lions tage of the good hunting avail Weaver, Cairo; Mrs. Wesley Blan “1. More refined sugar will prob at the committee, said that some ed Chambers of Commerce of process of making sugar is the first dub in honor of the Nyssa football able. Hunter success was high dur ton. Lincoln; Mrs. M. L. Judd. major development in the making ably be recovered from each ton of Nyssa’s most talented" perform Southwestern Idaho and Eastern squad in the home economics room ing the first few days of the sea Kingman Kolony. Adrian and Ni - ers will appear on the program. Oregon In the home ecoomles room of this kind of sugar in more than of beets processed. of the high school building. son but dropped as the season ell Heights; Mrs. O. E. Doan, Jo, 100 years. “2. The quality of the sugar pro R. O. Whitaker will be master of the high school building Mon Speaking of applause, Principal day night. dan Valley and Sheaville; Mrs. "Extent of what this new devel duced may be superior to that of of ceremonies. JCrret Hummel said that on every progressed. The average for the Hazel Fretwell, Arock; Miss Jes- E. G. Harlan, secretary of the opment will mean to the beet su sugar produced by the standard team “most of the fellows just do season per hunter was estimated usa Achabal, McDermitt; Mrs. Jo Boise chamber of commerce, on gar growing and processing indus process. their Job and get no applause. They at 6.09 pheasants. behalf of the associated chambers, seph King, Big Bend; Mrs. Stanley tries is not yet known since it is "3. Eventually it should lower are in the middle of the line taking presented to representatives of the The game commission operated Penn, Valley View; Mrs. Velma still in the develoment stage, the cost of production of beet su- the rough stuff. We know a lot eight tagging stations in the dis E. Antrim, Ridgeview, and Mrs. sugar company a plaque bearing though experiments on a pilot gar. of you boys did a good Job quietly recognition to the part the concern Martha B. Klingback, Owyhee. plant basis are sufficiently ad- ”4. An edible syrup or molasses and efficiently and we appreciate trict to accommodate transient has played in the growth and bet Funds raised through the sale vanced to forecast greater sugar re- will be produced in the place of hunters desiring to transport pheas of seals and health bonds will be Lloyd Keith Kressly, son of Mrs. your efforts". covery of better quality and prob- former inedible molasses which Hazel Kressl of Nyssa, was killed terment of the community. Don Herren, a letterman and ants from tne county. During the used to support the tubercolosls The wording on the nicely-fram ably at a greatly reduced cost of has been used only as feed for in an automobile accident Novem president of the student body, in- season ed plaque reads in part: 17,376 Malheur county control programs of the 200 as production. livestock and in the fermentation ber 17 near, Lemmon, South Dak "The Associated Chambers of traduced the players in atteiidancc pheasants were tagged. 51 per cent sociations affiliated with the Na “Not only will it prove to be a industries, ota, according to word received Commerce of Eastern Oregon and and later gave a short talk. of which were tagged during the tional Tuberculosis association. radical development in the m a k -' “5. Intermediate sugars produced Southwestern IAiho extends greet Two instrumental numbers were first three days. As local hunters These voluntary associations, lo ing of beet sugar, but the cane by the organolite process may find here. Funeral services will be held j ings to the Amalgamated Sugar furnished by Duane Holcomb, Bob were not required to tag their cated in every state, the District sugar industry may well find it j a market for direct human con- Church, Jerry Bellon and Merlin birds, it is estimated that the birds of Columbia and U. S. territories, Friday at 2:30 pan. in the Metho company. This acknowledgement is equally revolutionary and it may sumption. and Richard Anderson. tagged represented about one-third are carrytng on programs planned completely change present methods "6. A whole new field of by- dist Community church in Nyssa tendered as an expression of tile Superintendent Henry Hartley of the total kill in the area. to meet the specific needs in their of refining and distributing the product recovery is opened for with Rev. George Whipple offlclat- \ esteem in which the Amalgamated ing. A quartet composed of Miss Sugar company is held by the peo said “I enjoy the banquets given A census of the bird population area. cane product. development, the extent of which Thelma Florea, Mrs. Chet Mosler, ple of this great area. We desire by the Lions club and I know the will be taken at least twice after "Because of the very infancy of may be much greater than now Webb Penney and Rev. Whipple, to make known our appreciation boys do. The club gives the ban the season to obtain comparative' the experimental project of making known. and Miss Claudine Tomlinson, pia of these facts; You have made a quet whether the boys win or lose. figures on pheasant density prior MAIN LAYING IN beet sugar by the ion-exchange "Experimentation to determine NYSSA IS BEGUN nist. will furnish music. Interment notable and substantial contribu The boys probably put forth more to the opening of the season. method, great uncertainty still ex- possibilities of the ion-exchange will be in the Panma cemetery. tion toward the development of effort when they are having a bad (Continued on Page 6) Jerry Knottingham of Boise has ists in the minds of management. season than when they are having Nyssa post No. 79 of the Ameri this section of our country. Your started trenching for the water can Legion will furnish pall-bear- faith in the future of Eastern a good season". main project which will be done ers and a color guard at the church Oregon and southwestern Idaho Olean Wells, vice president of the SCHOOL COMPLETES for the city of Nyssa. iv M ív FOR c o n c e r t services and will conduct a mili was demonstrated by your large club, speaking in the absence of The work will involve laying of tary funeral services at the grave. lvestment in plant and facilities President Frank Morgan, welcomed new pipe under Main street and Mr. Kressly. known as Buddie, for service. Your relationship with the grid players and coaches to Plans have been completed for Frank Edwards, 66, employee of an extension to the high elevation was born December 14. 1926 on a farmers, employees and business the banquet. He said the club members enjoy the banquet each the bureau of reclamation at Cald tank along Second street. Knott At 11 a m. Saturday morning, the Thanksgiving concert to be farm near Sylvan Orove, Kan- people has been all that could be well. died Wednesday morning at ingham, using a large ditcher, November 23 an unfamiliar hum given Wednesday night, Novem and farmed near O'Shane, K an desired. Your cooperation and in year. Coach Howard Lovejoy said the his home in Nyssa as the result of started work on Second street. will be heard at 1450 Kc on the ber 27 by the music department sas until his enlistment in the terest in civic matter pertaining to The pipe will be laid as the trench United States navy December 12, the area has been an inspiration 1946 squad was on of the best a heart attack. radio sets of Nyssa. The hum will of the Nyssa high school. Mr. Edwards was bom in Knob ing is completed. 1944. In March. 1945. he was as to alt of us. We are proud to have groups he had handled from the The girls glee club and the band, be then promptly substituted by signed to the USS Sylvania. on you as a friend and neighbor. May standpoint of spirit and willingness Lick. Kentucky February 24, 1880. the strains of the National Anthem directed by Lynn Lawrence, will which he served both in the Euro we express the hope that yOur to work. He pointed out that He came to Nyssa in 1912 and en and a few seconds later there will present a program of seml-class- pean and Pacific theaters until company will continue to grow and Nyssa had a fairly good season, gaged in farming until he moved prosper with the region.” winning three and losing' three to Nampa in 1924. He moved back be a strange voice saying "good ical music. The program will be his discharge in July. 1946. R. G. Larson of Nyssa, district games. He had 45 boys at proctice to Nyssa in 1935. opened at 8 p. m. in the gymna Mr. Kressly is survived by his morning", citizens of Snake River Mr. Edwards, a member of the mother; his father. Lloyd Kressly manager of the Amalgamated Su at the start of the season and 37 sium. Valley, you are for the first time of Lemmon, South Dakota; two gar company, said that this year at the close. Although the Nyssa Presbyterian church is survived by One of the heroes of five years listening to the Voice of the Snake sisters, Mrs. Don Strickland and the Nyssa-Nampa district contains boys were outweighed toy all of his widow, Elizabeth Edwards; a of the Czechoslovakian underground River Valley,” KSRV, 1450 Kc on ! Mrs. LaVar Hawkins of Nyssa, and 50,124 acres of beets, with a yield their opponents, Coach Lovejoy daughter, Mrs. Ruth Samples of against the nazi regime, the Rev. your dial, located two miles north JOURNAL WILL BE PUBLISHED EARLY two brothers, Bobble of Lemmon, of 900,00 tons of beets, which will said “They are getting the spirit Parma; a son, Joe B. Edwards of Vaclav Vanoura. Methodist clergy of Ontario, Oregon." and Duane of Nyssa. Buddie and make about two ad one-half mil I like to see. I also think the spirit Nyssa, a grandson. Herschel Frank man and superintendent of Metho KSRV, owned and operated by Because of Thanksgiving falling Bobbie had planned to come to lion 100-pound bags of sugar. The is going to be carried over Into Hon; a great grandchild living at dist work in that land during the Inland Radio, Inc., which began Grants Pass and a brother, Sam on publication day, the Oate City Nyssa to make their home near two factories are processing 5000 basketball". war period, is now on a visit to last March had a j ournai wju be published Wednes- their mother. tons of beets a day, making 14,000 Merlin Anderson, accompanied by Edwards of Edmonton, Kentucky. the United States and will be the construction much earlier beginning. As early Funeral services will be held at day Instead of Thursday next week. to 15,000 bags of sugar every 34 Adrienne Peterson on the piano, 2:30 p. m. Sunday in the Methodist guest-speaker at the Methodist as 1942 the grounds for the sta News material and advertising hours. played a trombone solo. Community Church, Nyssa. Ore tion which are situated two miles must be collected a day early be LETTERMAN’S BALL hurch with Rev. H. J. Gernhardt In addition to its other contribu Assistant Coach K. E. Kevern gon November 27 at 8 pan. Dr. north of Ontario, were surveyed SET FOR NOV. 22 tions to the community, the Amal read a poem dedicated tff the officiating. The Nyssa Funeral Vancura has been visiting a son, and plans were drawn for the cause of the temporary change. gamated pays slightly over 30 per seniors playing their last season. home will be in charge of burial in Paul, an engineer in Little Rock, studio but because of world war II The annual ball of the Letter- cent of the taxes collected by the Jerry Bellon said “I know all the Nyssa cemetery. Arkansas, and has been recuper more important uses for radio men’s club of the Nyssa high school Nyssa school district. of the toys have a good time at ating from Injuries rceived at the equipment were found. will be held in the gymnasium William McCrea of Ogden, public the banquet and on behalf of my SCHOOL TEACHERS hands of the gestapo. Managed by Gordon L. Capps, Friday night. November 22. relations director of the company, self and the other players I want RESIGN POSITIONS When the American missionary KSRV has at present serving as The lettermen have secured the said that the sugar beet industry to thank the Lions club. superintendent of Czechoslovakia the nucleus of the staff, A1 Cor George Iseri gave the scores of Mrs. Harold Burkey, first grade was interned by the Germans in win, head announcer; John Pow The Hood River high school foot- services of Snead's orchestra of provides 25 per cent of the sugar Weiser to furnish music. Bob consumed in the United States. the games in which Nyssa partici teacher, and Mr. Burkey, high 1941, he left Dr. Vancura in charge ell, assistant announcer; Ohucklball team won the championship of Church, president of the club, has pated. school teacher, have resigned their of all Methodist churches and oth Harland, chief engineer; Ted Loud, district No. 1, comprising 10 count- appointed committees to handle the Three per cent is produced from cane grown in this country. The R. O. Whitaker was toastmaster. positions, effective last Friday.They er institutions in that country. The news reporter, and Velma Morton, les, by defeating the Ontario Tigers ticket sale, decorations and enter remaining 72 per cent is off-shore The dinner was served by the home did not announce their plans, but fact that he was associated with secretary. on the Ontario field last Satur tainment. sugar. economics girls of the high school. are expected to enter private bus an American-organized c h u r c h day afternoon by a score of 47 to “It looks like sugar will be ra made him an “enemy agent,” but Returns To U. S.— iness. 7. fyursing Home Notes— tioned throughout 1947, but we YOUNG PREACHER Mrs. Zette Bumgarner has been he escaped much attention from Mrs. J. B. Beckham of Nyssa The visitors did not score their Parents of children born recently transferred from the fifth to the the nazis until someone told the has received a telephone call from first touchdown until the sdTOnd in the nursing home are Mr. and look for an Increase fn the ration WILL GIVE TALK the latter part of next year”, Mr. gestapo that he had preached from her husband, Lt-Col. J. B. Beck first grade to replace Mrs. Burkey quarter and registered their second Mrs. Lloyd Maham, Parma. Novem McCrea said. “During the war Rev. Louis Paul Lehman, Jr„ and Mrs. Lislle Ballantyne has the text, “For one is your Master, ham, who recently returned to counter before the end of the first ber 14, boy, 6 pounds, 14 ounces. (Continued on page two) Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Smith, said to be one of America’s great been employed as fifth grade tea even Christ,” and had described the United States after spending half. Ontario scored Just before est young preachers, will speak cher. Mrs. Margaret Engstrom of Jesus as “the greatest leader ot 34 months overseas. Col Beckham. | the end of half-time making the Nyssa, girl, November 17, 6 pounds. REFRIGERATOR CAR fl'/4 ounces. at a meeting sponsored by the Nyssa has replaced Mr. Burkey in all leaders.” It was then th at he who has been in Corsica. France j count 14 to 7. was arrested, beaten, most of ms and Germany, telephoned from | In the second half Hood River W. H. Callahan. Nyssa, Novem WILL BE DISPLAYED Ontario youth for Christ Saturday, the high school. teeth knocked out and his corres Fort Dix, New. Jersey. During his | ran wild over the Tigers, who were ber 20, boy. 8 pounds. 10 ounces. November 23 at 8:15 in the club pondence examined. Nothing was 45-day leave he will spend 10' handicapped by the injury of * Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lane. Par An experimental lightweight al house of the Ontario Women's To Hold Bazaar— The ladies of the L. D. S. Relief proved against him, but he had to days in Nyssa, arriving here this Olaves, star passer, and the over ma, November 20, boy, 7 pounds, uminum refrigerator car will be club. powering size of the Apple Vend 14V4 ounces. displayed by the Pacific Fruit Ex Rev. Lehman, who started preach society will hold their annual show copies of all his correspon week. ors. Ronnie Woodle, son of Mr. and press company In Ontario Novem ing a t nine years of age is reputed bazaar at the L. D. S. church Fri- 1 dence to the gestapo each week The Hood River team Included Mrs. Leslie Woodle. has been at ber 22 from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. and to be one of the outstanding or day evening, November 22. A; from then on. Meanwhile his fami Return to Home Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brown o f , two outstanding men, O’Leary, the nursing home several days in Nampa November 23 during the ators. poets, composers and evan special feature of the evening will i ly was terrorized, and at various same hours. gelists of the day. He has been be a one-act play. “Not a Man in j times one of his brothers was shot, Richmond. Utah, parents of Burn- quarterback, and Buettgenbach, an receiving medical treatment. The public is Invited to inspect heard daily in the east over a the House”. presented by five and three other relatives were all Brown, and his sister, Mrs. Kay end. ' ----------------------- the car either at Ontario or Nam- Visit At Parsonage— 50,000 watt station for 14 years. relief society members, commenc hanged. All were identified with Bennett, and her two children o f1 Idaho Falls left Tuesday morning i Go to Portland— Dr and Mrs Charles McAllister P« In recent months he has been ing at 8 o’clock. The public is in- | the underground movement. 8ince the liberation of Czecho for their homes after spending j d . L. Anderson and two sons, of Boise called at the home of The brand new custom-built touring the nation attending evan vlted to attend. Articles will not refrlge r a to r gelistic meetings and youth rallies. be sold until after the program. slovakia from the nazis. and the re several days visiting in the B u rn -' Merlin and Richard, left Friday for Rev. and Mrs H. J. Gernhardt aluminum-sheathed sumption of correspondence with all Brown home. Portland on a business trip. The Friday afternoon. Dr. McAllister car is now on tour of the produc Rev. Lehman will be accompanied the board of missions and church' boys returned Sunday night. is the new district superintendent ing areas served by the Southern by his wife, who is a recognized Prartire Discontinued— The Choral club has temporarily extension of the Methodist church. Haul Honey— ! of the western Idaho-eastern Ore- Pacific and Union Pacific, owners pianist. Ray and Dick Murphy brought Visit in Boise— gon district of the Methodist of the PFEC. for shipper and pub Walter Wilson, chairman of the discontinued practice, but will be Dr. Vancura has been active in lic inspection. Built by the express executive committee of the organ active again after the first of the reorganizing and in rebuilding the a load of honey from Bridger, Mon Mrs. Victor Marshall. Mrs. Lee churoh. congregations and their spiritual tana and were over-night guests Householder and Mr, and Mrs. C. company in its Los Angeles car ization in Boise, will speak Satur year. and social welfare activities. at the W. W. Foster home Friday A. Marshall visited Victor Marshall Returns lo Salt Lake— Shops, the new “reefer” incorpor day night. December 7. Attend t'tah Party— Dr. Vancura was born into the night. They went on to their home In the veterans hospital in Boise Mr and Mrs. Don Moss, Sr., re ates already proven features plus Mr and Mrs. O. R Anderson evangelical atmosphere of his coun at Arock. Oregon. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall sum ed to their home In 8alt Lake virtually all of the new ideas and JUNIOR GIRLS TO were in Utah the past week to at try. His father now living th ere! attended morning services at the City after spending the week with suggestions of the national fruit First Christian ohurch at Ninth Mrs. Moss' mother. Mrs Mary E and vegetable trade committee. tend a birthday celebration in hon is a retired bishop of thfe Moravian Bowling Tourney Set— GIVE MELODRAMA or of Mr. Anderson's father, who church. The son, however, early j A head pin tournament will be and Franklin stieets in Boise. Bybee. and Dale and Don Mass, War-bom aluminum alloys and became ldentfied with Methodist held at the Nyssa Bowling Center “Spider Island”, a melodrama In is 93 years old. new lightweight insulation make Jr., and their families. missionaries and finally Altered Visits Parents— Friday. Saturday and Sunday. three acts, will be presented by the car nearly five tons lighter the Methodist ministry. November 22, 23 and 24. An entry the Junior class of the Nyssa high Returns From Visit— Ted Morgan of Denver spent Court of Honor Set— than pre-war models. fee of 50 cents will be charged. the week-end at the home of his | The Boy Scout Troop 58 of Nys- Frank Sherwood returned home school December 6 at 8 p. m. in The Pacific Fruit Express has Three prizes will be awarded. Monday night from Portland, srtiere Go To Portland— parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Mor- fa will hold a court of honor Sun announced that construction is the gymnasium. Mrs Sid Burbldge and daughter. The play written by Joseph he attended the National Orange tan. | day evening at the LOS ward here also underway on 5000 other new Spaulding, is directed by Miss Fay sessions. He also visited his broth Marllu. left today for Portland, On Visits— The public Is invited to attend. light-weight steel refrigerator cars. Pedrick and Charles Steffens. The er, Don. and family at Hermlston where Marllu will enter a hos Mr and Mrs. Carl Sebum were Attend Dinner— pital for medical treatment. Boise Friday. Their daughter. Mr and Mrs. Frank Morgan Aunt Jemima Coming- Prices Corrected— setting of the play is in the living Marie, who is attending Bob;« and Mr and Mrs Burnall Brown! Aunt Jemima will pay an oft- quarters of an abandoned light Visits Relati In an advertisement published in Mr and Mrs J. H. Moore of Returns From Okinawa— Junior college, returned home with attended a meeting of the Knife trial visit Saturday. November 23 this issue of the paper by Gordon's house on Spider island off the Pfc. Gerald H. Sebum, son of them for the week-end. They were and Fork club In Boise Friday eve- to Redding. California were overnight Oordon's Drive-In market, Drive-in market, the price of yams coast of Maine. The all-girl cast is composed of guests of Mr and Mrs. Orant Mr and Mrs Carl Sebum, returned accompanied by their two sons,1 nin? Dinner was served at the where she will serve pancakes and should have been 10 cents a pound Louise Lewis, Florence N tecum. Rinehart Tuesday night They were home last Thursday from Okina Gerald and Carl. J r Mr. and Mrs Owyhee hotel. Mr and Mrs. H D. syrup. Gordon Ray has secured a Instead of 16 cents. Tile pineapple Evaleen Towne, Mary Lou Schenk. en route to Enterprise. Oregon. Mrs wa. where he had spent several Sebum and Marie were in Baker Zobell were other Nyssa gflests ton of pancake flour and plenty listed at II 69 is for No. 10 tin in months on business Saturday. 1 present. * 1 of syrup, he said. stead of No. I tin. Marjorie Bishop and Betty Toombs. Moore Is Mr Rinehart’s sister. Buddie Kressly Killed In Crash Frank Edwards Dies In Nyssa Station M anon KSRV To io PLANS Broadcast Sat. Czech Minister To Preach Here Ontario Loses To Hood River J